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Unit 1 - NCERT Based MCQs - Diversity in The Living World

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

All members of Kingdom Animalia:
Bilateral symmetry:

1.    have tissues like nerve and muscle.

I.    Bilateral symmetry  is the body plan where the body
2.    reproduce exclusively by sexual method.
of the animal can be divided into two identical halves
3.    are multicellular.
through any plane passing through the central axis of the
4.    exhibit same pattern of organization of cells.

II.      While Ctenophores and adult Echinoderms have

bilateral symmetry, Annelida and Arthropods have radial


Consider the given two statements:
In light of the above statements, choose the most
Statement 1:      Sponges exhibit cellular level of appropriate answer from the options given below:

1.    Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.

Statement 2:      Cnidarians have tissue level of 2.    Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.

3.    Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.

In light of the above statements, choose the most 4.     Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.

appropriate answer from the options given below:


1.    Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.

2.    Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.

3.    Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.

Flatworms will exhibit all the following except:

4.     Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.

1.    Bilateral symmetry

2.    Three embryonic layers

3.    Incomplete digestive system

4.    Coelom

A complete digestive system is present in the  

members of all the following phyla of Animal Kingdom


I.    Platyhelminthes
The triploblastic animals differ from the diploblastic
II.    Mollusca
animals in having:

III.    Annelida
1.    Ectoderm

1.    Only I
2.    Mesoderm

2.    Only II
3.    Endoderm

3.    Only II and III

4.    Gastroderm

4.    I, II and III


Consider the given features:

The type of circulatory system, in which blood is A: Body cavity lined by mesoderm 

circulated through a series of vessels [arteries, veins and B: The mesoderm present as scattered pouches in
capillaries] and never leaves the network of blood between the ectoderm and the endoderm

vessels, is called as:

Select the correct option of Animals having the features
1.    An open circulatory system
A and B:
2.    A closed circulatory system
3.    A lymphatic system
1. Aschelminthes Annelids
3.    A portal circulation

2. Platyhelminthes Ctenophores

3. Arthropods Molluscs
4. Arthropods Aschelminthes

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

In metameric segmentation:
Identify the incorrect statement regarding sponges:

I.    The body is divided into segments only externally.

1.     Water enters the sponge body through ostia into a
II.    There is a serial repetition of at least some organs.
spongocoel from where it goes out through the osculum.

1.    Only I is correct

2.    Body is supported by a skeleton made up of spicules
2.    Only II is correct
or spongin fibres.

3.    Both I and II are correct

3.    Sexes are not separate.
4.     Both I and II are incorrect
4.    Fertilization is external.


The notochord:
Regarding the cell shown in the given figure:

I.    is derived from embryonic mesoderm.

II.      is present on the ventral side during embryonic

development in chordates.

1.    Only I is correct

2.    Only II is correct

3.    Both I and II are correct

4.     Both I and II are incorrect

The given figure shows broad classification of
Kingdom Animalia based on common fundamental
features. Which of the following can be true based on
the information given in the figure? 

Statement I:     The name Cnidaria is derived from this
a.    Sponges represent ‘A’
b.    ‘B’ includes flatworms
Statement II:    The stinging capsule present in the cell is
c.    Animals in ‘C’ are triploblastic called as nematode

d.    Radial symmetry is seen in adults of animals in ‘D’

Statement III:      These cells help cnidarians in
e.    Animals in ‘E’ have a complete digestive system 
anchorage, defence and in capturing the prey

1.    only a, c and e

1.    While Statement I and II are correct, Statement III is
2.    only a, b and e

3.    only b and d

2.      Statement I, Statement II and Statement III are
4.    only a, c and d

3.    Only Statement II is incorrect

4.    Only Statement I is correct

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Identify the incorrect statement regarding animals 18.
In Ctenophora:

belonging to the Phylum Cnidaria:

a.      body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb
1.    Gastrovascular cavity has a single opening, mouth plates, which help in locomotion.

on hypostome.
b.    reproduction takes place only by asexual means.

2.    Corals are cnidarians and have a skeleton of calcium c.    digestion is both extracellular and intracellular.

d.    sexes are separate.

