International Taxation
Recent papers in International Taxation
This paper elaborates the implications which Catholic Social Teaching has for the development of a more just taxation policy, both nationally and internationally
Disguised profit distribution as part of Abolished 5422 number Corporate Tax Law has started to fall short in terms of national and international operations in time. Applications that are carried out in the systems of many developed... more
У статті проаналізовано норми контролю за трансфертним ціноутворенням в Україні, міжнародний досвід та його фіскальну ефективність. Визначено ряд проблемних аспектів, які потребують термінового вирішення в Україні. Обґрунтовано, що... more
In international business, competitiveness is the crux of success, which means every effort has to be made to reduce the cost of production and marketing. Every single penny saved matters a lot and adds to an exporter’s global... more
cidti-Universidad austral, 14 de noviembre de 2018
Among the other rationales underlying the existence of corporate income tax (CIT) as a standalone tax on the profits derived by legal entities, some scholars have underlined its regulatory function, i.e. its potential to steer the... more
This article analyses the second Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive and its role in countering deduction and non-inclusion schemes caused by the use of hybrid financial instruments in thirdcountry situations, in the light of primary EU law and... more
A building site, a construction, assembly or installation project or supervisory activities in connection therewith, but only if such site, project or activities last more than six months
The global economy’s centre of gravity is shifting. Emerging and developing countries have been contributing over 50% of the global GDP since the onset of the 21st century, which is unprecedented since the Industrial Revolution. This... more
Abstract: In recent years, tax havens have attracted increasing attention of many international organizations, policy makers and development agencies. This article deals with concept of tax havens and their impact on different countries.... more
This is a technical paper presented in an in-house training session sometimes in 2015. The presentation focused on exploring transfer pricing comparability factors recommended by the OECD TP Guidelines of 2010 and the Nigerian Income... more
Jurisdictional Excesses in BEPS’ Times:
National Appropriation of an Enhanced
Global Tax Basis
National Appropriation of an Enhanced
Global Tax Basis
The tax system is central to the operation of states and to the ways in which states interact with individual citizens. Taxes are used by states to fund the provision of public goods and public services, to engage in direct or indirect... more
It is an agreement entered into between foreign Company (FC) and its India affiliate(IC) whereby foreign company depute its staff to Indian company for certain period, deputed/seconded staff remains on the payroll of foreign company.... more
Global investment patterns mean that effective taxation of foreign investors is of increasing importance to the economies of lower income countries. It is thus of considerable concern that the historical framework for cross-border income... more
In recent years the financial press has turned increasing attention to MNCs that shift income to low taxed jurisdictions overseas in order to avoid US taxation. What’s generally missing from these discussions is any serious focus on... more
Este capítulo do livro "PLANEJAMENTO TRIBUTÁRIO: limites e desafios concretos" analisa o Impacto do Tax Shaming nos planejamentos tributários internacionais, sob o enfoque da efetividade destes quanto à utilização de planejamentos... more
This study designs an international tax plan of a hypothetical company, Fotabetech Inc, that minimize the consolidated tax liability using approaches that have been empirically tested and identified. The study recommends the... more
La circolare n. 27 del 18.12.2018 costituisce l'occasione, per Assonime, di commentare brevemente la nozione di «abuso del diritto» domestica, in relazione a quella contenuta nella Direttiva n. 2016/1164 (cd. ATAD 1): ne emergono, accanto... more
This is the original 2016 article. See separately the July 2020 update issued as "BEPS Primer: Past, Present, And Future", Parts 1 and 2, dated respectively 6 July and 13 July 2020. Governments throughout the world have been losing... more
No es inusual el caso en que, como producto de los distintos criterios de imputación temporal de rentas que adoptan los Estados, los contribuyentes domiciliados en el país se ven impedidos de tomar el impuesto pagado en el extranjero como... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. - 2. La natura del trust. - 3. L'utilizzo di un trust. - 4. Il trust e le convenzioni bilaterali contro le doppie imposizioni. - 4.1. Principi generali sull'applicabilità delle convenzioni fiscali ai trust:... more
Апстракт Даночен рај нуди на странски инвеститори, правни и физички лица, ниски или никакви даночни обврски со дополнителна погодност да финансиските информации не се споделуваат со странски даночни служби. Даночен систем на една држава е... more
English-Ukrainian Terminological Parallels in the Sphere of Taxation The issues of normalization, standardization, and unification of the terminology of any specialized sphere is closely connected with the problem of lexical parallels... more
The present working paper seeks to analyze the content of the proposal for Directive launched by the European Commission in March 21 st 2018 on the new threshold on significant digital presence that is expected to complement the current... more
This Dissertation discusses the transfer pricing provisions applicable to Intangible Assets as per the Indian Transfer Pricing Regime and the guidelines issued by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in this... more
Dos de las principales áreas de estudio afrontadas por BEPS son los precios de transferencia y los intangibles. La acción 8 del Plan de Acción (Guidance on Transfer Pricing Aspects of Intangibles) aunaba esta preocupación y trataba de... more
Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Especialista en imposición sobre sociedades en la Unión Europa Universidad de Maastricht RESUMEN: La fiscalidad internacional está cambiando rápidamente. Las estructuras fiscales... more
This book chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the tax framework applicable to non-for-profit charities in Portugal. It was drafted as the Portuguese national report for the EATLP congress, that took place in Rotterdam.
This article examines certain specific points relating to the protection of the rights of taxpayers within the context of the exchange of information for tax purposes, with emphasis on the Brazilian experience. In this respect, the author... more
The taxation of the digital economy is proving to be one of the greatest international challenges of our time. While the OECD is trying some consensus to establish benchmarks that guide its members to uniform taxation, and the US has been... more
El presente trabajo busca desarollar los aspectos más resaltantes de la fiscalidad de la asistencia técnica prestada por un no residente hacia el Perú, tanto en la legislación doméstica peruana, como en cuanto a su tratamiento en los CDI... more
Why this book? This book outlines how the application of the arm’s length principle should be reconsidered in light of the initiative of the OECD and G20 to counter tax base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). The arm’s length principle... more