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Chapter-1. Living world and classification of microbes

1) Mushroom belongs to kingdom …………
a. Fungi b. Monera c. Protista d. Animalia
2) National institute of virology, Pune is involved in research on …....
a. Viruses b. Bacteria c. Algae d. fungi
3) Which of the following is a group of eukaryotic, multicellular organisms having cell
a. Fungi b. Monera c. Protista d. Animalia
4) ……….. causes amoebiasis
a. Entamoeba histolytica b. plasmodium c. paramecium d. influenza virus
5) Which of the following is known as Baker’s yeast?
a. Aspergillus b. paramecium c. chostridium d. Saccharomyces
6) Photosynthesis in algae is carried out with the help of ……..
a. Chloroplast b. cilia c. flagella d. sporangiophores
7) ……….are the organisms at the edge of living and non-living.
a. Prorozoans b. Viruses c. Algae d. Bacteria
8) Viruses have long molecules of ……..
a. Only DNA b. Only RNA c. Both DNA & RNA d. either DNA or RNA
9) Bacteriophage is a….
a. Bacteria that attacks virus. b. virus that attacks bacteria
c. protozoan that attacks bacteria. d. protozoan that attacks virus.
10) Lactobacilli are ….shaped bacteria.
a. Comma b. spiral c. rod d. vibrio
11) During conversion of milk into curd ……
a. Lactic acid b. hydrochloric acid. c. sulphuric acid. d. acetic acid
12) Fermentation of milk is carried out by ………
a. Streptococci b. Lactobacilli c. Plasmodium d. Mycobacterium
13) Bread mold is a type of…………….
a. Bacteria b. fungi c. protest d. algae
14) Asexual reproduction in bread mold occurs by ……
a. Rhizoids b. hypha c. spores d. sporangiophore
15) ……..is an autotrophic protest.
a. Plasmodium b. Euglena c. Amoeba d. Paramoecium
16) Legionella pneumophila belongs to kingdom…
a. Monera b. Fungi c. Protista d. Plantae
17) …………………are comma-shaped bacteria
a.Comma b. spiral c. rod d. vibrio

. Living world and classification of microbes

1=B 2=A 3=A 4=A 5=B 6=A 7=B 8=D 9=B 10=C
11=A 12=B 13=B 14=B 15=C 16=A 17=D

Chapter-2. Health and Diseases

1) …………..diseases are classified based on their duration.
a. Hereditary b. Chronic c. Acquired d. Infectious
2) Which of the following is NOT an infectious disease?
a. Common cold b. Dengue c. Diabetes d. Rabies
3) Which of the following is a bacterial disease?
a. AIDS b. Cholera c. Rabies d. Dengue
4) The disease that is NOT spread through contaminated food and / or water is
a. Tuberculosis b. Cholera c. Hepatitis d. Typhoid
5) Yellow urine and grey stool are characteristic symptoms of …
a. Tuberculosis b. dysentery c. typhoid d. jaundice
6) Which of the following type of mosquito most commonly grows in dirty sewage
a. Aedes b. Culex c. Anopheles d. All of the above
7) Which of the following diseases may be caused due to hereditary factors?
a. Cancer b. Diabetes c. Heart disease d. All of above
8) Which of the following statements would be used raising awareness about AIDS
a. It spreads through touching and sharing food.
b. We should behave differently with AIDS patients.
c. Nursing HIV patients is dangerous.
d. Unsafe sexual contacts should be avoided to control spread of AIDS
9) The most common preventive measure against malaria is to…..
a. Prevent mosquito breeding b. wash hands regularly
c.avoid contact with materials touched by patients d. drink only boiled water
10) Vaccines are available for………………
a. Tuberculosis b. hepatitis c. cholera d. All of the above
11) Generating awareness about drinking only boiled water during monsoons will
be useful to prevent
a. Tuberculosis b. malaria c. dysentery d. rabies
12) Which of the following vaccines are administered to children in public health
a. Polio vaccine b. BCG c. Hepatitis Vaccine d. All of the above
13) ……is celebrated as world health day.
a. 7 April b. 21 April c. 14 November d. 1 December
14) …….Vaccine is used for prevention of tuberculosis.
a. Polio vaccine b. BCG c. Hepatitis Vaccine d. All of the above
15) Decrease in …… count leads to internal hemorrhage in case of dengue.
a. RBCs b. WBCs c. platelets d. all of the above
16) Jaundice is caused by…….virus.
a. Hepatitis b. Nor virus c. salmonella d. plasmodium
17) Which vaccine is given to individual to confer protection against tuberculosis?
a. MMR b. BCG c. HepA d. IPV
18) Swine flu spreads through.
a. Mosquito vectors b. contaminated air

c. contaminated food d. polluted water

19) Which mosquito vector generally caused spread of malaria?