3.      They exhibit tissue level of organization and are The correct statements are:

1.    a and c only

4.    Digestion is exclusively intracellular.

2.    b and d only

3.    a, b and c only

4.    a, b and d only

Consider the following statements regarding basic

body plans in Cnidaria:

I.      Polyp is sessile and cylindrical form as seen in 19.

Consider the two statements:

Hydra and Adamsia.

Statement 1:      Planaria is a free living flatworm and
II.      Medusa is umbrella-shaped and free swimming possesses high regeneration capacity.

form as seen in Aurelia.

Statement 2:      Hooks and suckers are present in the
1.    Only I is correct
parasitic flatworms.

2.    Only II is correct

1.    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect

3.    Both I and II are correct

2.    Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct

4.     Both I and II are incorrect

3.    Both Statement I and Statement 2 are correct

4.    Both Statement I and Statement 2 are incorrect

In Obelia:

a.      both polyp and medusa forms exist during its life 20.
The structure shown in the given figure helps
flatworms in:

b.      metagenesis, a sort of alternation of generation, is  


c.    polyps produce medusae sexually and medusae form

the polyps sexually

1.    only a is correct

2.    only a and b are correct

3.    only c is correct

4.    a, b and c are correct

Match each item in Column I with their correct
match in Column II and select the answer from the codes
A Physalia P Sea-fan
B Adamsia Q Sea anemone
C Pennatula R Sea-pen
D Gorgonia S Portuguese men of war    

Codes: 1.    Catching food and digesting it

A B C D 2.    Exchange of gases 

3.    Excretion and Osmoregulation

1. S Q R P 4.    Regeneration of lost body parts

2. S R Q P  

3. P Q R S

4. S P Q R
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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Members of the Phylum Platyhelminthes differ from 26.
Match each item in Column I with one in Column II

animals belonging to Phylum Annelida and Phylum and select the correct match from the codes given:
Arthropoda in:
1.    having two germ layers instead of three
2.    lacking a coelom
A Insect reared for producing silk P Locusta
3.    showing bioluminescence

Mosquito acting as vector for Dengue

4.    having a complete digestive system
B Q Bombyx

C Gregarious pest R Limulus

D. Living fossil S Aedes
A worm:

I.    has dorso-ventrally flattened body

II.    is an endoparasite in human beings
III.     has hooks and suckers present at its anterior end
1. Q S P R
In light of the above statements, it will be reasonable to
conclude that this worm belongs to Phlyum:
2. Q S R P
1.    Platyhelminthes
3. P Q R S
2.    Annelida
4. R P Q S
3.    Aschelminthes

4.    Cnidaria

Identify the incorrect statement regarding Mollusca:

1.    It is the second largest animal Phylum after Phylum

Consider the following statements regarding Arthropoda.

2.    It includes animals that are bilaterally symmetrical,
Statement I:    Alimentary canal is complete with a well triploblastic and coelomate.

developed muscular pharynx.

3.      Body is covered with a calcareous shell and is
Statement II:    An excretory tube removes body wastes metamerically segmented with a distinct head, muscular
from the body cavity through the excretory pore.
foot and visceral hump.

Statement III:    They are dioecious and males are longer 4.      Gills are present in the mantle cavity, a space
than females.
between the mantle and the hump.

The incorrect statement is/are:


1.    Only Statement II

2.    Only Statement III

3.    Only Statement I and Statement II

Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
4.    Only Statement II and Statement III
1. Pinctada Pearl Oyster
2. Aplysia Sea hare

3. Dentalium Tusk shell

Unlike Arthropods, Annelids:
4. Loligo Devil fish
1.    have a true coelom lined by embryonic mesoderm

2.    have a closed circulatory system

3.    do not reproduce by sexual methods

4.    have a complete digestive system

Which of the following will be correct regarding

1.     They have bilateral symmetry as adults and radial

symmetry as larvae.

Identify the incorrect statement regarding animals 2.    They are triploblastic and coelomates.

belonging to Phylum Annelida:

3.    They possess a well developed excretory system.

1.      Aquatic annelids like Nereis possess lateral 4.    They have an incomplete digestive system.

appendages, parapodia, which help in swimming.


2.    Nereis is dioecious.

3.    Earthworm is monoecious.

4.   Hirudinaria, blood sucking leech, is an annelid that
lacks true coelom and metamerism.

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Which of the following is not an Echinoderm?
Consider the given statements:

1.    Sea Urchin

Statement 1:    In Urochordata, notochord is present only
2.    Sea lily
in larval tail.

