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Transport in Plants of Biology by Hemant Maurya Sir

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By – MR. Hemant Maurya Sir


More than 7 years of teaching experience.

M. Sc. From BHU (Varanasi - UP)

This Sheet Is Made by Mr. Hemant Maurya (Biology Faculty at A+MRS Educare). There are three
levels and one more section for assertion – reason types of question.

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1. In a flowering plants the substances that would 10. If the plant part undergoing senescence nutrients
need to be transported are are provided in
(1) Water and mineral nutrients (1) High amount
(2) Organic nutrients (2) Equal amount as other plant parts
(3) Plant growth regulators (4) All of these (3) Nutrients are withdrawn from such parts and
moved to growing parts
2. Over small distances substances in plants move (4) None of these
(1) Diffusion 11. Hormones and growth regulators are transported
(2) By cytoplasmic streaming supplemented by in plants ……….. from where they are
active transport synthesized
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) Translocation (1) Unidirectional (2) Bidirectional
(3) Multidirectional (4) None of these
3. Transport over long distances proceeds through
(1) Diffusion 12. Organic compounds synthesised in plants are
(2) By cytoplasmic streaming supplemented by transported in which of the following way in
active transport flowering plants
(3) Both 1 and 2 (1) Leaves to other parts only
(4) Through vascular system (2) From leaves to other parts and storage organs
(3) Re-exported from storage organs to other parts
4. Vascular system of plant consist of (4) Both 2 and 3
(1) Xylem (2) Phloem
(3) Cambium (4) Both 1 and 2 13. Movement of substances by diffusion is
(1) Active (2) Passive
5. Process by which substances are transported over (3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these
long distances in plant through vascular systems
is called 14. Movement of substance by diffusion is from
(1) Transfusion (2) Translocation (a) One part of the cell to other
(3) Osmosis (4) Diffusion (b) From cell to cell
(c) Intercellular spaces of leaf to outside
6. Water is taken up by (1) All of these (2) a, b
(1) Leaves (2) Roots (3) b, c (4) b only
(3) Stem (4) Both 1 and 2
15. In diffusion energy consumption is
7. In rooted plants transport of water and minerals (1) High (2) Low
by xylem is essentially (3) None
(1) Bidirectional (2) Unidirectional (4) More than active transport
(3) Multidirectional (4) All of these
16. In diffusion substances moves
8. Organic and mineral nutrients undergo (a) In random manner
…………… transport (b) In organized manner
(1) Bidirectional (2) Unidirectional (c) Move from higher concentration to lower
(3) Multidirectional (4) All of these concentration
(d) Move from lower concentration to higher
9. The mineral nutrients taken up by roots and concentration
transported upwards into (1) a, b are true (2) a, d are true
(1) Stem (2) Leaves (3) a, c are true (4) b, c are true
(3) Growing regions (4) All of these

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17. Diffusion takes place in 25. The process by which hydrophillic molecules
(1) Living system only (2) Gases only move across the membrane facilitated by proteins
(3) Liquids only (4) All of these is known as
(1) Osmosis (2) Facilitated diffusion
18. The means of gaseous movement within plant (3) Active transport (4) Plasmolysis
body is
(1) Osmosis (2) Active transport 26. In facilitated diffusion concentration gradient is
(3) Diffusion (4) None of these (1) Not required
(2) Setup before the process
19. Diffusion rates are affected by (3) Setup in the end of the process
(a) Gradient of concentration (4) None of these
(b) Permeability of membrane separating them
(c) Temperature and pressure 27. In facilitated diffusion energy is used
(d) Size of substances (1) In low amount (2) In high amount
(e) Solubility in lipids (3) No energy used (4) None of these
(1) All of these (2) a, b, d
(3) b, c, d, a (4) a, c, d 28. Facilitated diffusion of molecules from low
concentration to high concentration
20. Which of the following is more likely to happen? (1) Can take place
(1) Diffusion of solids (2) Diffusion in solids (2) Can’t take place
(3) Osmosis of solid (4) Osmosis in solid (3) Take place in presence of proteins
(4) None of these
21. For diffusion to occur gradient must be
(1) Set up after the process of diffusion starts 29. Facilitated diffusion reaches maximum when
(2) Before the process starts (1) Maximum molecules have been transported
(3) Should appear after 10 min of the start of (2) All the protein transporters have been used
process (3) Maximum energy is used
(4) None of these (4) None of these

