Assembly Modeling
Assembly Modeling
Assembly Modeling
Assembly Modeling
Overview of Assembly Modeling
The concepts presented in this lesson are: the difference between multi-part assemblies and virtual assemblies the important aspects of the two basic approaches to assembly modeling (topdown, bottom-up) using display methods to focus on areas within an assembly on which you intend to work basic loading and filing options simple ways to find out what is in an assembly
2 This approach requires more memory to store all the fully loaded piece parts that make up the assembly. Virtual Assemblies Using the Assembly Modeler The virtual assembly approach links the part files that make up an assembly. The advantages of linking part files instead of copying them are the following: RAM requirements for your assemblies are reduced the assembly display can be simplified without editing the underlying geometry assemblies are automatically updated when master parts change you can define the location relationships between assembly components other applications (Drafting, Manufacturing, etc.) can use the master data but cannot change it
Subassembly A subassembly is an assembly that is used as a component object within a higher level assembly. A subassembly contains component objects of its own.
Component Object
3 A component object is the entity that contains and links the pointer from the assembly back to the master component part. A component object can also be a subassembly made up of its own component parts and/or component objects.
A component object records the following information: Name (This can be different than the component part file name.) Its layer, color, font, and width. Reference set(s) being called (if specified). Origin and orientation. Mating constraints that relate its position to other components. Pointers from the display of geometry in the assembly back to the component part. Think of component object as a "post-it" note that has the above information written on it. The "post-it" note is saved when you save the assembly. The actual geometry is not saved in the assembly file. Component Parts A component part is a part file pointed to by a component object within an assembly. The actual geometry is stored in the component part and is referenced, not copied, by the assembly. The term piece part is used to refer to master geometry as it exists outside of an assembly.
4 In either English or metric units of measure. This means that assemblies and subassemblies can have mixed units of measure. In either post V10 or pre-V10 format. This means your assembly and subassembly can use most all Unigraphics parts, past and present. Read-only or Write accessible. Located in your current directory or any NFS mounted node and directory.
Each application uses a separate assembly file. When the master model is revised, the other applications will automatically update with minimal or no associativity loss. The design intent of the various design applications can be maintained through the master model.
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, choose View Toolbars choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
Customize, then
Choose View
8 By clicking the commands on or off, you can control which icons appear on the Assemblies toolbar. Turn the following commands off: Create Component Array Exploded Views WAVE Geometry Linker Check Clearances Close the dialog.
When you open a part file, it will be both the displayed and the work part. After editing, you must save the work part for modifications to take effect.
9 You can make a read-only part the work part, but the system will notify you that any changes you make cannot be saved. There are four ways to make a part your work part: Use the Make Work Part icon in the Assemblies toolbar.
Choose the Select Components icon , select the component, then press MB3 Make Work Part. Select Assemblies Context Control Set Work Part. Use Mouse Button 3 in the Assembly Navigator, or double-click on the Component node in the Assembly Navigator.
Choose the Select Component icon. Select the rail in the graphics area.
The rail is now displayed in color while all other components are grayed out, signifying that they are not currently loaded into the assembly. Now you could work on the rail as if you were working on the rail as a piece part.
The work part is displayed in color; all other components are grayed out.
The Set Work Part dialog appears. Choose leverassm from the dialog.
Again, the work part is displayed in color while all other components are grayed out. The last method of changing the work part uses the Assembly Navigator which is taught in the next lesson in this course.
Choose the Select Components icon , select the component, then press MB3 Make Displayed Part. Select Assemblies Context Control Set Displayed Part. Select Window More Parts to brings up the Change Displayed Part dialog. Use Mouse Button 3 Make Displayed Part in the Assembly Navigator. As you work through the Assembly Modeling course, you will practice each of these methods.
Choose the Make Displayed Part icon The Class Selection dialog appears.
Select one of the components in the leverassm subassembly. Choose Up One Level in the Class Selection dialog. This selects the component and its parent component, in this case the whole leverassm. OK the Class Selection dialog. The lever subassembly is now both the displayed part and the work part. Note that changing the displayed part is, in effect, opening the part file of that part.
Load Options
There are three part load states: 1) Fully loaded (displayed in color) A part is said to be fully loaded if the whole part is loaded in computer memory from a part file directory. There are two ways to fully load a part: Open the part file using File Open.
Make the component the work part. 2) Partially loaded (displayed in de-emphasized color) In this case, the computer only pulls into memory the model data required to display the part.
Using partially loaded parts can greatly reduce the memory requirements for assemblies. Unloaded
15 A part is unloaded when it is closed or designated not to be loaded (using Load Options) when an assembly is opened.
The Load Options dialog appears. Using Load Options with the Assembly Navigator is a good way of to access large and complicated assemblies. You can retrieve an assembly structure without loading the component geometry. (The assembly is loaded, but no components will be loaded or displayed.) You can use the Assembly Navigator to navigate through the structure and load only those portions of the assembly that are needed. 1) Load Method: As Saved - retrieves part from the directory it was saved in. From Directory - retrieves part from the directory the assembly is in. Search Directories uses the user-defined search directories. 2) Load Components: Allows control of which components will be loaded. Also allows loading based on component sets and filters.
16 3) Use Partial Loading: when off, components are fully loaded when assembly is opened.
4) Abort Load on Failure and Allow Substitution dictates how loading should proceed (or not) if a component of an assembly is not found during loading.
5) These options are used to specify which part file directories, reference sets or .def files will be searched for component loading. Cancel the dialog.
Filing Options
Using assembly filing mechanisms with load options can help you manage your virtual assembly. Saving Assembly Component Parts Use File Save to save the work part, without having to close the whole assembly.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Assembly is initially opened with components partially loaded. comp 3 gets fully loaded when made work part. To update piece part: File Save. Updated part is written to disk.
If the work part is an assembly, then any edited components of that assembly are also saved. If the work part saved is a subassembly, higher level assemblies will not be saved even if they are modified.
17 File Save All saves all parts within an assembly regardless of work part designation.
1) Component gets loaded when made work part. 2) To unload component: File Close Selected Parts.
3) Component is unloaded from assembly. Use File Save to save any modifications before you close the part.
If you do not save the modifications, the changes will not be reflected in the piece part file stored on disk. Choose File Close Selected Parts.
The Close Part dialog appears. The first half of the dialog lets you specify what component part(s) will be closed.
1) These switches let you determine what level of parts to list. 2) The list box list the components that can be closed based on the List Filter selection above. The second half of the dialog lets you specify how the component part(s) will be closed.
1) The Close Method section specifies whether the close should affect part or whole assembly 2) If Force Close is on, you will not be warned if the selected part has been modified before it is closed and all modifications will be lost. Close all closes all parts in your session. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Close Part dialog.
Designer A starts working in an assembly that references comp3.
Later, while Designer A is still working on his assembly, Designer B revises comp3 on the piece part level and saves his work.
The updated part is saved to disk. Later still, Designer A reopens comp3 (it is the work part) while his assembly is still open: File Close Reopen Selected Parts:component.
The reopen command updates comp3 within Designer A's assembly, from disk, based on the revisions made to it earlier by Designer B.
The first half of the dialog lets you specify what component will be reopened.
1) Open As allows you to open a part file to use in place of the selected part file. 2) List of loaded components that can be reopened.
Once you complete your reopen operation, the Information window lists: the names of the parts reopened the parts' status before they were reopened the parts' status after they were reopened Choose Cancel to dismiss the Reopen Part dialog.
Assembly Reports
The reports you can be query are: List Components Update Report Where Used Session Where Used Assembly Diagram Family Report These reports describe the history of a particular assembly and its history of use. Next, we will describe the List Components report. The other reports are described in the Revisions and Substitutions lesson.
If necessary, open the doorlatch part again. Make sure amd_doorlatch is the work part. Choose Assemblies Reports List Components from the top menu bar.
Information is listed about the components in the work part. Part name: At the extreme left of the Information window, the component part name ('piece part' name) is listed in lowercase. The indents indicate the hierarchy. Reference set name: The reference set name column; more about this in the Reference Sets lesson. Component name: Next, the component name column listing the name of the component as used in the assembly. (Name of the "post-it" note.) Typically, this is the same as the piece part name but the part may have been given a unique name when added to the assembly. This entry is always in uppercase. Count: Number of components with the same name in the assembly. Comment: Descriptions like Modified (something was changed since last loaded), Pre-V10, Mated (component's been mated to another component) or Partially Loaded.
22 Units (of measure): English or metric. Directory: Directory from which the component was retrieved. You will learn other methods of interrogating an assembly model as you proceed through this course. Dismiss the Information window. File Close All Parts.
The Assembly Navigator graphically displays of the assembly's structure. This is sometimes referred to as a "tree" structure. You can use the Assembly Navigator to select the components of an assembly and perform operations on them. Each component of an assembly is displayed as a node in the assembly tree structure.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. , use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
You can "pin" the Assembly Navigator open by clicking on the thumb pin symbol in the left hand corner.
If you double-click on the Assembly Navigator tab, the Assembly Navigator will appear in its own window. Window Mode In window mode, the Assembly Navigator is displayed in a separate window that can be manipulated like any other window (dragged to a new position, enlarged etc.).
Using the Toolbars tab, turn on (checked) the Assembly Navigator switch. Choose the Commands tab.
27 The commands for the Assembly Navigator are listed on the right. By clicking the various commands on or off, you can control which icons appear on the Assembly Navigator toolbar. Turn the following commands off: WAVE Mode Filtering Mode Export to Browser Close the Customize dialog. The toolbar is dockable on NT systems, but not on UNIX. All options can also be accessed through Tools Assembly Navigator.
Component symbol
28 Using MB1, click on the RAIL in the Assembly Navigator. The corresponding geometry in the graphics area becomes highlighted. Whenever you can select components using a dialog, you can also select them using MB1 with the Assembly Navigator. Using MB3, click on one of the nodes.
With this pop-up menu, you can perform operations on the assembly and its components. Options are grayed out or active depending on whether the selected node is a subassembly, an unloaded part, or a partially loaded part. This pop-up will also appear differently if you have the WAVE mode or Filtering mode switched on. These areas are covered where appropriate.
29 Hold down the <CTRL> key, then use MB1 and click on the rail node and the pipe node.
With the cursor in the highlighted blue area, click MB3. This pop-up is different from the pop-up you get when you select only one node. That is because each node has different qualities and a different set of functions applies to each node. On Windows platforms, you can select away from any item to deselect everything in the Assembly Navigator; on Unix platforms you must deselect items individually with Ctrl Select.
If you use assemblies with UG/Manager, these additional columns display: Part Number Part Revision Non-master types Non-master dataset name Item type Sequence number You can modify these columns through the Assembly Navigator window. Place your cursor in the gray bar below the Assembly Navigator banner.
The pull-down shows the available columns and which ones are enabled (checked) to be displayed. Practice turning on and off various columns and note how the Assembly Navigator changes.
Choose MB3
In the Assembly Navigator Properties dialog you can turn columns on and off and also move the various column designations up or down to change the order in which they appear in the Assembly Navigator. Practice positioning the various enabled columns using the up/down arrow icons to get a feel on how you can customize the Assembly Navigator. Cancel the Assembly Navigator Properties dialog when finished. Table of Assembly Navigator Column Symbols
Symbol/Status Read only Read-Write Partially Loaded Read Only (Part Family Member) Out of Date
Out of Date <no symbol> Up to Date Weight Status Unreliable Value Weight OK Unconstrained Partially Constrained Fully Constrained Position Inconsistently Constrained Fully Constrained with an explicit override Fully Constrained with an implicit override Partially Constrained with an explicit override
32 Partially Constrained with an implicit override Unconstrained with an explicit override Unconstrained with an implicit override Modified Shape Modified <no symbol> Unmodified Undeformed Part Deformed Part
The system puts a count of how many occurrences are packed on the node.
33 The cascade menu shows Unpack whenever the pointer is over a set of packed nodes. Unpack reverses the Pack command.
Use the Pack All icon and the Unpack All icon to effect a global pack and unpack.
Once you expand the tree, the "+" changes to a "-". Clicking on the "-" collapses the tree, reversing the expand operation. Use the Expand All icon and the Collapse All icon to effect a global expand and collapse.
35 Make sure the Use Partial Loading option is on and the Load Components option is set to No Components, then OK to accept the Load Options. Reopen the part file amd_doorlatch.prt from the amd/sheet_metal subdirectory.
All the nodes under the doorlatch assembly node are grayed out (not loaded) because you designated No Components for the Load Components option. Click on the box of the rodassm node with MB1. Click on the box of the first leverassm node with MB1.
Notice that the base, along with its parent, leverassm and, in turn, its parent, rodassm, are loaded and displayed in the graphics area.
The Assembly Navigator Tree Structure Quick Assembly Manipulation Using Icons
The icons in the Assembly Navigator tell you the loading status of your components and assemblies and provide a quick way to change working status. Click on clear check box of pin1015 in the Assembly Navigator.
When you click on an empty check box, the component is loaded (partially or fully, depending on your current load options). It is also unblanked as are any components belonging to it (in the case of a subassembly). Click on the red check mark of pin1015.
This instantly blanks the component, and the check is muted. Click on the muted check mark of pin1015.
The component is unblanked. If this node had been a subassembly, any blanked children of the node would also be unblanked. Close All parts.
Opening Components
The Open command has options that are available under different circumstances. The following section will explore some of these options. Choose File Options Load options.
From the Load Options dialog, make sure the Load Components option is set to No Components. Choose OK. Open amd_vise_assm.prt from the amd/vise subdirectory. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
In the Assembly Navigator, click the plus box ( ) of amd_fixed_jaw_assm to display the
37 components.
Find "amd_fixed_jaw_assm" in the list and notice that it is now partially loaded. The Open Component option loads the component but no child components (regardless of how Load Components is set in the Load Options). If Use Partial Loading is turned off, then the component is fully loaded; otherwise, it is partially loaded. Dismiss the Information window.
The Open Child Components option loads only the selected component's next level unloaded children components. These components are loaded with the same status as if you had used Open Click the plus box ( ) of amd_moving_jaw_assm to display the components. Notice that shared child components found in other subassemblies are also opened. Component.
1) When initial children are opened... 2) ...other occurrences of the part are also opened.
This opens the component and all child components all the way down to leaf nodes. The Load Options settings determine if the parts are partially or fully loaded.
Open Component Fully lets you fully load a component and Open Component As allows you to open another component in place of the original assembly component. In this section you will use the two options to replace "jaw_plate" with "v_jaw_plate". File Close All Parts, then open the part amd_vise_assm.prt again.
Use MB3 Open Component on amd__fixed_jaw_assm and amd_moving_jaw_assm to fully load the parents of "jaw_plate". Click on the plus boxes of amd__fixed_jaw_assm and amd_moving_jaw_assm to open up the tree.
Choose amd_fixed_jaw_assm node with MB3, then Open Repeat for amd_moving_jaw_assm.
The assemblies are fully loaded, but their children components are not.
Since "v_jaw_plate" does not have the same internal identifier (UID) as "jaw_plate", you need to change the Load Options to Allow Substitution.
Choose Allow Substitution to turn it on. Choose OK to dismiss the dialog. From the Assembly Navigator, select a jaw_plate node with MB3, then choose Open Component As. The Select Part dialog prompts you to select the replacement part you wish to open. Select the Choose Part File option then choose part v_jaw_plate.prt from the list. An Open Warning tells you the part is not a version of the component part. Choose OK to dismiss the warning box. The replacement part is loaded in place of the existing part.
Closing Components
You can also selectively close components in the overall assembly tree. This lets you unload a component while it is still being referenced by an assembly. In the Assembly Navigator, the Close option works similar to the File Close Parts function you were introduced to in the Overview of Assemblies lesson. Selected
In general, you use the Tools Assembly Navigator options for global settings. Local settings are done with using MB3.
42 From the Assembly Navigator, select a shaft node with MB3, then choose Close Notice that the node symbol changes to the symbol for an unloaded component part. Part.
From the Assembly Navigator, select a shaft_nut node with MB3, then choose Close Part. You now have six closed parts; the shaft nuts in the guide assembly and, as direct components, in the vise assembly. Choose Assemblies Reports Update Report.
The entries for the shaft and the shaft nuts now show "Not loaded" in the Status column. Dismiss the Information window. Now that you have a subassembly with some of its components modified, you can close the guide handle assembly (of a higher level assembly), or you can close the whole assembly. From the Assembly Navigator, select amd_guide_handle_assm with MB3, then click on Close Part. Notice that the Assembly Navigator node icons show that the subassembly and all of its components are now unloaded. Check the Update report again. Choose Assemblies Reports Update Report.
These parts are now listed as "Not Available" in the Loaded Version column, but do show the Referenced Version. Dismiss the Information window. The Open option on the Assembly Navigator MB3 pull-down is an easy way to reload components that have been unloaded using Close. From the Assembly Navigator, select amd_guide_handle_assm with MB3, then choose Open Assembly to reload the subassembly.
The work part is now amd_guide_assm.prt. Everything else in the assembly is deemphasized in both the Assembly Navigator and the graphics window.
In the Assembly Navigator, use MB3 to click on the amd_guide_assm Displayed Part.
Notice that the top assembly in the Assembly Navigator is the displayed part. Whenever you activate the displayed part, it will always be the top assembly in the Assembly Navigator. In the Assembly Navigator, use MB3 to click on the amd_guide_assm Parent. Display
44 You have three choices. When you select this option, you can then choose the immediate parent or any of its loaded grandparents. Choose amd_moving_jaw_assm.
The displayed part is now changed to "moving_jaw_assm", and the tree structure reflects these changes.
Activating the Displayed and the Work Part The Work Part-Maintain Switch
Notice that the work part is still set to "amd_guide_assm.prt". Choose Preferences Assemblies.
Choose Maintain (under the Work Part section) to turn it off. When turned on, the work part will not change when you change the displayed part (as long as the current work part is part of the displayed part). If this option is turned off, then the new displayed part will always be the work part. Choose OK to accept the change and dismiss the dialog. In the Assembly Navigator, use MB3 to click on the amd_moving_jaw_assm Parent amd_vise_assm. Display
This time the work part automatically became the new displayed part. That `was because Maintain Work Part was turned off. Close all parts.
Bottom-Up Assemblies
The objectives of this lesson are: understand the basic relationships of assemblies and subassemblies in a BottomUp modeling approach understand how to add existing parts to an assembly understand how to reposition components when added to an assembly understand the role of Name Attributes
46 When opened, assemblies using the component parts are automatically updated to reflect changes made at the piece part level.
The vise assembly is made up of the following subassemblies: moving jaw assembly fixed jaw assembly guide handle assembly guide assembly handle assembly
You should be working in the vise directory to create the new part. Choose File New. Key in handle_assm for the name of the new assembly file. Choose the Assemblies icon Assemblies, if necessary. The Assemblies Toolbar appears. from the Application toolbar or choose Application
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, choose View Toolbars choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on. Choose the Trimetric icon switch to the Trimetric view. Choose Preferences from the View toolbar or use MB3
Customize, then
Orient View to
Choose the Add Existing Component icon Add Existing. The Select Part dialog appears.
or choose Assemblies
1) Choose Part File option lets you retrieve a closed part. 2) Choose loaded part list shows loaded parts (if any).
3) Part name field lets you add a previously loaded part by name.
You can also select an active part from the graphics window or using the Assembly Navigator. Since no parts are loaded, you must use the Choose Part File option to choose a file from the part file directory.
49 Choose the Choose Part File option. The Part Name dialog appears. To Add a component, you: 1. Designate the part file that will become a component part of the assembly. 2. Define the necessary information about the component object (the pointer information) that will be created in the virtual assembly file. 3. Establish an origin for the component object. The Part Name dialog specifies a part file that your (virtual) assembly will point to as a component part. Choose screw.prt from the amd/vise subdirectory, OK. The Add Existing Part dialog appears.
1) Multiple addition of components 2) Component designation area. 3) Ref. Set. and positioning options
The Add Existing Part dialog specifies the following: Multiple add: `No' is the default. Component name: The default assumes the component's name will be the same as the part file name (note upper case), but it does not have to be! Reference. Set: Option list shows all reference sets in current component. Positioning: Specifies how the component is to be positioned. Absolute is the default, which brings in a component using absolute coordinates.
50 Whenever you add parts as component objects to an assembly, you will see the Add Existing Part dialog. Mark sure the Layer options is set to Work. Because you set the assembly preferences to display a preview of any added component, you now have a staging view window in the upper right hand corner. Accept the other defaults by choosing OK. The options you set in the Add Existing Part dialog affect the sequence of subsequent dialogs. At this point, the Point Constructor dialog should display. The Point Constructor dialog defines the component object's destination point within the assembly. Choose OK to accept the default Base Point of 0,0,0. This places the component object (the screw) at the WCS 0,0,0 of your assembly.
The component's reference point and orientation is determined in one of two ways: If the Reference Set designation is set to Entire Part (the default), then the absolute origin and orientation of the component part is used as the reference.
If the Reference Set designation is set to a specific reference set, then the WCS origin and orientation of the in-coming reference set is used as the reference, unless otherwise specified during reference set creation.
Adding Existing Parts to an Assembly Inserting Another Component into the Assembly
The second part of the handle assembly is the handle itself.
Absolute 0,0,0 of the handle part is the center of the handle. You will add the handle to the assembly at the existing point of the screw part. If you get out of sequence, you can choose the Add Existing Component icon to get to the Select Part dialog. Choose Choose Part File on the Select Part dialog. Choose handle.prt as the next component, then OK. The default information in the Add Existing Part dialog is correct, so you will accept the dialog parameters as is. Choose OK on the Add Existing Part dialog.