3.    Brittle star

Statement 2:      In Cephalochordata, notochord extends
4.    Brain coral
from head to tail region and is persistent throughout their

Statement 3:    Both Urochordates and Cephalochordates

are exclusively marine.

Consider the given two statements:
     Which of the given statements is/ are true?

Statement 1:    Hemichordates were earlier considered as 1.    Only statement 1 and statement 2

a sub-phylum under Phylum Chordata but are now 2.    Only statement 1 and statement 3

placed separately in a phylum under non-chordata.

3.    Only statement 2 and statement 3

Statement 2:      Hemichordates have a rudimentary 4.    Statement 1, statement 2 and statement 3

structure in the collar region called stomochord, a  

structure homologous to the notochord.

1.      Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct but

Statement 2 does not explain Statement 1.
Consider the two statements:

2.    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect.

Statement 1:      All vertebrates are chordates but all
3.    Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect.
chordates are not vertebrates.

4.      Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and Statement 2:      Besides the basic chordate features, all
Statement 2 explains Statement 1.    
vertebrates have at least a three chambered heart and
paired appendages

1.      Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct but

Statement 2 does not explain Statement 1.

In hemichordates:
2.    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect.

1.    Circulatory system is closed type

3.    Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect.

2.      Proboscis gland is a digestive gland that secretes 4.      Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct and
large number of hydrolytic enzymes Statement 2 explains Statement 1.    

3.    Respiration takes place through gills


4.      Sexes are not separate, fertilization is internal and

development is direct

Which of the following features will be seen in
Chordates but not in non-chordates?

a.    A notochord

b.    Ventral, solid and double central nervous system

c.    Pharynx perforated by gill slits

d.    Ventral heart

e.    Terminal anus and a lack of post-anal tail

1.    a, c and d only

2.    a, b and e only

3.    a and c only

4.    b, c and d only

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

The given flow chart shows the classification scheme 37.
The number of correct statements from the given

of sub-phylum Vertebrata. Identify A, B, C and D.

statements, regarding the members of Class
Cyclostomata, is:

a.    All living members are ectoparasites on some fishes.

b.      The body bears 6-15 pairs of gill slits for


c.      They have a sucking and circular mouth without


d.    Their body is devoid of scales and paired fins.

e.    Cranium and vertebral column are bony.

f.    Circulation is of open type.

1.    3

2.    4

3.    5

4.    6

Regarding reproduction in Cyclostomes:

I.    They are marine but migrate for spawning to fresh


II.    After spawning, within a few days, they die. 

III.      Their larvae, after metamorphosis, return to the


1.    Only II is correct

2.    Only I and II are correct

3.    Only II and III are correct

4.    I, Ii and III are correct

Identify the pair of animals that are members of
Class Cyclostomata:
1. Petromyzon, Myxine
2. Ascidia, Salpa
3. Pristis, Doliolum
4. Branchiostoma, Balanoglossus


1. are marine animals and have cartilaginous

A B C D endoskeleton

1. Phylum Cephalochordata Urochordata Protochordata 2. have a mouth located dorsally

3. have teeth that are modified cycloid or ctenoid scales

2. Division Agnatha Super-Class Pisces directed backwardly

3. Phylum Protochordata Infra-class Jawless fishes 4. have the capacity to regulate their body temperature


4. Division Agnatha Pisces


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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Which of the following is not a cartilaginous fish?
Which of the following is not a characteristic of

1.    Saw fish


2.    Dog fish

1.    Most have two pairs of limbs and tail is present in
3.    Sea horse

4.    Sting ray

2.      Alimentary canal, urinary and reproductive tracts
open into a common chamber called cloaca which opens

to the exterior.

3.    Respiration is by gills, lungs and through skin.

What would be not true regarding cartilaginous 4.    The heart is two chambered with one atrium and one

1.    In males pelvic fins bear claspers


2.    Some of them have electric organs [Torpedo]

3.    None of them is viviparous

4.    Some posses poison sting [Trygon]

Most reptiles:

I.    are terrestrial

II.    have a three-chambered heart

1.    Only I is correct

Identify the incorrect statement regarding bony 2.    Only II is correct

3.    Both I and II are correct

Statement 1:     They have four pairs of gills which are 4.    Both I and II are incorrect

covered by an operculum on each side.