22. Give the rate of diffusion of following substances 30. Facilitated diffusion is
in ascending order (a) Specific (b) Non-specific
(a) 5 μm (b) 5 nm (c) Allows cells to select substances for uptake
(c) 5 mm (1) a, c (2) b, c
(1) a < b < c (2) b < a < c (3) a only (4) b only
(3) c > a > b (4) None of these
31. In what way facilitated diffusion is effected by
23. Which of the following is not true for diffusion? inhibitors
(1) Diffusion of smaller particles is faster than that (1) Inhibitors bind with substances preventing it to
of smaller particles get transported
(2) Hydrophobic molecules diffuse easily than (2) Bind to protein side chain
hydrophillic molecules through lipid (3) Bind to lipid molecules
membranes (4) None of these
(3) It is difficult for lipid insoluble hydrophillic
molecules to diffuse across the cellular 32. What is not true about facilitated diffusion?
membrane (1) Proteins forms channels in membrane for
(4) Diffusion takes place only in gases molecules to pass through
(2) Some channels are always open while some are
24. Hydrophillic molecules move across the under control
membrane through (3) Facilitated diffusion requires expenditure for
(1) Lipid molecules (2) Membrane proteins ATP energy
(3) Don’t move (4) None of these (4) Some channels are large allowing a variety of
molecules to cross

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33. Porins are 41. Diagram denotes which type of transport

(1) Proteins with very small pore
(2) Proteins that form huge pores
(3) Substances of small size to be diffused
(4) Substances of large size to be diffused

34. Porins are present on the outer membrane of

(1) Plastids (2) Mitochondria
(3) Some baceteria (4) All of these

35. An extracellular molecule binds to transport (1) Active transport (2) Osmosis
protein, and then protein rotates and releases the (3) Facilitated diffusion (4) None of these
molecule inside the cell without ATP use
(1) Active transport (2) Osmosis 42. When a molecule move across a membrane
(3) Facilitated diffusion independent of other molecules, the process is
(4) None of these called
(1) Antiport (2) Uniport
36. Water channels are the example of which type of (3) Symport (4) None of these
(1) Active transport (2) Osmosis 43. In which type of transport energy is used to
(3) Facilitated diffusion pump molecules against a concentration gradient
(4) None of these (1) Active transport (2) Osmosis
(3) Facilitated diffusion (4) None of these
37. Water channels are madeup of how many
different type of aquaporins 44. Transport of substances from low concentration
(1) 2 (2) 4 to high concentration with the use of energy
(3) 1 (4) 8 (1) Uphill transport (2) Downhill transport
(3) Facilitated diffusion (4) None of these
38. Type of movement of molecules of two types in
the same direction is known as 45. Pumps present in membrane for transport are
(1) Antiport (2) Uniport (1) Lipid (2) Protein
(3) Symport (4) None of these (3) Chitin (4) None of these

39. Type of movement of molecules of two types in 46. What is not true about carrier transport proteins?
the opposite directon is known as (1) Transport rate is maximum when all protein
(1) Antiport (2) Uniport transporters are being used
(3) Symport (4) None of these (2) Carrier protein are non-specific in what it
carries across the membrane
40. What does a, b, c denotes: (3) These proteins are sensitive to inhibitors, which
binds to protein side chain
(4) Membrane proteins play important role in
active as well as passive transport

47. Membrane proteins responsible for active

transport show which of the following
characteristics. They are
(a) Selective (b) Liable to saturate
(c) Respond to inhibitors
(d) Under hormonal regulation
(1) All of these (2) a, b, c
(1) Uniport, symport, antiport
(3) a, c, d (4) b, c, d
(2) Symport, uniport, antiport
(3) Uniport, antiport, symport
(4) Antiport, uniport, symport

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48. Membrane protein responsible for facilitated (3) Protoplasm of cell is mainly water in which
diffusion show which of the following different molecules are dissolved
characteristics. They are (4) Watermelon has only 75% water
(a) Selective (b) Liable to saturate
(c) Respond to inhibitors 54. Most herbaceous plants have what percent of its
(d) Under hormonal regulation fresh weight as water content without dry matter
(1) All of these (2) a, b, c (1) 10-15% (2) 85-90%
(3) a, c, d (4) b, c, d (3) 92% (4) 70%