52 The Point Constructor appears. The center of the handle (absolute 0,0,0 for the handle) will be centered in the hole in the screw shaft. Select the Existing Point icon. Select the point of the screw component.
Choose the Choose Part File on the Select Part dialog. Choose the handle_stop.prt to be the next component, then OK. You can specify that you want two occurrences of a component in the Add Existing Part dialog. Click the Multiple Add option.
Choose OK to accept the dialog parameters. The Point Constructor dialog appears. Choose the Arc/Ellipse/Sphere Center icon. from the positioning option box.
The first occurrence of the handle stop will be on the furthest end of the handle. Select an arc at the shoulder step of the far end of the handle.
The first handle stop is added and you are returned to the Point Constructor dialog.
If you had not specified Multiple Add, you would have been returned to the Select Part dialog. Make sure the Arc Center icon is highlighted. Select an arc at the shoulder step of the near end of the handle. The second handle stop is added.
Notice that the new occurrence is not oriented properly. You will correct its position by editing your assembly. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Point Constructor dialog.
Choose the Reposition Component icon or choose Assemblies Components Reposition Components. Select the second handle_stop using the Class Selection dialog, then OK. The Reposition Component dialog appears.
55 Select the Move handles Only option. This allows you to move the repositioning tool to a different location for better control during repositioning of the component. Choose Arc/Ellipse/Sphere Center as your positioning method.
Select an arc at the shoulder step of the near end of the improperly positioned handle stop.
The Reposition tools centers itself on the defined point. Select the Move Objects option. Select the XC-YC Rotate handle (the round dot in the XC-YC plane).
Key in an angle of 180, then Enter. Choose Apply in the Reposition Component dialog.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) In the Assembly Navigator, select the first handle-stop node. With the cursor over the component, use MB3 The Component Properties dialog appears. Properties.
Choose the Parameters tab in the Component Properties dialog. In the Component Name field, key in handle_stop_1, then OK. Notice that you now have two different handle stop names.
For the other handle stop, you will use the Global Selection method.
If you do not see the Global Selection toolbar, use View on the toolbar. With the cursor over the component, use MB3 Choose the Parameters tab. Properties.
In the graphics window, select the second handle stop you added.
Key in a new component name of handle_stop_2 then Apply. You now have changed both component names.
58 Choose Cancel to dismiss the Component Properties dialog. More About the Component Properties Dialog
The Component Properties dialog can be accessed 2 different ways: Using the Select Components icon in conjunction with MB3 Properties. Selecting the component in the Assembly Navigator in conjunction with MB3 Properties. Assembly Properties Applies to? Functionality Assembly Components General component properties stored in displayed part.
3) Visualization options.
Functionality Component parameterization as controlled by the direct parent part. Includes ?Component Name?
2) Suppression criteria
Attributes Properties Applies to? One or more components; one or more features; Attributes Displayed Part; one or more other objects.
Part File Properties Applies to? Part File Displayed Part or Components
General Properties Applies to? Anything but features, components and General parts
1) Property Type tabs: Current Type: General 2) Component name 3) Positioning options for placing Name on graphic display 4) If the index toggle is on (checked) , the Starting index entry field becomes available and takes the default value one, or the previous value used as an initial index in this session, if it exists.
61 5) Information icon brings up general information of named component. Weight Properties Applies to? Functionality Weight Displayed Part or Components Weight information. 1) Property Type tabs: Current Type: Weight 2) Mass weight read out
Attribute Names
Names are a system attribute. Component names are automatically assigned to component objects in an assembly. More in-depth treatment of attributes within assemblies is available in the Attributes lesson. Displaying Names First you will display the names of the components in your assembly. Choose Preferences Visualization.
Choose the Names/Borders option. Choose the Work View option. Choose OK to accept.
If components share origin locations, their names will be on top of each other.
You may need to regenerate your display to see the names. You have two choices: Use View Operation Regenerate Work, or use MB3 Fit. More About the Names/Borders Option
1) Turns name display on/off. 2) Name will appear in the view which was the work view when the name was assigned. 3) All names will appear in the current work view.
Orient WCS
The screw component along with its name is highlighted. The Point Constructor appears. Choose the Cursor Location icon. Indicate a new location for the name, then Apply.
When you select a component by its name, it will be selected regardless of its blank status or layer/visibility status.
64 moving jaw assembly fixed jaw assembly guide handle assembly guide assembly handle assembly (DONE) You will develop these assemblies "on your own" using procedures you learned while developing the handle assembly. To see the completed vise assembly, open part amd_vise_assm. Do not close all the parts or you will lose your previous work. If you cannot complete any of the component assemblies, there are master files of all the necessary assembly files. The completed subassembly files are prefixed with the amd_ designation.
The guide assembly is made up of the following components: guide part bushing part shaft part (2 required) shaft nut part (2 required) Note that the guide assembly is made up of part files only, there are no subassemblies in this assembly. In this section you will create a new subassembly file and add components to it. Things to Remember: Each part file has a layer structure. Use the Work layer option when adding parts.
65 Remember to make layers 1-10 visible or selectable. Use Multiple Add to add more than one occurrence of the same part. You will need to Reposition some components; try several options. Use the Assembly Navigator and its mouse button 3 pop-up options for assembly short cuts. Choose File New. Key in guide_assm as the new part file name. Use the Add Existing Component icon guide part bushing part shaft part (2 required) shaft nut part (2 required) to insert the necessary parts.
The guide handle assembly is made up of the following components: guide assembly handle assembly moving jaw part screw nut part The guide handle assembly is made up of part files and subassemblies. Open a new file and add components to it. Choose File New.
Use the Add Existing Component icon guide assembly handle assembly moving jaw part screw nut part Things to Remember: Each part file has a layer structure.
Remember to make layers 1-10 visible or selectable. You may need to Regenerate your display from time to time. (Fit will do it too.) Use Blank as necessary to minimize clutter in your display. Use the Assembly Navigator and its mouse button 3 pop-up options for assembly short cuts.
The moving jaw assembly is made up of the following components: guide handle assembly jaw plate part plate screw part (2 required) The moving jaw assembly is made up of part files and a subassembly. Choose File New.
Key in moving _jaw_assm.prt. Use the Add Existing Component icon to insert the necessary parts.
67 guide handle assembly jaw plate part plate screw part (2 required) Things to Remember: Each part file has a layer structure. Use the Work layer option when adding parts. Remember to make layers 1-10 visible or selectable. Use Multiple Add to add more than one occurrence of the same part. You will need to Reposition some components; try several options. Use the Assembly Navigator and its mouse button 3 pop-up options for assembly short cuts.
The fixed jaw assembly is made up of the following components: fixed jaw part jaw plate part plate screw part (2 required) Choose File New.
Key in fixed_jaw_assm.prt. Use the Add Existing Component icon fixed jaw part to insert the necessary parts.
68 jaw plate part plate screw part (2 required) Note that the fixed jaw assembly is made up of part files only; there are no subassemblies in this assembly.
The vise assembly is made up of the following components: moving jaw assembly fixed jaw assembly shaft nut parts (2 required) The moving jaw assembly is made up of part files and subassemblies. Choose File New.
Key in vise_assm.prt. Use the Add Existing Component icon moving jaw assembly fixed jaw assembly shaft nut parts (2 required) Things to Remember: Each part file has a layer structure. Remember to make layers 1-10 visible or selectable. Use Multiple Add to add more than one occurrence of the same part. to insert the necessary parts.
69 You will need to Reposition some components; try several options. You may need to Regenerate your display from time to time. (Fit will do it too.) Use Blank as necessary to minimize clutter in your display. Use the Assembly Navigator and its mouse button 3 pop-up options for assembly short cuts. Use File Close All Parts when finished.
Reference Sets
The objectives of this lesson are: understanding the characteristics of reference sets understanding how reference sets are used using reference sets and load options creating reference sets editing reference sets using reference sets and display techniques
General Concepts
If you display an entire component part, or subassembly, you may get more than you bargained for (especially in wireframe mode). You will get: All of the sketches Datum planes and axes Construction geometry Any other design tools
71 Any information of a component object once it is added to a reference set Attributes Any functional operations using reference sets operations are performed on the work part.
In various report Information windows, the term None is used when no reference sets are in effect. This is the same as `Entire part'.
You can designate the Entire Part reference condition: Using Assembly Navigator MB3 Replace Reference Set dialog. (Assemblies Components Replace
1) Reference set (BODY) contains the entire component part 2) Reference set (EMPTY) serves as a place holder for the component (it does not display) You can designate the "empty" reference set: Using Assembly Navigator Using the Reference Set icon Set) MB3 Replace Reference Set dialog. Components Replace Reference
In addition to the "Empty" and "Entire Part" conditions, it is possible to customize your defaults file to include a "Model" default.
73 This is achieved by specifying a name for the following statement in the default file Assemblies_ModelReferenceSet Example: Assemblies_ModelReferenceSet: "MODEL" would yield a situation where all solid bodies or sheet bodies would automatically be put into the Model reference set.
Model is the type of Reference Set "MODEL", is the reference set name specified in the defaults file. The first word, Model, is how the system identifies the model reference set. The second name is not that important. What this means is that if you share your geometry with others, they do NOT need to name their model reference sets the same.
Click on the Default Reference Sets option. The Expanded Load Options Dialog The Default Reference Sets option expands the Load Options dialog.
1) List of ref sets that can be loaded. 2) New reference set entry field. 3) Adds the entered reference set to list. 4) Removes selected ref. set from list. 5) Moves ref. set. up one level from selected reference set. 6) Moves ref. set down one level from selected ref. set. 7) Saves settings in load_options.def file.
74 8) Changes ref. sets back to previous saved settings. Choose Cancel to dismiss the dialog.
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, choose View Toolbars choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
Customize then
You will working with the components in the Fixed Jaw assembly: jaw_plate.prt plate_screw.prt fixed_jaw.prt It is helpful to use the Assembly Navigator when creating reference sets. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Next you need to change the work part to jaw_plate. From the Assembly Navigator, select jaw_plate with MB3, then choose Make Work Part.
This part file has two types of geometry: sketch geometry (cyan) solid geometry (blue)
77 Note that the jaw plate part currently has three reference sets: one that holds some sketch geometry and the two defaults (Entire Part and Empty).
Choose the Create icon. The Create Reference Set dialog appears. It lets you: Name the reference set you are creating Reference set names must be 30 characters or less, with no embedded spaces. They are not case sensitive. Create a CSYS for the reference set If Create Ref Set, CSYS is toggled to Yes, you will be prompted to specify an orientation using the WCS Orient menu, and an origin point using the Point Constructor dialog. If Create Ref Set, CSYS - No is in effect, the reference set will use the WCS orientation and origin by default. Key in body as the reference set name and OK.
Any entry is converted to all capital letters by the system. The Class Selection dialog appears. Select the solid body (blue) of the jaw plate and OK. Use the filter methods of the Class Selection dialog when dealing with more complex models or when you have difficulty selecting. Choose the Create icon in the Reference Sets dialog.
Key in sketch-1 as the second reference set name and OK. Select the sketch geometry (cyan) of the jaw plate and OK. Your second reference set (sketch-1) is created.
78 Choose BODY in the Reference Sets dialog. Choose the Information icon. The Information window tells you the reference set name, what is in it, and any attributes attached to it. Dismiss the Information window.
Reference Set.
Your next task is to create reference sets in the second component of your subassembly.
Key in body as the reference set name and OK. Select the solid body (green) of the plate screw and OK. The first reference set is created.
79 Key in sketch-1 as the second reference set name and OK. Select the sketch geometry (cyan) of the plate screw and OK. (Use filter methods to simplify your selection.) Now create similar reference sets in the third component of your subassembly.
Key in body as the reference set name and OK. Select the solid body (green) of the fixed jaw and OK. The first reference set of the Fixed Jaw is created. Create the next two reference sets to contain the two sketches.
Key in sketch-1 as the reference set name and OK. Select the sketch geometry (cyan) in the X-Y plane and OK. (Use Filter Methods.)
Key in sketch-2 as the next reference set name, then OK. Select the sketch geometry (cyan) in the X-Z plane and accept.
Reference set sketch-2 is created. Choose Close. Normally, you would next use File fixed_jaw. Save to save the reference sets you specified in
However, you can not do this because the part files in the CAST online directory are readonly. You can save parts if you designate a directory in which you have Write permission. You have created body and sketch reference sets in three components of the vise assembly. Normally, you would continue to create similarly named reference sets in the other components within your assembly. This has already been done for you in the CAST Online master part files. The following table enumerates what reference sets are in the part files that make up the vise assembly.
81 Component Part Reference Sets Created Name screw_nut.prt guide.prt bushing.prt shaft.prt shaft_nut.prt screw.prt handle.prt BODY, SKETCH-1 BODY BODY, SKETCH-1 BODY BODY, SKETCH-1 BODY, SKETCH-1 BODY, SKETCH-1 Close All Parts. moving_jaw.prt BODY, SKETCH-1
Adding/Removing data from a reference set will present the Class Selection dialog. Deleting a reference set does not delete geometry. It dissolves the envelope of information relating to geometry. You will get a confirmation message.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Use the Assembly Navigator to change the work part to the shaft_nut component.
Choose the Expand All icon (or Tools Assembly Navigator Expand All). In the Assembly Navigator, place the cursor over a shaft_nut node and use MB3 Make Work Part. Choose Format Reference Sets.
The Reference Sets dialog appears. Entire Part should be selected. Choose the BODY reference set in the list. Choose the Set as Current icon from the dialog.
The BODY reference set is now the current, working reference set.
If you chose the current reference set, you receive the above message; otherwise the reference set will just be deleted. Choose OK to delete the reference set. If you delete a reference set that is used in an assembly, when you open or return to the assembly, it will show the entire part. (Remember, Entire Part is the default condition.)
Key in sketch as the new name for the reference set and Enter. Choose the SKETCH-1 reference set in the list. Choose the Rename icon from the Reference Sets dialog.
Key in sketch as the new name for the reference set and Enter. If you rename a reference set that is used in an assembly, the system automatically changes the name of the pointer in the assembly. Close all open parts.
84 used a lot of memory produced a lot of display clutter in the graphics window As you work with reference sets, you will want to switch back and forth between reference sets, of various components, within an assembly. This is termed changing reference sets. In this section you will replace the reference sets used in your components and subassemblies with reference sets you created.
Choose Assemblies
List Components.
An Information window lists all the components of the vise assembly. Notice that under the Ref Set Name column, the term None is used on all the component parts. This is a default condition and means the entire part is being referenced. Remember that `entire part' is the system default reference set condition. Remember, also, that you can change this default reference set condition in the Load Option dialog. Dismiss the Information window.
The first subassembly you will work on is the handle assembly. It is helpful to use the Assembly Navigator when working with reference sets. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Replacing reference sets only works on children of the work part, or if using the Assembly Navigator, the children of the selected node. Use the Assembly Navigator to change the work part to the amd_handle_assm component. Choose the Expand All icon (or Tools Assembly Navigator Expand All). In the Assembly Navigator, place the cursor over a amd_handle_assm node and use MB3 Make Work Part.
You will change the reference sets in the screw component. Currently, the screw component has two reference sets and some datum plane geometry. When the Entire Part condition is in effect (the default), all types of geometry are displayed in the assembly hierarchy.
Notice in the Assembly Navigator that under the Reference Set column, the screw now shows BODY as the reference set in effect. Notice also that the datum planes and sketch curve geometry are no longer visible (or accessible). Method 2: In the second method, you can use the Reference Set entry field in the Assembly toolbar.
Click on the down arrow of the option box. Choose the Entire Part entry. The Entire Part reference set becomes the active reference set. Method 3: You can also use the Replace Reference Set option. Choose the screw node in the Assembly Navigator (it needs to be masked).
Choose the Replace Reference Set icon Replace Reference Set. The Replace Reference Set dialog appears. Choose SKETCH-1 from the list, then OK.
, or choose Assemblies
89 You can use a similar technique within the Assembly Navigator to change the reference sets of multiple components and subassemblies all at once. Note that the components in the amd_handle subassembly currently have a combination of `Entire Part' and BODY reference sets. You can change the reference sets of all components quickly. In the Assembly Navigator, select the amd_handle_assm node.
Hold down the <shift> key while selecting the last handle_stop node.
With the cursor over the highlighted nodes, choose MB3 BODY.
Note that all the components of the amd_handle_assm now have reference sets of BODY. You can use this multiple selection technique with both the reference set pull-down method and the Replace Reference Set (icon/menu) method of reference set replacement.
You can use this for as many components / subassemblies as you want; you will be notified if any parts do not have a reference set with the name you are changing. Use the <ctrl> key while selecting in the Assembly Navigator to select multiple, nongrouped components. Close all parts.
You are probably already familiar with using layer categories to organize part files. Typically you create design driven categories for each layer so that you can make "all" invisible, then turn specific layers on, such as "uppercavity" or "drivetrain". You can use reference sets to display your assembly in similar ways.
Then you can replace specific "Empty" reference sets (those you plan to work on) with appropriate reference sets (such as "Body", "Entire Part", etc.). Advantages Retrieval is very fast. You only deal with the geometry you bring in through replacing sets. Attribute information is still available. Dimensions in the assembly are associative. Disadvantages
91 You can not see the components except for the name display and bounding boxes. You have to replace reference sets in order to do any work. As you replace the empty reference sets, the data that is retrieved will remain in memory. Simply changing them back to their empty counterpart will not free up the memory.
Top-Down Assemblies
The objectives of this lesson are: understanding general concepts of top-down modeling using different methods of top-down modeling working in context understanding linking assembly components using editing in place understanding sketching in context
Create a new component and add the geometry to it (sketch, curves, solids etc.)
Of course, most of the time when you are developing assemblies, you will be using the two basic methods together depending on your design needs and constraints.
Working in Context
Working in context of the assembly means that the displayed part is an assembly and the work part is a component in that assembly. Any work you do in the assembly is taking place in the work part. If the work part is a component of the assembly, any creating or editing of geometry will take place in that component not the assembly. Linking Geometry While working in context of an assembly, you can also take advantage of linking geometry from one component to that of another component. This means you can use geometry from one component to "seed" the design of another feature in a different component of the assembly.
This empty part will be used as the assembly. Several components will be added to this assembly. Open the Assembly Navigator.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Add the part amd_fix_baseplate.prt to the origin of the assembly. Choose the Add Existing Component icon or Assemblies Components Add Existing. Choose the Choose Part File option on the Select Part dialog. Choose amd_fix_baseplate.prt from the Part Name dialog, then OK. OK the default parameters in the Add Existing Part dialog. Make sure the coordinates of the Base Point are 0,0,0, then OK the Point Constructor dialog. Cancel the Add Existing Part dialog.
The first way to create components in an assembly is to create the empty component part then add the geometry to it.
(or Assemblies
Next the Class Selection dialog displays. This is where you are prompted to select the geometry you want to add to the new component. Choose OK to create the component without adding any geometry to it. The Part Name dialog prompts you to enter the directory path and the component part filename that will be used when the component is saved. In the fixture directory, enter amd_fix_locpin as the new component part name.
Creating New Components: Method One The Create New Component Dialog
The Create New Component dialog establishes the information about the new component object.
Component Name - Name of the component object. Ref. Set name - Name of reference set. If none is specified, no reference set is created. Layer options - Work, Original or As Specified. Component origin - Determines the origin and orientation of the component part. Delete Originals - If geometry was added to the component, this option determines the fate of the original data in the assembly file. Notice that because you did not add any geometry to the new component the Delete Originals option is not active.
96 Choose OK to accept all the settings. The new component is now added to the assembly. Because there is no geometry in the new component you will not see a change in the graphics area. To verify that the component was created, you can use the Assembly Navigator display or you can list all the components. (Assemblies Reports List Components.)
The Class Selection dialog is again displayed and you are prompted to select objects to move or copy into the new component. Cancel the Class Selection dialog.
With the amd_fix_locpin component as the Work Part and the assembly as the Displayed Part, any geometry you create will reside in the work part. In this case, you will use geometry in the baseplate to help define and link a locator pin in the new, empty component you just added to the assembly.
97 This method of creating geometry is referred to as working in context of the assembly. You will use some of the hole geometry in the baseplate to drive the development of the locator pin.
1) Circle in baseplate will be used to create bottom part of the locator pin (2).
or choose Assemblies
Wave Geometry
If you do not see the WAVE Geometry Linker icon in the Assemblies toolbar: Choose View Toolbars Customize. Choose the Commands tab. Choose the Assemblies option. Turn the WAVE Geometry Linker command on.
Creating New Components: Method One The WAVE Geometry Linker Dialog
The tools on the top part of the Wave Geometry Linker dialog let you define what kind of geometry can be linked. Point Curve Sketch/String Datum Plane Region Body Mirror Body Routing Object
98 Face The At Timestamp option lets you specify the timestamp at which the linked feature is placed. The default is to place the feature after all existing ones. The Blank Original option lets you blank the original geometry. The Create Non-Associative option allows the creation of new geometry based on existing geometry, but the two are not associatively linked.
Creating New Components: Method One Creating the Linked Body: the Shaft
Choose the Curve icon. Select the top edge of the hole as geometry to be linked, OK to accept.
Form Feature
Select the top curve of the hole again, then OK to accept. OK to close the Extruded Body dialog. Make sure that Direction and Distance is highlighted, then OK. Use Cycle Vector Direction, if necessary, to make sure that the directional vector points down (-ZC), then OK. Key in .75 for the End Distance, then OK. Cancel the Extruded Body dialog.
Creating New Components: Method One Creating the Linked Body: the Head
Form Feature
Choose the Diameter, Height option. Choose ZC Axis icon then OK.
