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Cell The Unit of Life

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Date : 09/03/2018 TEST ID: 43
Time : 01:20:00 Hrs. BIOLOGY
Marks : 320

1. Which one of the following organelles is not surrounded by any membrane?

1) Mitochondrion 2) Vacuole

3) Endoplasmic reticulum 4) ribosome

2. In flagella membrane, which enzyme catalysis ATP activity?

1) Cytoplasmic dyenin 2) Asconic dynein 3) Kinesis 4) Myosin

3. Which of the following is not a function of vacuole in plant cell?

1) Storage 2) Waste disposal

3) Cell elongation and protection 4) Production of the hydrogen peroxide

4. Mechanical support, enzyme circulation, protein synthesis and detoxification of drugs are the functions of

1) ER 2) Ribosomes 3) Dictyosomes 4) Chloroplast

5. Enzyme found functional in lysosome is

1) Acid phosphatase 2) Basic phosphatase 3) Oxidoreductase 4) Liases

6. The surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is covered with

1) Ribosome 2) DNA 3) RNA 4) Glucose

7. Which one of the following is not a plastid?

1) Mitoplast 2) Chromoplast 3) Chloroplast 4) Leucoplast

8. Which of the following statements regarding cilia is not correct?

1) The organised beating of cilia is controlled by fluxes of C a

across the membrane
2) Cilia are hair-like cellular appendages

3) Microtubules of cilia are composed of tubulin

4) Cilia contain an outer ring of nine doublet microtubules surrounding two single
9. Plasmodesmata connections helps in

1) Cytoplasmic streaming 2) Synchronous mitotic divisions

3) Locomotion of unicellular organisms 4) Movement of substances between cells

10. Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is located in

1) Grana 2) Pyrenoid 3) Stroma 4) Both (a) and (c)

11. The main organelle involved in modification and routine of newly synthesised proteins to their destination
1) Mitochondria 2) Endoplasmic reticulum

3) Lysosome 4) Chloroplast

12. Cell organelle responsible for autolysis is

1) Dictyosome 2) Lysosome 3) Peroxisome 4) Glyoxysome

13. Which one of the following is the correct matching of three items and their grouping category?
Item Group
1) Malleus, incus, cochlea Ear ossicles 2) Ilium, ischium, pubis Coxal bones of
pelvic girdle
3) Actin, myosin, Muscle 4) Cytosine, uracil, Pyrimidines
rhodopsin proteins thiamine
14. The prokaryotic cell does not contain

1) Chromosome 2) Mitochondria 3) Plasma membrane 4) Ribosome

15. Protein synthesis takes place in

1) Ribosome 2) Chloroplast 3) Mitochondria 4) Golgi bodies

16. Function of rough endoplasmic reticulum is

1) Fat synthesis 2) Protein synthesis 3) Starch synthesis 4) Autolysis

17. Difference between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is that

1) Rough has ribosomes 2) Smooth has ribosomes

3) Smooth takes part in protein synthesis 4) Both has F - particles


18. Ribosomes may also be called

1) Microsome 2) Dictyosome 3) Ribonucleoprotein 4) Oxysomes

19. The chemical substances found most abundantly on the middle lamella are released into the phragmoplast
1) Endoplasmic reticulum 2) Golgi complex

