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Most acceptable concept of species is –

(1) Static concept
(2) Biological concept
(3) Typological concept
(4) Genetic concept

2. Artificial system of classification classifies plants on the basis of-

(1) One or two characters
(2) Phylogenetic trends
(3) Many naturally existing characters
(4) None of the above

3. The term new systematics was introduced by –

(1) Linnaeus
(2) Bentham
(3) Hutchinson
(4) Huxley

4. Group of organisms that closely resemble each other and freely interbreed in nature,
constitute a-
(1) Species
(2) Genus
(3) Family
(4) Taxon

5. ICBN was first revised in –

(1) 1961
(2) 1964
(3) 1975
(4) 1753

6. The term taxon refers to –

(1) Name of a species
(2) Name of genus
(3) Name of family
(4) A taxonomic group of any rank

7. The herbarium specimen on whose basis a new species is described for the first time
is called as
(1) Syntype
(2) Holotype
(3) Paratype
(4) Neotype

8. The scientific naming of plants began with publication of Linnaeus book –

(1) Genera plantarum
(2) Systema naturae
(3) Species plantarum
(4) Charaka sanhita

9. Which book most impressed the opinion of taxonomists –

(1) Enquiry into plants
(2) Origin of life
(3) Genera plantarum
(4) Origin of species

10. The basic unit of classification is –

(1) Genus
(2) Species
(3) Order
(4) All of the above

11. Suffix for sub species is –

(1) Phytina
(2) Oideae
(3) Ineae
(4) None

12. Individuals of same species having non-genetic differences due to environment are
called –
(1) Biotypes
(2) Ecotype
(3) Ecophenes
(4) None

13. Morphologically similar but reproductively isolated species are called –

(1) Neontological species
(2) Sibling species
(3) Allopatric species
(4) Morpho-species

14. Plant nomenclature means :

(1) To give names to plants without any-rules
(2) Nomenclature of plants under the international rules
(3) Nomenclature of plants in local language
(4) Nomenclature of plants in English language

15. Taxonomy refers to –

(1) Plant classification
(2) Plant nomenclature
(3) Plant affinity
(4) All the above

16. Which of the following is a correct name -

(1) Solanum tuberosum
(2) Solanum Tuberosum
(3) Solanum tuberosum Linn
(4) All the above

17. Systematics deals with –

(1) Classification
(2) Nomenclature
(3) Plant description
(4) Plant exploration

18. Scientific name of Mango plant is Mangifera indica (Linn.) Santapau. In the above
name Santapau refers to –
(1) Variety of Mango
(2) A taxonomist who proposed the present nomenclature in honour of linnaeus
(3) A scientist who for the first time described Mango plant
(4) A scientist who changed the name proposed by Linnaeus and proposed present

19. Type specimen selected from the original material in case the holotype is missing, is
called –
(1) Lectotype
(2) Neotype
(3) Syntype
(4) Para type

20. Phylogeny refers to –

(1) Natural classification
(2) Evolutionary classification
(3) Evolutionary history
(4) Origin of algae
21. Static concept of species is given by –
(1) Linnaeus
(2) Bentham
(3) Koch
(4) Mayr

22. In taxonomy the first step is:

(1) Identification
(2) Nomenclature
(3) Classification
(4) Affinities

23. The suffix - inae signifies the rank:

(1) Tribe
(2) Subtribe
(3) Suborder
(4) Sub family

24. Species living in different geographical areas an called –

(1) Allochronic
(2) Allopatric
(3) Sympatric
(4) Siblings

25. A large number of unknown species of plants and animals are believed to be present
in –
(1) Temperate forests
(2) Antarctica
(3) Taiga
(4) Tropical forest

26. Biological concept of species proposed by

(1) Linnaeus
(2) Mayr
(3) John Ray
(4) De Candolle

27. For higher plants, flowers are chiefly used as a basis of classification, because –
(1) These show a great variety in colour
(2) It can be preserved easily
(3) Reproductive parts are more conservative than vegetative parts
(4) None of these
28. Individuals of same species having genetic variation and occur in same environment
are called-
(1) Biotypes
(2) Ecotype
(3) Ecophenes
(4) Ecads

29. The smallest unit of classification is -

(1) Family
(2) Order
(3) Genus
(4) Species

30. The binomial system of nomenclature was initially proposed by –

(1) Magnus
(2) Bauhin
(3) Caesalpinno
(4) Discorides
31. Biochemical resemblances are used in the identification of
(1) Protistan species
(2) Moneran species
(3) Fungal species
(4) Higher plants
32. Concept of phylogeny was proposed by -
(1) John Ray
(2) Lamarck
(3) Ernest Haeckel
(4) Darwin
33. A division is formed by combining several -
(1) Orders
(2) Families
(3) Classes
(4) Tribes