In the Cylinder dialog, change the Diameter to .5 and the Height to 2, then OK. The Point Constructor dialog appears. Choose the Arc/Ellipse/Sphere Center icon. Select the top hole curve again. Select Unite from the Boolean Operation dialog. Cancel the Vector Constructor dialog. The locator pin is created and its lower diameter is linked to the hole in the baseplate.
Checking Associativity Make the baseplate the Work Part. Use the Assembly Navigator: MB3 Make Work Part or... Choose Assemblies Context Control Set Work Part or... Choose the Make Work Part icon. In the Model Navigator, choose the SIMPLE_HOLE(1) node. Use MB3 Edit Parameters. Choose the Feature Dialog option from the Edit Parameters dialog. Key in .1 in the Edit Parameters dialog, then OK to accept. OK again to dismiss the Edit Parameters dialog. Notice that both the hole (baseplate) and the lower cylinder of the locator pin are modified. This is because of the linkage between the baseplate hole and the locator pin. Choose Edit diameter. Undo List Edit Feature Parameters to get back to the original
Creating New Components: Method One Inserting Duplicate Components to the Assembly
The next step is to add another occurrence to the assembly. Change the Work Part back to amd_fix_assm. Use the Assembly Navigator: MB3 Make Work Part or... Choose Assemblies Context Control Set Work Part or... Choose the Make Work Part icon.
The following procedure is the process used to add any existing part to an assembly.
or Assemblies
101 Choose amd_fix_locpin.prt from the Select Part dialog, then OK. The Add Existing Part dialog appears. Set the Positioning option to Reposition. Choose OK to accept the rest of the defaults. The Point Constructor dialog appears. Indicate the component anywhere in the graphics area. Because you specified the reposition method, the Reposition Component dialog appears. Using the Translate icon, reposition the component to the location shown below.
Choose the Create New Component icon New). The Class Selection dialog appears.
(or Assemblies
You are now prompted to select the geometry you want to add to the new component. Using the Class Selection dialog with Type filter, select the sketch geometry (cyan). Choose OK on the Class Selection dialog when the curves are selected. You are now prompted to enter the directory path and the component part filename that will be used when the component is saved. Key in amd_fix_locator for the name of the new component. Choose OK. The Create New Component dialog appears. Notice that because you are adding geometry to the new component the Delete Originals option is now active. The Delete Originals option allows you to delete the original geometry out of the work part. Choose OK to create the new component. The new component is created and added to the assembly. Choose Cancel on the Class Selection dialog. Change the Work Part to amd_fix_locator. Refresh the screen to see geometry. Notice that the sketch curve geometry was added to the component, you can now use this geometry to extrude into a solid.
Hint: you can use the following operations to create this part. Extrude the sketch. Use a pocket feature to create the cutout. Use hole and blend features to complete the rest of the part. First, extrude the sketch.
or choose Insert
Form Feature
Select the curves of the sketch geometry; when all sketch geometry highlights, then OK. OK the Extruded Body dialog. Choose the Direction and Distance option. If direction vector does not point up, choose Cycle Vector Direction. Set End Distance to 1.00, then OK.
or choose Insert
Form Feature
Choose the Rectangular option from the Pocket dialog. Select the top face of the extruded solid. Select one of the horizontal edges as the horizontal reference. Key in 1.25 for both X and Y Length; .5 for Z Length. Using Line onto Line, position the pocket solid.
or choose Insert
Form Feature
Choose the Diameter, Height option. Choose ZC Axis icon then OK. In the Cylinder dialog, change the Diameter to .2 and the Height to .5, then OK. Choose the End Point option. Select the lower end of the corner curve again.
Select Subtract from the Boolean Operation dialog. Choose the Edge Blend icon or choose Insert Edge Blend Key in .1 as the Default Radius. Select the vertical edge of the front corner. Feature Operation
Create the pin holes. Use the Geometry Linker to create circles in the locator part based on the cylinder edges in the baseplate part. Use Extrude and Cylinder to finish off the holes. In a writable directory, File Save As the amd_fix_locator part.
You cannot save any new parts you generate into the CAST parts directory. Change the work part back to amd_fix_assm.
Choose the Create New Component icon New). The Class Selection dialog appears.
(or Assemblies
Choose the shoulderbolt from the graphics area, then OK to accept. Key in amd_fix_shoulderbolt for the part name then choose OK. In the Create New Component dialog, make sure Delete Originals is turned on, then choose OK to create the component. The new component is created and added to the assembly.
Choose Cancel to dismiss the Class Selection dialog. Of course, for the sake of completeness, you can propagate and position the other four shoulderbolts. The procedure is the same as the one you used for the corner locators. Feel free to do this on your own, if you desire.
Edit In Place
When you create a new component and add solid geometry to it, all parameterization associated with that solid is copied into the new component. This also includes any expressions that are required to control that parameterization. In this section you will edit a parameter of a component part while working in context of the assembly. The rectangular opening in the base plate is a little too big. The locators hang over the edge of the opening. You will edit the size of this opening. Change the work part to the baseplate (amd_fix_baseplate). With the baseplate as the work part you can now edit the value of the expression controlling the size of this opening. Choose Tools Expression.
The Expression dialog appears. The Expressions dialog lists all the expressions found in the current work part. Select the following expression from the list. (You may need to use the scroll bars.) sketchwidth=blockwidth-2 Change the expression value to the following: sketchwidth=blockwidth-3.5
108 Enter to accept the change. The change in the expression has been made but the component will not be updated until you choose OK or Apply. Using Apply lets you see changes without dismissing the Expressions dialog, so you can see if you get the right update. Using OK will update changes and dismiss the Expressions dialog. Choose Apply from the Expression dialog. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Expression dialog. The baseplate component is updated as shown below.
Change the work part back to the assembly. Unblank the four Locator components. The assembly is completed. Close all parts.
Sketch in Context
Sketching in context is another aspect of top-down modeling. It allows you to create and edit sketches within the component parts of an assembly. When sketching in context you can reference geometry within other component parts of the current assembly. The following is a list of things to remember when working with sketches in context of an assembly:
109 When sketching in context, the sketch view is not available to you. Because layout views are defined by the displayed part, the sketch view in the work part cannot be viewed. Sketch dimensions are not view dependant and will be visible in all views of the displayed part while the sketch is active. Existing entities belonging to the sketch can be selected in any occurrence of the work part. If the work part is changed while working on a sketch, the active sketch will be updated and you will be given the Sketch selection dialog for the new work part. In this activity you will open an assembly and edit one of the component sketches in context of the assembly. Open part amd_hinge_assm.prt from the amd/door subdirectory.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Use the Assembly Navigator to change the reference set of component amd_arm (yellow) to body_and_sketch. Both the body and sketches (cyan) of the arm component are now visible. Change amd_arm to the work part. Choose the Modeling icon Modeling (if necessary). Choose Edit Sketch. from the Application toolbar or choose Application
With the cursor over the radius dimension p122 in the graphics area, use MB3 then choose Edit. Key in .25 for the new value of the dimension, then Enter. Notice that only the sketch is updated. The solid will not be updated until you choose Update Solid. This allows for multiple sketches to be edited with out updating the model. Select SKETCH_002 from the Sketch Name pull-down. With the cursor over the radius dimension p201 in the graphics area, use MB3 then choose Edit. Key in 2 for the new value the Enter. Notice that only the sketch is updated. The solid will not be updated until you choose Update Solid.
or choose Tools
Update Model.
Notice that the solid has been updated to reflect the new changes.
The objectives for this lesson are: understanding filter setup understanding filter classifications using attribute filters using proximity filters understanding zones knowing how to drag and drop filters understanding how filters interact with load options understanding how to use bookmarks
Filtering Setup
As your assemblies get larger and larger, becoming more and more complex, there is anincreasing need for control over the component parts you need to see and work with. Filtering provides a means by which you can specify which groups of components within a total assembly are significant to you. Certain filters can be specified and manipulated via the Assembly Navigator. This provides a way of graphically seeing the hierarchy as well as the results of any created filters using a tree structure. Choose File Directory. Options Load Options and make sure the Load Method is set to From
Open part file amd_mouse_assm.prt from the amd/mouse subdirectory. Choose the Assemblies icon Assemblies. The Assemblies toolbar appears. Open the Assembly Navigator. from the Application toolbar or choose Application
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog. Make sure the Assemblies and Assembly Navigator switches are on.
Choose the Assembly Navigator option. The commands associated with the Assembly Navigator are enumerated on the right side of the dialog. By clicking the various commands on or off, you can control which icons appear on the Assembly Navigator toolbar. Make sure the Filtering Mode command is on (checked).
This adds the Filtering Mode icon Close the Customize dialog.
2) In the Assembly Navigator, the Filters symbols are added into the tree structure.
Now that the Filtering Mode is on, you can turn the Assembly Filtering toolbar on. Choose View Toolbars Customize.
Choose the Toolbars tab. Turn the Assemblies Filtering option on (checked).
115 Feel free to dock the toolbar. Close the Customize dialog.
You can define Session Filters that are only applicable during a specific session, and are not to be stored with the part. You can define Filters in Part that are stored with the part file. These include component and user-defined filters. Some filter considerations. Filters can be nested. When filters contain other filters, conditions met by the nested filters provide the input to the containing filter. Nested filters follow a "tree structure" within the Assembly Navigator. All filtering operations work with Unigraphics NX macros. Undo functionality is supported within filtering.
Filter Classifications
There are two classifications of filters: functional filters grouping/combination filters Functional Filters Add Attribute Search to Filter Add Proximity Filter Add Zone to Filter There are also three grouping/combination filters that can act in conjunction with the functional filters and each other.
116 Grouping/Combination Filters Match all of... Filter Match any of... Filter Exclude from Filter
Attribute Filters
Attribute filters are filters which search components for a particular quality or set of qualities. You can specify an attribute search based on: a part name a part's state; its load status, work status or visibility status a system or user-defined attribute a list size considerations
Choose the Contains option. Key in screw in the Component or Part Name field, then OK. Place the cursor over the By Name screw filter node, then MB3 Apply.
Notice that all components that contain the term "screw" are highlighted in the graphics area and masked in the Assembly Navigator.
117 Notice also that in the Count column, that there are 7 components that meet the By Name filter criteria. Click on the box of the By Name screw node with MB1.
Notice that actually 4 name filters were created to check for both lower and upper case instances of "screw" in both $NAME and $PART_NAME_CORE system naming attributes. Click on the box of the By Name screw node to collapse it.
All Components: The default. This state filter holds all components. Loaded Components: This state filter holds whatever components are loaded at any given time. Visible Components: This state filter holds whatever components are visible; i.e., not blanked at any given time.
118 Work Part: This state filter holds whatever components are designated as the work part at any given time. A filter can be created to count parts that are blanked in a large assembly when Assembly Navigator is not fully expanded. Select the checkbox ( ) next to the "By Name screw" filter to blank the components that are named "screw".
Notice that the components are shown as blanked in this collapsed Assembly Navigator; there are additional components that are blanked that can not be seen. Choose the Visible Components option. Select OK to accept the new filter. Key in Visible in the Filter name node, then Enter. Place the cursor over the Visible filter node, then MB3 Apply.
There are components that are blanked that are not expanded in the Assembly Navigator; these components are shown in the count column. The components that are visible are also highlighted in the Assembly Navigator.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose Tools Assembly Navigator Filtering Mode (if necessary).
Customize the Assembly Filtering and Assembly Navigator toolbars (if necessary). Choose View Toolbars Customize. Choose the Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog. Make sure the Assemblies Filtering and Assembly Navigator switches are on. Choose the Commands tab. Choose the Assembly Navigator option. Click on the Session Filters folder in the Assembly Navigator. This signals that the next filter will be a session filter.
Choose the By Attribute tab in the Add to Filter dialog. Note that there are six system default attributes available. Key in brass in the Value text field, then OK. Notice in the Assembly Navigator that a new filter has been added with an automatic Add to Filter condition of brass and the filter name is ready to edited. Key in material check as the name of the filter, then Enter.
This straight attribute search will check for any attribute with the term brass in it. (Presumably a material attribute!)
If you lose the automatic edit state, you can place the cursor over the filter node and use MB3 Edit. Position the cursor over the material check filter node, then MB3 Apply.
Note in the Assembly Navigator, in the Count column, that 6 components with the brass attribute were found and that they are highlighted in the graphics area.
Again, the Add to Filter dialog appears; the "By Attribute" tab should still be active. Key in mat in the Name field. Make sure the operator option is set to =.
121 Key in mild steel in the Value field, then Apply. Note in the Assembly Navigator that your designated search is referenced. Because it is a comparison search, the left side of the comparison is seen as an attribute title.
Position the cursor over the MAT = "mild steel" filter, then MB3
Again, in the Assembly Navigator the Count specifies that 15 components with the mild steel attribute were found and that they are highlighted in the graphics area (the bolts and nuts). Combining Filters In the last two examples, you checked for two specific attributes, one at a time To check both at the same time, you would simply mask the higher level filter (material check) and run that one and it would check for all components of brass and ones with a MAT attribute of mild steel. File Close All Parts.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose Tools Assembly Navigator Filtering Mode (if necessary).
Note that there are two filters that already exist in this part. Customize the Assembly Filtering and Assembly Navigator toolbars (if necessary). Choose View Toolbars Customize. Choose the Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog. Make sure the Assemblies Filtering and Assembly Navigator switches are on. Choose the Commands tab.
122 Choose the Assembly Navigator option. Click on the Session Filters folder in the Assembly Navigator Choose the Add Attribute Search to Filter icon.
The operative elements of the dialog consist of a size toggle switch and a size slider control. The slider control automatically gauges the largest aspect of the part file as the upper limit of the search. Choose the Smaller Than option. Move the slider control to 3.0 on the scale, then OK. Key in small parts as the name of the filter and Enter. If you lose the automatic edit state, you can place the cursor over the filter node and use MB3 Edit. Note the system generates a system object ($BOUNDING_BOX_SIZE) comparison.
Position the cursor over the $BOUNDING_BOX_SIZE <3.0000 filter, then MB3 Apply. The parts smaller than 3.0 are highlighted in the display and in the Assembly Navigator. Also note in the Count column that there are 23 occurrences satisfying the filter criteria. File Close All Parts.
Proximity Filters
Proximity filters specify that all components near a designated list of components or zones be identified. In this next section you will be introduced to some of the basic features of the proximity filter mode. You will be using a proximity filter to blank certain parts of the mouse assembly. Open part file amd_mouse_assm.prt from the amd/mouse subdirectory. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose Tools Assembly Navigator Filtering Mode (if necessary).
Customize the Assembly Filtering and Assembly Navigator toolbars (if necessary). Choose View Toolbars Customize. Choose the Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog. Make sure the Assemblies Filtering and Assembly Navigator switches are on. Choose the Commands tab. Choose the Assembly Navigator option. Click on the Session Filters folder in the Assembly Navigator. Choose the ball node in the Assembly Navigator (it will become masked). Choose the Add Proximity Filter icon , or choose MB3 Proximity Filter to define your first filter. Key in prox check 1 as the name of the filter and Enter. If you lose the automatic edit state, you can place the cursor over the filter node and use MB3 Edit. Notice that the filter was generated and listed under the Session Filters section of the Assembly Navigator. Filter Create
The default of the proximity filter is 10 mm (this is a metric part), but this can be edited. Using MB3, click on the within 10.0mm of... entry. Take note of the functions in this pop-up. Also note that you can create nested filters at this juncture by creating filters within filters. Choose Edit from the pop-up.
Key in 2, then OK. With the cursor over within 2.0mm of... , use MB3 to invoke the pop-up. Choose Components Blanking Blank.
The only components within the mouse assembly that are not within 2 millimeters of the ball are the fasteners.
Did you notice that the MB3 Component pop-up also lets you access other operations with any particular filter?
In the case of Blanking, you can also use the Blanking checkbox in the Assembly Navigator to view the effects of a filter. Click on the checkbox of the proximity filter.
The effects of the filter are unblanked. File Close All Parts.
Zones isolate components according to their position relative to designated boxes, planes, lines or points. Example: Using a zone, you can designate to "load only components that are contained within zone A." (a Box zone). Or, you could designate to "Blank all components that intersect with and are above zone B." (a Plane zone) The development of zones is a function of the Advanced Assembly Modeling module, however you can include zones in regular assembly filters.
126 Open part file valve_assm_filter1.prt from the amd/valve subdirectory. Customize the Assembly Filtering and Assembly Navigator toolbars (if necessary). Choose View Toolbars Customize. Choose the Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog. Make sure the Assemblies Filtering and Assembly Navigator switches are on. Choose the Commands tab. Choose the Assembly Navigator option. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose Tools Assembly Navigator Filtering Mode (if necessary).
Choose the Add Zone to Filter icon. The Add Zone to Filter dialog lists the zones that are resident in the model.
Select the Box FLOW_ZONE entry. Note that FLOW_ZONE is highlighted in the graphics area.
The zone approximates the area that liquid would flow through the valve.
Choose the Expand All icon or choose Tools to expand all the subassemblies.
Assembly Navigator
Expand All
Click on the Session Filters folder in the Assembly Navigator. Choose the Match All of ... filter icon. Key in flowcheck as the name of the filter and Enter. If you lose the automatic edit state, you can place the cursor over the filter node and use MB3 Edit. Next you will add a subassembly (subassy_intprts) to be checked as part of the Match all of... condition. In the Assembly Navigator, use MB1 to select the subassy_intprts node and drag it onto the Match all of... filter you just created and drop it there.
Next, you will refine the filter to check for any parts in subassy_intprts that intersect with the existing filter FLOW_ZONE. In the Filter section, click on the subassy_intprts (it highlights). Choose the Add Zone to Filter icon. Select the BoxFLOW_ZONE entry. Note that certain icons, applicable to the current filter, become available in the Add Zone to Filter dialog. Choose the Interferes icon , then OK.
Your flowcheck filter is complete. Now to activate it. With the cursor over flowcheck, use MB3 Apply.
Note in the graphics area that the components that met the filter criteria are highlighted. Note also that in the Assembly Navigator the Count column reflects the number of components that meet the filter requirements. If you scroll down in the Assembly Navigator, the components that match the filter criteria are masked as well. Close all part files.
Click on the Load Components pull-down. More About Load Component Options
Loads all assembly components All Components No components are loaded No Components Use Last Component Loads assembly with the same components it was last saved with
129 Set Use Last Filter Specify Filter Loads components based on the last filter that was used to load the assembly (and saved) Loads components that meet the criteria of a chosen defined filter
Click on the Specify Filter option, then OK. Open part file valve_assm_filter1.prt from the amd/valve subdirectory. Choose flow_filter from the component list and OK.
Only those components that meet the filter criteria of FLOW_FILTER are loaded.
The practical application of these types of loading filters is that different disciplines can load only those components that are related to their design needs. Close all parts.
Bookmarking creates a special file (.bkm extension) that records the working context of a Unigraphics NX session. You can specify what is aspects of the working context are to be recorded: currently defined assembly filters, current load options, current displayed part, current set of loaded components.
130 The purpose of bookmarking is to enable you or another designer to quickly re-establish a desired working context from one session to another.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Since bookmarking tracks loaded components and displayed parts (in addition to filters and load options) you will unload some of the mouse parts and change the displayed part before saving a bookmark. With the cursor over the amd_mouse_assm_sub node, use MB3 With the cursor over a m2_screw node, use MB3 components within the subassembly. Close Make Displayed Part.
The Save Bookmark dialog appears. This is where you specify the writable directory in which you will save your bookmark. Designate the your writable directory, then key in bookmark_test_<your initials> as the file name.
This is where you specify what aspects of your model you wish to bookmark. Since you are interested in loaded components and the displayed part aspect of the model, you can use the default. Choose OK to accept the specified directory, file name and record setting. File Close All Parts.
The Open Part File dialog appears. Specify the directory in which you saved your bookmark file (bookmark_test_<your initials>). Click on the Files of type: option to see all the options.
Choose Bookmarks (*.bkm). You now should be able to see your bookmark listed in the window of files. Choose bookmark_test_<your initials>, then OK. Your model appears with the same working context which you bookmarked.
Remember, you did not have any filters or specialized load options in effect in this example, but they are also available to bookmark. And remember that you can be very specific on what you bookmark using the options list in the Save Bookmark dialog. File Close All Parts.
Mating Conditions
The objectives of this lesson are: understand degrees of freedom and mating constraints know how to assign mating conditions understand how to mate new components understand how to edit mating conditions know how to develop mating alternates
Linear Degrees of Freedom Rotational Degrees of Freedom These are visual cues showing what degrees of freedom remain.
134 If all of an object's degrees of freedom are constrained, it is said that object is fully constrained, i.e. it cannot move or rotate in any direction. If an object's degrees of freedom are not all constrained, it is said that object is under constrained, i.e. it can move or rotate in some direction. Hierarchy of Terms: Mating Conditions
Mating Constraints (8) Mate Align Angle Parallel Center Distance Tangent Perpendicular
Mated components do not need to be fully constrained to be functional. It is also acceptable to over constrain a component.
135 Assignment on components as they are added to an assembly. This is analogous to a top-down approach to assembly modeling. Both methods will be presented in this lesson.
1) caster_shaft 2) caster_spacer 3) caster_fork Use Fit, Rotate, Zoom In/Out as necessary, throughout the lesson to facilitate both object selection and your understanding of what is happening to the geometry. The base part of this assembly will be the caster_shaft. The spacer and the fork will be mated in relation to it. If it moves, all other components will move with it. The first component that will be mated to the shaft will be the caster_spacer. It will be mated on the shaft and against the stepped shoulder of the shaft. This mating condition will use two constraints: one Align constraint one Mate constraint
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose the caster_spacer node in the Assembly Navigator. The spacer component (washer) highlights in the graphics area.
or choose Assemblies
The Mating Conditions dialog appears. The mating conditions/constraints will appear in the list box as you define them.
