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Whether you can't sleep or you've just got time on your hands, being bored at night stinks! Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to enjoy the evening without breaking the bank or relying on screens. We've put together a great list of activities you can do on your own or with friends. So what are you waiting for? Check out these fun ideas and have a blast tonight.


Get crafty.

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  1. If you love to craft things, pick up your crochet or knitting needles. Maybe you like to sew, scrapbook, or press flowers. The evening is a great time to work on crafts since you can do it alone or with a few friends.[3]
    • For instance, if you're having friends spend the night and you need activities to do, get the supplies for making your own candles or soap, or watch a video on how to do calligraphy and then try your hand at it.
    • If you've got art skills, draw, paint, or sketch something.
    Jean Railla
    Jean Railla, DIY Expert

    With a stash of basic craft supplies, an open mind, and a dash of inspiration, anyone can unlock their inner crafter to make quirky home decor, gifts, accessories, and more. Embracing your creativity doesn't require talent — just a willingness to play, experiment fearlessly, and see where the night takes you.


wikiHow Quiz: What Should I Do?

Not sure how to cure a case of boredom? Being bored can drain your energy and bring down your mood, which is why we’re here to help you out—and hopefully make your day a little more interesting. We’ve prepared a handy quiz to help you narrow down that list of activities and find a fun pastime that you’ll truly enjoy!
1 of 14

Who do you spend the most time with?


Spend time with your pet.

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  1. Chilling with your pet can help you relax, and your pet will love all the attention. If it's safe, take your dog for a nighttime walk. You could also spend time teaching your pet new tricks or giving them a much-needed bath—don't forget to reward them with treats![4]
    • Sometimes, pets just want your attention! If your pet's in a playful mood, play along—get out their toys and have fun. If they're calmer, just sit close to them and unwind as you cuddle them.
    • If you don't have a furry pet but you love animals, check out zoo or wildlife cameras that are online. You can see what the animals are up to in real-time.
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Clean or organize your home.

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  1. It may not be the most fun way to spend an evening, but you'll feel better and enjoy your space if it looks clean and tidy. As you clean, get rid of things you no longer need or find storage solutions for stuff that you may have scattered around.[10]
    • For instance, sort your shoes into a shoe cubby, organize all the books on your bookshelves, or clean out all the products under your bathroom sink.
    • If your wardrobe is bursting, go through your clothes, too. Set aside anything you no longer wear or fit into. Have a box nearby for clothes that you want to donate or sell.
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Make money.

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  1. Work on a budget or come up with things to sell. Bonus points if you already sorted through your belongings and found lots of stuff to get rid of! List clothes, books, and anything you don't want to keep on an online auction or marketplace. This is a simple way to make money.[11]

Learn about nature.

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  1. Now's a great time to read up on your favorite animals—find out where they live, what they eat, and how they grow. If you're more into weather, read about climate change and write down a list of actions you can take to help the environment.[12]
    • If you've got the supplies, research plants you can start growing inside or re-pot plants you've got around your home.
    • Step outside with a flashlight and see what insects are drawn to the light. Can you name them all?
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Make plans for the future.

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  1. If you can't turn off your brain, grab a piece of paper and write down what's on your mind. Jot down life goals, challenges for yourself, or volunteer activities you want to do for instance. You don't have to write in complete sentences—it's totally fine to just write down anything that pops in your head.
    • For example, you might start writing about problems at school before switching to what you want to do the next day or places you want to visit.
    • You can also use all this free time to write down things you're grateful for. Then, you can reread your gratitude list whenever you're bored or feel like something's missing.
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Connect with someone.

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  1. Don't forget to consider whether they're sleeping before you call. If it's too late, you can always write an email or handwritten letter. Either way, reaching out to someone is a great way to deal with boredom. You can catch up, find out what they've been up to, and encourage them.
    • If you're not sure what to say when you call, start with something like, "Hey, I know it's been ages, but you've been on my mind. How are you doing?"
    • Has someone done something nice for you lately? Now's a great time to write them a thoughtful thank you note.
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Think of ways to help others.

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  1. When you're bored, it's easy to focus on yourself. Take a break and think of how you can help people in your community or issues you care about it. Find a local group that needs help distributing food or a school that needs tutors. Learn about ways to raise awareness for an issue that matters to you like climate change or endangered animals.[14]
    • If you're not sure how you can help, visit the websites of charity organizations and read up on ways to get involved.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What can I do to stay entertained at night if I need to be quiet?
    Community Answer
    You can read a book, do yoga, or engage in arts and crafts. These activities can help you stay entertained without disturbing anyone. If possible, you might also consider visiting a 24-hour restaurant or shop.
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Reader Videos


  • If you've got a backyard and the weather's nice, consider pitching a tent and spending the night outside.

Tips from our Readers

  • Occupy yourself with a simple DIY project like making a bookmark or doodling a simple drawing.
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Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about boredom, check out our in-depth interview with Desiree Panlilio.

About This Article

Desiree Panlilio
Co-authored by:
Teen Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Desiree Panlilio and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Desiree Panlilio is a Teen Life Coach and the Owner of Encouraging Teens, LLC. With over three years of experience, she specializes in helping teens and young adults define roles, set goals, develop healthy academic and personal habits, grow in leadership potential, and create their life paths. Desiree holds a BSN in Nursing from The University of Victoria and an MA in Human Services Counseling with a concentration in Life Coaching from Liberty University. This article has been viewed 130,661 times.
65 votes - 46%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: March 4, 2025
Views: 130,661
Categories: Coping with Boredom
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