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Index to OEIS: Section Per
Index to OEIS: Section Per
- This is a section of the Index to the OEIS®.
- For further information see the main Index to OEIS page.
- Please read Index: Instructions For Updating Index to OEIS before making changes to this page.
- If you did not find what you were looking for in this Index, you can always search the database for a particular word or phrase.
- Full list of sections:
[ Aa | Ab | Al | Am | Ap | Ar | Ba | Be | Bi | Bl | Bo | Br | Ca | Ce | Ch | Cl | Coa | Coi | Com | Con | Cor | Cu | Cy | Da | De | Di | Do | Ea | Ed | El | Eu | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Ga | Ge | Go | Gra | Gre | Ha | He | Ho | Ia | In | J | K | La | Lc | Li | Lo | Lu | M | Mag | Map | Mat | Me | Mo | Mu | N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | O | Pac | Par | Pas | Pea | Per | Ph | Poi | Pol | Pos | Pow | Pra | Pri | Pro | Ps | Qua | Que | Ra | Rea | Rel | Res | Ro | Ru | Sa | Se | Si | Sk | So | Sp | Sq | St | Su | Sw | Ta | Te | Th | To | Tra | Tri | Tu | U | V | Wa | We | Wi | X | Y | Z | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
- percolation series (1):: A006462, A006731, A006808, A006727, A006461, A006836, A006732, A006734, A006728, A006730
- percolation series (2):: A006462, A006731, A006808, A006727, A006461, A006836, A006732, A006734, A006728, A006730
- percolation series (3):: A006742, A006738, A006733, A006729, A006837, A006803, A006807, A006804, A006739, A006835
- percolation series (4):: A006813, A006809, A006735, A006810, A006838, A006805, A006811, A006740, A006736, A006806, A006812, A006741, A006737
perfect lattices: see lattices, perfect
Perfect matchings, A005271
perfect numbers: A000396*, A002827* (unitary), A007539 (n-fold)
perfect partitions: A002033*
perfect powers: A001597*, A007916, A023055, A023057
perfect years: A061013
Perfect:: A002033, A004026, A002839, A007346, A007422, A007357, A005820
- period of continued fraction for sqrt(n), length of: A003285*, A097853
- period of continued fraction for sqrt(n), see: sqrt(n), length of period of continued fraction for
period of reciprocal of n: see 1/n
period of reciprocal of nth prime: see 1/p
periodic differences: see Index to sequences with linear recurrences with constant coefficients with signatures of the form (1,0,0,0...1,-1)
periodic sequences:
- For (eventually) periodic sequences, see the special Index to periodic sequences (in particular, sequences with period length >= 10, period length >= 1000).
- 1-periodic, i.e., (eventually) constant sequences: see Index to (eventually) constant sequences
- anti-periodic sequences: see Index to 2-periodic sequences, linear recurrence order 1, signature (-1)
- see also: Index to linear recurrences with constant coefficients.