Composite Example: 1) List area where conditions are displayed (selectable) 2) Constraint types
3) "To/From" selection
5) Centering options
Select the Filter pulldown and choose the Face option (if necessary). Although it is not necessary to specify a filter, it is a good habit to develop to aid in selecting your intended type of geometry. Notice that the From icon is activated.
If you have trouble selecting, wait for the select options cursor and identify your
selection using the QuickPick dialog. Notice that the TO icon is automatically activated.
You will notice constraint indicators, indicating the remaining degrees of freedom. Also, in the message area of the screen, the message, "Two degrees of freedom remaining" is displayed.
Axial and rotational constraints are still unspecified. If you do not see a constraint indicator, check the Mating selection dialog to see if the List Errors option is active. If it is, this indicates something has not been properly designated. Pressing the List Errors option will present an Information window showing the error status. You will also see a graphic cue on your model showing where the error occurs.
139 To correct an improperly specified constraint, choose Back from the Mating selection dialog then respecify the constraint. Notice that the designated constraint is listed in the window in the top part of the dialog.
This listing window uses the same interactive expand/collapse operations (and other symbols) as is used in the Assembly Navigator. Select Apply to accept the constraint. More About: Align Constraint
By everywhere, we mean that an align constraint is solved using unbounded geometry, so the geometric entities do not have to actually touch to be aligned.
Select the Filter pulldown and choose the Face option (if necessary). Select the inside, flat face of the spacer.
is automatically activated.
This time preview how the intended mating constraint will act. The Preview function lets you see the intended mating before you actually apply the constraint. Choose Preview.
Again, the designated constraint is listed in the window in the top part of the dialog.
The spacer should be allowed to rotate on the shaft, so these two components are mated sufficiently. Select Apply to accept the constraint. More About: Mate Constraint
Use the Mate constraint when you want to mate objects of components with opposing normals and want to define a physical contact between two entities.
1) Selected ("from") face on the base component 2) Selected ("to") face on the mated component Usage Matrix: Mate
mating condition.
Select the Filter pulldown and choose the Face option (if necessary). Select the cylindrical hole face of the fork. Use the select options cursor/box to aid selection, if necessary.
Choose Apply to accept your mating operation. Next, Mate the back face of the fork to the outward face of the spacer. Choose the Mate icon from the Mating Conditions dialog.
Remember, you can use Preview to check the result of your mating operation before you actually accept it. Choose Apply to accept your mating operation. Your successful solution should look like the illustration below.
145 Choose Preferences Assemblies then turn Preview Component on Add on (checked).
Add the component caster_axle.prt to the amd_caster assembly from the amd/caster directory. Choose the Add Existing Component icon or Assemblies Components Add Existing. Choose the Choose Part File option on the Select Part dialog. Choose caster_axle.prt from the amd/caster directory and OK.
The Add Existing Part dialog appears and the axle is previewed in the staging view.
1) Multiple add: "No" is the default. 2) Component name: The default assumes the component's name will be the same as the part file name (note upper case), but it does not have to be! 3) Reference Set: Option list shows all reference sets in current component. 4) Positioning: Specifies how the component is to be positioned. Absolute is the default, which brings in a component using absolute coordinates. 5) Layer specification options.
From the Positioning pulldown, choose Mate; set the Layer options to Work and Reference Set to Entire Part, then OK to accept the options in the dialog. Note that the Mating Conditions dialog appears, ready for you to specify a mating constraint. From here on, the mating process is the same as you went through for the first components of the assembly. First, constrain the center of the axle to the center of one of the holes of the fork.
This ensures that the center of the axle will always be centered to the holes in the fork. Choose Preview to see the result of your mating operation. Notice that the constraint indicators show freedom of movement around and along the YC axis. Choose Unpreview to return to the staging view.
Select the Filter pulldown and choose the Datum Plane option. Select the datum plane of the axle.
Notice that you have vectors pointing in opposite directions. Choose Preview to check your work.
149 Choose the Choose Part File option on the Select Part dialog. Choose caster_wheel.prt from the amd/caster directory and OK. The Add Existing Part dialog reappears. Set Positioning to Mate and Layer Options to Work. Use OK to accept the dialog parameters.
The Mating Conditions dialog appears. Specify two mating conditions: a Center for the hole of the wheel to the axle and an Align between the hole of the wheel and the axle. First, constrain the center of the face of the axle to one of the holes of the fork. Choose the Center icon as the first mating condition. Select the Filter pulldown and choose the Face option (if necessary). Select the cylindrical hole face of the wheel. Select the cylindrical face of the axle. Choose Preview to see the result of your mating operation. Choose Unpreview to return to the staging view. Next, mate the datum plane of the wheel to the datum plane of the axle. Choose the Align icon from the Mating Conditions dialog. Select the Filter pulldown and choose the Datum Plane option. Select the datum plane of the wheel. Select the datum plane of the axle. Choose Preview to see the result of your mating operation. Choose Apply to accept.
Choose the Reposition Component icon Reposition Component. The Class Selection dialog appears.
or choose Assemblies
Select the fork from the Assembly Navigator or the display, then OK. The Reposition Component dialog appears. In the graphics area, use MB1 to attempt to drag the fork randomly around. Note that the fork only rotates around the shaft! This is because the only degree of freedom the fork has left, based on your applied constraints, is rotation. Cancel the Reposition Component dialog. Select the wheel from the Assembly Navigator or the display.
or choose Assemblies
In the graphics area, use MB1 and the rotation handles (balls) to attempt to rotate the wheel randomly around. Note that the wheel only rotates around the axle! Again, this is because the only degree of freedom the wheel has left, based on your applied constraints, is rotation. Cancel the Reposition Component dialog. If you had used Apply in the Reposition Component dialog, the components would have been repositioned based on your dragging in the graphics area. Close all part files.
Highlight will highlight or unhighlight the selected condition in the graphic area, depending on the current display condition.
Show/Remove Degrees of Freedom will add or remove the constraint indicators from the display. Suppress/Unsuppress issues: Suppressing a mating condition causes the mating condition to be ignored during geometric edits. With Suppress on, when you modify the geometry of constrained components, no error message will be displayed. If you modify a component creating a failed constraint, that constraint must be deleted before the mating condition can be unsuppressed. Delete removes the selected condition. Rename activates the Condition Name input field in the Mating Conditions dialog.
Remember Constraints files the constraints for the selected mating condition with the part file. This enables automatic mating when the component is added to an assembly.
Alternate Solution allows you to check out any other available solutions that are appropriate to the respective constraint. Convert To invokes a list of appropriate constraints that can be used instead of the current constraint. In addition to the toggle options, you also can delete and rename a constraint using MB3. Delete removes the selected condition. Rename activates the Constraint Name input field in the Mating Conditions dialog.
In many cases when mating axisymmetrical objects, there may be more than one solution to the mating constraints defined. In such cases, the Alternate Solution option will be activated in the Mating Conditions dialog.
154 Most cases of Alternate Solution involve reversing (anti-aligning) direction vectors of one of the entities involved.
Example: Datum Plane - Sphere In some cases, both the List Errors and the Alternate Solution options activate. In these cases, it means the first specified mating condition could not be completed as specified, but that an alternate solution is available. When the Alternate Solution option does become available, it is a good idea to check out the alternate solutions. You can then make a more informed decision of which solution to apply after graphically seeing the solutions.
Open part file amd_caster_edit.prt from the amd/caster subdirectory. Choose the Mate Component icon Component. or choose Assemblies Components Mate
When a constraint is suppressed, the component will not move back to its original position (before it was mated).
"What's the difference between suppressing a mating constraint and suppressing a mating condition?"
By definition, if you suppress a mating condition, all the constraints that make up that mating condition are suppressed, whereas when you suppress a mating constraint, any other constraints that makeup that mating condition are still in effect on any respective mated components.
Select the Filter pulldown and choose the Face option. Select the front face of the fork as the FROM face.
The Offset Expression fields in the Mating Conditions dialog become available.
Key in -.125 to replace the 0.0 value in the Offset Expression field, then Apply. Your successful solution should be like the illustration below.
Use the Distance constraint when you want to establish a minimum separation relationship between two entities. Usage Matrix: Distance
This dialog is a subset of the Mating Conditions dialog, invoked using Mating Conditions option on the Edit Assembly Structure dialog, but you can not alter anything in this dialog. Choose any of the mating conditions listed in the dialog. Note that the appropriate constraint vectors are highlighted in the graphic area. Once a constraint is highlighted, if you choose OK, the full Mating Conditions dialog becomes available so that you may either make changes or add appropriate conditions/constraints. Cancel the dialog. Close all parts.
To use the Angle constraint you must first have an existing constraint that implicitly defines a rotation axis, such as an edge-to-edge align. 1) "from" edge
2) "to" edge 3) implied rotation axis Orient uses the right-hand rule for interpreting angles. 1) Selected face on the mating component
when the normals of objects of components need to be parallel. Usage Matrix: Parallel
Use the Perpendicular constraint when you want geometry of two objects to remain constrained to a 90 degree relationship with each other. Usage Matrix: Perpendicular
Tangent constraints are solved using unbounded geometry (like align), so the geometric entities do not have to actually touch to be considered tangent.
Mating Alternates
Using mating Alternates lets you substitute parts within an assembly while maintaining the mating conditions applied to the original components of that assembly. This is done by letting you interactively define "names" of faces and edges that you may use to mate components. When you substitute a component that will inherit the existing mating conditions, you must verify the names of the significant edges and/or faces that are being referenced by the mating conditions.
Choose caster_shaft from the Assembly Navigator or the graphics area, then OK. The Define Names dialog appears.
1) Existing Mating Conditions of selected component (shaft) 2) Constraints of selected condition above The bottom window of the dialog lists the mating constraints of the selected condition in the upper box. In our case, the first constraint listed (lower window) is the cylindrical face alignment of the fork to the shaft, so that will be the first one you will name.
164 The next constraint between the spacer and the shaft is highlighted: Mate -Planar->Planar. Key in shaft_face_mate in the Name in Component entry field and Enter. OK to dismiss No Unlabeled Mating Conditions the message box.
Select caster_shaft from the Assembly Navigator or the graphics area, then OK. The Select Part dialog appears. You must identify the part that will be the replacement. The Select Part dialog list shows only the loaded parts in the assembly, so you must go to the other part files. Choose Choose Part File on the top of the dialog. Choose caster_shaft_alt from the list and OK. The Point Constructor dialog appears. You must position the in-coming alternate shaft part.
165 It will be easier to do the up-coming face selections if you position the in-coming shaft away from the original one. Indicate a position for caster_shaft_alt.
Select the cylindrical face on the new shaft that aligns with the interior face of the spacer.
166 The Verify Names dialog reflects the next constraint that must be identified on the replacement part.
Select the face on the new shaft that mates with the front face of the fork, and accept.
The Verify Names dialog is now updated to reflect the new constraint status. When you see the statement Solution-Mating Condition Solved in the Verify Names dialog, choose OK. You receive a message appraising you that all mating conditions have been accounted for:
In this dialog, you can designate a new component name and reference set if desired. You will use the defaults. Choose OK to accept. The shaft is replaced within the assembly.
You can not do this because the part files in the CAST Online directory are read-only. You can save parts if you designate a directory in which you have write permission.
Things to Remember... Define names for the constraints of the existing fork (the Define Names dialog). When using Verify, position the in-coming fork so you can select faces easily. Select the faces on the alternate fork as they correspond to the highlighted constraints in the Verify Names dialog. Remember to look for the Solution-Mating Conditions Solved statement in the Verify Names dialog. The completed alternate operation should yield an assembly like the following illustration.
The graphic display is updated showing the elimination of the shaft from the assembly and the Update failure list is displayed. Note that the first line in the dialog reflects your edit: CASTER_SPACER->Unknown component. Because the shaft component was removed from the assembly, all mating conditions that referenced it were deleted. Also note that Delete is the only available option. The possible failure options are: Suppress - This blanks the affected mating condition from the assembly. Once suppressed, a failed mating condition can only be unsuppressed when the error condition has been resolved. Delete - This removes the effected mating condition from the assembly.
170 Deleting the mating condition causes the assembly component to be unconstrained; it must be reconstrained. Ignore - This disregards the affected mating condition. If you choose to ignore the mating condition failure, the next time an update is performed on the assembly, the system will try to update the failed mating condition. Choose Cancel and close all part files.
Flexible Components
The objectives of this lesson are: understanding general flexible component concepts creating a deformable part adding a flexible component to an assembly
General Concepts
It is common for assemblies to have parts that have different shapes as they are applied to the assembly. Components such as springs and hoses are good examples. Deformable parts are added to an assembly by providing key parameters that control the shape of the in-coming part. There are two aspects to using flexible components: the designation of the deformable part itself the use of the deformable part as a flexible component in an assembly The Deformable Part Deformable parts have the following characteristics: features and associated expressions are flagged as being definable when the part is used in an assembly the deformable parameters of the part are defined by the owner of the part once a deformed component has been used in an assembly, it is editable and its deformation can be changed by editing its deformation parameters Once a deformable part has been specified, it can then be used as a flexible component. The Flexible Component Once a deformable part has been used in an assembly, it is deemed a flexible component with the following characteristics: a flexible component can have different shapes in different assemblies it can be used multiple times in the same assembly; each instance with a specific shape the shape of a flexible component is defined by the owner of the assembly it can used as different shapes at different levels in a multi-leveled assembly
Open part file front_spring.prt from the amd/master_cyl subdirectory. Choose the Assemblies icon Assemblies. The Assemblies toolbar appears. If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary). from the Application toolbar or choose Application
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab
173 use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
If you try and add further deformation qualities to a part that already has a deformable feature you will be advised of the following:
In the Definition page you can: designate a name that will be given to the deformable feature in the feature tree of part
174 designate a URL where any documents exist that explain the way the deformable shape is defined Key in coil_spring in the Name field Choose Next to continue on to the Features page.
The left list box shows all the features in the part. You simply designate which features you want to be included when the deformed part is used. As a beginner, it is simpler to take all the features of the part. Using the <Shift> key, select the top entry, HELIX(0), then the last entry, selecting all the features in the left list box, then select the right arrow.
Using the <Ctrl> key, choose turns=10 and pitch=.18 in the left list box, then select the right arrow.
Two of the parameters that go into defining the helix are now deformable input parameters; any user that wants to use this deformable part can designate unique helix parameters. There is an input field just below the deformable input parameters list box where you can change the description of the parameters. Click on turns Number of Turns, then choose the By Whole Number Range switch.
Enter a Minimum of 5 and a Maximum of 15 for the range of number of coils. Now for the pitch range. Choose pitch Pitch from the list box and make sure the By Number Range switch is
176 on. Enter a Minimum of .10 and a Maximum of .20 for the range of the pitch angle. Choose Next to continue on to the References page. More about Defining Deformable Part Expressions
178 Notice that once you have designated deformation a deformable feature is added to the feature tree in the Model Navigator.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Point Constructor option then use the Arc/Ellipse/Sphere option to find the center points of the faces on each end of where the first spring will fit.
This distance information will help you determine what pitch to designate for the respective springs as they are brought in as flexible components.
Choose the Add Existing Component icon Assemblies Components Add Existing
Use Choose Part File and select front_spring as the part you are adding. In the Add Existing Part dialog, set Positioning to Mate and Layer options to Work, then OK. The Mating Conditions dialog appears and you have a Staging View window in your display. Choose the Mate icon from the Mating Conditions dialog.
You are going to mate the flat face on the end of the spring (1) to the step face of the plunger (2).
Select the flat end face of the spring (1) as the FROM face. Select the ring-like step face of the plunger (2) as the TO face. Next you will align the datum axis of the spring to the cylinder of the plunger. Choose the Align icon as the second mating constraint.
Set the Filter to Datum Axis then select the datum axis (FROM) of the spring. Set the Filter to Face then select the center cylindrical face (TO) of the plunger, then Preview.
You know the distance the spring must occupy is 1.7655; you also know that the number of turns must be an integer, so the combination of turns (between 5 and 10) and the pitch (real number between .1 and .2) have to result in a value of 1.7655. You want to keep the number of turns constant, so you will only modify the pitch value. In the pitch field key in 1.7655/10 (total needed coil length divided by # of turns) and Enter, then OK. Cancel the Select Part dialog.
Choose the Mate Component icon Component. Choose the Mate icon
or choose Assemblies
Select the Filter pull-down and choose the Face option (if necessary). Select the flat end face of the spring.
Select the inside circular face of the end of the tube, then OK.
Now you have the flexible component installed with both ends mated and the whole spring aligned to the center of the master cylinder.
The Class Selection dialog appears. Choose front_spring node in the Assembly Navigator, then OK. The Deform Component dialog appears. Choose the Edit icon in the Deform Component dialog.
Change the Pitch value to .11 (key in or use the slider), then Enter.
When you OK the operation, the spring will change size, with the mated plunger moving along with the changed length. Watch for it. OK to accept the edited values.
Deform Part
Flexible Component, deformed part Shape column, deformed part dialog of editable deformable expressions Assemblies Components Deform Part
Flexible Component, un-deformed part Shape column, un-deformed part dialog to define deformable expressions
You can continue with the assembly you have been working with or call up a model that is correct up to this point.
On Your Own - Adding the Second Spring Adding the Rear Spring
You will be concerned with two part files: rear_spring.prt (you must make it deformable first) the current part file or to start from here, open part master_cylinder_assm_inwork.prt from the amd/master_cylinder subdirectory. Things to Remember You must be in both the Modeling and Assemblies applications. You have to make the rear_spring part deformable before you can use it as a flexible component. When adding the part, you can deform it when it is added or just add it as an un-deformed part and deform it later (Assemblies Components Deform). Mate both end faces of the spring and align it to the main cylinder face.
General Concepts
Variable Component Positioning provides you with the ability to override the position and constraints of a subassembly component within the context of a higher level assembly. Variable Component Positioning capabilities specifically include: different occurrences of a component in an assembly can be overridden to different positions the overriding of mating constraints of a subassembly component while keeping the original mating constraints of the component, if desired the adding of constraints to control the position of a component overriding the positioning of a fully mated subassembly component the editing of distance and angular constraint values on an overridden component
189 Design Intent For this section you will work on a phone assembly. You will override a subassembly mating constraint then see the result as you reposition several components within the context of the higher level parent assembly structure.
Overriding Component Position and Mating Constraints Repositioning a Component - Model Setup
Load Options and make sure the Load Method is set to From
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize, then choose the Toolbars tab, and turn the Assemblies switch on.
Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary) and expand all the nodes.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. , use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose Tools Assembly Navigator Expand All or select the Expand All icon.
191 Using the Assembly Navigator, make the anten_top the work part. Select the ant_sub_assembly node. Use MB3 Make Work Part.
or choose Assemblies
Expand all the mating conditions by clicking the + signs on the tree. Observe the mating situation. Mating Conditions dialog
Shows the constraints of the components of the antenna subassembly. Of particular interest is the Distance constraint of the bushing to the antenna upper rod. You will be overriding that.
Graphic Display As you select the individual constraints in the dialog tree, the indicators show that the components are generally unconstrained for rotation and translation along the antenna rod.
Assembly Navigator Position symbols reflect that three of the antenna components are partially constrained to the antenna upper rod.
192 You will check these constraints once you reposition the bushing in the higher level assembly. Cancel the Mating Conditions dialog. Display the amd_phone_assm. In the Assembly Navigator, select the ant_sub_assembly node, then MB3 Display Parent amd_phone_assm or: Choose Window amd_phone_assm.
(Below small dashed line): immediate active parent = any repositioning of the component will behave like a normal transformation
"currently active parent" = any transformation or repositioning of the component will modify this parent
193 Indicates control of current component's position in this "parent" assembly. The "immediate parent" (below the small dashed line) will always have this symbol since you cannot have a component that is not positioned within a parent.
Notice that the Add Variable Position icon has become active. Choose the Add Variable Positioning icon.
(Above small dashed line) = there is an override on the "currently active parent", any transformation or mating will be applied to this override. Remember, the parent below the small dashed line will always have this symbol since you cannot have a component that is not positioned within a parent.
Mate Override: will bring up the Mating Conditions dialog so you can 1) override the mating conditions from the original position or 2) add constraints to control the position of the overridden component.
Remove Variable Positioning: Deletes the overrides of the currently active parent.
Information: gives variable positioning information. In the Assembly Navigator, notice the updated position symbol: (anten_upr) the component is partially constrained and explicitly overridden.
The information reflects the symbology in the Assembly Navigator: the anten_bsh component is the component that was "explicitly" overridden (the dark blue arrow ) If the bushing had components mated to it, when overridden, the mated components would follow its override, creating "implicit" overrides (designated by a white arrow ) Dismiss the Information window.
Choose the Mating Override icon The Mating Conditions dialog appears.
196 dialog. Make sure Filter is set to Face. Select the front face of the bushing.
If you have unloaded parts that play a role in the new mating conditions, you will get the following message:
OK the message to continue. Change the Filter to Point. Select an outer circular edge on the tip of the molding to yield a center point.
Make sure that the Offset Expression field is set to 0.0 (for a flush mount), then Apply. Notice that the bushing face is now constrained flush to the top of the molding.
In this example, you have added a new Distance constraint to the bushing component. In Variable Component Positioning, you can also modify the numerical value of inherited Distance and Angle constraints. Here are a couple of considerations. You cannot edit the original geometry the Distance or Angle constraints reference, just change the value. You can use expressions instead of numerical value; this allows you to designate spatial relationships between higher and lower level components based on interpart expressions.
or choose Assemblies
Select the Y-transformation handle and move the antenna out from the molding.
Once it's in a good location to see the bushing/molding relationship, then OK the Reposition Component dialog. Zoom in on the bushing/molding area.
