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Do you feel like things have been changing between you and your best guy friend lately? If you think he might like you romantically, but you're not positive, there are many ways to tell for sure. Look for hints of affection in his behavior and what he says to you. Check out this complete list of signs that your best guy friend likes you, and decide whether you want to take the relationship to the next level!

Things You Should Know

  • Look at his behavior. If he seems nervous around you and initiates more casual touches when you see him, he might like you.
  • Take note if he compliments you more than anyone else and starts inside jokes with you. Look out for jealousy, too, which is a big sign of a crush.
  • Think about how often he wants to see you. A guy with a crush will want plenty of alone time, and he'll make plans for the future that include you.

He seems nervous around you.

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  1. Look for signs of blushing, stuttering over his words, or visibly fidgeting around you. He might also seem reluctant to say “goodbye.” Did he used to act more casually at the beginning of your friendship but now he’s suddenly more awkward? If so, he's likely crushing on you.[1]
    • For instance, he might suddenly stumble over a sentence or give shorter, one-word answers when he's usually a big talker.
    • His body language might also reveal his nerves; look to see if he cracks his knuckles, sways his arms back and forth, or crosses his arms.
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He texts you all the time.

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  1. Think about his recent texting habits—does it seem like he's been texting you more lately? You can even scroll back through your text history to check. If you’re getting a lot more texts now than you did a couple of months ago, he might have feelings for you.[2]
    • Does he check in daily? Regular "What's up?" or "How are you doing?" texts are a big sign that he's constantly thinking about you.
    • He'll also be quick to shoot back a reply when you text him. He might get busy sometimes, but generally, he'll do his best to reply fast.
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He touches you more than he used to.

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  1. Notice if he hugs you often, brushes up against you while talking, hands you things you can't reach, or "accidentally" bumps into you. When your guy friend suddenly seems more "touchy" than usual, it’s a sign that he has secret feelings for you.[3]
    • For example, he might sit close enough to you that your thighs touch or casually touch your arm while you chat and laugh.
    • Do you feel like there's any sexual tension between you when you exchange a touch? That tension is another big sign that he likes you.

He compliments you often.

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  1. Take note when he pays you heartfelt compliments. If he does it often and praises more than just your looks (like your talents and personality), it's a subtle signal that he's into you. He'll also compliment you more often than anyone else, which is a surefire sign of affection.[4]
    • He'll pick up on all the little details of your appearance. He might say, "Are those new glasses? They look great!"
    • He might also say things like, "You look really nice in that shirt. It brings out your eyes," or, "You're the smartest person I know!"
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He talks about how special your friendship is.

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  1. Think about what he's said lately: does he mention how close the two of you are or how much fun it is to be around you? When a guy considers your friendship special and starts to like you, he'll tell you how much he values your presence in his life.
    • For instance, he might say, "I don't know anyone who gets me the way you do," or, "I love that we’re always here for each other. I trust you with anything."
    • He's also testing the waters to see if you value the friendship like he does. If you do, reciprocate and tell him why it's so special to you!

He asks you more personal questions.

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  1. Because they require more than a "yes" or "no" answer, a guy who likes you might ask lots of open-ended questions to build a stronger bond with you. He'll also ask you how you're feeling and what you're up to because he wants to know more about your life.
    • For example, he might ask questions like, "What's your greatest passion in life?" or "What goal is at the very top of your bucket list?"
    • He might also be the first to notice when you're feeling happy or sad and ask questions like, "Hey, are you okay?" or "Do you want to talk about it?"
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He remembers everything you tell him.

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  1. Think about how often your guy friend remembers something small you told him about, like your favorite color or your Starbucks coffee order. When a guy likes you, he'll put extra effort into actively listening to you and noting what he hears. Every detail is valuable in his mind![5]
    • If you mention liking salted caramel, a guy who likes you might bring you a bar of it the next week because he saw it and thought of you.
    • He might also follow up on the things you tell him. For example, if you were nervous about a work presentation, he'd be the first to ask how it went.

He gets jealous of other guys.

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  1. Pay attention to his reaction if you're dating someone: he'll likely be very critical of that person. Even if you're not dating someone but mention another guy, your friend will probably ask questions about him—and your relationship status. If it seems like there’s another guy in the picture, he won’t like it.[6]
    • Try mentioning another male friend and see how he reacts. If he immediately asks who this friend is and how you know them, he's jealous.
    • When your guy friend constantly criticizes the other guys you date, it's also a sign that he cares about your well-being and happiness.
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He’s uncomfortable talking about your love life.