Statement 2:      Due to the absence of air bladder they

have to swim constantly to avoid sinking.

Statement 3:    Skin is covered with placoid scales.

In reptiles:

Statement 4:    Mouth is mostly terminal.

Statement 1:      Body is covered by dry and cornified
1.    Only Statement 2
skin, dermal scales or scutes.
2.    Only Statement 2 and Statement 3 
Statement 2:    External ear is not present and tympanum
3.    Only Statement 1 and Statement 4
represents the ear.

4.    Only Statement 4

Statement 3:      Scales are shed as skin cast in all

Statement 4:    Fertilization is internal and development

is direct.

Which of the following is not a bony fish?
1.    Only Statement 2 is correct

1.    Angel fish

2.    Only Statement 2 and Statement 4 are correct

2.    Flying fish

3.    All statements are correct

3.    Star fish

4.    Only Statement 1 and Statement  2 are incorrect

4.    Fighting fish       


Which of the following reptiles has a four
Exocoetus, Labeo, Clarias and Pterophyllum are all:
chambered heart?

1.    endotherms
1.    Crocodile

2.    marine fishes 2.    Wall lizard

3.    protochordates
3.    Turtle

4.    bony fishes

4.    Tortoise


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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

In birds:
Which of the following is an egg laying mammal?

a.    the characteristic feature is the presence of feathers.

1.    Ornithorhynchus

b.    forelimbs are modified into wings.

2.    Macropus

c.    flight is present in all members.

3.    Macaca

d.    hind limbs do not have scales.

4.    Balaenoptera

1.    Only a and d are incorrect


2.    Only c and d are correct

3.    a, b and c are correct

4.     Only a and b are correct

Flying fox is a/an:

1.    Flightless bird

2.    Limbless amphibian

3.    Viviparous mammal

Birds are not characterized by:
4.    Economically important insect

1.    a fully ossified endoskeleton


2.    pneumatic long bones

3.    absence of crop and gizzard in the digestive tract

4.    a dry skin without glands except the oil gland

The vast majority of bacteria are:

1. Heterotrophs

2. Photoautotrophs

3. Chemosynthetic autotrophs

Consider the given two statements:
4. Methanotrophs

Statement 1:      Birds have a four chambered heart and  

are warm blooded.

Statement 2:    Respiration in birds is by lungs that are

connected to air sacs.

1.    Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.

I. are also referred to as ‘blue green algae’.

2.    Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.

II. are photosynthetic autotrophs with chlorophyll a
3.    Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
similar to green plants.

4.     Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.

III. often form blooms in polluted water bodies.

IV. some of them can fix atmospheric nitrogen in

specialised cells called hetrocysts.

In light of the above given statements:

Identify the incorrectly matched pair: 1. Only III is incorrect and the rest are correct

Biological name Common name 2. Only I, II and III are correct

1. Aptenodytes Penguin 3. All statements are correct

4. Only I and III are correct

2. Pavo Peacock

3. Struthio Pigeon

4. Psittacula Parrot

In NCERT textbook which of the following are not

included in Kingdom Protista?

1. Chrysophytes

The most unique characteristic of mammals is the 2. Dinoflagellates

presence of: 3. Protozoa

1.    a four chambered heart

4. Blue green algae
2.    a single aortic arch

3.    homeothermy

4.    mammary glands

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Consider the given statements regarding slime 65.
Amongst the plants:

I. Bladderwort and Venus flytrap are insectivorous.

Statement I: Under unfavourable conditions they form a II. Cuscuta is parasitic.

1. Only I is correct

Statement II: During favourable conditions, the 2. Only II is correct

plasmodium differentiates and forms fruiting bodies 3. Both I and II are correct

bearing spores at their tips.

4. Both I and II are incorrect

Statement III: The spores bear true walls.


Statement IV: The spores are dispersed by water.

1. Only Statement I and Statement II are correct

2. Only Statement III is correct

Which of the following will not be true for members
3. All statements are incorrect
of Kingdom Animalia?