Notice that the Distance constraint on the overridden mating conditions keeps the bushing flush with the top of the molding.
Notice that the bushing reverts to its original position; the Distance constraint that was suppressed is now unsuppressed.
Component Arrays
The objectives for this lesson are: understanding template component arrays understanding master component arrays editing component arrays
Component arrays are a way of quickly generating patterns of components with corresponding mating conditions. Component arrays are simply instances of a "template" or parent component. These instances are all associated to the component upon which they were based, therefore, any changes made to the original component are reflected in the instances of the component. There are two types of component arrays: Feature-Based arrays Master Component arrays
202 You can re-designate the template of a component array at any time. If you do, the change does not affect any array components based on it, only new array components based on the new template. If, for some reason, you delete the template of a component array, the system will automatically assign a new one from the generated array.
Generated component array copies template component's mating constraints individually 5 times. Components of a feature-based array will be mated to individual feature set geometry whenever possible. In some cases, however, the array components may share mating geometry.
1) Cylinder-to-individual instance set cylinder (2 plcs). 2) Individual faces-to-shared face. In component arrays, it is not possible to mate to solid edges in an instanced feature. Only face mating is allowed.
The components of this assembly are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. locator (cyan) locator pin (red) baseplate (green) shoulder bolt (magenta) dowel pin (white) Assemblies (if necessary).
Choose Application
204 The Assemblies Toolbar appears. If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Click on the + icons to open up the tree structure for unopened mated components.
205 Note that the locator, the dowel pin and the locator pin are all mated to the baseplate with two constraints, one align (cylinder-to-cylinder) and one mate (face-to-face). Choose Cancel to dismiss the Mating Conditions window.
Choose dowel_pin in the Assembly Navigator, then OK. (You can also select from the graphic display). The Create Component Array dialog appears. From Feature ISET is the default definition scheme.
Key in comp_array1 in the Component Array Name field and Enter. A component array of dowel pins is generated based on the placement of hole instance set of the baseplate.
Use MB3
Note that the mating conditions of the new dowel pins are the same as those of the template (parent) component, the first shoulder bolt (four dowel pins mated to the baseplate).
Click on the + icons to open up the tree structure for unopened dowel_pin mating conditions. Cancel the Mating Conditions window.
Choose instance[3](7)/simple hole(5) from the Feature Selection list and OK.
This is the simple hole on which the feature instance set was based. You are going to change the instance set. Choose Instance Array Dialog. Key in 2 for the Number and 180 for the Angle, then OK.
Choose OK twice more to exit out of the preceding dialogs. Make the amd_fixture_array the Work Part. Use the Assembly Navigator: MB3 Make Work Part or... Choose Assemblies Context Control Set Work Part or... Choose the Make Work Part icon.
Notice that you now have a feature instance set of two holes and that the component array attached to that instance set of holes now has only two dowel pins.
Conversely, if you had added holes to the feature instance set, you would have generated more dowel pins.
If a feature in an instance set is deleted entirely by a modeling change, the corresponding array component will be deleted. 1) "template" component
2) Cylinder feature is deleted from instance set; corresponding array component is also deleted. 3) new "template" component If the deleted array component was the "template" component, the system assigns a new one from the remaining components in the array. Please note that if you suppress a feature of a instance set, or the whole instance set itself, the array components based on those features will not, in turn, be suppressed.
As a linear array in which you generate an array in one dimension (linear) or two dimensions (rectangular). As a circular array which are specified in much the same way as linear arrays. The only difference being that you specify rotational information instead of alignment information.
Choose locator_pin in the Assembly Navigator, then OK. (You can also select from the graphic display). Choose Linear as the Array Definition. Key in comp_array2 in the Component Array Name field and Enter. The Create Linear Array dialog appears.
210 positioned normal (perpendicular) to a face. positioned normal (perpendicular) to datum planes. positioned in the X and Y directions based on edges. positioned in the X and Y directions based on a datum axis. Choose Face Normal as the Direction Definition (if necessary). Select the left-most face perpendicular to the XC direction, then accept.
Note the red vector pointing away from you; you now know you will be designating a negative offset value to position the second locator pin. At this juncture, you could define a Y direction based on any of the four Direction Definition choices if you wanted a rectangular array. However, you will be generating a linear array. Note that the first two fields (X direction) are now available. You will use the default Total Number -XC of 2. Key in -5.75 for the Offset -XC distance (the second field) and Enter.
The 5.75 distance was determined by using the Information and referencing the centers of the two locator pin holes.
Distance option
Note that you have two locator pin mating conditions. The locator_pin->baseplate entry signifies that the parent locator pin is mated to the baseplate. In master component arrays, new components are mated to the master component; that is why you see the locator_pin->locator_pin entry. Click on the + icon (if necessary) to open the locator_pin->locator_pin entry in the top window. Notice that you have component-to-component mating and a component-to-planar constraint.
The component-to-component mate simply copies the transformation information of the original component to the new component.
The next constraint mates the new component to the template component and the selected planar face.
Note that the planar face to which the component is aligned highlights. This visual cue can be very helpful in interrogating array constraints with which you are not familiar. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Mating Conditions Information window.
Notice that the expression p1_array_offset=-5.75 has been generated specifying the offset distance. This is considered the master expression of the array. This expression is then used in the positioning expression, p2=1*p1_array_offset. This expression positions the new component to both the master component and the baseplate, since the master component is mated to the baseplate. Expressions automatically generated by master component arrays are editable in the Edit Expressions dialog accessed through Toolbox Expressions. Dismiss the Information window.
Choose shoulder_bolt in the Assembly Navigator, then OK. (You can also select from the graphic display). Choose Circular as the Array Definition. Key in comp_array3 in the Component Array Name field and Enter.
Choose Datum Axis. Select the datum axis positioned in the center of the baseplate. The datum axis highlights and the lower fields in the Create Circular Array dialog are now available. Key in 4 as the Total Number and 90 as the Angle, then OK. Three more shoulder bolts are generated.
Note that you have only three shoulder bolt mating conditions. In master component arrays, the master component need not have any mating constraints. Again, in master component arrays, new components are mated to the master component; that is why you see the shoulder_bolt->shoulder_bolt entries. Open one of the shoulder_bolt->shoulder_bolt entries by clicking on the + icon. Notice that you have component-to-component mating and component orientation based on the master component and the datum axis.
Click on the Orient Component->Datum_Axis entry. Note in the lower part of the Mating Conditions dialog that the Angle Expression is listed as being 3 times the p4 array offset. (Your angle expression may be slightly different depending on the entry selected.)
215 component), as you did in the last section. Choose the Create Component Array icon or choose Assemblies Components Create Array. Choose locator from the Choose Component dialog and OK. Choose Circular as the Array Definition. Key in comp_array4 in the Component Array Name field and Enter. Choose Datum Axis. Select the datum axis positioned in the center of the baseplate.
The datum axis highlights and the lower fields in the Create Circular Array dialog are now available. Key in 4 as the Total Number and 90 as the Angle, then OK. Three more locators are generated. Close all parts.
Choose the Assembly Navigator tab. Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
216 Mating conditions (Mate Component or Information Conditions) Layer (Edit Object Display) Color (Edit Object Display) Name (Component Properties Parameters) Assemblies Mating
Each of these characteristics are based on the individual components within an array.
or choose Edit
Choose MB3
The Component Properties dialog appears. Choose the Parameters tab. Key in locator_4 as the new component name, then OK.
Choose Edit
Again, select the locator you just renamed and OK. Change the color to some color other than cyan and OK. All the above edits were done to an individual component in the comp_array4 array. Next, you will modify the array itself and see how individual component edits act with respect to array edits.
OK the dialog. The component is removed (both individually and from the array).
Choose comp_array4 from the list. Note that the constituent components of the array are highlighted in the Assembly Navigator. Choose the Substitute Component option from the Edit Component Array dialog.
Note that the position that the fourth locator occupied is labeled as a "Null Component", which means the component may be gone, but the array in which it resided still is an array of four components. For now we will leave the null component. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Substitute Array Element dialog. In a Master Component array, you cannot delete the master component since the definition of the other components in the array depend on it.
Remember, that when you create a new component in a null position within an array, the system will once again base the definition on the array's template component. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Edit Component Arrays dialog.
220 Edit Template Edit other parameters It is very simple to modify an array's name. Choose Assemblies Edit Component Arrays.
Choose comp_array1 from the list box in the Edit Component Array dialog. Choose Edit name in the Edit Component Array dialog. The Enter Name dialog appears.
Key in comp_array1_mod1 and Enter. The array name is changed. Choose Cancel. Close all part files.
221 The template component of the selected array will highlight when Display template option is pressed. If you do change the template component of an array, that new template component only affects any newly designated added components to the array.
223 You may, however, designate any name you wish when creating an exploded view. If you define a duplicate exploded view name, Unigraphics NX will add a numerical suffix to the name.
Choose Application
The Assemblies Toolbar appears. If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Pack All icon or choose Tools Assembly Navigator pack component nodes in the Assembly Navigator.
Pack All to
Choose the Exploded Views icon on the Assemblies toolbar or choose Assemblies Exploded Views Show Toolbar to display the Exploded Views toolbar (dockable). The Exploded Views toolbar appears.
The toolbar icons are broken down into two types: Exploded Views icons (5) Create Explosion Edit Explosion Auto-explode Components Unexplode Component Delete Explosion Component Visibility icons (2) Hide Component Show Component Component visibility operations apply to the exploded components within your exploded views.
All the toolbar options are also available through Assemblies can also turn the Exploded Views toolbar on and off here. .
Choose OK to accept the default name. (Explosion 1). Your model is now has an exploded view. Note that in the graphics area, you see TFR-TRI WORK (EXPLODED) in the corner.
Choose the Edit Explosion icon Explosion. The Edit Explosion dialog appears.
or choose Assemblies
Exploded Views
You can also select components for an explosion in the graphics display. The two locator pins highlight.
Choose the Move Objects switch, turning it on. Notice the appearance of the dynamic transformation axis in the graphic display.
The dynamic transformation handles are displayed in the center of the part. You can position them in sync with the WCS by using the Snap Handles to WCS icon. Choose the Snap Handles to WCS icon. You have a couple of options at this point. You can: dynamically drag or rotate the selected objects designate a 'move-to-point' operation using standand point constructor methods
227 You want your component explosion to go in the Z direction. Select the Z-axis translation handle (conehead) in the graphics display (it will highlight). Notice in the dialog that the vector orientation pull-down becomes available and both the Distance and Snap Increment fields are activated. Key in 4 in the Distance field, then OK.
or choose Assemblies
Exploded Views
In the Assembly Navigator, choose the shoulder_bolt x 4 node. The node is highlighted in the Assembly Navigator and the four shoulder bolts highlight in the graphics display.
Choose the Move Objects switch, turning it on. Again, you want your component explosion to go in the Z direction. Select the Z-axis translation handle (conehead) in the graphics display (it will highlight). Key in 5 in the Distance field, then OK. All the shoulder_pins explode in the Z direction.
To complete the explosion, there are two more explosions to define: The locators (4): +Z vector with a distance of 3. The dowel_pins (4): +Z vector with a distance of .75. Experiment with the techniques presented, to facilitate the last explosions. Close all parts.
This part file already has an exploded view that is hidden; you first must show it. Choose Explosion 1 from the Explosion pull-down or choose Assemblies Views Show Explosion. Exploded
To get an exploded view onto a drawing, you import the exploded view using the Drafting application. Choose the Application Drafting option.
This model already has three orthographic views placed on the drawing sheet.
For the exploded view, you will first set the display of hidden lines to invisible. Choose Preferences View Display from the top menu bar.
This means that Unigraphics NX will automatically remove all hidden lines from views that you place on the drawing.
Remember, you are not adding a view from outside your model. This addition brings in a view that is already in your model. Choose TFR-TRI from the list box as the view to be added. The exploded view you are adding is associated with the Tfr-Tri view. Indicate the position for the center of the view to be added.
Transformations By Dragging
You can show rotation or range of movement in your exploded view dynamically by interactively dragging components into position.
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on. Choose Preferences Choose the Visual tab. Click the Translucency switch on, then OK. Choose the Edit Object Display icon on the Utility toolbar or choose Edit Object Visualization.
232 Display. Choose Select All in the Class Selection dialog, then OK. Make sure the Partially Shaded field is set to Yes, then move the slider to about 85, then OK.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Expand All icon Choose the Exploded Views icon
or choose Tools
Assembly Navigator
Expand All.
Choose OK to accept the default name (Explosion 1). Choose the Edit Explosion icon Explosion. or choose Assemblies Exploded Views Edit
233 In the Assembly Navigator, choose the flipfone_back_bottom node. The component highlights. Choose the Move Objects switch, turning it on. In this case, you want to explode the component in the -Y direction. Select the Y-axis translation handle (the conehead). With the cursor over the conehead, depress and hold down MB1, dragging the component along the Y-axis until you read -4 in the Distance field.
Choose the Edit Explosion icon again. In the Assembly Navigator, choose the flipfone_pad_bottom node. Choose the Move Objects switch, turning it on. Select the Y-axis translation handle (the conehead). With the cursor over the conehead, depress and hold down MB1, dragging the component along the Y-axis until you read -3 in the Distance field.
Remember that the Snap Increment is on with a value of 1 so the component is translated in 1 inch increments along the -Y axis.
Choose the Edit Explosion icon again. In the Assembly Navigator, choose the flipfone_subassy_bottom. Choose the Move Objects switch, turning it on. Because you want to rotate the subassembly in a realistic way about the hinge, you will syncronize the transformation handles with the WCS. Choose the Snap Handles to WCS icon.
Notice in the dialog that you now have an Angle field and the default Snap Increment is 5 degrees. Again, at this point you can either key in an angle of rotation or drag your rotation in 5 degree increments. Key in -130 in the Angle field, then OK.
Unigraphics NX remembers the first two translations (the back and the pad) then rotates the subassembly as designated.
The Exploded View menu appears listing the exploded view names in your model. Choose Explosion 1 in the Exploded Views dialog and OK. An Information window appears listing all the exploded components, in the order that they were exploded and their respective delta values. If you want a comprehensive listing of all exploded views, do not close the Information window between Information requests. This will concatenate multiple requests into one Information window. Dismiss the Information window. Close all parts.
Note that the two locator pins have been aligned with their respective holes. You will use this align constraint to automatically explode the locator pins. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Mating Conditions dialog. Choose the Pack All icon or choose Tools Assembly Navigator Pack All.
Choose the Exploded Views icon Choose the Create Explosion icon.
(if necessary).
This time you will give the exploded view an unique name. Key in mating_explosion and Enter. Choose the Auto-explode Components icon Views Auto-explode Components. or choose Assemblies Exploded
Choose locator_pin x 2 from the Assembly Navigator, then OK. The two locator pins are highlighted. The Explosion Distance dialog appears. Key in 2 in the Distance input field and OK to accept.
Please note that the value you input for the offset is an absolute value, not a delta value. If you were to repeat the Automatic process and accept the 2 value, the locator pins would not move another 2 inches. Close all parts. More About the Explosion Distance Dialog
This dialog preempts the Explode Component dialog because the explosion vector is determined by the mating constraints of the components. All you must do is specify a distance with or without a clearance. With Add Clearance off, whatever offset distance you specify will be absolute, i.e. the offsetting component will move from its absolute position the specified distance.
239 With Add Clearance on, whatever offset distance you specify will be relative to the mated component.
Offset distance with clearance offset "on" (offset distance starts from mated component)
Information on Assemblies
The most obvious place to get information regarding Assemblies is through the Information Assemblies option, but there are some other ways as well. This section discusses the kinds of information that you can get from an assembly and the different methods to get that information. Choose File Directory. Options Load Options and make sure the Load Method is set to From
The Assemblies Toolbar appears. If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the fixed_jaw component in the Assembly Navigator with MB3 then Properties. The Component Properties dialog appears.
Note the "tabs" along the top of the dialog. The default tab is Assembly. Note that the Load Status of the component is shown. Note also that certain component properties can be modified here, such as Blanking, Layers, Translucency and Partial Shading. Choose the Blanked check box to turn it on (checked), then Apply. The fixed_jaw component is blanked. Choose the Blanked check box again to turn it off (unchecked), then Apply. Choose the Information icon. The fixed_jaw component information listed in the Information window: Owning part Component member in part Layer of component System attributes (color, font, width) Modified Version (version no. and date) Created Version (version no. and date) Component Reference Set Name Component Translation information Mating Conditions Part attributes Dismiss the Information window.
This shows you the attributes applied to the component. Here you can create, edit and delete specific attributes of the component. Be sure to check out the Attributes lesson within this CAST course for more information regarding defining and editing attributes.
Here you can delineate component suppression schemes and get information on how a component is used within any part families that may exist. Choose the Information option.
244 The information comes up giving you Family Member Selection information. In this case, the fixed_jaw component is not a member of any part family. Be sure to check out the Part Families lesson within the Advanced Assembly Modeling CAST course for more information regarding defining and editing attributes. Dismiss the Information window. Cancel the Component Properties dialog.
Note that you get a "No Weight Data" condition for the Mass. This is because the weight of the fixed_jaw has not yet been updated based on the attributes of the part. Choose the Update Weight Data Now icon. Now the Mass condition reflects the weight of the component based on its material attribute (mild steel) and units of measure. Also, in the Assembly Navigator, in the Weight Status column you will see a checkmark signifying that the weight has been updated. In the Weight column you will see the weight based on the mass properties assigned to the component. Cancel the Component Properties dialog. Using MB3 Component Properties in the Assembly Navigator, update the Weight Data for the jaw_plate and plate_screw components. Notice that you get a summation of the weight properties of the components in the Assembly Navigator.
The Choose Name dialog now displays a list of all the reference sets found in the current work part. Choose SKETCH from the list of reference sets then OK. Notice that information about the "SKETCH" reference set is displayed in the Information window. Dismiss the Information window. Choose Cancel on the Choose Name dialog. Change the Work Part back to the amd_fixed_jaw_assm.prt. Be sure to check out the Reference Sets lesson within this CAST course for more information regarding defining and editing attributes.
The Information window lists all parts in your current session with the following information about each part. Load Status (partially, fully or unloaded) Modified Status (is part modified or not) Access (Modifiable or Read Only) Assembly Status (Assembly or Component) Format (Operating system) Release (Unigraphics NX release part is saved in) Creation Date and Time Units (inch or Millimeters)
246 Notice the "Notes" at the bottom of the Information window gives additional information about the components. Dismiss the Information window. Close all parts.
Assembly Analysis
In this section you will determine where a simple interference condition exists in an assembly. Once found, you will determine the amount of interference, then you will use this information to correct the problem. Open part file amd_mouse_assm_trans.prt from the amd/mouse subdirectory.
With the work layer as layer 10, any interference solids will be created on that layer. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Expand All icon on the Assembly Navigator toolbar or choose Tools Assembly Navigator Expand All to expand component nodes in the Assembly Navigator. Simplify the assembly by blanking all components except the mech_elec_trans and upper_housing components. In the Assembly Navigator, click on mech_elec_trans node (it highlights). Holding down the <ctrl> key, select upper_housing node (it highlights).
Choose the Isolate Component icon in the Assembly toolbar or choose Assemblies Context Control Isolate Components.
Choose Analysis
Simple Interference.
There are two methods that you can choose to display the information: Highlight Faces - This highlights faces that interfere with each other or that share the same space (line on line) or are parallel and touch. Create Interference Solid - This option creates a separate solid. It will only create this solid if there is an interference condition. Line on line conditions will not produce sheets. Choose Create Interference Solid from the dialog. Select the Upper Housing and the Mech-Elec-Trans from your display.
249 Notice that two interference solids have been created. You can now use information from the these solids to fix the assembly.
Choose Edge from the dialog choices. Select any edge on the bottom of the interference solid (see the following diagram).
Use MB3
ChooseEdge. Select any edge on the top of the interference solid then Accept.
The Information window is now popped up with the minimum distance information between the two edges you selected. You are not necessarily interested in the 3-D distance. You are more interested in the delta ZC distance between the two edges. From the Information window, make a note of the Delta ZC value (4.0) so you can use it later. Dismiss the Information window. Choose Cancel. Now, change the work part and modify the parameters of the height of the Mech-ElecTrans component. Change the work part to Mech-Elec-Trans. Remember you must be in the Modeling application to modify any feature parameters. Choose Application Modeling. or choose the Edit Feature Parameters.
Select the BLOCK(2) feature from the Edit Parameters dialog, then OK your selection. Choose the Feature Dialog option from the dialog. Edit the Z Length so that its size is reduced by the amount of the interference solid
251 (4.0mm) and an additional one mm for clearance. Choose OK three times to make the change. Notice the size of the block feature has been updated with the new value. Change the work part back to amd_mouse_assm. Notice that the interference solid no longer falls within the Mech-Elec-Trans component. Normally, you would use File Save at this point to save the part files.
You can not do this because the part files in the CAST Online directory are read-only. You can save parts if you designate a directory in which you have Write permission. More About Analysis Options
Some of the more important Analysis function that relate to assembles are: Geometric Properties calculates and displays geometric properties of selected points on curve and/or faces. Deviation checks distance and tangency of: A Curve to another Curve A Curve to a Face An Edge of one Face to another Face One Face to another Face Curve graphically and numerically displays the radii of curvature of curves and faces. Can be used to determine cutter diameters used for machining splines and free form faces. Face is used to display temporary color analyses of faces. This analysis can be useful for detection of inflections or variations on a face. Examine Geometry allows you examine various types of geometry. With this operation you can determine if a body is a valid object. Simple Interference allows you to determine whether two bodies intersect. You have the option to simply highlight the interfering faces or to create a new solid body from the interference. See discussion below. Assembly Clearance allows you to set up clearance scenarios within assemblies and set up maximum/minimum tolerance studies. See the Assembly Clearance lesson in the CAST Advanced Assembly Modeling course for detailed information. Area using Curves is used to calculate the area and perimeter of a closed set of planar curves. (Holes are allowed.)