49. Common characteristic of simple diffusion and 55. Woody parts of plants have water content
facilitated diffusion is ………… to that of soft in a plant
(a) Takes place along a gradient (1) Lower (2) Higher
(b) Requires transport protein (3) Equal (4) None of these
(c) Requires energy
(d) Uphill transport 56. The process by which terrestrial plants loose
(e) No energy needed most of its water to air, through evaporation from
(1) All are true (2) a, c, d are true the leaves
(3) a, b, c, d are true (4) None of these (1) Transportation (2) Transpiration
(3) Imbibition (4) None of these
50. What is not common in facilitated diffusion and
active transport? 57. A mature corn plant absorbs how much water in a
(a) Requires special membrane protein day
(b) Highly selective (1) 30 mL (2) 3 dL
(c) Saturation of transporter determines the rate (3) 30 dL (4) 30 L
(d) Downhill transport (e) ATP energy needed
(1) None common (2) c, e 58. A mustard plant absorbs water i.e., 3 times of its
(3) d, e (4) b, e weight in almost what time
(1) 5 hours (2) 50 hours
51. Which of the following is a common (3) 50 min (4) None of these
characteristic of active transport and simple
diffusion? 59. Water is limiting factor for
(a) Requires special membrane protein (1) Plant growth (2) Productivity
(b) Highly selective (3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these
(c) Saturation of transporter determines the rate
(d) Downhill transport (e) ATP energy needed 60. Which of the following terms are main
(1) All of these (2) a, b, d, e components that determine water potential?
(3) b, c, d, e (4) None (1) Solute potential
(2) Pressure potential
52. Which of the following is a characteristic of active (3) Calcium concentration in soil
transport and facilitated diffusion? (4) Both 1 and 2
(a) Requires special membrane protein
(b) Highly selective 61. Solute potential is denoted by
(c) Saturation of transporter determines the rate (1) Ψp (2) Ψw
(d) Downhill transport (3) Ψs (4) Ψt
(e) ATP energy needed
(1) All of these (2) a, b, c, d 62. Water potential is denoted by
(3) a, b, c (4) None (1) Ψp (2) Ψw
(3) Ψs (4) Ψt
53. What is not true for plant water relationship?
(1) Water is essential for all physiological activities 63. Water moleules in ________ form are in random
of plants motion that is rapid and constant
(2) Water provides medium in which most (1) Solid (2) Liquid
substances are dissolved (3) Gaseous (4) Both 2 and 3

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64. Lesser concentration of water in a solution 73. Which of the following is correct when a solute is
(1) Lesser kinetic energy dissolved in pure water?
(2) Greater solute potential (1) Water potential decreases
(3) Greater water potential (2) Free water molecules in solution decreases
(4) All of these (3) Concentration of water decreases
(4) All of these
65. What will be the water potential of following in
increasing order 74. Magnitude of lowering of water potential of a
(a) 0.1 M NaCl solution solution due to dissolution of a solute is called
(b) 0.01 M NaCl solution (1) Pressure potential (2) Turger pressure
(c) 1 M NaCl solution (3) Solute potential (4) None of these
(d) Pure water
(1) b<c<d<a (2) c<b<a<d 75. Solute potential is always
(3) d<a>b<c (4) None of these (1) Neutral (2) Positive
(3) Negative (4) None of these
66. If two systems containing water are in contact,
net movement of water molecules is from the 76. Which of the following solutions will have lower
system with _______ energy to system with _____ (more negative) solute potential?
energy (1) 0.1 M NaCl (2) 0.001 M NaCl
(1) Lower, Higher (2) Higher, Lower (3) 0.01 M NaCl (4) None of these
(3) May be 1 or 2 (4) None of these
77. For a solution at atmospheric pressure water
67. If two systems containing water i.e. 1 M NaCl and potential is ________
0.01 M NaCl are present then kinetic energy will (1) Higher than solute potential
be higher of which system (2) Lower than solute potential
(1) 1 M (2) 0.01 M (3) Equal to solute potential
(3) Both equal (4) No kinetic energy (4) None of these
78. As the atmospheric pressure increases water
68. If two systems containing water are in contact,
potential of pure water or solution
net movement of water molecules is from the
(1) Decreases (2) Increases
system with ________ water potential to system
(3) Remains constant (4) No effect
with _____ water potential
(1) Lower, Higher
79. When water enters in a plant cell due to diffusion
(2) Higher, Lower
causing a pressure built up against the cell wall,
(3) May be 1 or 2 (4) None of these
it makes the cell
(1) Flaccid (2) Isotonic
69. Water potential is expressed in
(3) Turgid (4) Burst
(1) Daltons (2) Pascals
(3) gm/meter (4) None of these 80. Which type of pressure potential in the water
column in the xylem plays major role in transport
70. Ψ is a _________ letter
up to stem?
(1) Latin (2) English
(1) Neutral (2) Positive
(3) French (4) None of these
(3) Negative (4) No pressure
71. Pascals is denoted by
81. Pressue potential is denoted by
(1) P (2) Pa
(1) Ψp (2) Ψw
(2) Ps (4) Pc
(3) Ψs (4) Ψt
72. Water potential of pure water at standard
82. Pressure potential is ______ in turgid cells
temperatures and which is not under any
(1) Low (2) High
pressure is taken as
(3) Zero (4) None of these
(1) 1 (2) 0
(3) Infinite (4) >1