a. Femal Culex b. Femal Aedes c. Femal Anopheles d. All of the above

Health and Diseases

1=B 2=C 3=B 4=A 5=D 6=B 7=D 8=D 9=A 10=D
11=C 12=D 13=A 14=B 15=C 16=A 17=B 18=B 19=C

Chapter-3. Force and pressures

1) When a wooden block is pushed the force acting on it is ……
a. Electric b. unbalanced c. balanced d. nuclear
2) A person slips over banana peel or mud, due to …..
a. Decreases in frictional force b. increase in frictional force

c. increase in gravitational force d. decrease in gravitational force

3) ……is required to change the state of rest or uniform motion of a body in a

straight line.
a. Mass b. Velocity c. Force d. Inertia
4) A person gets a forward jerk when a car stops suddenly due to ……..
a. Inertia of direction b. inertia of motion

c. the velocity of car d. Weight of the person

5) As we go higher, atmospheric pressure……..

a. Increases b. decreases

c. remains same d. initially decreases and then increases

6) The property of a liquid to exert an upward force on an object immersed in it is

a. Pressure b. force c. buoyancy d. density
7) The buoyant force is greater if volume of object submerged in liquid is …
a. Smaller b. larger c. equal d. half
8) A body immersed in a fluid experiences …….which equals to the weight of the fluid
displaced by it.
a. a downward force b. a tangential force

c. an upward force d. a horizontal force

9) When a body is fully immersed in a liquid the apparent weight loss is equal to the
……….of the liquid displaced by it.
a. Mass b. weight c. Volume d. density
10) The buoyant force is …..if density of liquid is………
a. Greater, lesser b. zero, lesser c. lesser, greater d. lesser, lesser
11) The volume of a solid substance is doubled by adding same amount of
substance in it, then its density……
a. Becomes double b. becomes half
c. remains unchanged d. becomes four times

12) Relative density has no units because …..

a. It’s a ratio b. it’s a number

c. it s an inherent property of substance d. it s a ratio of two similar quantities

13) 1 Kg/ m3=

a. 10-3 g/cm3 b. 103 g/cm3 c. 10 g/cm3 d. 100 g/cm3
14) The SI unit of force is …
a. Dyne b. Newton c. joule d. kg
15) …….object offers more inertia.
a. Heavier b. Colourful c. Lighter d. Transparent
16) The …….determines whether objects will float or sink.
a. Gravitational force b. contact force

c. buoyant force d. non contact force

17) At sea level on the earth surface the atmospheric pressure is about…..
a. 10 pa b. 106 pa c. 105 pa
d. 108 pa

Force and pressures

1=B 2=A 3=C 4=B 5=B 6=C 7=B 8=C 9=B 10=D
11=C 12=D 13=A 14=B 15=A 16=C 17=C

Chapter-4. Current Electricity And Magnetism

1) Ni-Cd cell delivers a potential difference of …….volts.
a. 2 b. 1.5 c. 1.2 d. 3
2) A magnetic needle is a ……..
a. Magnet b. cell c. key d. battery
3) The connection in which many cells are connected in series is known as……
a. Battery b. Ni-Cd cells c. dry cells d. lead-acid cells
4) If the cell has a potential difference of 2 v. then the total potential difference when
four cells are connected in series is…….
a. 2 V b. 8V c. 0.5 V d. 0 V

5) Magnetic field is created around a wire when …..Flows through it.

a. Electrolyte b. electrostatic potential

c. electric energy d. electric current

6) Negatively charged particles which get transferred from one object to another when
rubbed against each other are…….
a. Electrons b. Protons c. Neutrons d. Magnet
7) ……… cells are used in modern equipments such as smart phones and called an.
a. Lithium ion b. Ni-Cd cell c. Lead acid cell d. dry cell
8) The connection in which various electrical components are connected is called a
a. Electric circuit. b. Electric cells c. Resistance d. electronic device
9) ……..was the first to observe magnetic effect of electric current.
a. Electric circuit. b. Electric cells c. Resistance d. electronic device
10) Three electric cells of potential difference 1.5 V each have been connected as a
battery. The potential difference of the battery will be ……
a. 5.6 V b. 4.5 V c. 1.5 d. 3 V
11) If each cell has a potential difference of 8 V then the total potential difference
when four cells are connected in series is …………
a. 2V b. 32V c. 8V d. 16V
12) ………are used to produce a strong magnetic field useful in scientific research.
a. Magnet b. Magnetic needle c. Electromagnet d. Electric bell
13) ……..is created around a wire when electric current flows through it.
a. Magnetic field b. Electrostatic potential