periodic table: A007656*, A058317, A058318
Periods:: A003285, A006447, A006883, A002329
Permanents:: A003113, A000794, A005326, A003112, A000804, A000805
permutation groups: see groups, permutation
- Permutations, alternating: A000111*, A007289, A007286, A005981, A006873, A005982, A005983
- permutations, asymmetric: A000899
- Permutations, Baxter, A001183, A001181, A001185
- permutations, bitriangular: A006230
- Permutations, by cycles, A005225, A005772
- Permutations, by descents, A002538, A002539
- permutations, by distance: A002524, A002525, A002526, A002527, A002528, A002529, A000045, A072856, A154654, A154655, A154656, A154657, A154658, A154659
- Permutations, by inversions, A001892, A000707, A001893, A001894, A005287, A005283, A005284, A005285
- Permutations, by length of runs, A001251, A001252, A001253, A000303, A000402, A000434, A000456, A000467, A000517
- Permutations, by number of peaks, A000487
- Permutations, by number of runs, A000352, A000363, A000486, A000506, A000507
- Permutations, by number of sequences, A001759, A001760
- permutations, by numbers of consecutive ascending and descending pairs, triangles of: A001100, A086856, A010028
- permutations, by numbers of consecutive ascending and descending pairs: A002464, A086852, A086853, A086854, A086855, A001266, A000130, A000349, A001267, A001268
- Permutations, by order, A001472, A005388, A001471, A001470, A001189, A001473
- Permutations, by rises, A000130, A000239, A001277, A000274, A000544, A001279, A000313, A000349, A001260, A001261, A001266, A001267, A001278, A001268, A001280, A001282
- Permutations, by spread, A004206, A004205, A004204
- Permutations, by subsequences, A002628, A005802, A002629, A002630, A003316, A001454, A001455, A001456, A001457, A001458
- permutations, connected: A003319
- Permutations, cycles in, A006694
- Permutations, descending subsequences of, A006219, A006220
- Permutations, discordant, A002634, A000183, A002633, A000270, A000380, A000388, A000561, A000440, A000562, A000470, A000563, A000476, A000492, A000564, A000500, A000565
- permutations, even: A001710*, A003221, A000704
- permutations, graceful: A006967
- permutations, indecomposable: A003319
- Permutations, inequivalent, A003510
- Permutations, inversions in, A000140
- Permutations, isolated reformed, A007712
- Permutations, key, A003274
- permutations, largest order of: A000793*, A002809
- Permutations, maximal order of, A000793, A002809
- Permutations, menage, A002484
- permutations, menage: see also menage numbers
- Permutations, necklace, A003322
- Permutations, odd, A001465
- permutations, of n letters: A000142*
- permutations, of order 2: A001189*, A001185*
- permutations, of order dividing k, for k=2,3,4,5,... (1): A000085, A001470, A001472, A053495, A053496, A053497, A053498, A053499, A053500, A053501
- permutations, of order dividing k, for k=2,3,4,5,... (2): A053502, A053503, A053504, A053505, A005388
- permutations of the integers, conjectured, paired with their inverse:
- permutations of the integers, each paired with its inverse: (Families of related sequences are displayed in bold.)
- A003100-A174025, A003188-A006068, A064706-A064707 (Gray code related), A006368-A006369 (amusical permutation)
- A004484-A064206, A004485-A064207, A004486-A064208, A004487-A064211 (Sprague-Grundy values for Wyt Queens)
- A029654-A064360, A064413-A064664, A032447-A064275, A035312-A035358, A035506-A064357, A035513-A064274, A047708-A048850
- A048672-A246353, A048673-A064216, A048679-A048680 (binary encoding related), A052330-A064358, A059900-A059884
- A052331-A064359, A054238-A054239, A054424-A054426, A054427-A054428, A057114-A057115
- A054084-A064786, A053212-A064787, A060736-A064788, A054068-A054069, A057028-A064789, A060734-A064790, A064537-A064791
- A034175-A064928, A064929-A064930, A057027-A064578, A054082-A064579, A036552-A065037
- A065164-A065168, A065165-A065169, A065166-A065170, A065171-A065172, A065174-A065175 (perm. of Z folded to N, site swap pattern)
- A065181-A065182, A065183-A065184, A065186-A065187, A065188-A065189 (Greedy Queens), A064736-A064745, A065249-A065250