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83. The relationship between water potential, solute (1) A, A (2) A, B

and pressure potential is (3) B, A (4) B, B
(1) Ψs = Ψw + Ψp (2) Ψp = Ψw + Ψs
(3) Ψw = Ψs + Ψp (4) No relationship 92. Two chambers separated by a semipermeable
membrane, containing solutions 1 M NaCl in
84. The plant cell wall is chamber A and 0.001 M NaCl in chamber B. In
(1) Impermeable to water and other molecules which Direction Osmosis will take place
(2) Freely permeable to water and substances (1) A to B (2) B to A
(3) Only permeable for water (3) No movement of water (4) None of these
(4) Only permeable for solutes
93. Two chambers separated by a sermipermeable
85. In plant cells solute potential is membrane, containing solutions 1M NaCl in
(1) Not present chamber A and 0.001M NaCl is chamber B. At
(2) Present due to vacuolar sap equilibrium which chamber will have lower
(3) Present due to cell wall (4) None of these water potential?
(1) A (2) B
86. Which of the following are important (3) Both chambers will have equal water potential
determinations of movement of molecules in or (4) May be A and B
out of the cell?
(1) Cell membrane 94. Two chambers separated by a semipermeable
(2) Membrane of vacuole membrane, containing solutions 1M NaCl in
(3) Cell wall (4) Both 1 and 2 chamber A and 0.001M NaCl in chamber B. If one
chamber have Ψs = -2000kpa and another Ψs = -
87. What is not true about osmosis? 1000kpa. These denote chambers
(1) Differential or semipermeable membrane is (1) A and B (2) B and A
involved (3) Can’t be determined (4) None of these
(2) Movement of solute takes place
(3) Occures in response to a driving force 95. Two chambers separated by a semipermeable
(4) Diffusion of water takes place membrane, containing solutions 1M NaCl in
chamber A and 0.001M NaCl in chamber B.
88. The net direction and the rate of osmosis depends Which chamber will have higher solute potential?
on (1) A (2) B
(1) Pressure gradient (3) Both will have equal (4) None of these
(2) Concentration gradient
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these 96. Which of the following can work as
semipermeable membrane?
89. During osmosis water moves from (1) Rubber sheath (2) Latex Sheath
(1) Region of its higher chemical potential to lower (3) Membrane from egg (4) All of these
(2) Region of its lower chemical potential to higher
(3) Water doesn’t moves (4) None of these 97. After removing yolk and albumin from a small
hole from the egg, shell is placed for few hours in
90. During osmosis water movement continues till which solution to get the semipermeable
(1) Receiving chamber has higher water potential membrane
(2) Equilibrium is achieved (1) Sucrose (2) Glucose
(3) Till all the water content from donor system is (3) Hydrochloric Acid (4) All of these
70% exhausted
98. A solution of sucrose in water is taken in a funnel
(4) None of these
is separated from pure water in a breaker through
91. Two chambers separated by a semipermeable semi-permeable membrane, water will move in
membrane, containing solutions 1 M NaCl in which direction
chamber A and 0.001 M NaCl in chamber B, (1) From beaker to funnel
Which chamber has lower water potential and (2) From funnel to beaker
lower solute potential (3) No water movement (4) None of these

