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QuestionDoes it mean anything if we're always laughing together?JT TranJT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV.
Dating CoachLaughter is a great social lubricant. If you find that the two of you are always laughing it up around one another, you can assume that there may be a relationship worth pursuing there. -
QuestionWhat if I want to date a guy but I don't want to be exclusive?JT TranJT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV.
Dating CoachIf you don't want a monogamous relationship, just say that. If he's not comfortable with that, you can't reasonably expect him to still want to date you. With that said, it's still better to just be honest and straight up when it comes to this kind of thing. -
QuestionHow do I tell a guy friend I like him?JT TranJT Tran is a Dating Coach and a Dating Advice Columnist for LA Weekly and Baller Magazine. JT also runs the ABCs of Attraction, a dating boot camp where he specializes in coaching Asian men and women on how to navigate the cultural and social sensitivities associated with Asian dating culture. With over ten years of dating coaching experience, JT has presented dating and relationship advice as it relates to cultural issues at Harvard University, Yale University, and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been featured in AsianWeek, New York, NU Asian Magazine, the Huffington Post, Channel News Asia, and Voice of America News TV.
Dating CoachJust be genuine and authentic. Don't filter your feelings or try to beat around the topic. If you want to tell him you like him, tell him! the clearer you are about this, the better the result will be. -
QuestionHow do you tell if teasing is teasing or if teasing is flirting ?Community AnswerHis teasing may be gentle but not too harsh, and he says with a grin or a chuckle, while watching you carefully for your reaction. This sort of teasing often means that he likes you and wants your attention and is doing so using humor because he's not keen on being Mr. Serious in case you rebuff him.
QuestionI'm a middle school student and one of my guy friends really enjoys to tease me, he often pokes me when I'm seriously studying or talking to another guy. Is this more than just teasing?Xenaelle OlympusCommunity AnswerIt could be a crush or it could just be playful teasing. Try looking for body language or the way he talks to other girls.
QuestionWhat if he has a girlfriend, but still seems more interested in me?Community AnswerJust leave it be. Don't interfere in an existing relationship. If he decides he likes you romantically, he will probably leave his girlfriend before pursuing anything with you, if he is a decent person. If he tried cheating, that would not be a good sign. And be aware that he might seem more 'interested' in you because you're friends and he's just comfortable talking to you.
QuestionHow do I talk to my crush if he is mad at you?Community AnswerTalk to him alone and find out exactly why he is mad at you. Say that you're really sorry / sorry and that you hope that you can still be friends / that he'll forgive you. After that, don't jump right into asking him to hang out or whatever but just give him a little time.
QuestionDoes he like me? I wonder this because he has changed a lot around me lately.Community AnswerIf it's good change, like showing off and looking at you while he is showing off, then he might like you. However, "change" in and of itself is only one indicator and could mean other things, including that he doesn't like you or that he's keen to be a friend but nothing more. Don't fall for the trap of presuming that one indicator represents the whole truth.
QuestionWhat can I do if I'm falling for my best friend?Community AnswerTry to find out if he likes you, and if he doesn't, try to get over him before you truly fall for him entirely.
QuestionWhat if he plays footsie with me?Community AnswerIf he looks deeply into your eyes or blushes while doing it, he's teasing you, and probably likes you.
QuestionHow can I make a boy like me?Community AnswerYou can't really make a boy like you, either he does or he doesn't but if you allow him to get to know you better and see which interests you share, then he will probably change his mind about you.
QuestionIf a boy protects me from people teasing me, is that a sign that he likes me?Community AnswerNot necessarily. It shows that he cares about you and doesn't want you to get hurt, but that doesn't mean there's any romantic feelings behind it.
QuestionOne of my guy friends always compliments me and tries to protect me. Most all of the signs match up. But he's dating someone. But, he talks to me more than his girlfriend. What does that mean?Serena vilardoCommunity AnswerIt could mean that he is interested in you maybe even more than his girlfriend. He may like this other girl but she isn't exactly the one that he wants.
