Tax Treaties
Recent papers in Tax Treaties
What a chance to discuss with economics and legal experts about the possible consequences of the adoption of Pilar 1 and 2 on EU law and tax treaties. In fact, while questions remain unanswered, some proposals can be made to improve the... more
Num mundo globalizado, marcado pelas novas tecnologias, pela mobilidade, pela preocupação com o desenvolvimento e por espaços de integração económica profunda, os acordos para evitar e/ou eliminar a dupla tributação defrontam-se com... more
This case deals with a Portuguese decision on the qualification of amounts due from image and economic rights of football players. The football industry involves billons of euro each year. Thus it is understandable that tax authorities... more
This book deepens the study of the law of treaties by offering specific solutions to current legal problems. It provides a high-level theoretical and practical approach, touching upon all major current issues of the law of treaties. It is... more
Gelişen küresel ticaret, yatırım ve istihdam ilişkileri ile birlikte sayısı hızla artan çifte vergilendirmeyi önleme anlaşmaları devletler arasında ya da devletlerle vergi yükümlüleri arasında çifte vergilendirmeyi önleme anlaşmalarının... more
Note: Rules of interpretation contained in the Vienna Convention are not designed to establish a rigid hierarchy between various interpretative elements. Consequently, each case calls for careful consideration of all relevant aspects.
This paper aims to highlight the political aspect of tourism: politics is a fundamental yet much ignored component of tourism development and tourism studies. A research into the political dimensions of tourism industry towards the... more
Normas Relevantes: artículos 133, inciso a), y 148, Ley del Impuesto a las ganancias; artículos 21.7, 165 (VI).1 a 165 (VI).7, 165 (VIII).1 y 2, 165 (XIII).1, Resolución General AFIP 3576/13; disposiciones legales y reglamentarias... more
Dokumen ini merupakan ikhtisar mata kuliah perpajakan internasional mengenai tax treaties dan skema penghindaran pajak internasional
This chapter of the United Nations Handbook on Selected Issues in Protecting the Tax Base of Developing Countries considers the taxation of capital gains realized by non-residents as an important measure for protecting developing... more
This study takes a fresh, thorough look at the interpretation and application of Article 3(2) and submits a new approach that transcends the current controversies and gridlock between the German and English positions into a holistic... more
Controlled foreign corporation rules are a fundamental piece of the international tax regime. They preserve national tax bases from erosion and profit shifting, counteract tax deferral and implement capital export neutrality policies.... more
Resumen: El presente artículo evalúa y plantea una crítica al Proyecto BEPS de la OCDE. En las primeras tres secciones del artículo se expone la lógica conductual de las empresas multinacionales, el contexto económico en el que se plantea... more
Responding to calls for reallocating taxing rights over multinationals' profits to reflect the place of user value creation, the OECD recently announced a Program of Work to implement international tax reform. I use the European... more
This paper introduces a new dataset that codes the content of 519 tax treaties signed by low- and lower-middle- income countries in Africa and Asia. Often called Double Taxation Agreements, bilateral tax treaties divide up the right to... more
Material publicado de acuerdo con los términos de la licencia Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommertial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Usted es libre de copiar o redistribuir en cualquier medio o formato, siempre y... more
FORT BONIFACIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION vs. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE- Transitional Input Value Added Tax FACTS: Petitioner was a real estate developer that bought from the national government a parcel of land that used to be the... more
The term ‘beneficial owner’ has been applied by Ukrainian courts and tax authorities in the area of application of the provisions of double-taxation treaties since the adoption of the Tax Code of Ukraine, in 2010. The changing nature of... more
Article 13 of the OECD Model tax treaty allows a source country to retain taxing rights on capital gains realized by non-residents on the sale of real (immovable) property in the source country. Recently, it has been modified to... more
On December 2018, Colombia and Japan concluded a Double Taxation Convention that was in line with Colombia ́s aim of having an extensive network of tax treaties. Naturally, the tax treaty with Japan was drafted based on... more
The basis of sovereignty is shifting from defined territories to defined peoples. In other words, modern governments are transitioning their shape from territorial structures to associations of internationally mobile citizens. This... more
The globalisation process and, within the European framework, the implementation of the EU Single Market have led numerous corporations to overstep the national boundaries either to conduct phases of their economic process where it is... more
In this study, an overall assessment of the article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention will be made and the conditions that constitute a permanent establishment for the non-resident companies, operating in Turkey, will be discussed in the... more
La reforma tributaria de 2016 ha introducido el concepto de beneficiario efectivo en el Estatuto Tributario colombiano como regla que determina ciertas obligaciones de información, como norma anti-abuso que permite desconocer determinados... more
This research about GAARs in Latin America will explain if these rules incorporate the doctrine substance over form (primacy of reality vs legal forms and juridical structures), or the doctrine of the business purpose (motive of... more
This article discusses how language idiosyncrasies affect the interpretation and application of tax treaties in practice, causing interpretative schisms in the international arena. To illustrate, the interpretation of the permanent home... more
The present paper aims to delve into one of the most thrilling debates set out by the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project (specifically Action 1): the reconsideration of the permanent establishment threshold. Without... more
En este trabajo se analizan algunos aspectos fiscales ligados al desplazamiento temporal internacional de trabajadores. En primer lugar se analiza la exención del artículo 7.p) de la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas... more
El Concierto Económico de 2002 atribuye a los Territorios Históricos del País Vasco competencias normativas, gestoras y de recaudación en materia de no residentes. Dicha atribución de competencias se ha realizado siguiendo la estructura... more
This paper examines some of the factors a country must consider when deciding which method, or combination of methods, to use to implement double tax relief, including foreign tax credit, exemption or the deduction method. It examines... more
En el presente trabajo se analizan las reglas para la determinación de la renta de establecimientos permanentes situados en Colombia. A tal efecto, el autor lleva a cabo un estudio sobre la base de las pautas que la OCDE establece en la... more
Recentes escândalos fiscais demonstraram a impotência dos sistemas tributários nacionais frente à sonegação fiscal e às mais diversas e criativas possibilidades em termos de planejamento tributário. Isso cria distorções no capitalismo de... more
This letter to the Treasury and the IRS is in response to Notice 2019-30’s request for recommendations for the 2019-2020 Priority Guidance Plan on tax issues that should be addressed through regulations, revenue rulings, revenue... more
ES: La regulación de situaciones jurídicas con elementos de extranjería relevantes es objeto común del Derecho internacional privado y del Derecho internacional tributario. El Derecho internacional privado se ha construido mayormente... more
ES: La regulación de situaciones jurídicas con elementos de extranjería relevantes es objeto común del Derecho internacional privado y del Derecho internacional tributario. En su concepción restringida, el Derecho internacional privado se... more
Being a South African expat myself, based in Guangzhou PR China, as well as a tax professional, I’ve found myself of course in the same position as any expat starting to work in another country. The same questions any expat has to deal... more
Article on proposed Diverted Profits Tax Regime in the United Kingdom. The article makes a point that DPT is unilateral treaty override mechanism. The article throws light how new regime is ambiguously worded and how it can negatively... more
This paper explores the question whether entering into double tax treaties leads to more foreign investment. The topic has been the subject of a number of studies that have generated inconsistent results. The paper reviews previous... more
A tax authority wants to take actions it knows will foster the greatest degree of voluntary taxpayer compliance to reduce the "tax gap." This paper suggests that even if a tax authority could attain a state of complete knowledge, there... more
Après un rappel de la dimension historique, l'article 22 est présenté et comparé avec les autres modèles conventionnels avant d'être analysé du point de vue des pratiques conventionnelles et jurisprudentielles.