3) Spindle fragments 4) Interzonal fibres

20. The types of ribosome found in prokaryote is

1) 100 S 2) 80 S 3) 60 S 4) 70 S

21. Cilia are

1) Short (5-10 μm) hair-like narrow protoplasmic process

2) With sweeping or pendular movements

3) More numerous

4) All of the above

22. Semi conservative replication of DNA was first demonstrated in

1) Drosophila melanogaster 2) Escherichia coli

3) Streptococcus pneumoniae 4) salmonella typhimurium

23. The ‘Power house’ of cell is

1) Mitochondria 2) Lysosome 3) Ribosome 4) Golgi complex

24. Choose the incorrect match.

1) Nucleus – RNA 2) Lysosome – Protein synthesis

3) Mitochondria – Respiration 4) Cytoskeleton – Microtubules

25. Important site for formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids is

1) Golgi apparatus 2) Plastid 3) Lysosome 4) Vacuole

26. Which of the following pairs lack the unit membrane?

1) Nucleus and ER 2) Mitochondria and chloroplast

3) Ribosome and nucleolus 4) Golgi body and lysosome

27. Suicidal bags are

1) Lysosomes 2) Golgi bodies 3) Ribosomes 4) Chloroplast

28. Which of the following is responsible for the origin of lysosome?

1) Chloroplast 2) Mitochondria 3) Golgi body 4) Ribosome

29. ‘Plasma gel’ is the name of

1) Ectoplasm 2) Endoplasm 3) Protoplasm 4) None of these

30. Golgi apparatus is absent in

1) Higher plant 2) Yeast

3) Bacteria and blue- green algae 4) Liver cells

31. The two subunits of ribosome remain united at a critical ion level of

1) Copper 2) Manganese 3) Magnesium 4) Calcium

32. Ribosomes are attached to endoplasmic reticulum through

1) Ribophorin 2) Magnesium 3) Peptidyl transferase 4) t RNA

33. F 1-particles present in mitochondria are

1) Episomes 2) Spherosomes 3) Oxysomes 4) Microsomes

34. Single membrane bound organelles are

1) Lysosome 2) Spherosome 3) Gyloxysome 4) All of these

35. The non-membranous organelles are

1) Centrioles 2) Ribosomes 3) Nucleolus 4) All of these

36. Which of the following is the site of lipid synthesis?

1) Rough ER 2) Smooth ER 3) Golgi bodies 4) Ribosome

37. Centrosome is not present in

1) Cell of higher plants 2) Cell of lower plants

3) Cell of higher animals 4) Cell of lower animals

38. Elaioplasts store

1) Starch 2) Proteins

3) Fats 4) Essential amino acids

39. Flagella of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in

1) Type of movement and placement in cell

2) Location in cell and mode of functioning

3) Microtubular organisation and type of movement

4) Microtubular organisation and function

40. Vacuole in a plant cell

1) Is membrane bound and contains storage proteins and lipids

2) Is membrane bound and contains water and excretory substance

3) Lacks membrane and contains air

4) Lacks membrane and contains water and excretory substance

41. Spindles are formed by

1) Microtubules 2) Endoplasmic reticulum

3) Golgi body 4) Peroxisomes

42. Endoplasmic reticulum is in continuation with

1) Golgi body 2) Nuclear wall 3) Mitochondria 4) Cell wall

43. Which of the following is a part of endomembrane system of eukaryotic cell?

1) Peroxisomes 2) Chloroplasts 3) Mitochondria 4) Golgi complex

44. The Golgi apparatus

1) Is found only in animals 2) Is found in prokaryotes

3) Is a site of rapid ATP production 4) Modifies and packages proteins

45. The thylakoid in chloroplast are arranged as

1) Interconnected disc 2) Interconnected sacs 3) Stacked discs 4) None of these

46. The ATP synthase of chloroplasts is like that of

1) Peroxisomes 2) Golgi body 3) Microsomes 4) Mitochondria

47. Acrosome is formed by

1) Mitochondria 2) Golgi body 3) Ribosomes 4) Lysosome

48. Which of the following cell organelles is rich in catabolic enzymes?

1) Chloroplast 2) Mitochondria 3) Golgi complex 4) Ribosome

49. Thread like protoplasmic projections on the free surface of absorptive cells (such as intestinal cells) are
1) Plasmodesmata 2) Microfilaments 3) Cilia 4) None of these

50. Which is properly paired?

1) Golgi apparatus – Breaking of complex macromolecules

2) Endoplasmic reticulum – Protein synthesis

3) Chloroplast – Photosynthesis

4) Mitochondria – Oxidative phosphorylation

51. Which one is single membrane cell organelle?

1) Endoplasmic reticulum 2) Mitochondria

3) Lysosomes 4) Chloroplast

52. Subunits of 80 S ribosome are

1) 40 S 2) 60 S 3) Both (a) and (b) 4) None of these

53. In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is present in the

1) Outer membrane 2) Inner membrane 3) Thylakoids 4) Stroma

54. Which of the following is structural subunit of DNA?

1) Protein 2) Carbohydrate 3) RNA 4) Nucleotides

55. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum acts as a major site for the synthesis of

