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      NarratologyNarrative TheoryGerard GenetteMetalepsis
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesFilm StudiesNarratology
(Résumé sur @nalyses:) Avec Aliss (2000), Patrick Senécal rend hommage au roman de Lewis Carroll, Alice au pays des merveilles (1865). Chez Senécal, le roman pour la jeunesse se transforme en un roman pour adultes, variante « X »; il... more
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      NarratologyQuebecois LiteratureGerard GenetteLewis Carroll
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      Cultural SemioticsNarratologySeries TVTelevision series
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      PoststructuralismNarratologyCannibalismGerman Romanticism
En el presente trabajo se exploran las voces narrativas de tres generaciones de mujeres, abuela, madre e hija que llevan el mismo nombre Mariana, en la novela Misiá Señora (1982) de Albalucía Ángel. Nuestra propuesta inscribe a la obra... more
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      MetalepsisReader Response Theory and FeminismFeminist Genealogy
Los materiales que se presentan aquí parten de la convicción de que los métodos de análisis se desprenden de las teorías, y por eso mismo los modelos de análisis pueden ser estudiados en su dimensión teórica. Teoría y análisis son las dos... more
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      Análisis del DiscursoAnalisis EstructuralTeoría LiterariaAnálisis Textual
This paper focuses on metafictional narrative strategies characteristic of contemporary English-language fiction. The research reveals the variety and stylistic peculiarities of these strategies, as well as specifies the definition of... more
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      GenreMetaphorNarrative AnalysisMetafiction
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      NarratologyGerard GenetteMiguel de UnamunoMetalepsis
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      Comparative LiteratureEpistemologyPhilosophical ScepticismChildren's and Young Adult Literature
While the theatrical device of "breaking the fourth wall" has come to be seen as a characteristic technique of modernist theater, it is not often associated with the plays of Samuel Beckett — perhaps the quintessential modernist... more
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      Theatre StudiesAvant-Garde TheaterSamuel BeckettModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Among all Borges’ brilliant ideas, the most famous is perhaps the one around which the short story The Garden of Forking Paths is constructed; in this short story is described the structure of an imaginary novel in which there is no... more
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      Jorge Luis BorgesPhilip K DickPostmodern LiteratureModal realism (Philosophy)
The essay argues that Der Runenberg can be read as a romantic allegory of linguistic mystery and wonder between man and nature. In closely reading J. G. Herder’s philosophy of the origin of language, it claims Herder’s philosophy cannot... more
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      Islamic LawArabic LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesEarly Christianity
The paper aims to revitalise Gérard Genette’s literary term of ‘metalepsis’ within a cinematic context, emphasising the expression’s creative potentials for both analytical and creative approaches. Through its ‘mainstream complexity,’... more
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      Film StudiesMetalepsisChristopher NolanInception Movie
Tesis de maestría: Metaficción en Jorge Luis Borges. Magias parciales de un hacedor de ficciones
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      Jorge Luis BorgesMetafictionLiteratura LatinoamericanaLiteratura argentina
Usually, the interpreters of Mark’s gospel understand the allusions and citations to psalm22 in his passion narrative as proof of prophetic fulfillment. This reveals a theo- logical conclusion rather than a literary one. Instead, this... more
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      New TestamentIntertextualityChristologyBook of Psalms
This chapter aims to analyze world-making practices in transmedia narratives and how viewers are engaged in these practices through the discussion of two narrative strategies, namely trompe-l'oeil and meta-lepsis, as they are used in the... more
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      Television StudiesNarratologyFandomTransmedial Narratology
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      LiteratureCinemaMetafictionSatire & Irony
"Serious games for learning, used in the professional world, link both game and work practices. This issue concerns designers as well as training managers and human resources managers, all interested in transferring and evaluating... more
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      E-learningSerious GamesDocumentary (Communication)Computer-Based Learning
Studio sui modi dell'influenza ovidiana sulle Metamorfosi di Apuleio. Al di là delle non numerosissime allusioni e riprese testuali, una lezione importante che Apuleio sembra aver imparato da Ovidio è l’uso di sottili metalessi per... more
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetryAncient NovelEkphrasis
Metalepsis is a rhetorical and narratological term (Genette 1980, Wolf 2005, Kukkonen 2011) referring to aesthetic techniques used across media to "jump across" or break ontological boundaries between fictional and actual worlds, as well... more
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      Transmedial StorytellingTransmedial NarratologyMetalepsisInteractional Metalepsis
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      NarratologyGerard GenetteMetalepsis
AEELH, pp. 449-464.