4. Only Statement III and Statement IV are correct

1. They all are multicellular

2. Mode of nutrition is hetrotrophic – holozoic

3. Most are capable of locomotion

4. They do not follow a definite growth plan

Identify the incorrect statement regarding body  

organization in fungi:

1. With the exception of yeast, fungi are filamentous.

2. Their bodies consist of long slender hyphae that may 67.

A store house of collected plant specimens that are
be coenocytic or septate.
dried, pressed and preserved on sheets is called as:

3. The network of hyphae is known as the mycelium.

1. Herbarium         

4. The cell walls of fungi lack chitin and 2. Flora

3. Catalogues

4. Manuals

Which of the following is not used in asexual
reproduction in fungi?
Regarding artificial system of classification of living
1. Conidia

2. Sporangiospores
Statement I: It is the most acceptable system for
3. Zoospores
classification of living organisms.

4. Ascospores
Statement II: The vegetative characters are more easily
affected by environment.

1. Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect

2. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and

Mucor, Rhizopus [the bread mould] and Albugo [the Statement II explains Statement I

parasitic fungi on mustard] belong to:

3. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is correct

1. Phycomycetes
4. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct but
2. Ascomycetes
Statement II does not explain Statement I

3. Basidiomycetes

4. Deuteromycetes

The system of classification of plants given by
Carolus Linnaeus was:

Which of the following is not true regarding 1. an artificial system based mainly on the androecium
members of Dueteromycetes?

1. Mycelium is septate and branched.

2. a natural system based on large number of natural
2. Many are decomposers and help in mineral cycling.
affinities between flowering plants.

3. They reproduce only by asexual spores called as 3. was a phylogenetic system based on evolutionary

4. They include Agaricus, Claviceps and Colletotrichum. 4. was a chemotaxonomic system based on structure of
homologous proteins.

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

In numerical taxonomy:
The form and size of algae is highly variable. Which

I. computers are used and all the observable characters of the following will not be true?

are taken into consideration.

I. Volvox is a colonial alga.

II. hundreds of characters can be considered together and II. Ulothrix and Spirogyra do not form filaments.

each character is given equal importance.

III. Kelps form massive plants bodies.

1. Only I is correct
1. Only II

2. Only II is correct
2. Only III

3. Both I and II are correct

3. Both I and II

4. both I and II are incorrect

4. Both II and III


Identify the incorrect statement regarding 74.
Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
classification of plants given by George Bentham and Alga Sexual reproduction
Joseph Dalton Hooker:
I. Ulothrix Isogamous; non-flagellated gametes
1. It is a natural system of classification.

II. Spirogyra Isogamous; flagellated gametes

2. It totally disregarded the external characters and did
not include them to classify plants.
III. Udorina Anisogamous
3. It used internal features like structure, anatomy, IV. Fucus Oogamous
embryology and phytochemistry.

4. It was based on natural affinities among the 1. Only III

2. I, II and

3. Only I and II

4. Only III and IV

Match each item in Column I with one in Column II  

and select the correct match as your answer from the

coders given:
Consider the given statements:

Statement I: Algin is a hydrocolloid derived from brown
[Feature used] algae

A. Artificial P. Evolutionary relationships Statement II: Carrageen is a hydrocolloid derived from
green algae

B. Phylogenetic Q.  Gross morphological characters

Statement III: Agar is a complex polysaccharide derived
C. Chemotaxonomy R. Chemical constituents of plants from red algae, Gelidium and Gracilaria

Chromosome number, structure 1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect;

D. Cytotaxonomy S.
and behaviour Statement III is incorrect

2. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct;

Codes Statement III is correct

A B C D 3. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct;

1. P Q S R Statement III is incorrect

4. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect;

2. Q P R S
Statement III is correct

3. R S P Q  

4. S R Q P

Which of the following is not an example of an
edible alga?

1. Porphyra

2. Laminaria

3. Sargassum

4. Amanita

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Consider the two statements regarding Chlorella:
Regarding the size and form of brown algae:

Statement I: It is single-celled green algae.