- A065259-A065260, A065263-A065264, A065265-A065266, A065269-A065270, A065271-A065272, A065275-A065276, A065277-A065278
- A065281-A065282, A065283-A065284, A065287-A065288, A065289-A065290 (site swap), A065253-A065254
- A065306-A065307 (Goldbach), A004515-A065256, A065257-A065258 (Quintal Queens)
- A064417-A064956, A064418-A064958, A064419-A064959 (GCD(a(n),a(n-1))>k), A065561-A065578, A065562-A065579
- A065627-A065628, A065629-A065630, A065631-A065632, A065633-A065634, A065635-A065636, A065637-A065638, A065639-A065640
- A065660-A065661, A065662-A065663, A065664-A065665, A065666-A065667, A065668-A065669, A065670-A065671, A065672-A065673
- A065649-A065650, A065934-A065935, A066248-A066249, A066250-A066251, A067587-A066884, A068225-A068226, A072061-A072062
- A072732-A072733, A072734-A072735, A072793-A072794, A074305-A074306, A074307-A074308, A051261-A077226, A081344-A194280, A083412, A084469-A084470
- A084453-A084454, A084455-A084466, A084459-A084460, A084461-A084462, A084489-A084490, A084491-A084492, A084493-A084494
- A084495-A084496, A084497-A084498, A084499-A084530, A092401-A203602, A094608, A098003-A098485, A098488-A226134, A105529-A105530 (Gray code related), A108644, A108918-A118319, A118757-A118758, A134564, A139706-A139708
- A147995-A163544, A153141-A153142, A153151-A153152, A154435-A154436, A154447-A154448
- A163233-A163234, A163235-A163236, A163237-A163238, A163239-A163240 (Gray codes 2-D)
- A163328-A163329, A163330-A163331, A163334-A163335, A163336-A163337, A163338-A163339, A163340-A163341 (Peano curve)
- A163355-A163356, A163357-A163358, A163359-A163360, A163361-A163362, A163363-A163364, A163905-A163906, A163907-A163908, A163915-A163916 (Hilbert curve)
- A163511-A243071, A166041-A166042, A166043-A166044 (Peano to Hilbert), A175500-A272570, A185180-A209293, A185725, A191450-A254047, A194030-A194031, A194988-A194989, A210770-A210771, A213928, A214226, A217013-A217294, A217296, A219159, A219360, A220516, A220952, A231550-A231551, A244153-A244154, A254103-A254104, A257470-A257271, A268717-A268718, A268823-A268824
- A307485-A307613 (positive integers grouped by parity: one odd, two even, four odd, eight even, etc.)
- A334619, A334998-A334999, A337822, A337838, A337909, A338840, A338841, A338843, A338844, A338846, A339723, A339853
- permutations of the integers, induced by Catalan rerankings, each paired with its inverse:
- permutations of the integers, self-inverse: (Families of related sequences are displayed in bold.)
- A000027, A001477, A002251, A004442, A004488, A011262, A014681, A018220, A018221, A018222 (Wythoff game related),
- A019444, A020703, A026239, A026250, A026255, A026262, A038722, A048647, A054429, A054430,, A056011, A056019,
- A056023, A056539, A057163, A057164, A057300, A057508, A059893, A059894, A060125, A061579, A061898, A064429,
- A064505, A064614, A065190, A065652, A069766, A069769, A069771, A069772, A069787, A069888, A069889, A071065,
- A072026, A072027, A072028, A072029, A072356, A072796, A072797, A072798, A072799, A073280, A073281, A073675,
- A073842, A074066, A074067, A074068, A080412, A081241, A083569, A084483, A085240, A086572, A086962, A086963, A086964,
- A088337, A094510, A094681, A100527, A100830, A104696, A106649, A108590, A108591, A108592, A108593, A108599 (Beatty related),
- A108971, A109233, A109236, A109239, A109250, A109261, A110119, A114538, A114578, A114579, A114882,
- A115094, A115182, A115303, A115304, A115305, A115306, A115307, A115308, A115309 (counting up and down by chunks),
- A117120, A117303, A118012, A118966, A120229, A120230, A120913, A122111, A122155, A125566, A125979, A125980, A126006, A126007, A126009, A126290,
- A126320, A127387, A127388, A128173, A129594, A129608, A130339, A130340, A130373, A130374, A130918, A130981, A130982,
- A131173, A132340, A132664, A132665, A132666, A132667, A132668, A132669, A132670, A132671, A132672, A132673, A132674,
- A135044, A137662, A137805, A138236, A153150, A154125, A154126, A159253, A159586, A159587, A159588,
- A160652, A162750, A162853, A163241, A163327, A163332, A163333, A163807, A164088, A165199, A166166, A166404, A193231, A225546, A227741, A253288, A256008, A258746,