QuestionWhat if my friend's crush has a crush on me?Community AnswerYou should stop him from pursuing it, as it can lead to misunderstandings and clashes between you and your friend.
QuestionWhat if he does like me but has a girlfriend?Community AnswerDon't go there, for your sake and for the other girl's sake. Don't get involved with a guy who's taken. If he decides on his own to leave her for you, feel free to date him, but do nothing until he is single.
QuestionIf my friend talks to me in a more polite tone than other girls, but we rarely chat, does this mean he likes me?Community AnswerIt means that he's noticed something in you or has taken keen interest in you. The chances are he probably does like you.
QuestionWhat if he almost asked me out or kissed me in fifth grade?Community AnswerIf you are both way past fifth grade, it is hard to tell if he feels the same. But if he still behaves as though he likes you, and you have feelings for him, just ask him out.
QuestionWhat does it mean if my best guy friend starts acting distant and quiet?Community AnswerIt could mean a lot of things, one being that he's into you. Boys can be very quiet around the girls they like. It's a possibility that he's just a shy person as well, so don't count on it.
QuestionWhat if he never talks to me, but he always talks to other girls?Community AnswerIt may mean that he likes you but is too nervous and afraid to show you his feelings, so he ignores you instead. You could always ask him about it.
QuestionHow do I tell my best guy friend I like him when he's been sending mixed signals? One day he will act like he really likes me, and the next he will just be casual.Community AnswerJust tell him how you really feel about him. Be honest. Just be prepared for his response. He may feel the same way or may just like you as a friend.
QuestionHe always walks me home, saying it is the "shorter way" to his house, but it's not. And he texts me way more than other girls and says he misses me when my phone is taken away. Does he like me?Community AnswerHe definitely likes you. If you like him back, you should tell him!
QuestionMy guy friend has held my hand before, given me his coat, and said that I looked beautiful just the way I am. What do these mean?Clara CookCommunity AnswerThis means you’ve got a keeper, girl. He probably has a huge crush on you, and he might even be in love. He sounds super sweet!
QuestionWhat if he always touches my thigh or my knee, or grabs my arm, trying to tickle me?Community AnswerTry to pay attention to how he acts around other girls, does he do the same thing? If he doesn't act like that around other girls you might have an admirer, but be careful, for a lot of guys flirting is just part of their personalities.
QuestionWhat if he's always around me and says that he's better than my boyfriend, but in a "teasing" manner?Alexandra EstherCommunity AnswerHe's flirting with you! That is a sign that he likes you and maybe he wants to replace your boyfriend! If you like him more than your current boyfriend, you should break up with the other guy and let this one know you're interested.
QuestionI have known a boy for about 4 years now and I'm not sure if he likes me. He has said he likes me before, but then said it was a joke. How do I know?Serena vilardoCommunity AnswerIf he finds a way to touch you, is flirty, and always want to be close to you then he truly does like you. When he said that he liked you he was probably telling you the truth but got scared of what you was going to say. He played it off as a joke to keep from getting hurt and rejected.
QuestionWhat if I don't like him back, but don't want to hurt his feelings?Community AnswerJust let him down gently. Tell him you aren't open to dating, aren't interested in guys, whatever the reason. As always, the truth works the best, just go easy.
QuestionWhat if he takes it too far and kisses me?Community AnswerWell, if he kisses you, he definitely likes you, but if you're not interested, just tell him that.
QuestionHow can I tell him I like him even though I'm really shy?Community AnswerTell him over text or send him a note, or just summon all your courage and tell him in person!
QuestionIf my guy friend liked me, but he moved away, do you think he still likes me?AbbyBabbieCommunity AnswerOne of my guy friends still likes girls from his old school, even though it's been a year. If he really likes you, then most likely yes.
QuestionI am in middle school and I like a guy who is my friend. I believe he feels the same but he does not date. What should I do?Community AnswerMaybe you should ask him if he likes you secretly, or just wait for him to ask you.
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