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  1. When you mention romance, does he clam up or seem disinterested? Conversely, if you ask about his love life, he might get a little tongue-tied or pointedly declare that he's still single and looking for someone as a way to signal that he's interested in you.[7]
    • Try asking him whether he's been seeing anyone. If he reacts awkwardly to the question, he might be secretly crushing on you.
    • Your guy friend might also bring up romance and ask you whether you're looking for someone to watch for hints that you like him.

He stares when you're not looking.

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  1. Does your guy friend seem to look over at you for long periods? Does he always smile or seem flustered when you spot him? Try and catch your guy friend in the act of staring! If he does it often, it’s a sign that he can’t stop thinking about you.[9]
    • If your guy friend quickly looks away, blushes, or tries to pretend he wasn't staring after you catch him, that's another sign he's into you.
    • Similarly, your guy friend might make prolonged eye contact while talking, looking at you for way longer than he looks at anyone else.

He introduces you to friends and family.

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  1. If your guy friend starts asking you to hang out with his friends or spend time with the rest of his family, he likely has feelings for you. It’s a sign that he wants the people in his life to see how great you are and like you as much as he does.[10]
    • For example, he might ask you to go to a work event as his plus-one or invite you to be a guest at a family dinner.
    • This goes both ways; he'll also show more interest in meeting the important people in your life, including parents and other close friends.
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I have this friend whom I know for months now, we don't hangout much often (different timetables different classes) but hangout after class. Met him through my friend and he's really introverted, barely talks to any. He slowly grew comfortable with me and opened up bout himself, but things were still awkward between us.

At times we'd go weeks without talking to each other (turns out we both thought the other person didn't want to talk). Recently we've been taking the bus home together, and we woke up to us sleeping lying on each other's shoulder's for three consecutive days. He doesn't know I'm aware of it and turns out he didn't "sleep" during all of this.

I like him and I want to know if he does too because he genuinely takes interest about me and in what I do, listens to me well and is really affectionate, but him being a silent reserved person confuses and scares me about how he views me. Help a friend out :(
wikiHow Editorial Team
It sounds like this is a classic case of two shy people liking each other and both of them being scared to make the first move. Based on what you said, it sounds like this guy is into you! Breaking the physical barrier and lying on each other's shoulder is a sign that you're attracted to each other. The fact that you both are so self-conscious about how you talk to one another is also a major sign you care about one another. Go ahead and ask him out! It might sound scary, but it will be worth it—you'll know for sure how he feels and may be able to take your relationship to the next level.
John Keegan
John Keegan
Dating Coach
So, sometimes a boy's silence can actually be a huge sign that he actually likes you, but he just feels like you're not giving him the attention that he wants back. Does he invite you to hang out? Does he seem to want to spend a lot of time with you? Does he ask you for homework help or ask for advice with his problems? All of these are major signs that he likes you and you’re in the clear to make a move.

When guys are young, they can be really emotionally moody in the sense that they could one day be giving you attention and then the next day be very cold (or ignore you entirely). I know that can be disheartening and can feel like, “What's going on here?” but that’s just him being a moody guy if there are a lot of other signs he likes you.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What if I want to date a guy but I don't want to be exclusive?
    JT Tran
    JT Tran
    Dating Coach
    JT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV.
    JT Tran
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    If you don't want a monogamous relationship, just say that. If he's not comfortable with that, you can't reasonably expect him to still want to date you. With that said, it's still better to just be honest and straight up when it comes to this kind of thing.
  • Question
    How do I tell a guy friend I like him?
    JT Tran
    JT Tran
    Dating Coach
    JT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV.
    JT Tran
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Just be genuine and authentic. Don't filter your feelings or try to beat around the topic. If you want to tell him you like him, tell him! the clearer you are about this, the better the result will be.
  • Question
    Does it mean anything if we're always laughing together?
    JT Tran
    JT Tran
    Dating Coach
    JT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV.
    JT Tran
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Laughter is a great social lubricant. If you find that the two of you are always laughing it up around one another, you can assume that there may be a relationship worth pursuing there.
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About This Article

JT Tran
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by JT Tran and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. JT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV. This article has been viewed 1,250,549 times.
20 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 44
Updated: January 23, 2025
Views: 1,250,549
Categories: Relationships
Article SummaryX

If you think your best guy friend might like you, take a look at how he acts around you. Does he get nervous or shy when you’re together? Or do you notice him making excuses to spend one-on-one time with you? You might also notice him texting you more often or giving you lots of compliments. A lot of guys show affection through touch, so pay attention to how often he touches your arm when you’re talking, brushes against you, or gives you hugs. He might also do thoughtful things for you, like bringing you snacks or giving you little gifts “just because.” If you’re not sure how he feels, try flirting with him a little and see how he reacts. Or, if you’re comfortable enough, just ask him! If you’re still not sure, keep reading to get tips on how to ask him about his feelings!

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