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99. Pressure applied from the upper part of the 108. Plasmolysis takes place when cell is placed in
funnel such that no water diffuses into the funnel which type of solution
through the membrane is called (1) Hypertonic (2) Hypotonic
(1) Turger pressure (2) Diffusion pressure (3) Isotonic (4) Planktonic
(3) Osmotic pressure (4) None of these
109. When cells placed in hypertonic solution and
100. What is the relationship between solute water draw out of cell through diffusion into
concentration and pressure required to prevent extracellular fluid and protoplast shrinks away.
water from diffusing in that system This cell is called
(1) Inversely proportional (1) Plasmolysed (2) Flaccid
(2) Directly proportional (3) Turgid (4) None of these
(3) No relationship (4) None of these
110. When water flows into cell and out of cell and are
101. Numerically what is the relationship between
in equilibrium the cells are said to be
osmotic potential and osmotic pressure?
(1) Plasmolysed (2) Flaccid
(1) Osmotic potential is negative and osmotic
(3) Turgid (4) None of these
pressure is positive
(2) Osmotic pressure is negative and osmotic 111. When plasmolysed cells placed in hypotonic
potential is positive solution water diffuse inside causing the
(3) Osmotic pressure is equivalent to osmotic cytoplasm to build up a pressure against wall,
potential known as
(4) Both 1 and 3 (1) Turgor pressure
(2) Solute pressure
102. If the external solution balances the osmotic
(3) Wall pressure (4) None of these
pressure of the cytoplasm it is called
(1) Hypertonic (2) Hypotonic 112. The pressure caused by protoplast against the
(3) Isotonic (4) Planktonic rigid cell wall, due to entry of water is called
(1) Water potential
103. If the external solution is more dilute than
(2) Solute potential
cytoplasm, it is called
(3) Pressure potential (4) None of these
(1) Hypertonic (2) Hypotonic
(3) Isotonic (4) Planktonic 113. Turgor pressure is ultimately responsible for
(1) Enlargement of cells
104. Cells when placed in hypotonic solution is (2) Growth of cells
(1) Shrinks (2) Swells (3) Both 1 and 2 (4) Division of cells
(3) No effect (4) None of these
114. Special type of diffusion when water is absorbed
105. Cells shrink when placed in which type of by solids colloids, causing them to enormously
solution increase in volume is called
(1) Hypertonic (2) Hypotonic (1) Plasmolysis (2) Imbibition
(3) Isotonic (4) None of these (3) Transpiration (4) Guttation

106. Solution which is concentrated from cell 115. Which of the following is the example of
cytoplasm is known as imbibition?
(1) Hypertonic (2) Hypotonic (1) Absorption of water by seeds
(3) Isotonic (4) Planktonic (2) Absorption of water by dry wood
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these
107. When water moves out of the cell and cell
membrane of a plant cell shrinks away from its 116. Which of the following is essential for
cell wall imbibition?
(1) Transportation (2) Imbibition (1) Water potential gradient between the absorbent
(3) Plasmolysis (4) Apoplast and the liquid imbibed
(2) Affinity between the adsorbent and the liquid
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these

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117. Which of the following is not true? 125. Apoplast system of adjacent walls is continuous
(1) Diffusion in plants is a slow process throughout the plant except at
(2) Diffusion in plants accounts for only short (1) Casparian strips (2) Cortex
distance movement of molecules (3) Epidermis (4) All of these
(3) Imbibition is also a type of diffusion since water
movement is along a concentration gradient 126. Casperian strips are present in
(4) Transport of substances within a plant can be (1) Endoermis of stems (2) Endodermis of roots
by diffusion alone (3) Epidermis of roots (4) None of these

118. The movement of a molecule across a typical 127. The apoplastic movement of water occurs
plant cell about 50 μm takes approximately exclusively through the
(1) 2.5 m (2) 2.5 h (1) Intercellular spaces and the cell walls
(3) 2.5 s (4) None of these (2) Through plasmodesmata
(3) Through transpiration (4) None of these
119. Mass flow is the movement of substances in bulk
from one point to another as a result of 128. Which of the following is not correct?
(1) Temperature differences between two between (1) Apoplast movement is dependent on the
(2) Pressure difference between two between gradient
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these (2) The apoplast do not provide any barrier to
water movement which is through mass flow
120. Which of the following is not true? (3) In apoplast water evaporates into intercellular
(a) Substances whether in solution or in space or atmosphere developing a tension in
suspension are swept along at the same pace the continuous stream of water
in mass flow (4) Mass flow of water occurs only due to this
(b) Mass flow is unlike diffusion where different adhesive properties of water
substances move independently depending on
their concentration gradients. 129. Symplastic system is the system of
(c) Bulk flow in garden hose is achieved through interconnected
a negative hydrostatic pressure (1) Tonoplast (2) Cell wall
(d) Negative hydrostatic pressure is also achieved (3) Protoplast (4) None of these
during suction through a straw
(1) All are true (2) a and b not true 130. Neighbouring cells in plants are connected
(3) c not true (4) d not true through cytoplasmis strands that extends through
(1) Plasmodesmata (2) Mitochondria
121. The bulk movement of substances through the (3) Centriole (4) None of these
vascular tissues of plant is called
(1) Transportation (2) Transpiration 131. Which of the following is true?
(3) Guttation (4) Translocation (a) During symplastic movement water travels
through the cell
122. Xylem is mainly responsible for transportation of (b) Water movement is slower
which of the following from roots to aerial parts (c) Movement is down a potential gradient
of plants (d) Symplastic movement may be aided by
(1) Water and mineral salts cytoplasmic streaming
(2) Some organic nitrogen (1) All of these (2) a, b
(3) Hormones (4) All of these (3) c, d (4) a, b, d