1) Lipids and steroids 2) Proteins 3) Ribosomes 4) DNA

56. Genes present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells are found in

1) Mitochondria and inherited via egg cytoplasm

2) Lysosomes and peroxisomes

3) Golgi bodies and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

4) Plastids are inherited via male gamete

57. In multicellular organisms, the 70 S ribosomes are found in the following parts of the cells

1) Lysosomes 2) Mitochondria

3) Nucleus 4) Endoplasmic reticulum

58. Which of the following enzymes has/have haeme as a prosthetic group?

I. Catalase
II. Carboxypeptidase
III. Succinic dehydrogenase
IV. Peroxidase
1) I only 2) I and II 3) II and III 4) I and IV

59. The inward movement of ions into the cells is ……

and the outward movement is….
1) Influx, efflux 2) Efflux, influx

3) Absorption, adsorption 4) Adsorption, absorption

60. Which of the following cell organelles stores hydrolytic enzymes?

1) Centriole 2) Lysosome 3) Chromoplast 4) Chloroplast

61. The infoldings in mitochondria are known as

1) Cristae 2) Matrix 3) Cisternae 4) Thylakoids

62. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the cells are because of the presence of

1) Mitochondria associated with ER 2) Ribosomes on the surface of ER

3) Volutin granules on the surface of ER 4) Sulphur granules on the surface of ER

63. Red colour of tomato is due to

1) β -carotene 2) Anthocyanin 3) Lycopene 4) Erythrocyanin

64. Main component of ribosome are

1) DNA and RNA 2) RNA and protein 3) DNA and protein 4) Protein and lipids

65. Golgi complex works for

1) Excretion 2) Respiration 3) Secretion 4) Reduction

66. Which is not true about spherosomes?

1) Arise from ER 2) Related to fat

3) Single membrane bound structure 4) Involved in photorespiration

67. Nuclear membrane is continuous with

1) Rough endoplasmic reticulum 2) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

3) Cell membrane 4) Golgi bodies

68. Which of these is wrongly matched?

1) Chloroplasts - Chlorophyll 2) Elaioplasts - Starch

3) Chromoplasts - Carotenoids 4) Amyloplasts - Carbohydrates

69. The largest subunit of prokaryotic ribosomes is

1) 30S 2) 40S 3) 50S 4) 60S

70. Ribosomes are particles about 200Å units in diameter consisting of protein and RNA. The percentage of
protein and RNA respectively is
1) 60% and 40% 2) 40% and 60% 3) 80% and 20% 4) 50% and 50%

71. Cell organelle without a membrane is

1) Mitochondria 2) Liposomes 3) Ribosome 4) Microsome

72. Term basal body is associated with the development of

1) Cilia and flagella 2) Cell plate 3) Phragmoplast 4) Kinetochore

73. What is mitoplast?

1) Membraneless mitochondria 2) Another name of mitochondria

3) Mitochondria without outer membrane 4) Mitochondria without inner membrane

74. Which of the following organelle is present in highest number in secretory cells?

1) Dictyosome 2) ER 3) Lysosome 4) Vacuole

75. Golgi apparatus

I. transports and modifies material.
II. Secrete mucin in respiratory tract.
III. Secretes slime in insectivorous plants
What is correct?
1) I is incorrect, but II and III are correct 2) II is incorrect, but I and III are correct

3) II and III are incorrect but I is correct 4) None incorrect all correct

76. Ribosomes are found in

1) Cytoplasm and nucleus 2) Golgi complex and nucleus

3) Mitochondria and bacterial cell 4) Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex

