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M CAPS 02 - Botany (PMTcorner - In) PDF

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NEET & AIIMS - 2019

(Medical-Classroom Assessment Practice Sheet)
Topics covered : Cell: The Unit of Life : Cytoskeleton, Centrosome, Centrioles, Cillia and Flagella, Nucleus,
Chromosomes, Microbodies,Introduction, Cell Cycle–Phases of Cell Cycle, Mitosis–Definition.

1. An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous 4. Choose odd one w.r.t the presence of nucleus.
structures present in the cytoplasm of an (1) Mature Sieve tube cell
eukaryotic cell is called
(2) Companion cell
(1) Cytoskeleton
(3) Mesophyll cell
(2) Spindle fibres
(4) Parenchymatous cell
(3) Filaments
(4) Contractile filaments 5. Loose and indistinct network of nucleoprotein fibres
present in interphase nucleus is called
2. Space between the two membranes of nuclear
envelope is called (1) Chromosome (2) Chromatin

(1) Pericentriolar space (3) Chromonemata (4) Chromatid

(2) Luminal space 6. Ribosomal RNA synthesis takes place in
(3) Perinuclear space (1) Nucleoplasm (2) Nucleus
(4) Intranuclear space (3) Nucleolus (4) Cytoplasm
3. Observe the diagram and Identify A, B and C. 7. Read the following statements and choose the
A correct statements.
B A. Cilia and flagella are covered with plasma
B. Centrioles form the basal body of both cilia as
C well as flagella.
C. Approximately 2 m long thread of DNA is
distributed among 46 pairs of chromosomes in
a single human cell.
D. Movement of proteins and RNA into or out of
The correct option is nucleus occurs through nuclear pores.
(1) A-Telomere B-Satellite C-Centromere
(1) A, B, & D (2) A, B & C
(2) A-Satellite B-Secondary C-Centromere
(3) B, C & D (4) A, C & D
8. Membrane bound minute vesicles that contain
(3) A-Secondary B-Satellite C-Centromere various enzymes, present in both plants and
constriction animals are called
(4) A-Short arm B-Secondary C-Centromere (1) Vacuoles (2) Macrobodies
constriction (3) Microbodies (4) Centrosomes

Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
M-CAPS : 02 (Medical-Classroom Assessment Practice Sheet) Regular Medical - 2019

9. Match the column I to column II and choose the 14. The phase of the cell cycle where cells remain
correct option. metabolically active but usually do not proliferate is
Column I Column II (1) G0 phase (2) M-phase
a. Cilia (i) Cristae (3) Quiescent phase (4) Both (1) and (3)
b. Centromere (ii) Membraneless 15. Adult animal cell that does not divide is
c. Centrosome (iii) Chromatin (1) Skin cell (2) Hair cell
d. Interphase nucleus (iv) Primary constriction (3) Stem cell (4) Nerve cell
e. Mitochondria (v) Axoneme 16. Choose the incorrect option w.r.t. mitosis.
(1) a(v), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii), e(i) (1) Daughter cells and parent cell are identical to
(2) a(v), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii), e(i) each other
(3) a(v), b(i), c(ii), d(iii), e(iv) (2) It is required during gametogenesis of haploid
(4) a(iv), b(v), c(ii), d(iii), e(i)
(3) It was first observed by Strasburger in plant
10. Total number of peripheral microtubules in flagella cell
is (i) and in centrioles is (ii) . (4) It does not occur in the gonad cells of
(1) (i)-18, (ii)-27 (2) (i)-27, (ii)-18 animals
(3) (i)-20, (ii)-27 (4) (i)-27, (ii)-20 17. If a diploid daughter cell formed after mitosis has
11. Observe the diagram given below and choose the 16 chromosomes and 2C content of DNA, what
correct option. would have been the chromosome number and
DNA content in its parent cell?
C (1) After G1 phase
A Content of DNA = 1C
Number of chromosomes = 16
(2) After S-phase
Content of DNA = 2C
Number of chromosomes = 32
D (3) After S-phase
A B C D Content of DNA = 4C
(1) Radial Intradoublet Central Plasma Number of chromosomes = 16
spoke bridge sheath membrane
(4) Before G2 phase
(2) Central Interdoublet Central Plasma
spoke bridge Microtubule membrane Content of DNA = 2C
(3) Radial Interdoublet Central Central Number of chromosomes = 8
spoke bridge sheath Microtubule
(4) Radial Interdoublet Plasma Central 18. Continuous growth of plants throughout their life is
spoke bridge membrane sheath due to
12. The arrangement of axonemal microtubules in (1) Mitotic division in the apical meristem and the
eukaryotic cilia and flagella is lateral cambium
(1) 9 + 2 (2) 9 + 0 (2) Mitotic division in primary permanent tissues
(3) 18 + 2 (4) 27 + 2 (3) Production of seeds
13. Choose the correct option w.r.t. the functions of (4) Photosynthetically active cells only
cytoskeleton. 19. The correct sequence of phases of the cell-cycle is
a. Mechanical support (1) G2 → S → G1 → M (2) G1 → G2 → S → M
b. Cell division (3) G1 → M → G2 → S (4) S → G2 → M → G1
c. Cell motility 20. Mitosis is
d. Maintenance of the shape of the cell (1) Equational division
e. Storage of starch (2) Reductional division
(1) a, b & e only (2) a, b, c, d & e (3) Heterotypic division
(3) b, e & d only (4) a, b, c & d only (4) Always absent in a zygote
Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456


(Medical-Classroom Assessment Practice Sheet)


1. (1) (E) 2. (3) (E) 3. (2) (M) 4. (1) (E) 5. (2) (M)
6. (3) (M) 7. (1) (VD) 8. (3) (E) 9. (1) (D) 10. (1) (M)
11. (4) (D) 12. (1) (E) 13. (4) (M) 14. (4) (E) 15. (4) (E)
16. (4) (M) 17. (3) (VD) 18. (1) (M) 19. (4) (E) 20. (1) (E)

Question Level Questions Number

Easy (E) – 9 1,2,4,8,12,14,15,19,20

Moderate (M) – 7 3,5,6,10,13,16,18,

Difficult (D) – 2 9, 11

Very Difficult (VD) – 2 7,17

Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

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