c. Electric charge d. Potential difference

Current Electricity And Magnetism

1=C 2=A 3=A 4=B 5=D 6=A 7=A 8=A 9=B 10=B
11=B 12=C 13=A

Chapter-5. Inside The Atom

1) An electron carries a ……….charge.
a. Positive b. Negative c. Neutral d. A And B
2) The electron shell …….is the nearest to the nucleus.
a. K b. L c. M d. N
3) The electronic configuration of magnesium is 2, 8, 2. From it is understood that the
valence shell of magnesium is …………..
a. K- shell b. L- shell c. M- shell d. N- Shell
4) ……………consists of single type of atoms in a molecule.
a. Ammonia b. Hydrogen chloride c. Bromine d. Methane
5) According to …………..atoms are supposed to be indivisible.
a. Rutherford’s atomic model b. Dalton s atomic model
c.Thomsons atomic model d. Bohrs atomic model
6) Atomic number of an element is represented by the symbol..
a. A b. P c. N d. Z
7) The element …..…has a zero valency
a. Hydrogen b. sodium c. oxygen d. helium
8) The maximum number of electron that can be present in N-shell of an atom is…..
a. 8 b. 32 c. 16 d. 20
9) ……..isotope is used to determine cracks in the underground pipes.
a. Sodium -24 b. Cobalt-60 c. Uranium-235 d.Iodine-131
10) India has a large reserve of the element ……..
a. U-235 b. Th-232 c. U-238 d. Kr-92
11) Tritium is an isotope of ……..
a. Carbon b. chlorine c. hydrogen d. nitrogen
12) The valence of an element with 32 nucleons and 16 electrons is …..
a. 6 b. 8 c. 0 d. 2
13) Consider an atomic model of potassium (Z=19) the electron distribution in the
model can be shown as…
a. ( 2,8,1) b. (2,8,8,7) c. (2, 8, 8, 1) d. (2, 8, 7)
14) In the atomic models of beryllium (Z=4) and magnesium (Z= 12) they have the
same number of …….
a. Protons b. Valence electron c. shells d. neutrons

15) T, he number of neutrons in an atom with A= 27 and electron configuration

(2, 8, 3) is …………..
a. 3 b. 27 c. 10 d. 14

16) The element which has K, L, and M –shells completely filled is …………..
a. Beryllium b. oxygen c. argon d. fluorine

Inside The Atom

1=B 2=A 3=C 4=C 5=B 6=D 7=D 8=B 9=A 10=B
11=C 12=D 13=C 14=B 15=D 16=C

Chapter-6. Compossition of Matter

1) …………have definite volume and definite shape.
a. Solids b. Liquid c. Gas d. ice
2) In water the proportion of constituent element oxygen and hydrogen by weight is
a. 8: 1 b. 8 :2 c. 1: 8 d. 2 : 8
3) The sweetness of milk is due to the ingredient called ……..
a. Lactose b. Glucose c. Fructose d. Sugar
4) Organic compound upon incomplete combination give black residue which is mainly
made of ……….
a. Carbon b. oxygen c. nitrogen d. hydrogen
5) The total number of atoms present in a molecule of methane is …………
a. 5 b. 6 c. 4 d. 3
6) When all the components of a mixture from one phase, it is called …mixture.
a. Homogeneous mixture b. Heterogeneous mixture
c.Transparent solution d. Immiscible solution
7) The valency of oxygen in H2O is …………
a. 2 b. 4 c. 1 d. 3
8) The intermolecular force is …………in the particles of solid.
a. Minimum b. moderate c. maximum d. indefinite
9) Solids retain their volume even when external pressure is applied .this property is
called …….
a. Plasticity b. incompressibility c. Fluidity d. elasticity
10) Matter is classified in to the types of mixture, compound and element, by
applying the criterion ……………
a. States of matter b. phases of matter
c. chemical composition of matter d. all of these
11) Matter that contains two or more constituent substances is called …..
a. Mixture b. compound c. element d. metalloid
12) Milk is an example of type of matter called …..
a. Solution b. homogeneous mixture
c. heterogeneous mixture d. suspension
13) Water, mercury and bromine are similar to each other, becomes three are …….
a. Liquids b. compounds c. nonmetals d. elements
14) Which of the following forms a suspension?
a. Water+ Milk b. water + Saw dust
c. Water + Common Salt d. Water + Blue Vitriol
15) Sugar is a common ingredient in most of the foodstuffs. It is ………….
a. An inorganic compound b. an organic compound
c.a complex compound d. a homogenous mixture
16) While making cakes or breads, we use baking soda to make it fluffy, Baking
soda is a ……………
a. Compound b. mixture c. colloid d. suspension
17) Which of the following is are inorganic compounds?
a. Sugar b. Salt c. Vinegar d. Glucose
18) Identify the odd one out:
a. Washing soda b. camphor c. blue vitriol d. limestone