252 Area using Faces displays the area and perimeter of selected faces. These faces do not have to be related to each other. Mass using Solids is used for finding the volume, mass, moments, and centroid of one or more solids. Mass using Curves & Sheets allows you to emulate a solid body by either revolving or extruding a set of curves or by using a series of free form sheets prior to sewing. Assembly Weight Management allows you to set up weight analysis studies within an assembly as well as asserting different properties schemes. See the Weight Management lesson in the CAST Advanced Assembly Modeling course for detailed information.
With the work layer as layer 10, any interference solids will be created on that layer. Open the Assembly Navigator and Expand all the nodes.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose the Expand All icon Expand All. or choose Tools Assembly Navigator
253 Simplify the assembly by blanking all components except the mech_elec_trans and upper_housing components. In the Assembly Navigator, click on mech_elec_trans node (it highlights). Holding down the <ctrl> key, select upper_housing node (it highlights).
Choose Assemblies
Context Control
Isolate Components.
Now, change the work part so the interference solid will be created in the Mech-ElecTrans component where it can be used to modify the part. Change the work part back to mech_elec_trans. Change your work layer to 10.
There are two methods that you can choose to display the information: Highlight Faces - This highlights faces that interfere with each other or that share the same space (line on line) or are parallel and touch. Create Interference Solid - This option creates a separate solid. It will only create this solid if there is an interference condition. Line on line conditions will not produce sheets. Choose Create Interference Solid from the dialog. Select the Upper Housing and the Mech-Elec-Trans from your display. If an interference condition exists, this procedure creates the interference solid(s) in the system color. In your case that is Red.
Notice that two interference solids have been created. You can now use these solids to modify the part that they are created in, in this case it is the Mech-elec-trans. Cancel the Simple Interference dialog. Remember you must be in the Modeling application to modify any feature parameters. Choose Application Modeling. or choose the Insert Feature Operation Subtract....
Select the Mech-Elec-Trans (blue) for the Target solid. Select the two interference solids (red) for the Tool solids.
Choose OK to make the change. Cancel the subtract dialog. Notice the corners of the block have been removed. Change the work part back to amd_mouse_assm. This type of modification may be used depending on the design or manufacturing that is being used.
The Piece Part Enforcement dialog is now displayed. With this dialog you can turn on Enforced Piece Part which means that you cannot add any components to it to make it an assembly. Choose the Enforce as Piece Part option to turn it on. Choose OK to accept.
Assemblies Preferences
The Assembly Preference dialog is where you can set the specific preferences that are related to assemblies.
The Assembly Preferences dialog is now displayed. The top area of the Preferences dialog pertains to the parts list function. It controls how levels of the assembly are displayed. A brief description of each is listed below: No Add, adds none of the components of the assembly to the parts list. Single Level Add, adds only the top level components. No subassembly members will be added. All Levels Add, adds all levels of subassemblies to the parts list. The lower area of the Preferences dialog deals with the display of the work part in the assembly. Work part emphasis, makes all other components change to the dimmed color (gray by default) when you make a component the work part. Maintain Work Part, specifies whether the work part should stay the same when changing the displayed part from one assembly to another. Display Update Report, specifies whether or not to produce an update report (if required) when you open an assembly or execute a script. Component Member Select, allows you to select the member geometry of a component in some options, where the class selection dialog is available. Color, defines the color used to represent dimmed components when the work part is being emphasized. The Assembly Navigator area of the Preferences dialog lets you rearrange the columns within the Assembly Navigator. Close all parts.
Checking Clearances
Within Unigraphics NX, there are two different ways to check assembly clearances: Assemblies Components Check Clearances Analysis Assembly Clearance The first method is an interactive way to get an idea of relationships between components. The second method is more robust in that you can set up clearance conditions, create lists of components to check and define clearance envelopes and so on.
257 This section deals with the first method. If you want a thorough treatment of the second method, it is recommended that you see the Clearance Analysis lesson in the CAST Advanced Assembly Modeling course. Open part file amd_clear_assm.prt from the amd/sew subdirectory.
This assembly is the internal mechanism of a sewing machine. You will check the clearances of some of its parts.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
As stated, the Check Clearances option works on the components of an assembly. The components that are to be checked can be selected either from the graphics display or the Assembly Navigator.
or the Assemblies
258 The Class Selection dialog appears. Select component 3_T22 from the graphics display, then OK.
The Interference Check dialog appears showing you the relationship of component 3_T22 with any other components that come into contact with it.
Note that there are 3 components that "touch" the 3_T22 component.
Choose the Check Clearances icon again or the Assemblies Components Check Clearance option. In the Assembly Navigator, choose component 3_8, then OK.
Note that 3_8 has "hard" or intersects mass with two other components.
Note that the Isolate Interference option becomes active. Choose the Isolate Interference option.
The display isolates the two components so you can see which components you are really dealing with. Again, if you want to provide clearance requirements within your analysis, see the Analysis Assembly Clearance option.
The Information window is displayed with a list of all the components in the assembly. Notice that all the components but one were created using metric units (mm), including the top assembly part. The component part named "mech_elec_trans_inch" was created in inch units. Dismiss the Information window. When working in context of the assembly, the units of both the work part and the displayed part must be the same. In the Assembly Navigator, select the mech_elec_trans_inch node to highlight it. Choose Assemblies Control Context Set Work Part.
Because the displayed part is in metric and the component mech_elec_trans_inch is in inches you will get the following message:
Choose OK to dismiss the information box. In order for this component to be the work part the displayed part must be in the same units.
By creating a new, inch part file and adding the metric assembly to it, the displayed part is now in inches. With this new part, you can now change the work part to any inch member component. Additional level created to allow work in a mixed unit assembly.
Choose File New to create a new part file. Make sure that the units for the new part is set to Inches. Key in amd_mouse_assm_inch for the name of the new file. Choose OK to accept. The new part is created and becomes the new displayed part. Now that an inch part is created and is now the displayed part, add the mouse assembly to it.
Choose the Add Existing Component icon. The Select Part dialog is displayed and prompts you to choose the part to add. Choose amd_mouse_assm_b from the list. Choose OK to accept. Choose OK from the Add Existing Part dialog to accept the defaults and continue. Use the Point Constructor dialog to place the part. Choose Cancel. Because the displayed part is in inches, you can now change the work part to any inch component found in this assembly. Change the work part to the component named mech_elec_trans_inch. The work part changes because the displayed part is also in inches. If you want to change the work part back to one of the metric components, change the displayed part back to the metric assembly.
2) Change work part to any metric component. Close all part files.
Product Outlines
Product Outlines give you the ability to quickly switch on and off a 3D ghost outline image of an assembly. The idea is that when you have loaded the top level assembly and just a few of its components (maybe by filtering), you can switch on the outline to work out where you are in terms of the total product. A demonstration is in order. Set Load Options to No Components. Choose File Options Load Options. Choose the No Components option from the Load Components options, then OK the Load Options dialog. Open part file flipfone_assembly_outlined.prt from the amd/plastic subdirectory. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Expand all the nodes of the Assembly Navigator.
or choose Tools
Assembly Navigator
Load the flipfone_pad_bottom part only. Place the cursor over the flipfone_pad_bottom node. Use MB3 Open Component to open the component.
This simulates the idea of loading a top level assembly and just a few of its components (maybe by filtering). Now this model has already had some outlines defined; all you must do is turn them on.
Choose the Show Product Outline icon Control Show Product Outline.
or choose Assemblies
The situation is this: In the assembly, product outlines were created for three components: flipfone_back_bottom flipfone_back_top flipfone_hinge They were designated to be blue. The outlines were saved with the assembly and when invoked using Show Product Outlines, they appear, although still unloaded, giving you some context for the only loaded part, the bottom keypad. Close all parts.
This dialog lets you define Product Outline color, line font and translucency.
Your color choice is reflected in the color box in the Product Outline dialog.
Click on the Line Font option. Select the Dotted line font type.
You will leave the Translucency factor at the default of 50%. You are now ready to select the components you want to outline. Select the following components: flipfone_antenna flipfone_back_bottom flipfone_back_top flipfone_hinge OK the Product Outline dialog. Your product outline is now created.
Place the cursor over each subassembly node then use MB3 Close Assembly. Place the cursor over each remaining component node then use MB3 Close Part.
This effectively simulates what you would see if you opened the part file with the No Components load options if this were a saved part file. This allows you to now selectively load whatever components you intend to work on and have it/them displayed in context of the product outline. In the Assembly Navigator use MB3 flipfone_pad_bottom part. Open Component to open the
You can now better see the difference between the loaded part and your product outline. In the graphics display, use MB3 part. Display Mode Shaded to fully shade your open
In the fully shaded mode, it is more difficult to distinguish between the loaded part and the product outline.
Once you have designated your product outline, you can modally control whether it is on or off using the Show Product Outline icon. In the graphics display, use MB3 your open part. Display Mode Partially Shaded to partially shade
Right now your outline is turned on; you will turn it off.
You now see only the bottom pad; the outline is off. Of course, the icon serves as a toggle switch, turning the outline on or off.
Can you have the Product Outline on even if the outlined components are loaded?
Yes, you will just see the outline with whatever qualities you have prescribed to it, i.e. color, line font, translucency, overlaid onto the loaded components. Open the flipfone_back_bottom component. In the Assembly Navigator use MB3 flipfone_back_bottom part. Open Component to open the
You now see loaded back of the phone with its product outline overlaid on top of it. Close all part files.
The objectives of this lesson are: understanding how to track revisions by part number understanding the relationship of load options and revisioning knowing how to substitute components using assembly reports understanding the parametric approach to revisions
File Versioning/Revisions
There are many different ways to track revisions after a component has been released. The two most common methods for revision annotation: Reflecting the revision in the part number. Tracking the revision level through attributes that do not change the part number. For many applications, it is not mandatory that the whole assembly change when a change is implemented on one of its components.
272 However, for our instructional purposes, you will assume that if a component of an assembly is revised, then the assembly will also be revised. To complete the following examples, you will need access to a writable directory. Remember, you do not have Write access to the CAST Online directory. You will be advised specifically when you need to change directories.
273 Many companies require an assembly to be revised whenever a member component of that assembly is changed. In this section, you will modify and perform a `save part as' on a component and also save the revised assembly. You will also use some of the information tools available to you to track changes. Open the assembly named rev_fixture_assm.prt from the amd/fixture directory.
Let us say that at your company, an assembly gets revised whenever there is a change that affects the Form-Fit-Function of a component within the assembly. Choose Application Assemblies (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Make baseplate the Work Part. Use (Modeling) Edit Apply.
Choose Application
Choose the Edit Feature Parameters icon or choose Edit Feature Parameters. Select SIMPLE_HOLE(2) from the Edit Parameters dialog, then OK. Select the dimension from the graphics area or choose Feature Dialog on the Edit Parameters dialog. Key in .25 in the Edit Parameters input dialog, then OK. OK the Edit Parameters dialog again. Repeat the above procedure for SIMPLE_HOLE(3), changing the parameter to .25.
The Part Modifications dialog appears. The top part of the dialog lists the loaded parts with the current work part highlighted.
275 Lists the loaded parts of the assembly. The Version/Date and Time list shows the respective versions and when they were logged for the part selected in the Choose Loaded Part list.
Your version numbers may be different from the ones above. You will be checking the changes you made to the baseplate in the loaded version. Choose the Specify Object Types option. A list of the various types of objects that you can get information about appears. You only want info on features. Choose Feature, then OK. Choose the Criteria option. You have a choice of version comparison criteria: At (the selected version of the part) At or After (the selected version of the part) After (the selected version of the part) At or Before (the selected version of the part) Before (the selected version of the part) Choose At or After and then Apply. The Information window is presented showing you that three objects have been modified "at or after" the loaded version. The "modified" column specifies which version the feature was modified in. The "created" column specifies which version the feature was created in.
276 You can cross reference this information with the part history which is appended onto the Modifications Report to see when each respective version was created and by whom on which Unigraphics NX release. Notice also that the Object Number field at the bottom of the Part Modifications dialog is now active. This lets you highlight, in the graphics display, the objects that have been modified. The status line also reflects the specific object info.
Choose Next and Previous to see how this works. Try one more permutation of this. Choose At or Before on the Criteria option and then Apply. Notice in the Modifications Report that you now have the modification history of all features of all the versions of the baseplate. Feel free to experiment with other Object Type settings, as well as different loaded parts and comparison criteria. The Information Part Modifications option is one of your most powerful tools for tracking part and assembly histories. Choose Cancel from the Part Modifications dialog when you are finished.
Notice that the system automatically gave you a "Session Where Used" report so that you track how many assemblies are currently referencing the baseplate component. The cue line prompts you to enter a new part file name. Key in a directory in which you have Write access in the Selection field, followed by baseplate_a as the new part file name and Enter.
Note that the "Session Where Used" report is updated with a line telling you `baseplate will be saved as...' . At this point you must make a decision. The Cue line prompts you to enter a new part file name for the assembly. If you enter a new name, you will be revising the assembly. If you choose Cancel, you will not be revising the assembly. The baseplate has had a Form, Fit or Function change (the holes), so you need to revise the assembly also. Key in rev_baseplate_assm_a as the name for the new assembly and Enter. The `Ok to Save As' message pop-up displays. The system gives you one more chance to abort what you are doing. The Information window displays the current information. If you choose OK, the system will save the new parts to the disk drive. Select OK to continue.
Say that the locators now need to be revised due to a change of anodizing specification, but this change will not alter the components Form-Fit-Function, so you do not have to revise. Change the Work Part to one of locator(s). Perform a Save As on the component and give it a new name of locator_a. Because the assembly has multiple occurrences of the locator part, all occurrences reflect the change of file name.
278 This time, when the system presents the window to save the assembly file, you are not going to revise the assembly. Choose Cancel to keep the system from revising the assembly. Again, the system gives you The `Ok to Save As' message warning you to be sure that this is what you want to do. The Information window will also reflect the specified action and show directory paths and filenames you have input. Choose OK. The `Save As Report' is informing you that the assembly that holds the updated component was not renamed, but will reference the new component, baseplate_assm_a, if it is saved later. Choose OK.
279 The system uses the load_options.def file when you are performing the following assemblies functions: Opening or importing a Unigraphics NX assembly. Substituting a subassembly. Replacing a reference set and the new set calls different components. (This relates to reference sets created within a subassembly.) Generating a "Where Used" report. If no load_options.def file exists in the directory from which Unigraphics NX is started, the system will use the hard coded options listed below: SearchPath: /current_dir... LoadOption: Load_From_Dir LoadFailOption: Abort LoadLatest: No Load Options do not affect the actual part you are opening (the assembly). The Load Options only apply to component parts that need to be loaded due to the opening of an assembly that references them. Interactively, load options are found in the File pull down menu. Choose File Options Load Options.
1) Determines how components will be loaded. Includes addressing component sets and component filters. 2) Controls partial loading of components. When off, components are fully loaded when assembly is opened.
3) Will present a error message and not open the assembly. 4) When off, components to be loaded must have correct Unique I.D. number and name. When on, UID# is ignored.
5) When on, latest version of component is loaded based on versioning rules. 6) Expands dialog for search directory customization. Choose Define Search Directories.
2) Directory entry field. 3) Adds the entered directory to list. 4) Removes selected directory from list. 5) Moves directory down one level from selected directory. 6) Saves settings in load_options.def file. 7) Changes search directories back to previous saved settings. A low level of confirmation control can be imposed by separating file versions into specific directories. This defines search paths to ensure that each user is accessing the appropriate version of parts. The order of search is the order that the directories are listed (local increasingly global).
Example: User Smith's personal directory is the first one searched because that is where all his inprogress work is stored.
Once Smith's design is done, he files it in the proj_x\alpha directory (Smith is on the alpha design team). This allows other members of the alpha team to share Smith's work. Released versions of files are placed in the proj_x\released directory and are accessible by all projects. Example:
2) If partial loading is off, changes based on interpart expressions cause linked part to change immediately.
If the partial loading option is on, the update will not occur until the dependent component is fully loaded.
Another advantage of not using partial loading is when you access parts from a prior Unigraphics NX release. Normally when you save an assembly, only the components that are modified and fully loaded will be saved.
When loading an assembly from a prior release, the system recognizes that the components have been modified (by being converted to the new release). The system will save all components that have been fully loaded.
Now, if you perform an operation on Assembly 2 that requires that the shared part be loaded, (applying a mating condition, for example), Unigraphics NX will give you an error message because the part is out of sync with the one on the disk. The Unique Identifier (UID) When the system finds a component with the correct name, it does a second check before loading it. There is an internal file identifier, referred to as a UID (Unique IDentifier), that ensures that the component that has been found is the genuine article, or at least a copy of it. A new UID is not assigned (and thus, associativity is maintained) in the following cases: When you copy or move the file in the operating system. When you save the file into another directory using the same name.
Allow Substitution enables a component with a duplicate name to be loaded into an assembly even though it has a different UID and is a completely different part.
If the new component has no common history with the substituted component, the update will not have any common history and it will cause any data associated with the original component to be lost. A report will be issued to indicate that this substitution has taken place.
Substituting Components
In this section, you will revisit the door latch part. This assembly has three different styles of "heads" that it can use.
You will substitute the original head subassembly for both of the others. Open the door latch part. Choose File Directory. Options Load Options and make sure the Load Method is set to From
Open part file amd_doorlatch.prt from the amd/sheet-metal subdirectory. Choose Application Assemblies (if necessary).
Whenever you are changing the assembly's pointer so that it references another component, you must perform a Substitute Component command. The system does this by discarding the old component and bringing in the new component. The new component will come in using the same origin and orientation as the component it is replacing. The head assembly will be the component that you will replace. In the Assembly Navigator, select the headassm node. Choose the Substitute Component icon Substitute Component. A message is displayed giving you three options: or choose Assemblies Components
285 Remove and Add - removes any associative links that exist to the component being substituted and adds the new component. Maintain Mating - lets you re-map mating conditions if you have set up alternate mating conditions. Cancel - cancels the substitute operation. Choose the Remove and Add option. The part to be substituted is not currently loaded in memory, so you must access the part files. Choose the Choose Part File option in the Select Part dialog. Choose head2assm.prt as the part that will be the new component in the assembly and OK. The Substitute Component dialog appears.
Unigraphics NX has changed the component object name to the name of the part file. You want to retain the same reference set. The origin and orientation of the original component will be used. Choose OK to accept the parameters. The head2assm replaces the original head assembly with component names appearing at their origins.
286 These name notes would need to be positioned with the others to be of any real use. Normally, you would use File Save at this point to save the substituted component(s).
You can not do this because the part files in the CAST Online directory are read-only. You can save parts if you designate a directory in which you have write permission.
287 This report indicates which components were updated (changed) as the assembly was retrieved. The update information is produced when an assembly and its components are opened. Dismiss the Information window. Where Used This option may be done in any part file, and is very useful to determine what impact a pending design change may have on other assemblies. Choose Assemblies Reports Where Used.
1) The component or subassembly on which you want the report done. The system defaults to the current work part. 2) Uses the directories specified in load options. 3) Directory where the component part resides.
Choose Options.
Example: You want to change a bracket, but you do not know how many assemblies already use this bracket. A "where used" report will tell you the names of the assemblies, in a specified search path, that use the bracket. A Where Used report may take considerable time to run on large directories of parts. It is recommended that you only search through a few hundred files maximum. Otherwise, you should be using Open GRIP and Open C that will run in the background. Choose Cancel to dismiss the dialog.
Choose pin1015 from the list. Notice that the Select Owner option has become active. This signals that the pin is used as a component within a subassembly. Choose OK to accept. A Information window appears detailing the usage of pin1015 within this assembly. You have seen the Session Where Used report before in this lesson. This report is automatically provided when you do a Save As. Dismiss the Information window. Close all part files.
289 Can expressions be exported? Yes Can the exported file be edited? Yes Can the edited file be reloaded and replace previous values? Yes Can you read in a different expression file than was exported? Yes
Change model using associative edits and/or altering model's parametric expressions. Do not change the name of the part file. Export a second set of expressions now that the change has been incorporated into the model. Give the files descriptive names.
Of course, you could do this edit/export procedure many times. If you want to see a previous version of the component, import and replace the existing expression list with the incoming list.
290 Advantages Since the part name does not change, all associated applications update without loss of associativity. Only one part file is kept on the system. The revisions are exported text files and require little disk space. No need to do revisioning by directory; you are certain of getting the latest revision of the component. Disadvantages With only one named part file, immediate access of old versions is not possible. The parameters must be imported. Only allows you to change features that are parametrically defined in the model. Limited application because most models are not fully parametric.
The objectives of this lesson are: to give you an overview of the attribute function understand attribute inheritance create user defined part attributes create user defined object attributes
There are two types of attributes that can be associated with Unigraphics NX objects and part files. System Attributes User-Defined Attributes System Attributes System Attributes are attributes that the system recognizes for use in the performance of other functions.
The system attributes recognized by Parts List are: System Attribute Name Part_Name Part_Name_Core Description Equals component name by default unless otherwise specified. File name without `.prt' suffix If versioning rules are in effect, equates to the core part of the name, otherwise this equals $Part_Name.
Part_Name_Version If versioning rules are in effect, equates to the version part of the name, otherwise this will be ` '. Component_Name Equals the current component name Grpnam Color Font Width Group name Object color Object font Object/Curve width
Attribute Inheritance
In virtual assemblies, when different assemblies point to the same part, that part's attributes are inherited by the multiple assemblies.