77. Ribozyme was discovered by

1) Kuhne 2) Duclaux 3) Cech et al 4) Altmann

78. Enzyme catalase is seen in

1) Lysosome 2) Spherosome 3) Peroxisome 4) All of these

79. Select the wrong statement from the following

1) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain an inner and an outer membrane

2) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid

space bounded by the thylakoid membrane
3) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain DNA

4) The chloroplasts are generally much larger than mitochondria

80. Long flattened, usually unbranched units arranged in parallel stacks in endoplasmic reticulum are called

1) Cisternae 2) Cristae 3) Vesicles 4) Tubules

Date : 09/03/2018 TEST ID: 43
Time : 01:20:00 Hrs. BIOLOGY
Marks : 320


1) 4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 1
5) 1 6) 1 7) 1 8) 1
9) 4 10) 1 11) 2 12) 2
13) 4 14) 2 15) 1 16) 2
17) 3 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4
21) 4 22) 2 23) 1 24) 2
25) 1 26) 3 27) 1 28) 3
29) 1 30) 3 31) 3 32) 1
33) 3 34) 4 35) 4 36) 2
37) 1 38) 3 39) 3 40) 2
41) 1 42) 2 43) 4 44) 4
45) 3 46) 4 47) 2 48) 2
49) 2 50) 1 51) 3 52) 3
53) 3 54) 4 55) 1 56) 1
57) 2 58) 4 59) 1 60) 2
61) 1 62) 2 63) 3 64) 2
65) 3 66) 4 67) 1 68) 2
69) 3 70) 4 71) 3 72) 1
73) 3 74) 1 75) 4 76) 3
77) 3 78) 3 79) 2 80) 1

Date : 09/03/2018 TEST ID: 43
Time : 01:20:00 Hrs. BIOLOGY
Marks : 320


1 (4) lysosome. It acts on

Ribosomes are large, non- substrate
membranous RNA-protein phosphomonoestar and
complexes, which are convert it into
necessary for protein monophosphates.
6 (1)
2 (2) Endoplasmic reticulum is a
Motality of eukaryotic network of 60 nm
flagella is dependent upon diameter. The surface of
ATPase activity. Enzyme rough endoplasmic
asconic dynein catalyses reticulum is covered by
ATP activity. ribosomes. Ribosomes are
the site of protein
3 (4) synthesis.
The central vacuole of
plant cells function in 7 (1)
storage, waste disposal, Mitoplast is not a plastid. It
cell elongation and is mitochondria devoid of
protection, whereas outer membrane.
peroxisomes produce
hydrogen peroxides as a 8 (1)
waste product. The mechanism of ciliary
movement is not
4 (1) completely under stood. It
Mechanical support and is known that the
enzyme circulation are the microtubules behave as
functions of both RER and sliding filament that move
SER, while the protein is past one another much like
synthesised by RER and the sliding filaments of
detoxification of drugs by vertebrate skeletal muscle.
SER. The fluxes of C a2+¿¿ across
the membrane is not
5 (1)
responsible for controlling
Enzyme acid phosphatase
the organised beating of
is found functional in