123. Root hairs are thin walled slender extensions of 132. Casperian strip is impervious to water because of
root _______ cells a band of ________ matrix
(1) Endodermi cells (2) Epidermal cells (1) Cellulose (2) Chitin
(3) Cortex cells (4) None of these (3) Pectin (4) Suberised

124. Water is absorbed by root hairs by which process 133. In the root endodermis water moves through
(1) Transpiration (2) Diffusion (1) Symplast (2) Apoplast
(3) Evaporation (4) Guttation (3) Imbibition (4) None of these

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134. In young roots xylem vessels/or trachieds which 144. What percent of water reached to leaves is used in
are non living conduits are the part of photosynthesis and plant growth
(1) Symplast (2) Apoplast (1) <10% (2) <15%
(3) Imbibition (4) None of these (3) <1% (4) >5%

135. Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association of fungus 145. Loss of water through stomata of leaves is known
with as
(1) Stem (2) Leaf (1) Transportation (2) Transpiration
(3) Root (4) None of these (3) Imbibition (4) Osmosis

136. In mycorrhiza fungus provides _______ to plant 146. Cobalt chloride paper turns of which colour on
absorbing water
(1) Sugar
(1) Black (2) Blue
(2) N containing compound
(3) Green (4) Red/Pink
(3) Lipid (4) Water and minerals
147. Which of the following are the functions of
137. In mycorrhiza symbiotic association plant stomata?
provides ________ to fungus (1) Loss of water vapour in transpiration
(1) Sugar (2) Exchange of oxygen
(2) N containing compounds (3) Exchange of carbon dioxide in leaf
(3) Water and minerals (4) both 1 and 2 (4) All of these

138. Which of the following is having an obligate 148. Guard cells are present in which plant part
association with mycorrhiza? (1) Roots (2) Stems
(1) Cycas (2) Pinus (3) Leaves (4) None of these
(3) Deodar (4) Apple
139. Pinus seeds require association with mycorrhiza 149. The inner wall of each guard cell towards
for stomatal aperture is
(1) Growth (2) Seed germination (a) Thin (b) Thick
(c) Rigid (d) Elastic
(3) Flowering (4) None of these
(1) a, c (2) b, c
140. If stem of a soft stemmed plant is cut near the (3) b, d (4) a, d
base on a day when there is high atmosphere
moisture drops of solution ooze out. This is due 150. When turgidity in guard cell increases stomatal
to pore
(1) Solute potential (2) Transpiration (1) Closed (2) Open
(3) Root pressure (4) None of these (3) No effect (4) None of these

141. At night and early morning excess water collects 151. Cellulose microfibrils are oriented in the guard
in the form of water droplets on leaves, process is cells in which orientation
called (1) Asymmetrical (2) Radial
(1) Imbibition (2) Transportation (3) Bilateral (4) None of these
(3) Guttation (4) All of these
152. When guard cells become flaccid stomatal
142. Rate of upward flow of water through xylem in aperture
plants is around (1) Opens (2) Close
(1) 15mm/h (2) 15m/h (3) No effect (4) None of these
(3) 15cm/h (4) None of these 153. Dorsiventral leaves are present in
(1) Dicotyledons (2) Monocotyledons
143. Which of the following is a mode of water
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these
transport in plants?
(1) Cohesion-tension transpiration pull 154. Stomata are present in dicotyledons
(2) Cohesion tension root pressure (1) Greater number on upper surface of leaves
(3) Adhesion-tension transpiration pull (2) Greater number on lower surface of leaves
(4) None of these (3) Equal on both surfaces (4) None of these

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155. Isobilateral leaves are present in and 163. Which of the following is the function of
have types of distribution of stomata transpiration?
on leaves (1) Creates transpiration pull for absorption and
(1) Dicotyledons, equal on both surface transport of plants
(2) Monocotyledons, equal number on both sides (2) Supplies water for photosynthesis, transports of
(3) Monocotyledons, greater number on upper minerals from soil to all plant part
surface (3) Cools leaf surface and maintains shape and
(4) Monocotyledons, greater number on lower structure of plants
surface (4) All of these