You can, however, assign different object attributes to the part once it is referenced as a component object in each respective assembly. Example: The Name attribute of a part is `clip-a' and is referenced by an assembly. In the assembly, the component will also use the attribute Name of `clip-a'. However, you can assign a different Name attribute (`clip-a-assm', for instance) to the component at the assembly level.
User-Defined Attributes
A user-defined attribute is information that is meaningful to the environment or user. User-defined attributes are generally thought of as Bill of Material (BOM) or Parts List information. The automatic parts list generator in Unigraphics NX uses attribute data to fill in the fields of the parts list. User-defined attributes come in three types: Object attributes are assigned to component objects on the assembly level.
When that part is used in an assembly, part attributes become object attributes of the component (object) of the assembly.
Reference Set attributes are assigned to reference sets within the components.
294 The majority of attribute information used in a parts list is assigned at the component part level of an overall assembly. Typically, this is done by making a component part the Work Part and then assigning part attributes.
Part attributes are associative and will follow the part wherever it is referenced. Outside of an assembly, part attributes can also be designated on the part at the piece part level.
Below is a listing of the attribute information that relates to the vise assembly. P/N Description Fixed Jaw Assm Material Qty
295 Jaw Plate Plate Screw Fixed Jaw Moving Jaw Assm Guide Handle Assm Moving Jaw Screw Nut Guide Assm Guide Bushing Shaft Shaft Nut 1003 Guide 1004 Bushing 1005 Shaft 1006 Shaft Nut Mild Steel Brass Brass Alloy Purchased 1007 Moving Jaw 1008 Screw Nut Mild Steel Purchased 1009 Jaw Plate 1011 Fixed Jaw Brass Mild Steel
Open part file amd_fixed_jaw_assm.prt from the amd/vise subdirectory. Choose Application Assemblies (if necessary). Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Make jaw_plate the Work Part. Use the Assembly Navigator: MB3 Make Work Part or... Choose Assemblies Context Control Set Work Part or... Choose the Make Work Part icon. Select Application Modeling.
Now you can begin entering some attribute titles. In the Assembly Navigator, select the jaw_plate node, then use MB3 Properties.
296 Choose the Attributes tab. First, you will key in a "title" (category name) for the attribute, then you will key in the "value" (description). Some attribute title rules: You can use a maximum of ten alphanumeric characters. You cannot begin a title with the "$" character. You can use blank spaces in the title. Whether you enter upper or lower case letters, the system will change your input to upper case automatically. Because the jaw plate is your work part, all attributes you define will be assigned to the jaw plate. Based on the sample listing, the first title category will be "part number" (P/N). P/N Fixed Jaw Assm Jaw Plate 1009 Jaw Plate Brass Description Material Qty
In the Title field, key in p/n , in the Value field key 1009, then Apply. The value is displayed in the list box of attributes.
Titles are translated into all upper case; the value input is case sensitive. Again, based on the sample listing, "Description" is the next attribute to be defined. P/N Description Material Qt y Fixed Jaw Assm Jaw 1009 Jaw Plate Brass Plate In the Title field, key in des, in the Value field key in
297 Jaw Plate, then Apply. The last category in our sample listing is "Material". In the Title field, key in mat, in the Value field key in Brass, then Apply. Check the listing of the new attributes for correctness. If you have made an entry mistake you can: Re-assign the attribute if you use the same title. The old value will be overwritten. Delete the mistaken attribute and assign it again. Select OK to signal the end of attribute assignment for the Jaw Plate.
For even more practice, open the remaining vise sub-assemblies: Guide Handle assembly Guide assembly and assign attributes to their component parts. Things to Remember... Attributes are added to the current work part. Use the Assembly Navigator to facilitate changing work/display status. Check the accuracy of the attributes after you assign them.
298 Any selectable data in a part file is referred to as an "object". Within a part, edges, bodies and faces are good examples of geometric objects. Theoretically, you could assign attributes to any of these objects. There are two things you must keep in mind regarding object attributes: Object attributes, in the context of an assembly (attributes belonging to component objects), are "occurrence specific". This means that object attributes are not associative and do not get copied to the part when the component object is saved. Object attributes do not update if a new (part) attribute value is assigned at the component part level. Object attributes are designated in one of two ways: Automatically Manually
Then, when you make the assembly the Work Part, component parts become component objects part attributes become object attributes
If an assigned object attribute has the same title as a part attribute, the object attribute takes precedence for that specific occurrence within the assembly. However the part attribute is associative and travels with the part.
Choose List from the options dialog. The Class Selection dialog appears. You must explicitly address the components of the assembly. Choose the Type option on the Class Selection dialog. The Select by Type dialog appears. Choose the Component option on the Select by Type dialog and OK. Choose Select All on the Class Selection dialog and OK. All the components of the assembly are selected.
Once you make the assembly the Work Part, the component parts are seen as component objects of that assembly and the part attributes of those components automatically become object attributes.
Open part file bracket.prt from the amd/vise subdirectory. Choose Format Reference Sets.
Choose RH-BODY from the list box of the dialog. The other options of the dialog become active. Choose the Edit Attributes icon from the Reference Set dialog.
The Reference Set Properties dialog appears. You will be assigning attributes for: Part number Description Material First, you enter the part number. Choose the Attributes tab. In the Title field, key in p/n. Use the <tab> key to move to the Value field. In the Value field, key in 5000-1, then Apply. The first Reference Set attribute appears in the list box.
303 In the Title field, key in des. Use the <tab> key to move to the Value field. In the Value field, key in bracket, then Apply.
Finally, the material specification. In the Title field, key in mat. Use the <tab> key to move to the Value field. In the Value field, key in 7076-alum, then Apply.
Choose OK to signal that you are done specifying reference set attributes. It is always a good idea to check to see if the attributes were designated correctly.
At the bottom of the Information window, you see the attributes as stored.
304 The reference set attribute copy utility lets you: copy attributes from a part to a reference set copy attributes from a reference set to a part copy attributes from one reference set to another reference set In this case because both reference sets share all of the attributes, you can copy the attributes you assigned to the right-hand reference set to the left-hand reference set. (Only the part number value will be different.) You can then edit the part number attribute in the left-hand reference set once all the attributes have been copied. Choose RH-BODY from the list box of the Reference Sets dialog. The other options of the dialog become active. Choose the Edit Attributes icon Choose the Attributes tab. In conjunction with the <Ctrl> key, select all three attributes from the list. Choose the Copy icon then OK. from the Reference Set dialog.
Choose LH-BODY from the Reference Sets dialog. Choose the Edit Attributes icon Choose the Attributes tab. Choose the Paste icon , then OK. from the Reference Set dialog.
Both reference sets show the same user-defined attributes, so you must reassign the part number on the left-hand reference set. Select the P/N attribute. Edit the Value field to read 5000-2, then OK. Check to see if the attributes were copied correctly.
Check the bottom of the Information window to check that the part number was changed to 5000-2 Close all part files.
Attribute Hierarchy
In the case where the same attribute title occurs at more than one level, the following hierarchy comes into effect. 1 Unigraphics NX will first check object attributes in the assembly and use these if found. 2 Next, reference set attributes will be checked and used if found. 3 Finally, any part attributes inherited from the component part are checked and used if found. 4 If a value is undefined, it will not appear in the parts list note. If each level has unique attributes, they will all be used in a cumulative fashion and could all appear in the parts list.
Assembly Sequencing
The objectives of this lesson are: learning to record assembly sequences understanding sequence step properties learning to edit assembly sequences creating assembly sequences learning to playback assembly sequences learning to sequence component groups and subassemblies
307 The product/assembly designer can use Assembly Sequencing to ensure that there are no collision and clearance problems among the components in the assembly. Design - Operational Studies The product designer may use the sequencing and motion functionality to model different operational usages of the assembly. There are obviously several types of operational usages product function, serviceability, customer usage - to name a few - that vary with every product. An example of a product function study for a stapler assembly is whether the stapler punch will interfere with the slot that holds the staples. In addition to ensuring non interference, the user may require that a certain clearance always be met, and may want to measure distances between the punch and the slot at different points along the punches path. The designer may want to model serviceability sequences that show how to access a particular component in the assembly, including possibly disassembling or moving components to get to it. For example, replacing a fuse in an engine. For more complicated operations such as servicing an aircraft engine, there may be another sequence that describes how to service the component in place. Manufacturing - Assembly Planning The manufacturing engineer can use Assembly Sequencing to generate one or more manufacturing assembly sequences from an assembly. A manufacturing engineer can check that the geometry of the components within an assembly to see that the assembly can actually be manufactured in a manner that is cost effective relative to available assembly fixtures and tools. A manufacturing engineer can use Assembly Sequencing to include models of the assembly resources into the assembly plan. Assembly Sequencing lets the manufacturing engineer collaborate with the design team to show problems in component geometry at a particular step in creating the assembly. In addition, the manufacturing engineer may record the sequence, and guarantee that subsequent changes in component geometry or the addition or deletion of new components in the assembly will not invalidate the current assembly sequence.
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Assembly Sequences icon or choose Assemblies Sequencing to turn on Assembly Sequencing. Assembly Sequencing toolbar appears.
If you do not see the Assembly Sequencing toolbar, it must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assembly Sequence switch on.
When the Assembly Sequencing toolbar is available, so is the Sequencing Navigator tab which opens the Sequence Navigator. (Unix users use the Sequence Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
The Sequence Navigator works like the Assembly Navigator in the sense that it is comprised of a tree structure and can be docked or pinned wherever you want.
or choose Assemblies
Once you begin to define a sequence, the status of the sequence appears in the Sequence Navigator, along with default folders and accounting columns.
The sequence navigator window will, by default, show only the active assembly sequence. The navigator displays the step number, time, cost, description and count columns. As with Unigraphics NX other navigators, you have to option to control which columns they wish to see. Folders
310 There are 3 default folders: 1) Unprocessed - contains the components that have not yet been processed in the assembly sequence. This folder can be used to see if new components have been added into the assembly being sequenced since the last time the sequence was created or modified. 2) Ignored - contains components that you do not want to consider in the assembly sequence. 3) Preassembled - contains components that have been identified as part of the sequence before the sequencing starts. This is useful if you are creating a disassembly sequence (all the components to be disassembled must exist in the preassembled folder), or if you are creating a partial assembly or disassembly sequence. In addition, there are some other symbols you should know about. processed step (played back) current step assembled step disassembled step The sequence view graphics is always in sync with the playback state. The playback state is persistent;. i.e., when you change the active sequence, the active sequence will be loaded in the playback state it was previously in. There is an interaction between playback and sequence modeling. If the playback is stopped in the middle of the sequence, any new steps defined for the sequence will be inserted at the step to be played back. These clones share the ancestry of the part they are cloning including interpart relationships which are updated to refer to the new clone component. These clones share the ancestry of the part they are cloning including interpart relationships which are updated to refer to the new clone component.
The Sequence View will show the geometry of each step that you delineate in the sequence. The Sequence View responds to all the normal viewing commands. In the Assembly Navigator, choose flipfone_back_bottom node. Choose the Assemble Step icon Assembly Step. or choose Assemblies Sequences Add
The first sequence step is defined both in the Sequence Navigator and in the graphics area of the Sequence View.
You can also add assembly steps as a group action. In the Assembly Navigator, choose, in order, the following nodes (Use the Ctrl key for multiple selections). flipfone_back_top flipfone_pad_bottom flipfone_pad_top flipfone_antenna flipfone_front_bottom flipfone_front_top flipfone_hinge flipfone_cap (2X)
Choose the Assemble Step icon or choose Assemblies Operations Add Assembly Step.
This "group" technique can be used to define all the sequence steps of an assembly; you can then go back and redefine the sequence of steps as an edit operation.
In the Time field, key in 3.0 (for seconds), then Apply. Note the addition of this information in the Sequence Navigator.
This is an exploded view of a displacement pump. Some details have been left out for simplicity. This assembly has no mating conditions or subassemblies
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Assembly Sequences icon or choose Assemblies Sequencing to turn on Assembly Sequencing. Choose the Create Sequence icon Operations Create Sequence. or choose Assemblies
If you change the display mode to wire frame you can see the different components being placed in their proper location.
In the Assembly Navigator, choose brg (component name BRG1) node. You may have to enlarge the size of the Assembly Navigator to see the component name of each BRG part Using the <Ctrl> key, continue selecting the following nodes in the Assembly Navigator: rootb_dt brg (component name BRG2) brg (component name BRG3) roota_dt brg (component name BRG4) brg (component name BRG5) case_dt end_cover_dt belt_drive
Choose the Assemble Step icon or choose Assemblies Operations Add Assembly Step.
This assembly sequence will be used in the next exercise to play back and edit.
Press the play icon on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemblies Sequences Playback Play. Make sure you watch for any problems during the playback to ensure that the proper assembly sequence has been achieved. If you designated the sequence as directed above, you will notice that the first two bearings were assembled in the wrong order. If you play the sequence again, you will see that the first bearing that was inserted in the drive plate would have blocked the second bearing from being inserted.
The assembly sequence has to be changed to ensure this type of error does not find its way into production. In the Sequence Navigator, select the first brg component and drag it down until the next brg component highlights; this will "drop" the selection after the second component.
This type of click and drag function will allow you to reorder and edit your assembly sequence. Press the play icon again to see that the bearings are inserted in the correct order. Close all parts.
319 When playing back an assembly sequence that has compound steps, all the components referenced in the step are played back simultaneously.
Sequencing Component Groups and Subassemblies Creating an Assembly Sequence with Compound Steps
In this activity, you will create a sequence of assembly where all fasteners and one subassembly will be treated as compound steps within the sequence. Open part file sequence_partial_valve_assm.prt from the valve subdirectory.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Assembly Sequences icon or choose Assemblies Sequencing to turn on Assembly Sequencing (if necessary). Open the Sequence Navigator (if necessary).
Choose the Sequence Navigator tab. Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Create Sequence icon on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemblies Sequences Operations Create Sequence. In the Assembly Navigator, choose the housing node. Choose the Assemble Step icon or choose Assemblies Operations Add Assembly Step. Sequences
The housing is the component to which the remaining components will be added. The next component to be sequenced will be a vendor-supplied subassembly. Being already assembled, it will be sequenced in as one sequence step. In the Assembly Navigator, choose the vendor_subassy1 component. Choose the Assemble As Group icon Assemblies Sequences Operations on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemble As Group.
The individual cover bolts that secure the vendor subassembly will be also be sequenced into the assembly as a group. In the Assembly Navigator, with the <Ctrl> key choose all the cover_bolt components (there are 3).
You could have also packed the components in the Assembly Navigator, then just selected the one packed node. Choose the Assemble As Group icon Assemblies Sequences Operations on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemble As Group.
You now have your first Sequence Group, as reflected in the Sequence Navigator.
Why are the cover bolts referred to as a Sequence Group in the Sequence Navigator while the vendor subassembly, which was also assembled as a group, is not?
The vendor subassembly is seen as one component (its components are seen as an "implied" sequence group), while each cover bolt must be explicitly identified as being part of a sequenced group. There are three remaining components. The valve diaphragm will be sequenced in separately and its two fasteners will be sequenced in as a compound step. In the Assembly Navigator, choose valve node. Choose the Assemble Step icon or choose Assemblies Operations Add Assembly Step. Sequences
In the Assembly Navigator, with the <Ctrl> key choose the two shaft_bolt components. Choose the Assemble As Group icon Assemblies Sequences Operations on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemble As Group.
322 The second Sequence Group is created and reflected in the Sequence Navigator.
Note also that in the Assembly Navigator, that each Sequence Group is defined as a filter; make sure that they are unblanked (checked).
Choose the Camera Step icon on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemblies Sequences Operations Add Camera Step. A Camera step is added in the Sequence Navigator.
In the Sequence Navigator, select the Camera entry and drag/drop it right before the Sequence Group 2 step.
Now when the sequence is played the view orientation will zoom in to the attachment area so you can better see the addition of the last two fasteners to the assembly.
324 Next, you will add a few more camera steps to visually inspect the final sequenced assembly. Use Fit in the Sequence View so you can see the whole assembly.
Choose the Camera Step icon on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemblies Sequences Operations Add Camera Step. Use MB3 Orient View the assembly. Right in the Sequence View so you can see the right side of
325 Assemblies Using MB3 below. Sequences Operations Add Camera Step.
Choose the Camera Step icon on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemblies Sequences Operations Add Camera Step. Orient the Sequence to the Top orientation. Choose the Camera Step icon on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemblies Sequences Operations Add Camera Step. Orient the Sequence to the Trimetric orientation. Choose the Camera Step icon on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemblies Sequences Operations Add Camera Step. Now you have five inspection orientations embedded in your Assembly Sequence.
Press the play icon on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or choose Assemblies Sequences Playback Play.
Assembly Cloning
The objectives of this lesson are: understanding basic cloning concepts creating a clone assembly understanding inter-part associativity
Overview of Cloning
The Assemblies Cloning facility provides a top-down means to:
create a clone assembly based on a "seed" assembly while retaining certain components, replacing others and/or cloning still others globally edit component references within an existing assembly Assembly cloning also provides a means to maintain component relationships such as: Mating Conditions, Interpart Expressions (IPEs), Promoted bodies and Assembly Level Features (ALFs), within the cloned assembly or edited components. Assembly Cloning also has a clone naming facility capable of automatic or manual name specification. Cloning Log Files can be saved, imported and exported to facilitate making multiple clones with a minimum of user interaction. ** Important ** There are substantial differences between defining a new clone assembly and editing component references in an existing assembly. When cloning a "seed" part or assembly, the assumption is that the seed part/assembly is not to be modified and is to remain a stable "base" part or assembly. When using cloning to edit component references, you are, in fact, making global substitutions with the specific intent of modifying the part/assembly. UG/Manager Disclaimer Assembly Cloning is also available in the IMAN UG/Manager environment as well as native mode.
328 This CAST Assembly Cloning lesson addresses Cloning in a native Unigraphics NX environment, not the possible permutations inherent in a UG/Manager environment. Be aware that there are Cloning options and dialogs specific to an IMAN UG/Manager implementation. Check the Cloning Assemblies chapter in the Assemblies online technical documentation for more information.
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
329 Choose Assemblies Cloning Create Clone Assembly from the main menu.
When using the Cloning facility, it is not necessary to actually open a part file; this is to facilitate dealing with large assemblies. The Clone Assembly dialog is displayed.
Choose the Add Assembly option in the dialog. You are prompted to select an assembly to clone. Choose part file amd_caster_fin.prt from the caster subdirectory, then OK.
The Clone Action is the default action that is applied to all components of the clone assembly, unless exceptions to the default are designated as well. Make sure the Clone option is in effect.
There are three possible clone actions that components can assume within a clone operation: Retain, which maintains reference to an existing component part. This clone action is available as a default condition. It operates much like a Save As operation. Clone, which references a clone of an existing component part. This clone action is also available as a default condition. These clones share the ancestry of the part they are cloning including interpart relationships which are updated to refer to the new clone component. These clones share the ancestry of the part they are cloning including interpart relationships which are updated to refer to the new clone component. These clones share the ancestry of the part they are cloning including interpart relationships which are updated to refer to the new clone component. Replace, which references a different existing component part. This clone action is only available as an exception to a default condition. To determine which option to use, assess to what degree your clone assembly is to change. If only a few components are to change, then Retain would be a good choice. If most components are to change, Clone would be the choice. Please be aware that clone actions are made on a component part basis, not on individual occurrences of a part. If you want to modify references to individual instances of a component part, you should use the Assemblies Components Substitute Component function.
331 The Naming Rule dialog appears. In this dialog, you specify how you want your naming conventions to appear. Choose Add Prefix. Notice that only the Add/Replace/Rename String field is activated (the Base String field is activated only when Replace option is used). Click in the Add/Replace/Rename String field and enter cl1_, then OK. More About the Naming Rule Dialog
As you can see, you have four options: Add adds a prefix to the original part name. Prefix: Add adds a suffix to the original part name. Suffix: Replace: lets you identify a base string of the original part name that will be replaced by a new string that you define, thus creating a new part name for the cloned component. Rename: lets you reidentify the original part name to a name that you define, thus creating a new part name for the cloned component.
No. You can specify and use only one Naming Rule for any one assembly cloning operation.
Choose Set Defaults. In the Status Line, you are informed that the application of the defaults were completed successfully. If there had been a problem such as a naming conflict or a part name exceeding the maximum length, you would get an error message alerting you to the nature of the problem. You can generally correct any conflict by: applying a different naming scenario modifying the specified Naming Rule
Choose the first entry: amd_caster_fin (Default) cl1_amd_caster_fin then Apply. The Output Name dialog appears. This is where you designate what the clone assembly will be named and where it is to be filed. Define a writable directory and key in caster_fin_clone1 as the partfile name, then OK.
In the listing window, notice that the name of each component of the assembly is echoed back with the to-be-cloned name with your designated prefix listed as well. Choose the New Action option. Notice the addition of the Replace exception condition. For our purposes, you are going to "clone" most of the components of the Caster assembly, but you are going to "replace" the Shaft and the Fork with different parts. Choose Replace from the New Action option. Choose caster_shaft from the list as your first replacement, then Apply. The Replacement Part dialog appears. Choose caster_shaft_alt from the list, then OK. The Action Exceptions dialog reappears. Note that the entry for the caster_shaft now details the replacement operation:
Choose caster_fork from the list as your second replacement, then Apply. Choose caster_fork_alt from the list, then OK. Again, the Action Exceptions dialog appears detailing the current state of exception designations.
Choose Full. Choose the Report to Information Window option. The Information window pops-up detailing your cloning set-up. At the top is the header showing you your high-level cloning set-up. The listing that follows lets you see at a glance the actions and naming rules you have defined:
Remember, you have not performed the cloning operation yet. If any of the set-up information is not right, you can still change it. Dismiss the Information window.