Compossition of Matter
1=A 2=A 3=A 4=A 5=A 6=A 7=A 8=C 9=B 10=C
11=A 12=C 13=A 14=B 15=B 16=A 17=B 18=B

Chapter-7. Metals and Nonmetals

1) Which of the following metals is in liquid state at room temperature?
a. Gallium b. Calcium c. Potassium d. Lead
2) Which of the following metal is soft?
a. Sodium b. Iron c. Copper d. Zinc
3) Which of the following nonmetals does NOT occur as solid?
a. Carbon b. Nitrogen c. Sulphur d. Phosphorus
4) Which of the following elements is NOT a metalloid?
a. Silicon b. Arsenic c. Antimony d. Iodine
5) Which of the following represents 100 percent pure gold?
a. 14 carat b. 18 carat c. 22 carat d. 24 carat
6) The configuration of Na+ cat ion is ……….
a. (2,8,1) b. (2,7) c. (2,8,2) d. (2,8)
7) Which of the following electronic configuration is of nonmetal?
a. (2,5) b. (2,8,1) c. (2,8,3) d.(2,8,2)
8) This of iron can be prevented by coating it with …..
a. Copper b. lead c. zinc d. silver
9) The nonmetal in stainless steel alloy is ……
a. Carbon b. sulphur c. phosphorus d. nitrogen
10) Which of the following metals has antibacterial property?
a. Platinum b. Gold c. Silver d. Palladium
11) Which of the following metals can be easily cut by a knife?
a. Magnesium b. Potassium c. Lead d. Copper
12) The ability of metals to be drawn into a thin wire is called……
a. Malleability b. ductility c. sonority d. density
13) The ability of metals to be drawn into a thin sheet is called….
a. Malleability b. ductility c. sonority d. density
14) The property of graphite by which it differs from the general physical properties
of most nonmetals ……
a. Brittleness b. malleability c. ductility d. conduction of electricity
15) Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
a. Metals from cat ions by losing electrons from their outermost valence shells.
b. Metals react with oxygen to from basic oxides.
c. Most of the metals readily react with cold water to from metal hydroxides.
d. Most of the metals contain up to 3 electrons on their outermost valence shell
16) Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
a. Nonmetals have 4 to 7 electrons in their outermost valence shell.
b. Nonmetals from anion by gaining electrons in their outermost shells.
c. The oxides of nonmetals react with water to from acids.
d. Most of the nonmetals readily react with dilute acid.
17) Varkha is used in sweets because
a. It has flavor b. it provides nutritive valve

c.it give beautiful appearance to sweets d. it acid as a preservative

18) The metals used in the preparation of Varkha are……….

a. Aluminum and gold b. silver and gold
c. aluminum and silver d. copper and aluminum

19) Which of the following properties of copper used to make cooking utensils?
a. Ductility b. Sonority c. Heat conductivity d. Luster
20) The number of electrons nonmetals could have in its outermost valence shell is
a. 4 to 7 b. 2 to 4 c. 1 to 3 d. 1 to 4
21) Most of the metals do not react with cold water EXCEPT……
a. Zinc b. silver c. aluminum d. potassium

Metals and Nonmetals

1=A 2=A 3=B 4=D 5=D 6=D 7=A 8=C 9=A 10=C
11=B 12=B 13=A 14=D 15=C 16=D 17=C 18=B 19=C 20=A

1) ……..pollutants are destroyed in due course of time.
a. Natural b. Artificial c. Mane made d. all above
2) ……consists of a mixture of smoke and fog.
a. Fog b. Smog c. water vapoure d. dust particle
3) In 1948 Petersburg was named as ……. Due to darkness caused by smoke and soot
during daytime.
a. Pink city b. Black city c. Green city d. Red city
4) Sewage is ………type of water pollutant.
a. Natural b. Inorganic c. Organic d. Artificial
5) Air pollutants with …….cause change in colour of paints oil painting, fabrics, leather,
papers etc.
a. Carbon b. Hydrogen c. Nitrogen d. Sulphur
6) Which of the following is NOT a cause of air pollution?
a. Particulate matter b. Nitrous oxides c. pollens d. Nematodes
7) The natural cause of air pollution is
a. Burning of fuels b. industrialization

c. forest fires d. atomic energy plants

8) Excessive spraying of pesticides and insecticides causes.