- A258996, A307150, A307151, A307266, A307267, A330396, A340258, A340669, A343767, A358971, A359018
- permutations of the integers, signature-permutations of Catalan automorphisms:
- A057163, A057164, A057508, A069766, A069769, A069770, A069771, A069772, A069787,
- A069888, A069889, A072796, A072797, A073280, A073281, A082313, A082314
- A057117-A057118, A057161-A057162, A057501-A057502, A057503-A057504, A057505-A057506, A057509-A057510, A057511-A057512,
- A069767-A069768, A069773-A069774, A069775-A069776, A071661-A071662, A071663-A071664, A071665-A071666, A071667-A071668,
- A071669-A071670, A071655-A071656, A071657-A071658, A071659-A071660, A072090-A072091, A072092-A072093, A072094-A072095,
- A072621-A072622, A072088-A072089, A073269-A073270, A073282-A073283, A073284-A073285, A073286-A073287, A073288-A073289,
- A073194-A073195, A073196-A073197, A073198-A073199, A073205-A073206, A073207-A073208, A073209-A073210, A073290-A073291,
- A073292-A073293, A073294-A073295, A073296-A073297, A073298-A073299, A074679-A074680, A074681-A074682, A074683-A074684,
- A074685-A074686, A074687-A074688, A074689-A074690, A082315-A082316, A082317-A082318, A082319-A082320, A082321-A082322,
- A082323-A082324, A082325-A082326, A082331-A082332, A082333-A082334, A082335-A082336, A082337-A082338, A082339-A082340,
- A082341-A082342, A082345-A082346, A082347-A082348, A082349-A082350, A082351-A082352, A082353-A082354, A082355-A082356,
- A082357-A082358, A082359-A082360
- permutations of the integers, signature-permutations of Catalan automorphisms:
- permutations of the integers, related to 3x+1 or Collatz problem: A160016, A307048, A322469
- permutations of the integers, tables of: A003987, A018219, A054081, A065167, A073200
- permutations of the integers: see also A066252, A066253, A066254, A066255
- permutations, permutation arrays:: A005677, A006841
- permutations, quasi-alternating: A000708, A001758
- Permutations, restricted, A003407, A006595, A003011, A002777, A000382, A007016, A000496
- permutations, self-conjugate, number of: A000085
- permutations, self-inverse, number of: A000085*
- permutations, special: A003109, A003110, A003111
- permutations, square: A003483
- permutations, symmetric: A000900, A000901, A000902
- permutations, unreformed: A007711
- permutations, with a square root: A003483
- permutations, with fixed points: A008290, A002467*, A000166 (0), A000240 (1), A000387 (2), A000449 (3), A000475 (4), A129135 (5), A129136 (6), A129149 (7), A129153 (8), A129217 (9), A129218 (10), A129238 (11), A129255 (12)
- permutations, with no fixed points: A000166*
- Permutations, with no hits, A003471, A000316, A000459
- Permutations, with strong fixed points, A006932
- permutations, zero-entropy: A006948
Perrin sequence: A001608*
- persistence (additive): A006050*, A031286* and A045646*
- persistence (additive, optimal): also AO31286
- persistence (multiplicative): A003001* and A031346*
- persistence: see also powertrain
- This is a section of the Index to the OEIS®.
- For further information see the main Index to OEIS page.
- Please read Index: Instructions For Updating Index to OEIS before making changes to this page.
- If you did not find what you were looking for in this Index, you can always search the database for a particular word or phrase.
- Full list of sections:
[ Aa | Ab | Al | Am | Ap | Ar | Ba | Be | Bi | Bl | Bo | Br | Ca | Ce | Ch | Cl | Coa | Coi | Com | Con | Cor | Cu | Cy | Da | De | Di | Do | Ea | Ed | El | Eu | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Ga | Ge | Go | Gra | Gre | Ha | He | Ho | Ia | In | J | K | La | Lc | Li | Lo | Lu | M | Mag | Map | Mat | Me | Mo | Mu | N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | O | Pac | Par | Pas | Pea | Per | Ph | Poi | Pol | Pos | Pow | Pra | Pri | Pro | Ps | Qua | Que | Ra | Rea | Rel | Res | Ro | Ru | Sa | Se | Si | Sk | So | Sp | Sq | St | Su | Sw | Ta | Te | Th | To | Tra | Tri | Tu | U | V | Wa | We | Wi | X | Y | Z | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]