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Wake up the love of your life with one of these sweet texts
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A “good morning” message can be a heartfelt way to start her day with a smile. Whether you’re searching for the perfect message for Valentine’s Day or you’re looking to send her romantic texts as a part of your daily routine, we’ve got you covered. If words of affirmation aren’t your cup of tea (or coffee), we also have alternate ways to make her feel special in the morning. We interviewed two dating coaches and collected all the best “good morning” messages so you can send her the perfect text to make her smile.

Section 1 of 7:

“Morning kisses from afar!”

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  1. A simple “good morning” text can make a huge impact on the person you’re dating. To make her feel warm and fuzzy first thing in the morning, tell her you wish she has a great day or that you’re counting down the seconds until you get to see her again.[1]
    • “Good morning, my dear. May you find lots of reasons to smile today!”
    • “Good morning! I’m already spending all day thinking about you. Save me a few good morning kisses for later!”
    • “Good morning, my love! Hope you have a fantastic day.”
    • “Rise and shine! I just wanted to let you know how much I love you.”
    • “I know we only saw each other last night, but waking up this morning, I miss you already.”
    • “Good morning to the love of my life! Have an amazing day, sweetie.”
    • “Rise and shine, my sleepyhead! I feel really lucky to have you in my life. I hope you have a great day!”
    • “I hope you had a good sleep! Good morning, love.”
    • “This day is yours, baby. What would you like to do first?”
    • “Just thinking of you gets me ready for my day. Good morning, love!”
    • “I just woke up and you’re already on my mind. Good morning sweetheart!”
    • “Good morning! How'd you sleep, sweetheart?”
    • “Time to spend another day counting down the hours till I see you again!”
    • “Hugs and kisses, baby girl.”
    • “Have a wonderful day at work. You’re going to do great!”
    • “I was so excited to see you today that I could hardly sleep last night!”
    • “Knowing I'm seeing you later is the only thing getting me through my day!”
    • “I feel jealous of everyone that gets to see your gorgeous smile today. I love you!”
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Section 2 of 7:

“Enjoy your day, sweetheart.”

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  1. A lovely text can be the perfect time to tell her how much you love and appreciate her. You could also follow up your text by asking her what she’s doing that day. When she responds, dating coach Imad Jbara says you can talk about “the things you have that you're looking forward to.”
    • “Stay in bed for a few more minutes and I'll be right there with coffee!”
    • “Good morning! I can’t wait to see you.”
    • “You're the reason I love to wake up in the morning!”
    • “I miss you, and I hope you’re having a wonderful morning.”
    • “Good morning, baby. I adore you more than you can imagine.”
    • “You're the reason I start my day with a smile.”
    • “Good morning! How did you sleep?”
    • “Hoping your morning is as radiant as you are.”
    • “Good morning honey! Starting the day with you makes everything feel better.”
    • “I 🫶 you! How’s your morning so far?”
    • “Good morning sunshine! I am so blessed to have you in my life.”
    • “You are the rainbow who fills my life with color. Good morning!”
    • “Good morning honey, I love you more than words can say. Have a wonderful day!”
    • “Good morning, sweetie! Thank you so much for being the best part of my life.”
    • “You’re made of stardust, and it shows. I hope you have the best morning.”
    • “It's impossible to start my day without thinking of you first. I hope you have a great day!”
    • “I hope your day is filled with love and happiness. You don’t know how much you mean to me.”
    • “Good morning! It might be Monday, but you make every day feel like Saturday.”
Section 3 of 7:

“It’s a beautiful morning — it made me think of you.”

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  1. Good morning messages can be a thoughtful way to express how you feel about your partner. Feel free to personalize any of these messages with the traits you like about her or your own thoughts and feelings to make her feel loved and cared for.[2]
    • “Good morning to you, my one and only.”
    • “I wake up each day more grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for choosing me.”
    • “Every morning I am grateful for two beautiful things – the sunrise and you.”
    • “The best part of my morning is you. I love waking up by your side.”
    • “Each day brings another opportunity to love you. Good morning, my sweet love.”
    • “It'll always be a "good morning" as long as I have you.”
    • “My days have become brighter and my mornings sweeter since you have come into my life. Good morning, my love.”
    • “Every day I wake up and choose to be happy because you give me a reason to. Good Morning, my love!”
    • “Even the most beautiful day is incomplete without you.”
    • “I'd give anything to spend the rest of my life waking up next to you.”
    • “I hope you’re feeling more well-rested than I am this morning. I couldn’t fall asleep last night because I was thinking about you.”
    • “Good morning, lovely. You've stolen my heart forever. And I never want it back.”
    • “The best feeling in the world is to know that you are mine and I am yours. Good morning, darling!”
    • “Went to sleep thinking of you and woke up thinking of you. You're the most beautiful human.”
    • “I hope your day is as wonderful as my life has been since you came into it.”
    • “Good morning, babe. I can’t believe you exist. You are more than I could have ever hoped for, and I can’t believe I get to know you and love you.”
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Section 4 of 7:

“Morning! Have I told you that I like you a latte?☕”