P a g e | 10
cilia. The prokaryotic cells lack
nucleus, membrane
9 (4) bounded cell organelles
Plasmodesmata (singular- (like chloroplast,
plasmodesma) are mitochondria, ER, Golgi
cytoplasmic bridges body, etc). The respiratory
between adjacent plant enzymes are present in cell
cells. Various substances membrane.
can pass from one cell to
another through 15 (1)
plasmodesmata. This term Protein synthesis is also
is given by Strasburger in known as translation.
1901. Protein synthesis takes
place in ribosomes.
10 (1)
In chloroplast, grana 16 (2)
possess green Rough endoplasmic
photosynthetic pigment reticulum contains
chlorophyll. ribosomes on their surface,
which are the site for
11 (2) protein synthesis by the
ER is involved in processes of translation in
modification and routing of cytoplasm.
newly synthesised proteins
to their destinations. 17 (3)
On rough endoplasmic
12 (2) reticulum, the ribosomes
Lysosome is filled with are attached to the surface
digestive enzymes (like by ribophorin-I and
protease, nuclease, ribophorin-II. The
phosphatase, etc) which ribosomes are meant for
work at acidic pH. The protein synthesis.
lysosomes release
hydrolases in the diseases 18 (3)
or ageing cells digest them Ribosome is small dense
(autolysis). So, cell rounded cell organelle
biologists called lysosomes clouds, separated as a
as ‘suicidal bags’. fraction by
ultracentrifugation and
13 (4) named it as microsome. In
There are found total five fact, microsomes refer to
nitrogenous bases in particles, which get
nucleic acids. Out of these separated from ER. It was
adenine, guanine (purines) rich in ribosomes. On the
and cytosine, thymine basis of chemical nature
(pyrimidines) are present they are described as
in DNA, while RNA ribonucleoprotien particles
contains uracil in place of or RNP particles.
thymine (both
pyrimidines) along with 19 (2)
rest 3 similar to DNA. The chemical substances
found most abundantly in
14 (2)
P a g e | 11
the middle lamella are the experiment of
released into the Meselson and Stahl (1958).
phragmoplast by Golgi
complex. The Golgi 23 (1)
complex synthesises Mitochondria is the site of
polysaccharides which cellular aerobic respiration
bring about formation of a in eukaryotic cells. In
cell plate between mitochondria, energy is
daughter nuclei during stored in the form of ATP
cytokinesis. from the oxidation of food
material that is why
20 (4) mitochondria is called the
Ribosomes are electron power house of cell.
ribonucleoprotein particles 24 (2)
attached either on RER in Protein synthesis takes
eukaryotic cell or free in place in ribosomes, which
cytoplasm in prokaryotic are attached to surface of
cell. The ribosomes found endoplasmic reticulum by
in prokaryotes, chloroplast ribophorin-I and
and mitochondria are 70 S ribophorin-II. About 50
while in eukaryotes are 80 hydrolytic enzymes are
S type. found in the lysosome.
They include proteases,
21 (4) nucleases, glycosidases,
A cilium has the lipases phospholipases,
appearance of a sharp- phosphatases and
pointed straight or curved sulphatases. All lysosomal
hair that projects 5-10 μm. enzymes are acid
Many cilia often project hydrolases and optimally
from a single cell. The active at pH-5.0.
cilium moves forward with
a sudden rapid whiplike 25 (1)
stroke 10-20 times per The Golgi apparatus
second than it moves principally performs the
backward slowly to its function of packaging
original position. materials. Golgi apparatus
is the main site of
22 (2) formation of glycoproteins
Semi conservative and glycolipids.
replication of DNA was
first demonstrated in 26 (3)
E . coli . According to the Ribosome (site of protein
synthesis) and nucleolus
semi conservative model
(site of r RNA synthesis)
proposed by Watson and
are amembranous cell
Crick, each strand of the
two double helices formed
would have one old and 27 (1)
one new strand. The semi Under adverse conditions,
conservative nature of DNA the enzymes released by
replication was proved by the lysosome destroy the

P a g e | 12
cell itself. So, lysosomes are just like that of ER or
also known as suicidal nuclear membrane, etc,
bags. through ribophorins.