a. Air pollution b. soil pollution c. water pollution d. all of the above
9) Which of the following parameters would be tested in water testing laboratories?
a. Colour b. Odour c. Microbial count d. All of the above
10) Which of the following is NOT an indicator of a polluted water body?
a. Increased dissolved oxygen content. b. Algal growth

c.Presence of toxic materials d. Increased salt concentration

11) Air quality index is NOT used to determine

a. Extent of air pollution b. amount of particulate matter in air

c.Proportion of sulphur dioxide d. biological pollutants in air

12) Which of the following is an indicator of water pollution?

a. Nematodes b. Pathogenic microbes c. Algae d, All of the above
13) Increase in levels of which of the following parameters is an indication of non
polluted water body?
a. Algae b. Organic matter c. Dissolved oxygen d. Aquatic Weeds

14) Which of the following does not affect air quality index?
a. Particulate matter b. Carbon monoxide

c. Combustion of diesel d. Soil erosion

1=A 2=B 3=B 4=C 5=D 6=A 7=C 8=B 9=A 10=A
11=D 12=D 13=C 14=D

Chapter-9.Disaster Management
1) …………..wave generated by earthquake leads to tremors.
a. Seismic b. Sonar c. Transfer d. Longitudinal
2) The accentuation of earthquakes is measured in ……………scale.
a. Joule b. Richter c. Newton’s d. dyne
3) Which of the following instruments records the intensity of earthquakes?
a. Lactometer b. Hygrometer c. Thermometer d. Seismometer
4) From the following which one is NOT the cause of earthquake?
a. Underground atomic tests b. Landslides

c. Mining d. volcanic eruptions

5) Identify the instrument that is used for getting prior information about earthquake?
a. Geiger counter b. Hygrometer c. Calorimeter d. Periscope
6) In which of the following category are fires caused due to electrical components are
classified in Asia?
a. Class A fire b. Class B fire c. Class D fire d. Class E fire
7) Which of the following are the effects of landslides?
a. Change in path of rivers b. Traffic Jams

c. Loss of plant life d. All of the above

8) NDRF stands for..

a. National Defense Rescue Force b. National Disaster response Force

c. National Defense Revolt Force d. National Democratic Response Force

9) Which of the following is a tri-services organization comprising of Army, Navy and
Air force?
a. CRPF b. NDRF c. NCC d. RPF
10) What does CCTV stand for?
a. Chanel Connected television b. Closed Circuit Television

c. Cable Closed Television d. Circuit Cable Television

11) Which of the following is NOT the natural cause of landslide?

a. Heavy rains b. Tsunami c. Floods d. Mountain digging
12) Which of the following security force in India is concerned with the protection
of railway passengers and railway property?
a. CRPF b, NDRF c. RPF d. NCC
13) Which of the following instrument is NOT used for getting prior intimation of
a. Strain meter b. Tilt meter c. Creep counter d. Spectrometer

Disaster Management

1=A 2=B 3=D 4=B 5=A 6=D 7=D 8=B 9=C 10=B
11=D 12=C 13=D

Chapter-10 Cell and Cell Organelles

1) ……………is the structural and functional unit of living organisms.
a. Nucleus b. Cell c. Cell wall d. Cell membrane
2) …………is an elastic and strong coat around the cell membrane in plant cells.
a. Nucleus b. Cell c. Cell wall d. Cell membrane
3) Entry or exit of small molecules into a cell takes place by the process of …….
a. Diffusion b. Cytoplasm c. black reaction d. Lysosomes
4) ………is a specialized subunit having a specific function within a cell.
a. Cell wall b. Cell c. Cell membrane d. Cell organelle.
5) ……..is the medium for cellular chemical reaction.
a. Cytoplasm b. Cell membrane c. Cell organelle d. Nucleus
6) ……….digest the organic waste generated by various metabolic activities taking
place in a cell.
a. Lysosomes b. Vacuole c. Golgi Complex d. all of above
7) Energy is produced in the ……………in a cell.
a. Mitochondria b. Carbohydrates c. Golgi Complex d. all of above
8) Cell organelles are suspended in the ……..
a. Nucleus b. Cytoplasm c. cell membrane d. Vacuole
9) Which of the following cell organelle can be visualized only under the electron
a. Nucleus b. Endoplasmic reticulum c. Chloroplast d. All of the above
10) …..does NOT contain nucleus.
a. Sieve tube cells b. Onion peel cells c. RBCs d. Both A and C
11) Mitochondrion is absent in ……
a. Plant cells b. All animal cells c. Red blood cells d. Both A and C
12) Which of the organelles can replicate by itself?
a. Mitochondria b. Vacuole c. Endoplasmic reticulum D. Golgi complex
13) Identify the semi-permeable membrane amongst the following?
a. Cell membrane b. Parchment paper c. Cell wall d. Both A and B
14) Identify the role of the Golgi complex.
a. Maintenance of osmotic potential of the cell. b. Synthesis of ATP
c. Storage of starch, oils and proteins
d. Modification, sorting and packing materials synthesizes by cell.
15) Which organelle plays a role in destroying worn out cell organelles?
a. Golgi complex b. Endoplasmic reticulum c. Vacuole d. Lysosomes
16) The model of an animal cell would not contain which of the following cell
a. Lysosome b. Ribosome c. Plastid d. Mitochondria