156. Transpiration is effected by which of the 164. Vast cycling of water from root to leaf to
following atmosphere and back to soil in rainforests make
(1) Temperature and light (2) Humidity them
(3) Wind speed (4) All of these (1) Humid (2) Dry
(3) Semi dry (4) None of these
157. Plant factors that affect transpiration are
(1) Number and distribution of stomata 165. C4 plants are efficient in terms of fixing
carbondioxide as compared to C3 plants
(2) Percentage of stomata and canopy structure
(1) Equal (2) Less
(3) Water status of the plant
(3) 2 times more (4) None of these
(4) All of these
166. C4 plants loses amount of water as
158. Which of the following is the property of water?
compared to C3 plants for same amount of carbon
(1) Cohesion (2) Adhesion
dioxide fixed
(3) Surface tension (4) All of these
(1) Twice (2) Equal
(3) Half (4) Thrice
159. Cohesion is
(1) Mutual attraction between water molecules
167. Plants obtain their carbon and oxygen from
(2) Attraction of water molecules to polar surfaces
(1) Carbon monoxide, oxygen
(3) Water molecules attracted to each other in the (2) Both from carbondioxide
liquid phase more than water in gas phase (3) Carbon dioxide, oxygen (4) None of these
(4) None of these
168. All minerals enter the root by
160. Surface tension is (1) Passive absorption (2) Active absorption
(1) Mutual attraction between water molecules (3) Osmosis (4) Both 1 and 2
(2) Attraction of water molecules to polar surfaces
(3) Water molecules attracted to each other in the 169. All minerals donot enter by passive absorption
liquid phase more than water in gas phase (1) Minerals are as charged particles that can’t
(4) None of these cross cell membrane
(2) Minerals transport is downhill
161. Water has tensile strength & capillarity (3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these
(1) High, high (2) Low, high
170. Due to active transport of mineral ions in root:
(3) Zero, low (4) None of these
(1) Water moves out of root
162. If there is high concentration of water vapour in (2) Water moves inside roots by osmosis
atmosphere as compared to substomatal cavity (3) No water movement across the root
transpiration rate will be (4) None of these
(1) Low (2) High
171. Transport proteins of which cells in root are
(3) No effect on transpiration
responsible for maintaining quantity and type of
(4) None of these
solute reaching xylem.
(1) Epidermal cells (2) Cortical cells
(3) Endodermal cells (4) None of these

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172. Root endodermal cells have the ability to actively 182. Which of the following is not the accepted
transport ions: mechanism for translocation of sugars from
(1) Bidirectionally (2) Unidirectionally source to sink?
(3) Multidirectionally (4) None of these (1) Cohesion tension-transpiration pull theory
(2) The pressure flow hypothesis
173. Which of the following are the chief sinks of (3) Mass flow hypothesis
mineral element? (4) All are accepted mechanism for sugar
(1) Apical and lateral meristem translocation
(2) Young leaves, developing flowers
(3) Fruit and storage organs 183. Primary product of photosynthesis is
(4) All of these (1) Glucose (2) Sucrose
(3) Dimer of sucrose (4) All of these
174. Elements most readily mobilised from senescing
part are 184. In which form of sugar phloem receives the
(1) Nitrogen and potassium photosynthetic product
(2) Phosphorus (1) Glucose (2) Sucrose
(3) Magnesium (3) Dimer of sucrose (4) Amino acids
(4) All of these
185. Sugar pathway to phloem is
175. Which of the following is a structural component (1) Sugar, companion cell, seive tube cells
and not remobilised (2) Sugar, seive tube cell, companion cells
(1) Nitrogen (2) Phosphorus (3) Sugar, tracheids, companion cells, seive tube
(3) Calcium (4) Sulphur cells
(4) None of these
176. Source of minerals for different plant parts is
(1) Via root absorption 186. Loading of sugar in phloem _______ its solute
(2) By the remobilisation from senescing plant potential and it becomes ________
parts (1) Decrease, hypotonic
(3) Both 1 and 2 (2) Increase, hypertonic
(4) By adding metal chelators in soil where plant is (3) Increase, isotonic
grown (4) Decrease, hypertonic

