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THE CULT OF DIONYSOS IN ASIA MINOR IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL AGE Making his presence, which can be traced long before the Archaic Age, deeply felt mainly in Hellas, Asia Minor and then in Rome throughout the ancient world, Dionysos,... more
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      ReligionAncient HistoryRoman HistoryHistory of Religion
ALİNDA Aydın ili Karpuzlu ilçesi sınırlarında yer alan Alinda antik kenti, Karpuzlu Ovası'nın batısındaki bir tepenin güney ve doğu sırtlarında konumlanmıştır. Karia Bölgesi'nin en egzotik antik kentlerinden biri olan Alinda, bölgenin... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient AnatoliaAncient CariaKarian archaeology
Caria, located in the southwest of Anatolia, is a partly neglected region in terms of prehistoric studies. However, it is possible to make some general evaluations about the Early Bronze Age by compiling the current archaeological data.... more
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      Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)Ancient Caria
Alabanda Ancient City takes place in Araphisar Street from Doğanyurt Village in the 7 km west of Çine Town, Aydın City. The city settled down on the foothill of the hills in the north of Gökbel Mountain, is positioned close by the Marsyas... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyLate Antique Archaeology
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      ReligionCultural StudiesClassical ArchaeologyLanguages and Linguistics Nováková, L. 2019. Greeks who dwelt beyond the sea: people, places, monuments. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 333. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt. ISBN 978-3-7749-4216-5. The Greek civilization,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyAnatolian Studies
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryHellenistic HistoryNumismatics
Göndereceğiniz bildiri metinlerinin aşağıda belirtilen kurallara uygun olarak gön derilmesi, kitabın zamanında basımı ve kaliteli bir yayın hazırlanması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bildirilerin yazımında kitaptaki sayfa düzeni esas... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek History
This periodical began publication in 1935. Two fascicles are issued each year, which contain articles, shorter notes and book reviews about the Christian East, that is, whatever concerns the theology, history, patrology, liturgy,... more
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      GeographyMaritime ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique Archaeology
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      CarianAncient CariaKarian archaeologyKaria
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      Hellenistic HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek History
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      Greek EpigraphyCarianAncient Greek HistoryHellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
The necropolis of Norchia, in the area of Viterbo (80 km. North of Rome), with its rock-cut tombs, is one of the most important archaeological sites of southern Etruria. This is an important and rare example of rock architecture, one of... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Funerary ArchaeologyEtruscan ArchaeologyFunerary Architecture
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      CarianAncient CariaCarian/KarianCarian Tomb
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      NumismaticsHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAncient Numismatics (Anatolia)Ancient Caria
Aydın yakınlarında 19. yüzyılda bulunan, müzikal notasyonu ile birçok bilim adamının ilgisini çeken bu yazıt birçok çalışmada, günümüze dek kalan en eski müzik eserlerinden biri olarak bilinmektedir. Yaygın şekilde “Seikilos’un Şakısı”... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMusic HistoryAncient Caria
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyCarianHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAncient Caria
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      CarianAncient CariaKarian archaeologyKaria
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian Archaeology
The inscription known as ‘The Pride of Halikarnassos’ or ‘Salmakis inscription’ (late 2nd-early 1st cent. BC) provides a significant example of the self-representation of a late Hellenistic city as well as of the construction of its... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureHellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyAncient Historiography
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      Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAchaemenid HistoryAncient CariaGreek and Roman Art and Architecture
PLATES 6-20 3 CH 1, 28 (S. of Izmir? 1974), a hoard which apparently dates to the middle years of the 4th century, was also reported to have contained a Colophonian tetradrachm (no. 5) in reasonable condition, although may have been... more
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      Ancient HistoryNumismaticsAncient economies (Archaeology)Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)
La dynastie hékatomnide est souvent, et depuis longtemps, considérée comme le parangon de l'hellénisation des élites anatoliennes et le précurseur des politiques culturelles menées par les royautés hellénistiques. Issus d'une famille de... more
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      NumismaticsGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek History
Bu çalışmada Ion ve/veya Dor düzenine dair özellikler gösteren (ya da gösterdiği düşünülen) Karia bölgesindeki kırk dokuz kaya mezarı mimari açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. İki ana bölüme ayrılmış olan çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, kaya... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchitectureAncient Caria
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      Ancient CariaKarian archaeologyKariaMylasa
En el libro HIJOS DE TITANES • EL SECRETO ÍBERO, Enrique Cabrejas Iñesta nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con un descubrimiento extraordinario. El 21 de Abril de 2012 consiguió lo que parecía imposible: descifrar la... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
In 2006 Ch. Marek published a decree from Caunus in Caria, dated to year 15 of the reign of a certain Antigonus (IKaunos 4: βασιλεύοντος Ἀντιγ[όνο]υ, [ἔτ]ει πεντεκαιδεκά[τωι, μην]ὸς Ἀπελλαίου). Among three kings who bore this name, whose... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorHistory of Ancient MacedoniaAncient Caria
The subject of this study is to examine the architectural and spatial characteristics of the ruins of a building in the city of Mylasa located at Ancient Caria in Southwest Anatolia. The building is situated on a plain approximately five... more
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      Byzantine ArchitectureAncient CariaRoman ArchitectureWestern Anatolia
Bu tez çalışması kapsamında Türkiye’nin güneybatısında yer alan Karia Bölgesi’nin ilk başkenti olan Mylasa’nın, yerel tanrıları ve Mylasa’ya ait kutsal alanlar incelenmiştir. Kültler, ikonografik özellikler ve arkeolojik veriler göz önüne... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyCarianAncient Caria
S. Akkurnaz, Latmos ve Herakleia Yerleşimleri, Aydın'da Bir Dünya Kültür Mirası:LATMOS, Edt. E. Akdeniz - S. Akkurnaz, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, 2018, 29-63.