17) The colouration of Rheo leves is due to….

a. Cell wall b. chloroplast c. cytoplasm d. large central vacuole
18) Raisins soaked in water will.
a. Swell b. plasmolyse c. shrink d. rupture
19) The mode of an animal cell would possess a …
a. Cell wall b. plasma membrane c. plastid d. large vacuole
20) One of the roles of the endoplasmic reticulum is to ….
a. Flush out toxins b. digest stored proteins and fats
c. transmit hereditary characters d. destroy viruses and bacteria
21) Find the odd one out:
a. Mitochondrion b. Lysosome c. Golgi complex d. Vacuole

Cell and Cell Organelles

1=B 2=B 3=A 4=D 5=A 6=A 7=A 8=B 9=C 10=C
11=D 12=A 13=D 14=D 15=D 16=C 17=B 18=A 19=B 20=A

Chapter-11 Human body and Organ System

1) Group of organs working together to perform a specific function is called as …..
a. Organ system b. Animal system c. Muscular system d. Nerve system
2) ………is essential to operate all the life process in human body.
a. Energy b. Heart c. brain d. Body
3) Food pipe and wind pipe originate in the ………
a. Lungs b. Larynx c. Pharynx d. trachea
4) Large number of ……...In the lungs, increase the surface area available for gaseous
a. Diaphragm b. Bronchioles c. Alveoli d. Trachea
5) Human heart is slightly inclined on ……side.
a. Left b. Right c. Left and Right d. Middle
6) ……. Is present between thoracic and abdominal cavity.
a. Alveoli b. Diaphragm c. Lungs d. Pharynx
7) Cardiac muscles are ………
a. Involuntary b. voluntary c. A and B d. None of these
8) PH of oxygenated blood is …..
a. Alkali b. alkaline c. non alkaline d. all of these
9) Human heart is ………..Chambered.
a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five
10) ……in blood plays an important role in blood clotting.
a. Fibrinogen b. platelets c. prothrombin d. all of these
11) Which process can be summarized by the given equation?
C6H12O6 + 6O2→ 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (38ATP)
a. Internal respiration b. Cellular respiration c. Inspiration d. Expiration
12) Human heart is located …
a. In fort of ribs, between the two lungs.
b. Between thoracic and abdominal cavity
c. Behind the ribs, between the two lungs.
d. Between the lungs and diaphragm
13) Human heart is covered by a double layered membranous sac called.
a. Pleura b. pericardium c. atrium d. ventricles
14) The fluid present between the membranes of heart.
a. Prevents frication b. helps in contraction and relaxation of diaphragm

c. absorbs mechanical shocks. d. both A and B


15) A person with blood group …..Is called as universal recipient.

a. O b. AB c. A d. B
16) Respiratory system begins with ……
a. Wind pipe b. trachea c. diaphragm d. nose
17) Air passes through the …..Into the wind pipe.
a. Pharynx b. larynx c. trachea d. alveoli