I. Ectocarpus is profusely branched and may reach a
Statement II: It is used as a food supplement. height of 100 meters.

1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

II. Kelps are simple branched filamentous brown algae.

2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

1. Both I and II are incorrect

3. Statement I and Statement II are correct

2. Only I is incorrect

4. Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

3. Only I is correct

4. Both I and II are correct

Which of the following will not be true for members
of Chlorophyceae?
All the following statements will be true for brown
1. The photosynthetic pigments are located within algae except:

definite chloroplasts.
1. Major pigments are chlorophyll a, c, fucoxanthin

2. Choloroplast are discoid in shape in all members of 2. Food is stored as complex carbohydrates which may
be in the form of Laminarin or Mannitol

3. Most of the members have one or more storage bodies 3. Vegetative cells have chitinous wall usually covered
called pyrenoids, containing proteins besides starch, on the outside by a gelatinous coating of algin

located in the chloroplasts.

4. Flagellar number and insertions are 2, unequal and
4. Some green algae may store food in the form of oil lateral


In brown algae:

Which of the following feature given in column I is I. Asexual reproduction is by biflagellate zoospores that
not correctly matched with its correct description given are pear shaped and have two unequal and laterally
in Column II with respect to members of attached flagella.

Chlorophyceae? II. The gametes are pyriform [pear shaped] and bear two
COLUMN I COLUMN II laterally attached flagella.

Main 1. Both I and II are incorrect

1. photosynthetic Chlorophyll a, b 2. Only I is incorrect

pigment 3. Only I is correct

4. Both I and II are correct

Inner layer of cellulose and

2. Cell wall  

outer layer of pectose

3. Stored food Starch

Flagellar number 84.
The leaf like photosynthetic organ in the body of a
4. 2-8. unequal. basal
and insertion typical brown alga is called as:

1. Frond

2. Stipe

3. Holdfast

All the following are examples of members of 4. Rhizoid

Chlorophyceae except:

1. Ectocarpus

2. Chlamydomanas

3. Chara
All the following belong to Phaeophyceae except:

4. Ulothrix
1. Dictyota

2. Porphyra

3. Fucus

4. Sargassum

Page: 11
Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

All the following statements will be true for brown 91.
Which of the following statement will not be true

algae except:
regarding bryophytes?

1. Major pigments are chlorophyll a, d and 1. They are dependent on water for sexual reproduction.

2. Archegonium is flask shaped and produces multiple
2. Food is stored as floridean starch.

3. Vegetative cells have wall made of cellulose, pectin 3. Sporophyte is attached to the photosynthetic
and polysuphate esters.
gametophytes and derives nourishment from it.

4. Flagellar number and insertions are 2, equal and 4. The antherozoids are released into water.


Regarding Marchantia:

Sexual reproduction is oogamous and accompanied I. The thallus is dorsi-ventral and closely appressed to
by complete post-fertilization developments in the the substrate.

members of:
II. The plant is monoecious.

1. Chlorophyceae
1. Both I and II are incorrect

2. Phaeophyceae
2. Only I is incorrect

3. Rhodophyceae
3. Only I is correct

4. Both Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae

4. Both I and II are correct


All the following are members of rhodophyceae 93.
In liverworts:

I. Asexual reproduction is not seen.

1. Polysiphonia
II. Sexual reproduction takes place by multicellular
2. Laminaria

3. Gracilaria
1. Both I and II are incorrect

4. Gelidium
2. Only I is incorrect

3. Only I is correct

4. Both I and II are correct

Which of the following is expected to be found in

deepest waters?

1. Red algae
Sporophyte is differentiated into a foot, a seta and a
2. Green algae
capsule in:

3. Brown algae
I. Liverworts

4. Blue green algae

II. Mosses

1. Only I

2. Only II

3. Both I and II

Consider the two statements:
4. Neither I nor II

Statement I: Bryophytes usually occur in damp, humid  

and shaded localities and are not truly ‘successful’ on


Statement II: They are dependent on water for sexual 95.

All the following bryophytes are ‘Mosses’ except:

1. Funaria

1. Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect

2. Marchantia

2. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and 3. Polytrichum

Statement II explains Statement I

4. Sphagnum

3. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is correct


4. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct but

Statement II does not explain Statement I:

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Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Consider the given statements regarding Mosses:
In angiosperms:

I. Protonema is a gametophyte stage that is creeping, I. The dicots are characterized by seeds having two
green, branched and frequently filamentous.
cotyledons, reticulate venation and trimerous flowers.

II. Leafy stage bears sex organs and is attached to the II. The monocots are characterized by single
soil through multicellular and branched rhizoids.
cotyledonous seed, parallel venation and tetramerous or
III. Sex organs are produced at the apex of the leafy pentamerous flowers.