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      PoderMetalepsisTeoria de JuegosJuegos
This chapter casts a critical eye on various classifications of reflexivity that have been proposed by film and media scholars over a number of decades. These center on the reflexive content of films, their self-referential communicative... more
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      Film TheoryIntermedialityFilm SemioticsIntermediality In Cinema
In this article I propose to examine the different ways in which Varda’s films accomplish a kind of metaleptic leap between levels of “fiction” and “reality,” of hypermediacy and immediacy, and to present this as an alternative to the... more
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      Film StudiesIntermedialityAgnes VardaMetalepsis
En este trabajo se propone un modelo del texto literario que incluye las categorías genéricas esenciales, a las que hemos denominado 'mundo del autor' y 'mundo de los personajes'. Dicho modelo permitirá establecer una clasificación de los... more
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      Géneros literariosMetalepsisModelo Textual De Los Géneros LiterariosMundo Del Autor
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      NarratologyMetafictionMise en abyme - TheoryMetalepsis
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      MetalepsisAnlatıbilim (narratology)
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      German LiteratureNarrativeNarratologyFictionality
Desde la ambigua postura cervantina hacia la verosimilitud, el "Quijote" está invadido de vacíos, imposibilidades, paradojas y metalepsis que desempeñan una función profundamente creativa en la novela. En este ensayo se explora cómo... more
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Este estudo objetiva examinar a metalepse enquanto recurso de complexificação narrativa presente na minissérie brasileira Capitu (REDE GLOBO, 2008). Adaptada do romance Dom Casmurro (1899), de Machado de Assis, a obra televisual... more
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      Ficção TelevisivaMetalepsisMétalepseFicção Seriada Televisiva
The Rigveda is one of the most influential religious texts in the history of the world, but is it world literature? This chapter examines what is really at stake when we translate the Rigveda, and how much we miss when we force the text... more
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      World LiteraturesLinguistic AnthropologyPoetryOral Traditions
{Rachelle Claire Strub, University of Basel} In The French Lieutenant’s Woman, John Fowles uses metalepsis and metafiction as common devices of postmodern literature to create surprise and shock in the readers. These strategies connect... more
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      John FowlesMetafictionVictorian sensation fictionMetalepsis
The paper focuses on tendencies that qualify for the label of reflexive and hypermediated cinema, but which, nevertheless, also have the purpose of achieving the sensation of immediacy. Three different types of such hypermediated... more
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      Film StudiesIntermedialityJean-Luc GodardAgnes Varda
Theoretically influenced by Bakhtin’s (1986) concept of dialogism – according to which any discourse is both permeated by and directed towards other discourses (i.e., backward and forward orientation) –, this thesis seeks to investigate... more
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      Literary StylisticsIntertextualitySystemic Functional LinguisticsContemporary British Literature
Les frontières entre fait et fiction, réalité et imaginaire, ont la répu-tation d'être désormais brouillées. Pourquoi les défendre ? Parce qu'elles sont une nécessité cognitive, conceptuelle et politique ; parce que leur disparition... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryParadoxes
Worldbuilding in video games is typically associated with the creation of immersive virtual environments. In the independent puzzle adventure OneShot (Little Cat Feet 2016), however, worldbuilding becomes the game’s central theme in a... more
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      Game studiesVideo GamesSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionMetalepsis
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      Jacques RancièreGiorgio AgambenChinese gardensMetalepsis
The debate regarding the identity of the κύριoς at the conclusion of the parable of the Prudent Steward (Lk 16.8a) has not been satisfactorily resolved. Gérard Genette's study of narrative level, which helpfully illuminates the... more
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      Portuguese StudiesLiteratura PortuguesaMetalepsisMétalepse
Eds. Bárkányi Zsuzsanna, Perényi Katalin. Budapest: Eötvös Kiadó.
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      IntermedialityIntertextualityIntermedialidadCarlos Fuentes
Abstract: This essay surveys and assesses the roles of asses in _Don Quijote de la Mancha_. I argue that their ultimate significance derives from the picaresque tradition, specifically Apuleius’s _The Golden Ass_ and the anonymous... more
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      Comparative LiteratureSpanish LiteratureAustrian EconomicsLiterature
The long-term creative collaboration between Kira Muratova and Renata Litvinova began with the film “Uvlechen’ya” (“Pastimes”, 1994), in which Litvinova took part both as an actress and a screenwriter. Since then, Litvinova has become one... more
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      Russian StudiesGesture StudiesGestureUkrainian Studies
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      Latin American StudiesLiteratura LatinoamericanaNeobarrocoLiteratura Hispanoamericana
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      Complex Systems ScienceFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
Covers both influential and new Intertextual methods. Co-edited by Steve Moyise. Available in book form and kindle.
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      New TestamentHermeneuticsIntertextualityMidrash