Human body and Organ System

1=A 2=A 3=C 4=C 5=A 6=B 7=A 8=B 9=C 10=D
11=B 12=C 13=C 14=D 15=B 16=D 17=A

Chapter-12 Introduction to Acid & Base

1) Red cabbage and hibiscus are ……indicators.
a. Natural b. Artificial c. Laboratory d. synthesis
2) Acids and bases neutralize each other to from salt and ……..
a. Acid b. base c. water d. salt
3) Which of following statement is INCORRENT for acids?
a. They are soluble in water. b. They are slippery to touch.
c.They are corrosive in nature. d. Both, animals and plants contain acids.
4) Which of the following is NOT a mineral acid?
a. Hydrochloric acid b. Nitric acid c. Sulphuric acid , d. Oxalic acid
5) Which of the following is neutral?
a. Vinegar b. Caustic Soda c. Water d. Lime water
6) The acid present in orange fruit is……..
a. Citric acid b. tartaric acid c. oxalic acid d. lactic acid.
7) The dilute solution of which of the following acids is used in electric cell?
a. Hydrochloric acid b. acetic acid c. Nitric acid d. sulphuric acid
8) Which of the following bases is used for the production of fertilizers?
a. NH4OH b. NaOH c. Mg(OH)2 d. Ca(OH)2
9) Which of the following is NOT a laboratory indicator?
a. Phenolphthalein b. Methyl red

c. Litmus paper d. Turmeric indicator paper

10) What happens when blue litmus paper is dipped into pure water?
a. The litmus paper remains blue b. The litmus paper turns red

c. The litmus paper turns green d. The litmus paper turns yellow.

11) Solution of which of the following will turn red litmus paper blue?
a. H2SO4 b. HNO3 c. NH4OH d. H2CO3
12) The colour of methyl red in alkali is………
a. Yellow b. red c. pink d. green
13) The colour of hibiscus indicator paper in alkali is …..
a. Red b. pink c. greenish yellow d. orange
14) When turmeric indicator paper is added to washing soap solution its colour
turns to ……
a. Green b. red c. blue d. orange
15) Which of the following is used as antacids?
a. Solution of H2CO3 b. Solution of Ca(OH)2

c. Solution of Mg (OH)2 d. Solution of NaOH

16) Lime stone is used to …..

a. To control acidity of soil b. to prevent tooth decay

c. to control stomach acidity d. to prevent pain of bee sting and ant bites.

17) Methyl red in acidic solution is………..

a. Red b. pink c. colourless d. yellow
18) Methyl orange indicator will turn yellow in the solution of…………
a. Lime water b. lime juice c. carbonic acid d. acetic acid
19) Which of the following is NOT a domestic indicator?
a. Litmus paper b. Hibiscus indicator paper.

c. Turmeric indicator paper d. red cabbage indicator paper

Introduction to Acid & Base

1=A 2=C 3=B 4=D 5=C 6=A 7=D 8=A 9=D 10=A
11=A 12=A 13=C 14=B 15=C 16=A 17=A 18=A 19=A

Chapter-13 Chemical change and chemical bond

1) Ripening of banana is a ….change.
a. Chemical b. physical c. Natural d. Artificial
2) The substance present in lemon juice that reacts with baking soda is……
a. Tartaric acid b. Lactic acid c. acetic acid d. Citric acid
3) In photosynthesis, the chemical substance formed is ……along with oxygen gas.
a. Fructose b. lactose c. glucose d. all of above
4) The number of chemical bonds formed by one atom is its …….
a. Valency b. Negativity c. Molecules d. atom
5) Oxygen is a ….in respiration.
a. Reactant b. product c. substance d. molecule
6) Which of the following substance react with oxygen in respiration?

a. Glucose b. Carbon dioxide c. water d. Carbon

7) Which of the following substance is used in the cold drink called soda lemon….
a. Baking soda b. Washing soda c. Lime water d. Lime stone
8) Which of the following is a manmade chemical change …
a. Respiration b. Photosynthesis

c. Foul smell from a spoiled food d. softening of water

9) The electron configuration of sodium is….

a. (2,8,8,1) b. (2,8,1) c. (2,8,8,2) d. (2,8,2)
10) Which of the following is an ionic compound?
a. H2 b.H2O c. KF d. HCl
11) Baking soda chemically is…..
a. Sodium chloride b. sodium carbonate

c. calcium hydroxide d. sodium bicarbonate

12) Which of the following change when a pinch of baking soda is added to the
lemon juice?
a. Colour and taste change b. Taste change and release of gas

c. Colour change and release of gas d. Only colour change

13) Freshly prepared solution of calcium hydroxide in water is called…..

a. Baking soda b. soda water c. lime water d. lime stone
14) What happens when carbon dioxide reacts with freshly prepared lime water..
a. The lime water turns milky b. The solution remains colourless

c. Oxygen gas is released d. The chemical composition of the lime water does not

15) When carbon dioxide gas reacts with freshly prepared lime water, the products
formed are……..
a. Calcium carbonate and oxygen b. calcium hydroxide and water

c. calcium carbonate and water d. calcium hydroxide and oxygen

16) Which of the following is a chemical change?

a. Boiling of water b. Bursting of an inflated balloon

c. Souring of milk d. Dissolution of salt in water.