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      Classical ArchaeologyHellenistic HistoryAnatolian ArchaeologyHellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
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      Ancient HistoryAnatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyAnatolian History
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian Archaeology
This book contains the proceedings of an international conference with a focus on Anatolia in the 1st millennium BC which took place on Monte Verità, Ascona in Switzerland, in 2018. The volume contains recent and thought-provoking... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyAnatolian HistoryAncient Mediterranean ReligionsAncient Religion
2006-2008 yılları arasında Tralleis antik kentinin güneybatı yamacında yapılan kazılarda, Tralleis üretimi olan DSB (ESB) grubuna ait çok sayıda seramik ele geçmiştir. 2013 yılında bu alandaki çalışmalara devam edilmiş ve bir seramik... more
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      ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyTerra SigillataAncient Caria
Die Historizität der sogenannten Ionischen Migration nach Westkleinasien steht außer Frage. Indessen sind die Prozesse, die in der späten Bronze- und frühen Eisenzeit bei der Akkulturation und Ethnogenese der griechischen ‘Ioner’ sowie... more
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      Greek ColonisationArchaeology of ethnicityMigrations (Archaeology)Ionia
In this study, the historical process of Koranza, which is located in the territory of Stratonikeia, is discussed. The name Koranza is one of the most common centers seen as a demotic name in the inscriptions found in the region. As a... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyCarianAnatolian Archaeology (Archaeology)Ancient Caria
In this study, we focus on the new city image of Knidos emerging in the Late Classical Period, the defense system and its ports, which are the basic elements of the city’s establishment. As a result of the Peace of Antalcidas in 387/6 BC,... more
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      ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyCarianAncient Caria
As a result of Persian rule in Western Anatolia, construction activities came to a standstill in the 5th century BC. From the first quarter of the 4th century BC, the conditions changed, and the wars between the Athenians, Spartans and... more
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      Ancient AnatoliaAncient CariaKariaKnidos
Rapport de la mission 2020 de Labraunda
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      ArchaeologyGeophysicsSurvey ResearchGreek Archaeology
The authors discuss a series of archaic silver fractions with a head of a ketos left or right on the obverse and a spiral or star within a lattice frame on the reverse, weighing slightly over 2.00 g. They argue that the fractions are... more
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      Ancient HistoryAnatolian ArchaeologyNumismaticsCarian
The necropoleis of Knidos are relatively well-preserved compared to the necropoleis of Western Anatolia. In the eastern necropolis, hundreds of monumental tombs still exist, and one can observe numerous examples regarding the traditional... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyAncient CariaGreek and Roman TombsCarian/Karian
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    • Ancient Caria
In this note it will be argued that on the basis of an analysis of the relevant toponyms and hydronyms there can be distinguished two layers among the pre-Greek population groups of Crete, a Luwian one and an Old Indo-European one.
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesLuwianLydianAegean Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryNumismaticsGreek ArchaeologyAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
Ancient Anatolia held a unique role as a bridge between Ancient Near Eastern and Classical tradition, and because of this is singularly suited to interdisciplinary approaches. Accounts of her cultures, languages, history and archaeology... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassics
Bu makale, 2018-2019 yıllarında Denizli İli, Tavas İlçesi, Yaka Mahallesi, Bağlar Mevkii, Hancı İsmailler Sokak’ta gerçekleştirilen kurtarma kazılarının rapor ve sonuçlarını bilim çevrelerine ve kamuoyuna duyurmayı amaçlamaktadır. İlk... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyGreek ReligionMysteries (Greek Religion)
No abstract
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      Ancient Greek ReligionAncient Caria
This volume contains the papers from a conference held in Stockholm in 2008 to commemorate sixty years of the Swedish Labraunda archaeological project. The book is divided in two main sections; the first contains thirteen papers... more
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      Ancient CariaGreek Architectural TerracottasArchitectural terracottasIonic Architecture
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAncient CariaDoric order