34. An international code of botanical nomenclature was first proposed in the year:
(1) 1930
(2) 1830
(3) 1913
(4) 1813

35. For declaration of new species of higher plants, what characters are used –
(1) Floral character of new species
(2) Anatomical characters of new species
(3) Physiological character of new species
(4) Character of endosperm
36. The standard size of herbarium sheets is –
(1) 11.5" × 16.5"
(2) 15.5" × 16.5"
(3) 18.5" × 10.5"
(4) 20.5" × 21.5"
37. Which statement is true–
(1) Tautonyms do not occur in plants
(2) Tautonyms do not occur in animals
(3) Tautonyms normally occur in animals and some time occur in plants
(4) Tautonyms occur only in bacteria
38. Trinomial nomenclature of classification was proposed by-
(1) Linneaus
(2) Huxley and Stricklandt
(3) John-Ray
(4) Theophrastus
39. Most of the botanical names are drawn from the following language –
(1) German
(2) Greek
(3) Latin
(4) Spanish

40. Evolutionary classification is called –

(1) Artificial system
(2) Natural system
(3) Phylogenetic system
(4) None of the above

41. Which of the following statements regarding nomenclature is correct –

(1) Generic name always begins with capital letter whereas specific name with small
(2) Scientific name should be printed in italics
(3) Scientific name when typed or handwritten should be underlined
(4) All the above

42. The systematic arrangement of taxa is called –

(1) Key
(2) Taxonomy
(3) Geneology
(4) Hierarchy
43. Which is the most important but generally not use, criteria for the identification of
the species -
(1) Interbreeding
(2) Morphology
(3) Genetic material
(4) None

44. Number of obligatory categories in taxonomy are

(1) 7
(2) 8
(3) 9
(4) 5

45. Herbarium is –
(1) A garden where medicinal plants are grown
(2) Garden where herbaceous plants are grown
(3) Dry garden
(4) Chemical to kill plants

46. The year of publication of "Species plantarum"

(1) 1853
(2) 1857
(3) 1753
(4) 1786

47. The biological concept of species is mainly based on –

(1) Morphological features
(2) Morphology and method of reproduction
(3) Method of reproduction only
(4) Reproductive isolation

48. A duplicate of holotype is called _

(1) Isotype
(2) Syntype
(3) Neotype
(4) Para type

49. Term taxom given by –

(1) Adolf Mayer
(2) Linnaeus
(3) Darwin
(4) Koch
50. Which of the following is a species?
(1) Tamarindus
(2) Indicus
(3) Indica
(4) Tamarindus indicus

51. Tautonyms are valid names according to

(1) ICBN
(2) Species plantarum
(3) Genera plantarum
(4) ICZN

52. Practical significance of taxonomy is –

(1) Classification
(2) To understand diversity
(3) To understand evolution
(4) Identification of organisms
53. Which name is invalid?
(1) Name not published in species plantarum
(2) Name proposed prior to 1961
(3) Name which is not in latin
(4) Name for which holotype is not designated
54. Which system classifies a plant in more than one groups?
(1) Practical classification
(2) Artificial classification
(3) Natural classification
(4) Phylegenetic classification

55. Author of book "Flora British Indica"

(1) Father Santapau
(2) J.D. Hooker
(3) William Rouxburgh
(4) G. Bentham

56. The art of growing short plants is called -

(1) Bonsai
(2) Horticulture
(3) Topiary
(4) Tissue culture
57. Science of characters and distribution of races is known as
(1) Ethnology
(2) Sociology
(3) Taxonomy
(4) Anthropology

58. The study of reptiles is known as –

(1) Ichthyology
(2) Herpetology
(3) Serpentology
(4) None of these
59. The branch of study dealing with microscopic anatomy of tissues is –
(1) Histology
(2) Cytology
(3) Morphology
(4) Palaeontology

60. Olericulture is the cultivation of –

(1) Vegetables
(2) Fruits
(3) Crop plants
(4) Mushrooms
61. Oncology is the study of –
(1) Dead cells
(2) Living cells
(3) Dividing cells
(4) Cancer cells
62. Ornithology is the study of-
(1) Reptiles
(2) Birds
(3) Fossils
(4) Fishes
63. Pedology is the science of –
(1) Rocks
(2) Diseases
(3) Soil
(4) Pollution
64. Synecology refers to the ecological study of –
(1) Plants
(2) Animals
(3) Community
(4) Microbes
65. Study of abnormal embryonic growth comes under-
(1) Teratology
(2) Ontogeny
(3) Morphogenesis
(4) Parthenogenesis