17) The colour of chlorophyll in plants is ……

a. Green b. yellow c. red d. blue
18) When carbon dioxide reacts with calcium hydroxide solution, the product
formed is …..Along with water.
a. Calcium oxide b. calcium carbonate c. calcium d. calcium bicarbonate
19) Which of the following is neutralization reaction?
a. Reaction of lemon juice with baking soda.
b. Reaction occurring in respiration process
c. Reaction occurring in photosynthesis process.
d. Reaction of hard water with washing soda.

Chemical change and chemical bond

1=A 2=D 3=C 4=A 5=A 6=A 7=A 8=D 9=B 10=C
11=D 12=B 13=C 14=A 15=C 16=C 17=A 18=B 19=A

Chapter-14 Measurement and effects of Heat

1) The temperature of hot object is …..than that of the cold object
a. Higher b. less c. same d. None of these
2) One calorie is equivalent to ……joule.
a. 4.18 b. 4.15 c. 4.2 d. 4.1
3) ……..scale of measurement of temperature is used in scientific experiments.
a. Dyne b. Erg c. Kelvin d. Centimeter
4) The apparatus used to measure heat is called a …..
a. Calorimeter b. Thermometer c. Nanometer d. Hydrometer
5) The heat received from the earth is called…..
a. Thermal energy b. geothermal energy c. chemical energy d. green energy
6) Which of the following effects of heat does a mercury thermometer work on?
a. Expansion of gases b. Change of state

c. expansion of Liquids d. Anomalous behavior.

7) A special type of thermometer used to measure the temperatures of a day is termed as

a. Clinical thermometer b. laboratory thermometer

c. digital thermometer d. maximum –minimum thermometer

8) Using calorimeter it is possible to determine …

a. Specific heat of an object b. heat content of an object

c. temperature of an object d. all of above

9) Find odd one out:

a. Water b. alcohol c. mercury d. chloroform
10) If specific heat of a glass is 837 j/kg C then the amount of heat required to
change the temperature of 1 kg block made of glass from 15 C to 16 C will be …
a. 0.22 J b. 837 J c. 0.837 J d. 200 J

Measurement and effects of Heat

1=A 2=A 3=C 4=A 5=B 6=C 7=C 8=D 9=A 10=B

Chapter-15 Sound
1) ……..in the objects are responsible for producing sound.
a. Solid b. liquid c. Vibrations d. all above
2) During the propagation of the wave through a medium, the..….of the medium does not
change their positions.
a. Wave b. substance c. Particles d. Size
3) The SI unit of frequency of a sound wave is……..
a. Centimeter b. kilometer c. Hertz d. atmosphere
4) The total number of compression and rarefactions produced per second in a sound
wave is 1000. The frequency of the sound wave is………
a. 1000Hz b. 100Hz c. 10Hz 1Hz
5) Different sound notes have different …….
a. Amplitude b. Frequencies c. wavelength d. Time
6) Vocal cords are …….. cm in length in male.
a. 15 b. 18 c. 20 d. none of these
7) In loudspeaker….…energy is converted into ….energy.
a. Sound-electrical b. electrical –sound

c. sound – mechanical d. mechanical- electrical

8) A rapid periodic forward and backward motion of an object is called…….

a. Sound b. acceleration c. intensity d. vibration
9) In regions called ……..Particles are crowded together.
a. Reverberation b. compressions c. rarefactions d. oscillations
10) Sound cannot travel through ……….
a. Metal b. air c. water d. vacuum
11) Due to back and forth motion of the …..of the tuning fork, sound waves are
produced .
a. Prongs b. screen c. stem d. coil
12) As the quantity of air inside the bell jar decreases the level of ringing sound
heard outside …….
a. Increase b. decreases c. remains same d. double
13) During the propagation of sound wave through medium , there is change in
density and ….….of the medium
a. Pressure b. temperature c. state d. frequency
14) If sound level is ………decibels, it can be harmful to us.
a. 10 b. 20 c. 50 d. 120

15) If the tuning fork is made up of material- brass and another fork is made up of
material steel, then….
a. Length of two tuning forks must be different.
b. Size of two tuning forks must be different.
c. Sound produced by two tuning forks will be of different frequency.
d. All of the above

1=C 2=C 3=C 4=A 5=B 6=C 7=B 8=D 9=B 10=D
11=A 12=B 13=A 14=D 15=C

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