28 (3) 33 (3)
Primary lysosomes are F 1-particles or oxysomes
formed either directly from are present on the cristae
ER (endoplasmic of mitochondria. Oxysomes
reticulum) of indirectly involved in oxidative
from Golgi complex. phosphorylation.
Generally, hydrolytic
enzymes are synthesised 34 (4)
first by ribosomes and then Lysosomes, glyoxysome
transferred to ER. From ER, and spherosomes are
these are conveyed to Golgi single membrane bound
complex through blebbing. cell organelles.
Golgi complex then gives
35 (4)
birth to lysosomes through
Nucleolus, ribosomes and
blebbing in itself.
centrioles are non-
29 (1) membranous cell
Plasma gel is the name of organelles.
36 (2)
30 (3) Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus is present (ER) is of two types on the
in all eukaryotic cells. basis of presence or
These are absent in absence of ribosomes.
prokaryotic cells, e . g ., Rough ER: Ribosomes
bacteria and blue-green present, main function is
algae. synthesis of proteins.
Smooth ER: Ribosomes
31 (3) absent, main functions are
Magnesium is required in lipid metabolism,
united ribosomal subunits, detoxification.
in leaves, growing areas of
root and stem protein 37 (1)
synthesis hence, Centrosome is an organelle
withdrawn from ageing. containing two cylindrical
structures called centrioles
32 (1) and occurs in most algal
There are large non- cells (except red algae) and
membranous RNA protein most animal cells. They are
complexes which are absent in prokaryotes, red
necessary for protein algae, yeast, gymnosperms
synthesis. There are dense and angiosperms and some
granules of 150 to 200Å non-flagellated or non-
diameter (as revealed by ciliated protozoans.
electron microscope) and
found either in free state or 38 (3)
attached to the outside of Leucoplasts are colourless
cytoplasmic membrane plastids found in storage

P a g e | 13
organs of plants e . g . , ways. It is primarily
Amyloplasr – Store starch associted with secretory
Elaioplast – Store fat activities of the cell.
Proteinoplast – Store
protein 45 (3)
The thylakoids in
39 (3) chloroplasts are arranged
Flagella of prokaryotic and as stacked discs.
eukaryotic cells differ in
micro tubular organisation 46 (4)
and type of movement. The function of ATP
synthase in chloroplast and
40 (2) mitochondria is the same.
These vacuoles contain
water, phenol, flavonols, 47 (2)
anthocyanins, alkaloids During maturation of
and storage products such sperm, the acrosome is
as sugars and proteins. formed by the Golgi
41 (1)
Each spindle is a bipolar 48 (2)
fibrous structure Mitochondria is rich in
composed mainly of catabolic enzymes.
microtubules. The spindle 49 (2)
fibres are mainly The microfilaments are
composed of tubulin formed mainly of protein
protein. actin. They have a role in
42 (2) cell motion, intracellular
Endoplasmic reticulum movements, changes in cell
(ER) is a membranous shape, cleavage and muscle
structure extending from contraction.
nucleus to plasma 50 (1)
membrane within the Golgi complex consists of
cytoplasm. three membranous
43 (4) components, i .e . ,
Golgi complexes or Golgi cisternae, vesicles and
bodies and ER form the vacuoles. The main
endomembranous system function of Golgi body is
of eukaryotic cell. Golgi the secretion of
bodies are made up of metabolites, proteins,
various membranous polysaccharides, formation
systems, e . g ., cisternae, of cell wall during cell
vesicles and vacuoles. division and acrosome
44 (4)
The Golgi complex 51 (3)
functions primarily as a Single membrane cell
processing plant where organelles are known as
proteins newly synthesized microbodies eg ,
in endoplasmic reticulum lysosomes, peroxisomes,
are modified in specific
P a g e | 14
glyoxysomes and which inherited via egg .
57 (2)
52 (3) Mitochondria are small
In eukaryotes, 80 S type granular or filamentous
ribosomes are found. They bodies, called ‘power house
are divided into two of the cell’ because it is
subunits, the larger is 60 S associated with cellular
and smaller is 40 S. respiration and energy
generation of cell. These
53 (3) contain ribosomes which
The thylakoids of are appromitaly equal to
chloroplast are flattened 70 S type.
vesicles arranged as a
membranous network 58 (4)
within the stroma. 50% of Prosthetic groups are
chloroplast proteins and organic compounds and
various components are distinguished from
involved (namely other co-factors (non-
chlorophyll, carotenoids protein constituents bound
and plastoquinone) are to the enzymes) in that
present in thylakoid they are tightly bound to
membranes that are the apoenzyme (protein
involved in photosynthesis. portion of the enzymes).
For example, in peroxidase
54 (4) and catalase, which
The DNA molecule is a catalyze the breakdown of
polymer like molecule H 2 O 2to H 2 O andO2, haeme
(heteropolymeric) and is
is the prosthetic group and
made up of several
it is the part of active site
thousand pairs of
of the enzyme.
nucleotide manomers. A
nucleotide is formed by the 59 (1)
union of a phosphate group The movement of ions is
with a nucleoside. called flux. The inward
movement into the cells is
55 (1)
influx and the outward
Smooth Endoplasmic
movement is efflux.
Reticulum (SER) has no
ribosomal association. SER 60 (2)
is the site of lipids and Lysosomes are the single
steroid hormone synthesis. membrane bound cell
organelles, which contain
56 (1)
hydrolytic enzymes. These
The cytoplasn of
are also known as suicidal
eukaryotic cells contain
organelles such as
mitochondria, chloroplasts, 61 (1)
Golgi bodies, lysosomes, Structurally, the
peroxisomes, etc. Out of mitochondria is bounded
these mitochondria and by two membranes, i .e .,
chloroplasts contain DNA