177. Nitrogen is not carried in xylem as 187. As osmotic pressure builds up sugar solution
(1) Inorganic ions (2) Amino acids moves to the area of _______ turgor pressure
(3) Nitric acid (4) All of these (1) Equal (2) High
(3) Low (4) No movement
178. In the spring season which plant part work as
source of food and sink for food in plants 188. Which transport takes place for moving sugars
(1) Sugar stored in stem, buds of trees out of the phloem sap into cells?
(2) Sugar stored in root, buds of tree (1) Active (2) Passive
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) Leaves and root (3) Any of 1 and 2 (4) None of these

179. Transport through phloem is 189. At the sink during transport by phloem osmotic
(1) Unidirectional (2) Bidirectional pressure is
(3) Multidirectional (4) None of these (1) Increased (2) Reduced
(3) Equal to sap (4) None of these
180. Phloem transports
(1) Sucrose (2) Amino acids 190. During phloem transport water potential of sap is
(3) Hormones (4) All of these high during
(1) Source (leaves) when sugar is loaded in phloem
181. Which sugar is main component of phloem sap? (2) Sink (meristems) after sugar unloading
(1) Pentose (2) Sucrose (3) Both (4) None of these
(3) Heptoses (4) None of these

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191. In the girdling experiment when a ring of bark 9. Choose the correct option mycorrhiza is system
upto depth of phloem is removed. This result in association of fungus with root system which
(1) Swelling below the girdle helps in
(2) Swelling above the girdle A. Absorption of water B. Mineral Nutrition
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) None of these C. Translocation D. Gaseous exchange
Exemplar Questions
a. Only A b. Only B
1. Which of the following statements does not apply
c. Both A and B d. Both B and C
to reverse osmosis?
a. It is used for water purification 10. Based of the figure given below which of the
b. In this technique, pressure greater than osmotic following statements is not correct?
pressure is applied to the system
c. It is a passive process
d. It is an active process

2. Which one of the following will not directly

affect transpiration?
a. Temeperature b. Light
c. Wind speed
d. Chlorophyll content of leaves

3. The lower surface of leaf will have more number a. Movement of solvent molecules will take place
of stomata in a: from chamber A to B
a. Dorsiventral leaf b. Isobilateral leaf b. Movement of solute will take place from A to B
c. Both a and b d. None of the above c. Presence of a semipermeable is a pre-requisite
for this process to occur
4. The form of sugar transported through phloem is
d. The direction and rate of osmosis depends both
a. Glucose b. Fructose
the pressure gradient and concentration
c. Sucrose d. Ribose
5. The process of guttation takes place
11. Match the followings and choose the correct ones
a. When the root pressure is high and the rate of
Column I Column II
transpiration is low
A. Leaves I. Anti-transpirant
b. When the root pressure is low and the rate of B. Seed II. Transpiration
transpiration is high C. Roots III. Negative osmotic potential
c. When the root pressure equals the rate of D. Aspirin IV. Imbibition
transpiration E. Plasmolysed cell V. Absorption
d. When the root pressures as well as rate of
transpiration are high Options:
a. A – II, B – IV, C – V, D – I, E - III
6. Which of the following is an example of
b. A – II, B – V, C – IV, D – I, E – III
c. A – II, B – IV, C – III, D – I, E - V
a. Uptake of water by root hair
d. A – II, B – IV, C – III, D – III, E – I
b. Exchange of gases in stomata
c. Swelling of gases in stomata 11. Mark the mismatched pair
d. Opening of stomata
a. Amyloplast I. Store protein granule
7. When a plant undergoes senescence, the nutrients b. Elaioplast II. Store oils or fats
may be c. Chloroplasts III. Contain chlorophyll pigment
a. Exported b. Withdrawn d. Chromoplasts IV. Contain coloured pigment
c. Translocated d. None of the above other than chlorophyll
8. Water potential of pure water at standard e. Leucoplast V. Contains colourless pigments
temperature is equal to
a. 10 b. 20
c. Zero d. None of the above.

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Answer Key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
4 3 4 4 2 2 2 3 4 3 1 4 2 1 3
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
3 4 3 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 1
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
2 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 2
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2 1 1 4 3 4 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 3 4
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
3 2 4 1 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 3
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 1 2
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2 2 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 2 4 3 2 2 1
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
1 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 3
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
4 4 2 2 1 2 1 4 3 1 1 4 1 2 3
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
4 4 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 2 4 3 3 2
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165
2 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 1 3 1 1 4 1 3
166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
3 2 4 2 2 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 4
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 2

Exemplar Question (Answer key)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
c d a c a c b c c b a a

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