66. The bacteria were first observed in the year 1675 by –

(1) Robert Koch
(2) Louis Pasteur
(3) Robert Brown
(4) Antony van Leeuwenhoek

67. Plant virus was first crystallized by –

(1) Pirie
(2) Bawden
(3) Stanley
(4) Beijerinck
68. The term cell was first coined by –
(1) Robert Brown
(2) Schwann
(3) Robert Hooke
(4) Schleiden

69. Who studied blood groups in man –

(1) Landsteiner
(2) Francis Galton
(3) Stanley Miller
(4) Gregor Mendel

70. 10% law of energy transfer in food chain was given by-
(1) Tansley
(2) Stanley
(3) Lindeman
(4) Weismann

71. The law of limiting factor was proposed by –

(1) Blackman
(2) Leibig
(3) Hatch and Slack
(4) Arnol

72. Who is famous in the field of palaeobotany –

(1) Bose J.C.
(2) Birbal Sahni
(3) Metha x.c.
(4) Maheshwari P.

73. Photophosphorylation was discovered by –

(1) Arnon D.I.
(2) Hill R.
(3) Calvin M.
(4) Ruben and Kamen

74. Who was developed the concept of phagocytosis in immunity –

(1) T.H. Huxley
(2) Strasburger
(3) Ernst Haeckel
(4) E. Metchnikoff

75. The term Hormone was coined by –

(1) Starling
(2) Huxley
(3) Bayliss
(4) Harris

76. Who wrote a memoir on the earthworm, Pheretima, to describe in morphology and
anatomy -
(1) Baini Prasad
(2) Bahl K.N,
(3) Thillayampalarn E.M.
(4) Das S.M.

77. Aquaculture does not include –

(1) Pisces
(2) Prawns
(3) Silkworm
(4) Shell fishery

78. Match the names of branches of biology listed under column I with the help of study
given under column II, choose the answer which gives the correct combination of the
alphabets of the two columns-
Column I Column II
(Branch of biology) (Field of study)
(A) Palynology (p) Silkworks
(B) Oncology (q) Pollens
(C) Phycology (r) Cancer
(D) Sericulture (s) Algae
(1) A = s, B = q, C = r, D = P
(2) A = q, B = r, C = s, D = P
(3) A = s, B = r, C = q, D =p
(4) A = r, B = q, C = s, D = p

79. The branch which is associated with diagnosis, prevention and cure of mental
disorders is –
(1) Neurology
(2) Psychiatry
(3) Psychology
(4) Neuropsychiatry

80. Match the following by using codes:

A Vernalization 1 Camerarius

B Double fertilization 2 Hofmeister

C Pollination 3 Lysenko

D Alternation of Generations 4 Nawaschin

(1) A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, D = 3
(2) A = 4, B = 1, C = 2, D = 3
(3) A = 3, B = 2, C = 1, D = 4
(4) A = 3, B = 4, C = 1, D = 2

81. Match the branches of biology listed in column I with the areas of study listed in
column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets, of the
two columns –
Column I Column II
(Branches of biology) (Area of study),
(A) Helminthology (p) Study of insects
(B) Entomology (q) Study of fungi
(C) Ornithology (r) Study of algae
(D) Phycology (s) Study of birds
(t) Study of worms
(1) A = p, B = 5, C = q, D = t
(2) A = t, B = P, C = s, D = r
(3) A = s, B = t, C = r, D = P
(4) A = r, B = p, C = s, D = q
Note (Q.82-Q.85): Each questions contain STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and
STATEMENT-2 (Reason). Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.
(1) Statement- 1 is True, Statement-2 is True, Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
Statement -1
(2) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation
for Statement - 1
(3) Statement - 1 is True, Statement- 2 is False
(4) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is False

82. Statement 1: Botany deals with the study of plants and zoology deals with the
study of animals.
Statement2: Biology is the study of living beings.

83. Statement 1: Study of internal structure is called anatomy.

Statement 2 : It is useful for phylogentic study,

84. Statement 1: The science of classifiying organisms is called taxonomy.

Statement 2: Systematics and taxonomy have same meaning.

85. Statement 1: Formation of new species is called speciation.

Statement 2: The deme has a common gene pool.

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