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  1. A good morning message doesn’t always have to be serious. You can mention something funny that happened that day or, if you guys have been together for a while, you could reference one of your inside jokes. Anything you think would make her smile would make a great morning text!
    • “Waking up early is overrated, but getting to talk to you makes it all worth it.”
    • “Good morning! They say laughter is the best medicine, but coffee’s a close second. Here’s to a day filled with laughter, fueled by the strong doses of both!”
    • “Good morning, baby. I miss your face!”
    • “On a scale of one to 10, I’d give our date last night an 11. What about you?”
    • “Do you believe in love at first text, or should I text you again?”
    • “Come over and hit the snooze button ten times with me?”
    • “Alert! The hottest person in the world has just awoken!”
    • “Why does every day start so early?”
    • “Good morning! If you were here, I'd make you whatever breakfast you wanted (as long as it was a bowl of cereal)!”
    • “You know what they say about the early bird. But what about the bird that stayed up too late watching Netflix? Anyway, good morning!”
    • “You are the French to my toast. I wanted to say good morning and that I’m also very hungry right now.”
    • “Good morning, lover! If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber. Just a little something to start your day with a veggie smile!”
    • “I planned to send you a romantic good morning message, but this is all I've got.”
    • “I think we really ought to move in together at this point. Texting isn't cutting it.”
    • “Good morning! Hope your day is as nice as your butt. 😈”
    • “Hey, my love! If my day started with a dollar for every time I thought of you, I’d be rich enough to buy you coffee. Deal?”
    • “Good morning sleepyhead! There’s officially one more sleep until I get to see you!”
Section 5 of 7:

“I was dreaming of you all night long 💭”

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  1. Flirty “good morning” texts can be a great way to have fun, build anticipation, and keep the spark alive. When crafting the perfect text, dating coach Cher Gopman says you can also “use emojis here and there” to “show that it's lighthearted and fun.”
    • Good morning! I wish I was still cuddling with you right now.”
    • “I would give everything to kiss you right now. Good morning, I miss you.”
    • “Good morning, sweetheart! In case you were wondering, I've been playing last night on repeat 😉”
    • “Good morning! Just texting to make sure I started my day with you.”
    • “I’m already going crazy without you. Are you free later?”
    • “Wish I could just spend a lazy day in bed with you today.”
    • “Morning, darling! It's getting tough to sleep without you next to me.”
    • “I may not be able to whisper sweet nothings into your ear at night, but I can type them to you in the morning! I love you. 💛”
    • “Morning honey! Currently counting down the minutes until I get to see you today. 🕜”
    • “Good morning! I’m about to jump in the shower—I wish you could come with 😉”
    • “GM! I don't know how I'm going to concentrate on anything today with you on my mind.”
    • “I hope you spend your day thinking of me. I'll be thinking of you.”
    • “I can’t wait until I can open my eyes to your beautiful face on the pillow next to me again.”
    • “Good morning, love. Last night was 😍”
    • “Tonight’s going to be fun, but the part I’m looking forward to most is waking up next to you this time tomorrow.”
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Section 6 of 7:

"Morning without you is a dwindled dawn." — Emily Dickinson

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  1. If you’re still not sure what to send that special someone, try one of these uplifting quotes.[3] If you have a quote from a movie, book, or song that immediately comes to mind when you think of her, try sending that instead!
    • "If I know what love is, it is because of you." — Hermann Hesse
    • "Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I'm never not thinking of you." — Virginia Woolf, Selected Diaries
    • “I’ve got nothing to say, but it’s okay. Good morning, good morning.” — The Beatles, “Good Morning Good Morning”
    • "Please never forget that the sun rises and sets with your smile. At least to me it does." — Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
    • “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
    • "You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
    • “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” — Leo Christopher
    • “Good morning. Welcome to the thing called life. Good morning. Don’t you let it pass you by.” — Will.i.am, “Good Morning”
    • “It is a serious thing, just to be alive on this fresh morning, in this broken world.” — Mary Oliver
    • “Good, good morning. So good to see you weren’t just a dream of mine.” — Grateful Dead, “Easy to Love You”
Section 7 of 7:

Other Ways to Make Her Feel Special in the Morning

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  1. Whether she loves a stack of pancakes when she wakes up or she’s good with just a cup of coffee, making her breakfast can be a great way to make her smile first thing in the morning. Think about what she loves to eat and prep what you can ahead of time so you can spend the morning with her.[4]
    • If she loves a good egg white omelet, then stick with that. If she enjoys waffles when you go out, try making her a homemade version.
    • Plan to give her breakfast on a day when she doesn’t have anywhere to be, make a shopping list with all the ingredients, and cook what you can ahead of time.
      • If you’re making her pancakes prep the batter the night before so you can just pour it into a pan the morning of.
  2. Everyone knows that music is the food of love. To let her know how much you like her, curate a playlist filled with her favorite songs, tracks that remind you of her, and music that you think will make her smile during her day.[5]
    • If the two of you are long-distance, this can be a great way to show her that you’re always thinking about her.
    • Try to keep the playlist shorter (maybe 15 to 20 songs) so she can listen to the whole thing in just a couple of hours.
    • Title the playlist with something playful or personal, like an inside joke the two of you share. You can also call it something simple, like “For [her name]” or “[her name]’s greatest hits.”
  3. If you’re not sure what kind she likes the best, go with a classic romantic flower like roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, or carnations. Hand-deliver the flowers right to her door or have them delivered by a florist and include a brief note that she can take with her.[6]
    • In your note, try saying something like, “I thought of you when I saw these,” “Good morning, lovely,” or even just “I love you.”
      • For an extra personal touch, follow up the flowers and the note with a phone call.
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Expert Interview

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About This Article

Cher Gopman
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by Cher Gopman and by wikiHow staff writer, Cheyenne Main. Cher Gopman is the Founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC, a date coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Cher is a Certified Life Coach, a former psychiatric nurse, and her work has been featured on Inside Edition, Fox, ABC, VH1, and The New York Post. This article has been viewed 242,987 times.
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Updated: November 27, 2024
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