1. Only I is correct

IV. They have an elaborate mechanism of spore 2. Only II is correct

3. Both I and II are correct

1. Only I, II and III are correct

4. Both I and II are incorrect

2. Only I, III and IV are correct


3. Only II, III and IV are correct

4. I, II, III and IV are correct

In Haplontic life cycle:

I. Sporophytic generation is represented only by the one-

celled zygote.

Consider the given statements regarding certain II. Meiosis in zygote results in the formation of haploid

Statement I: In Selaginella and Equisetum, sporophylls III. The dominant photosynthetic stage is the free living
may form distinct compact structures called strobili or gametophyte

1. Only I is correct

Statement II: Selaginella and Salvinia are heterosporous.

2. Only I and III are correct

1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

3. Only II is correct

2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

4. I, II and III are correct

3. Statement I and Statement II are correct


4. Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Regarding plants exhibiting diplontic life cycle:

1. Gametophyte is the dominant photosynthetically

Consider the two statements:
independent phase.

Assertion: Heterospory in some pteridophytes paved the 2. The sporophytic stage is represented by the single to
way for the evolution of seeds in higher plants.
few-celled diploid sporophyte.

Reason: The megaspores and microspores in 3. All seed bearing plants follow this pattern with some
heterosporous ferns give rise to female and male variations.

gametophytes respectively.
4. Most algae follow this type of life cycle.

1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason  

correctly explains the Assertion.

2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason does

not correctly explain the Assertion.
A plant has a diploid sporophyte as the dominant,
3. Assertion is true and Reason is false.
independent, photosynthetic, vascular body. It alternates
4. Assertion is false and Reason is true.
with multicellular, saprophytic/autotrophic, independent
but short-lived haploid gametophyte. This plant most

likely belongs to:

1. Red algae

Consider the given two statements:
2. Bryophytes

Statement I: In Cycas, the pinnate leaves persist for a 3. Pteridophytes

few years.
4. Gymnosperms
Statement II: In conifers, the needle-like leaves reduce  

the surface area helping to reduce water loss.

1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

3. Statement I and Statement II are correct

4. Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Page: 13
Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

The type of life cycle followed by:
What would be true for an animal that exhibits the

I. Spirogyra is haplontic
kind of body symmetry shown in the given diagram?

II. Fucus is diplontic

III. Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia and kelps is haplo-


1. Only I and II are correct

2. Only I and III are correct

3. Only II and III are correct

4. I, II and III are correct

A plant has a dominant, independent,
photosynthetic, thalloid or erect phase as a haploid
gametophyte which alternates with the short-lived,
multicellular sporophyte totally or partially dependent
on the gametophyte for its anchorage and nutrition. This
plant most likely belongs to:

1. Red algae

2. Bryophytes

3. Pteridophytes
Statement I: This is seen in sponges, cnidarians,
4. Gymnosperms
ctenophores and larval echinoderms.

Statement II: This type of body symmetry is generally

seen in animals which move actively in their


In Biology ‘tissue’ is a level of organization 1. Only Statement I

2. Only Statement II

1. cell and organ

3. Both Statement I and Statement II

2. molecules and cell

4. Neither Statement I nor Statement II

3. cells and organ system


4. organ and organ system

The diagram shows an organism with the following

I. Presence of comb plates on the surface.

II. Bioluminiscence

This animal can be:

1. A sponge

2. A Cnidarian

3. A Ctenophore

4. A flatworm
Page: 14
Unit 1 - Diversity - Masterclass MCQs

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Given below is a figure showing the worms which 111.
The figure shows the mouth of a chordate. It can

are the most common cause of helminthic infestation in easily be seen that:

the world.
I. The mouth is circular

II. Jaw is absent.

1. A is male Asacaris and B is female Ascaris

This chordate can be:

2. A is female Asacaris and B is male Ascaris

1. Ascidia

3. A is male Wuchereria and B is female Wuchereria

2. Amphioxus

4. A is female Wuchereria and B is male Wuchereria

3. Petromyzon

4. Exocoetus

Identify the organism seen in the given figure:

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filling the OMR, you would get answers and explanations
for the questions in the test.

1. Balanoglossus

2. Petromyzon

3. Amphioxus
4. Salpa

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