P a g e | 15
the outer and the inner 67 (1)
membrane, separated by a Karyotheca or nuclear
space called outer chamber envelope or nuclear
or inter membrane space. membrane consists of two
The inner membrane is membranes, i .e ., the outer
thrown up into a series of and inner nuclear
folds called cristae. membranes, which are
separated by a perinuclear
62 (2) space and perforated by
Endoplasmic reticulum pores. The outer
consists of complex membrane is continuous
membranous system in the with rough endoplasmic
cytoplasm of eukaryotic reticulum, while the inner
cells. The ER having membrane surrounds the
ribosomes on its surface is nucleoplasm.
called Rough Endoplasmic
Reticulum while the ER 68 (2)
without ribosomes is called Elaioplast store oil.
smooth ER.
69 (3)
63 (3) Each ribosome is formed of
Red colour of tomato is due two unequal sub units,
to presence of lycopene which join only at the time
pigment. of protein synthesis. In 70
S type of ribosome, 50S
64 (2) and 30S are larger and
Ribosomes are chemically smaller subunits
composed of RNA and respectively.
proteins (both occurring
approximately in equal 70 (4)
proportion). The RNA Ribosomes are made up of
commonly formed protein and RNA in about
ribosome is r RNA. equal amounts.

65 (3) 71 (3)
Golgi body is cell organelle, Ribosomes are the
which was first discovered granular structures, and
by an Italian neurologist are composed of RNA and
Camillo Golgi (1898) in proteins. These are not
nerve cells. The main surrounded by any
function of Golgi body is membrane.
secretion, cell plate
formation, cell wall 72 (1)
formation and acrosome Basal body or
formation during blepharoplast
spermatogenesis. (kinetosome) or basal
granule is associated with
66 (4) the structure cilia and
Spherosomes are not flagella.
involved in
photorespiration. 73 (3)
A mitochondria that has its
outer membrane removed
P a g e | 16
is called mitoplast.

74 (1)
Dictyosome or Golgi
complex is present in
higher number in secretary
cells. All glandular cells
depend upon Golgi
complex for concentrating
and pouring their secretion
to the outside.

75 (4)
All the given statements
regarding Golgi apparatus
are true.

76 (3)
70 S ribosomes are found
in prokaryotes, i .e . ,
bacteria and blue green
algae. The 70 S ribosomes
have 2 subunits, i .e ., 50 S
and 30 S. The ribosomes of
mitochondria are small, i. e
., 55-60 S type, which are
comparable to 70 S than 80
S type.

77 (3)
Cech et al , discovered
ribozyme the RNA
molecule having enzymutic

78 (3)
Enzyme catalase is found
in peroxisome.

79 (2)
Thylakoid space is present
only ion chloroplasts. The
inner membrane of
mitochondria folded to
form cristae.

80 (1)
Cisternae are the flattened
usually unbranched, sac
like units of endoplasmic
reticulum. These are
arranged in stacks or piles
parallel to one another and

P a g e | 17
bear ribosomes. elements of ER scattered in
Tubules are tubular cytoplasm, while cristae
branched elements of ER, are the components of
vesicles are oval or mitochondria.
rounded, vacuole like

P a g e | 18

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