336 If you unknowingly specify exceptions that threaten the integrity of the seed assembly (or seed components), the system will proceed with the cloning and deal with the conflict while alerting you to the conflict.
Inter-Part Associativities
When cloning, a major concern is how inter-part associativities are dealt with between original parts and the different cloning actions of new parts. The three inter-part associativities you are concerned with here are: Mating Conditions Promoted bodies Inter-Part Expressions
When using the Replace clone action, mating conditions will be maintained if the replacement part is a descendant (common filing history) of the original part and has the same mating topology available to handle the existing mating constraints.
Obviously, if the replacement part does not have similar mating topology, the part will be replaced but the mating conditions will not be carried over. You will not get any indication of the loss of mating conditions during the Replace operation. However, upon calling up the output cloned assembly, you will get a message stating that previous mating conditions have been lost. There is a way of retaining mating conditions on unrelated parts (parts that do not share a common ancestry) but you must explicitly define Alternate mating conditions for the replacement part.
340 First, there are no special restrictions when you use the Retain or Clone actions because you are either dealing with the original components (retain) or components that are exact duplicates (clone). Complications arise when you Replace a component that is being used as the base component of a promotion because you are dealing with new and different geometry.
The Replaced base component must be related to or share ancestry with the original base component, otherwise the clone action exception will fail.
What about Assembly Level Features? How would they behave in the above situation?
The associativity of ALFs to a promoted base part is only supported when the part being Replaced is related to the original. If the replacement part meets the "common ancestry" criteria, the promotion base will be brought into the assembly and all the ALFs will be reapplied (assuming the ALFs are defined in such a way that they can actually be applied to the new promoted base).
Problems are more likely to occur when using the Replace action. The behavior of Replacing parts that contain IPEs is much like that of replacing parts with Mating Conditions. That is, if the replacement part shares a file ancestry with the input part, IPE associativity will be maintained.
There is a way of retaining IPE linkage on unrelated replacement parts (parts that do not share a common ancestry). In such a case, you must explicitly define expressions in the replacement part that have the same names as those used in the original linkage between the two parts.
342 If a Replacement part does not contain an expression with the same name referenced in the input IPE, an "update failure" occurs. The IPE is lost and replaced with the constant value the IPE was last evaluated to.
No. The Assembly Cloning function does not support the retention of data relating to instances of Part Family members. When an instance of a Part Family member is Cloned or Replaced, the part instance becomes a "regular" component reference; it does not generate a new member of the Part Family.
I have heard the term "Disposition Cascading" in relation to clone action conflicts; what is it exactly?
Disposition Cascading is the term used to describe how clone action conflicts are resolved. It is intended to protect the seed assembly / components from modification during the cloning operation.
This lesson presents several issues relating to the development and editing of assembly parts lists and their formats.
Once formats are defined in a part file, multiple users can import these formats into their own assembly drawings. The Modeling application will be utilized to develop a parts list format. This lesson will be most helpful to those individuals that are responsible for setting up CAD/CAM standards for their sites.
345 This lesson concentrates on the second step. You should be familiar with the Attributes lesson before starting this appendix. You will go through the manual process of developing a Parts List format to develop the conceptual connection between formatting and attributes. * This process can be automated by developing a GRIP program that prompts users with standardized Attribute Titles. **This process can be automated by having standardized parts list formats available in a common directory so that any specific format can be imported into your assembly drawing.
Open part file amd_total_valve_assm.prt from the amd/valve subdirectory. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Using the Class Selection dialog (or the Assembly Navigator), select all the components within the assembly. Choose Type on the Class Selection dialog. Choose the Component option on the Select by Type dialog and OK. Choose Select All on the Class Selection dialog and OK to select all components. Choose the Attributes tab in the Component Properties dialog. Note the titles of the attributes: CALLOUT P/N
346 DES MAT These attribute titles were specified at the time that the attributes were designated. Now that you know what the attribute titles are, you are ready to start formatting a parts list. Cancel the Component Properties dialog.
Unigraphics NX allows you to designate a maximum of 14 fields. Choose Assemblies Parts List.
Choose Insert Field from the Define Parts List dialog, then OK. Non-key fields will not be checked for uniqueness. Your first Parts List field will be a nonkey field. Choose Non-Key Field from the dialog, then OK.
`Row One' relates to text in the column headings for the parts list fields.
Key Item into the input dialog and OK. The next field heading input dialog appears.
`Row Two' relates to the next row heading for the parts list fields.
Key No. into the input dialog and OK. The Attribute Title input dialog appears.
Unigraphics NX must now relate the parts list field `Item No.' to a corresponding attribute title.
Since you do not expect an item number to go beyond double digits, you will specify a smaller Field Width. Choose the Field Width -10 field, then OK. Key 6 into the Specify Field Width dialog and OK. This gives enough room for the parts list field title. OK the Insert Parts List Field dialog.
Blank out the input field then choose OK to accept the empty field.
349 Key Part Name into the Row Two input dialog and OK. This time you will address a system attribute title Key $Name into the Attribute Title input dialog and OK.
OK the Insert Parts List Field dialog. Now you see new options in the Insert Parts List Field dialog which let you position the field. Append lines up the field after the CALLOUT field. Choose Append, then OK.
Key No. into the input dialog for Row Two and OK. Key p/n into the input dialog as the attribute title and OK.
Choose OK to accept the defaults. Choose Append, then OK to append this format.
Key des into the input dialog as the attribute title and OK.
Choose the Field Width - 10 field and OK. Key 20 as the number of characters in this field and OK. Choose OK to accept the other defaults. Choose Append then OK.
Choose the Quantity Field option, and OK. Choose OK to accept the empty field for Row One. Key Qty into the input dialog for Row Two and OK.
Since you know that the valve assembly only has 20+ component parts, you can truncate this field. Choose the Field Width - 10 field, then OK. Key 3 as the number of characters in this field and OK. Choose OK to accept the other defaults. Choose Append, then OK.
Defining Parts List Fields On Your Own: Specifying the Last Field
Now that you have designated the first five fields, see if you can go through the procedure on your own. The last field is a non-key field. Row One is left empty. Row Two is Material. The attribute title is mat. Set the format to 15. Normally, you would use File Save at this point to save the designated field formats.
You cannot do this because the part files in the CAST Online directory are read-only. You can save parts if you designate a directory in which you have write permission.
Choose Multi-Level from the Report Mode option and accept. Choose OK in the Confirmation message dialog. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose Add (Entries) from the Parts List dialog. You can choose parts to add to the parts list by using the Class Selection dialog or by addressing parts explicitly. Choose the Class Selection option and OK. The Class Selection dialog appears. You can select from the Assembly Navigator. Choose the following Assembly Navigator nodes:
Note that each node and its component nodes highlight. Choose OK to accept. Of course, you could have selected all the parts in several different ways, but using the Assembly Navigator greatly facilitates selection in an assembly.
354 Double-click on the Format option again. Double-click on the Field Width-20 option. Key 30 as the new number of characters and OK. Choose OK to accept the other parameters. Choose List to check the edited formats. Of course, there are numerous way in which you can edit your formats. You will change your formats in a couple of ways to illustrate the editing process. Dismiss the Information dialog. One common format consideration is the justification of text within a field. Left justification is the system default, you will change the Part No. format to a right justification scheme. Choose Define. Double-click Edit Field. Double-click on $Name from the dialog. Double-click on Format from the dialog. Double-click on Left Justified from the dialog. Choose Right Justified from list of options and accept. Choose OK to accept the other parameters. Choose Back to return to the format list. While you are at this point you can practice a format function that is very useful, i.e. Leading String. Both Leading String and Trailing String work in a similar fashion. Leading String lets you put a prefix onto a field and Trailing String lets you put a suffix onto a field. Choose Part No. from the list of defined titles. Choose Format from the dialog. Choose Leading String from the list of options. For instructional purposes, you are going to pretend that all the parts of the valve assembly are military standard parts. Key MIL-STD- in the entry field and OK. Choose OK to accept the other parameters. Choose List again to check the edited formats.
355 Your part names should now all be right justified and all part numbers should have the MILSTD- prefix.
To learn how to apply Parts Lists to drawings, see the Assembly Drawings lesson. Close all part files.
Assembly Drawings
The objectives for this lesson are: understanding the master model approach to drawings creating an assembly drawing understanding parts list notes
In this lesson you will develop a multi-view drawing and parts list for a valve assembly. You will develop views using the Drafting application. You will import the necessary Parts List formats. You will automatically develop a Parts List and manually add entries to that Parts List. The Drafting application will be utilized to create an orthographic drawing of the valve assembly along with its part list.
Because the assembly file is a component of the drawing file, it and the drawing file are associated.
357 This associativity means that whenever changes are made to the assembly, they will be reflected in the assembly drawing.
The Parts List Add Method determines how parts list information of the assembly components will be added to the parts list. For your drawing, you want to add every available level. Make sure that the All Levels Add option is on and OK. All Levels Add ensures that data for all subassemblies of the component will be included. Next, you will add the valve assembly to the drawing file. Choose Application Assemblies (if necessary). or choose Assemblies Components
Choose the Choose Part File option on the Select Part dialog. Choose amd_total_valve_assm.prt from the amd/valve directory as the part file to come in as a component.
358 Choose OK to accept the default parameters on the Add Existing Part dialog. Choose OK to accept the default position parameters on the Point Constructor dialog. The total valve assembly is now a component of your drawing file. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Add Existing Part dialog. You can visually check this relationship by using the Assembly Navigator. Access the Assembly Navigator and notice that amd_total_valve_assm (and its subassemblies) is now the first level of valve_assm_dwg.
Color Settings.
In the Drawing Part Settings section, turn off the Monochrome Display switch. When you choose Drafting, the system defaults to an E-size drawing along with the Dimensions dialog. Changing the Drawing Size For this part you will need to change the size of the drawing from E-size to D-size.
or choose Drawing
The Edit Current Drawing dialog appears. Note that the default name for the current drawing is SH1. Choose the drawing size option and select D - 22 X 34.
Choose OK to affect the changed drawing size. You will not need the display of the borders. You can use the Display Preferences to turn them off. Choose Preferences Visualization from the Menu Bar.
Choose the Names/Borders tab. Turn the Show View Names and Show View Borders options off (unchecked), then OK.
or choose Drawing
The system displays the Add View dialog. It highlights the TOP option (Top View) in the list box. Indicate on the graphics screen the approximate center of the base view on the drawing.
Because you are using the default drawing view preferences, all the hidden lines are displayed as dashed. You can use the Drawing Move/Copy View option to relocate the position of the view once it has been placed.
In the Color/Font/Width section, make sure the Font option is set to Invisible, then OK. This font setting should be set to invisible, but if it had been changed prior to this exercise this is a good time to check.
Choose Reverse Vector (if necessary) to have vector point to the left.
Choose Apply. The Section Line Creation dialog appears. Next you need to indicate the segment cut positions you want to use. This associates the cutting plane for the section with the selected geometry, so if the geometry is modified, the section cut will be modified as well. You will do a simple cut directly through the center of the assembly. Since there are no lines that you can use, you will have to define a point. For the point, you will use an arc center to position the first cut. Choose the Point Selection option and set to Arc/Ellipse/Sphere Center. Select the hole center of the top bolt for the first cut position, then OK.
It may be difficult to cleanly choose the correct hole center on the first try. Use either the Zoom function or choose Next Object until the system picks the hole. OK the Section Line Creation dialog. Indicate a position for the section view within the horizontal corridor established by the base view.
Notice that the system automatically adds hatching to show solid portions of the section cut.
or choose Drawing
Choose TFR-TRI as the view to be imported. Indicate the position for the center of the view to be imported.
Remember, you specified in the View Display dialog that hidden lines (font) were to be invisible.
365 Choose OK to accept the default import part parameters. Choose the file drawing_border.prt from the amd/valve subdirectory. You will import everything in this part. It was specially prepared so the only thing it contains is the border. The Point Constructor dialog appears for you to designate the location of the drawing border. Choose OK to locate the imported part at Work Coordinates 0,0,0. This point corresponds with the origin of the drawing coordinates as well. Choose Cancel to dismiss the dialog. The drawing border and title block are brought into the drawing as shown.
366 Next you need to signal that you want to import only the parts list format. Choose the Import parts list format option and OK.
This signals that only parts list formats should be imported. Choose total_valve_format and OK. Choose OK to accept the Point Constructor defaults, then Cancel. Because you have imported only the parts list formats, you do not see anything appear on your drawing. There is, however, a quick way to check to make sure the formats were imported. Choose Assemblies Parts List from the Menu Bar.
Choose Define from the Parts List Dialog. Choose Edit Field, then OK. You see a list of the format titles that were imported. These titles have specific formats attached to them. Choose Cancel.
The Parts List Note Adding Parts to the Parts List Automatically
You can automatically create a parts list by specifying what levels of the assembly you wish incorporated into the parts list. If necessary, choose Assemblies Choose the Specify Rules option. The Report Format dialog appears. Right now, you are only concerned with the options on the lower half of the dialog. Make sure the Skip One Level option is off. Parts List from the Menu Bar.
The Report Mode option lets you specify the type of parts list report to be output. There are three options. As Defined - generates parts list as currently defined. Single Level - produces a parts list based on top level components only. Multi-Level - produces a parts list for all levels. The Single Level and Multi-Level options will overwrite any existing As Defined parts list and will become the new As Defined. The previous As Defined will be lost. Choose the Multi-Level option, then OK. Choose OK in the Confirmation message dialog.
Close the Information window. The automatic generation of the parts list uses the format specification which explicitly addresses the attribute titles of the parts. If the parts list format does not find the correct attribute titles, those missing attribute titles will not be included in the parts list. See the Formatting Parts Lists lesson for more information on how parts list formats use part attribute titles.
The Parts List Note Adding Parts to the Parts List Manually
If you need to add (or remove) parts to the parts list, you can do it manually. Choose the Specify Rules option. In order to manually add (or remove) to the parts list, the Skip One Level option must be off. Choose Skip One Level so that it is set to off. The Report Mode must be set to As Defined.
369 Choose the As Defined option then choose OK. Choose the Add (Entries) option. You are going to add a non-part item that must show up in your parts list. Choose the Enter Field Values option, then OK. The order of the following dialogs depends on how the parts list formats were set up. Key fields are addressed first. (For a thorough discussion of format field set-up, see Appendix C.) Key in Lubricant as the part name and Enter. Key in 0011 as the part number and Enter. Choose String as Quantity data type. Key in AR (i.e. `as required') as the Quantity value and Enter. Choose OK to signal a blank field for Item. Key in White lithium grease for the description and Enter. Blank the Material field then OK. OK the Add to Parts List dialog. Check your work. The new entry will be added to the bottom of the list. Choose List to see the expanded parts list report. Dismiss the Information window.
The Annotation Preferences dialog appears. Choose the [Lettering] Alignment Position option and set the position to Top Right as shown.
Choose OK. Choose Assemblies Parts List from the Menu Bar. Choose Create from the Parts List dialog. Indicate the end point of the top line of the title block.
Zoom in on the note to check. Close all part files. If you have any pre-V10 assemblies, go on to the Upgrading Pre-V10 Assemblies lesson. If you would like more practice with assemblies, go on to the Assembly Projects lesson.
372 After that, it looks to the Load Method as defined in Load Options dialog, to determine the component parts location.
When you execute the upgrade command, the system will delete the component geometry and replace it with a new virtual pointer to the component part. Any application data that was generated (i.e. dimensions, NC operations, etc.) is lost due to the deletion of the component geometry.
373 The Create component if required option will create the components with a pathname that reflects the directory from which the assembly was loaded. If you save all of the components they will be in the assembly directory. The default is set to upgrade the Whole subassembly structure. The system creates each of the new components, deletes the old geometry from the assembly, and then establishes a new virtual pointer to the component. After upgrading, the components that the system created are in active memory. They will not exist as component parts until they are saved. Normally, you would use File exist in a directory. Save at this point to save the new components so that they
You can not do this because the part files in the CAST Online directory are read-only. You can save the new, converted components into a directory in which you have write permission.
You may have noticed that the component parts do not exist (they were not in the directory). All that you have is a V9, multi-part, component assembly. One of the options you will have during the upgrade process, is to have the computer create the component parts, if it cannot
374 find them in the system. To determine if an assembly has pre-V10 components, query the system by requesting a report on components in this assembly. Choose Assemblies Reports List Components.
Note there are subassembly structures and all of the components are Pre-V10. When you begin the upgrade process, you will only see the top level components in the list to be upgraded, but there is an option to upgrade all subassembly components also. Choose File Utilities Upgrade Component.
The upgrade components option only effects Pre-V10 components. Therefore, the component list only displays the upgradeable components. The options available in the upgrade window are described below: Choose Create component if required. Choose Upgrade All. Choose Assemblies Reports List Components again to update the listing.
Assembly Projects
As demonstrated in the Mating Conditions lesson, mating constraints may be assigned using one of two available methods: Assignment on existing components of an assembly. Assignment on components as they are added to an assembly. In this project you will practice the second method, assigning mating constraints while adding components to an assembly. It is recommended that you attempt to complete this project using the CAST "abridged" mode. Toggle to the "complete" mode if you need step-by-step instructions.
You will begin by creating an empty assembly part. Create a new file, named clamp_assm in a directory where you have write permission. Choose File New. Determine the directory where the new part is to be filed. Key in clamp_assm for the new file name.
The base part of this assembly will be the clamp_base. It will be the first part you bring into the assembly. Add the part clamp_base.prt (in the amd/clamp directory) to clamp_assm, using the Add Existing Part defaults and making sure that the base point is at 0,0,0. Choose the Add Existing Component icon or choose Assemblies Components Add Existing. Choose the Choose Part File option from the Select Part dialog. Choose clamp_base.prt from the amd/clamp directory. The Add Existing Part dialog appears.
The Add Existing Part dialog now specifies the following: The component's name within the assembly will be `clamp_base'. The default assumes the component's name will be the same as the part file name, but it does not have to be! All reference sets of clamp_base are being added (Ref. Set: Entire Part) You are not adding multiple clamp_bases. You will bring the component directly into your assembly using absolute coordinates (you will not be mating the base component). The component will be added on the Work layer of your model. Choose OK to accept the options in the dialog. The Point Constructor dialog appears. This is for specifying the location of the incoming component in your assembly. Make sure all the Base Point values are set to zero, then choose OK. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Add Existing Part dialog. The base component has been added to your assembly and you are ready to add the other components. Choose MB3 Orient View Trimetric.
Use MB3 Hidden Edges Invisible as necessary to help you visualize the components as you go through this section. The addition/mating of the rest of the components will follow a slightly different procedure.
Using the Edit Assembly Structure dialog, add the clamp_cap.prt from the amd/clamp directory. Choose the Add Existing Component icon or choose Assemblies Components Add Existing. Choose the Choose Part File option from the Select Part dialog. Choose clamp_cap.prt from the amd/clamp directory.
380 The Add Existing Part dialog reappears. This time you will specify the dialog parameters a bit differently. Choose Change Ref. Set. Choose BODY from the Choose Name dialog. Choose OK to accept the BODY reference set. This loads only the BODY reference set. Datum planes and sketch geometry will be excluded from the component addition. Choose Positioning and select Mate. Use OK to accept the dialog parameters. The Point Constructor dialog appears. This time you will indicate the position of the incoming component. Choose the Cursor Location icon slightly above the base. and indicate a position for the new component
The Mating Conditions dialog appears. To position this part correctly, you will use: Align Mate Angle
381 First, Align the cylindrical hole face of the cap with the cylindrical hole face of the base. Choose the Align icon. Select the face of the cylindrical hole of the cap.
Choose Preview to check. Choose Apply if preview looks good. Next, Mate the indented back face of the cap to the inside back face of the base. Choose the Mate icon. Select the indented planar face of the cap.
The last constraint will constrain the cap from being able to rotate into the base. Using Angle, constrain the top face of the cap to a top face of the base. (You will use the default angle of 0.0) Choose the Angle icon. Select the top planar face of the cap.
Choose the Add Existing Component icon or choose Assemblies Add Existing. Choose the Choose Part File option from the Select Part dialog. Choose clamp_lug.prt from the amd/clamp directory.
This time you will want to use the datum planes associated with the lug so you will keep the reference set designation set to entire part. Make sure Positioning is set to Mate, then OK to accept the dialog parameters. The Point Constructor dialog reappears. Again, choose the Cursor Location icon and indicate a position for the new component slightly above the base.
The Mating selection dialog appears. You will again be using the mating constraints: Align Angle First, Align the cylindrical hole face of the lug with the forward cylindrical hole face of the base. Choose the Align icon. Select the face of the cylindrical hole of the lug.
Choose the TO icon . Select the cylindrical hole face to align to.
Choose Preview to check. Choose Apply if preview looks good. Next, Align the center datum plane of the lug with the center datum plane of the base.
Hint: Change the Filter option to Datum Plane to facilitate selection. Choose the Align icon. Select the center datum plane of the lug.
Choose the TO icon . Select the center datum plane of the base to align to.
386 Choose Preview to check it. Choose Apply if preview looks good. Lastly, Angle the main cylindrical Face of the lug with a top Face of the base. Choose the Angle icon. Select the long cylindrical face of the lug.
Establishing the Base Part Mating the Clamp Pins: On Your Own
The last components to be added and constrained are the clamp pins.
Test your knowledge by adding and mating the two pins. The two pins hold the cap and lug to the base. Some things to keep in mind: Add only the BODY of the pins; the resident datum planes are not useful to you. When you add the pins to your model, they both get added at the same time and reside in the same model space. Use MB3 Hidden Lines Invisible as necessary to better visualize selectable objects of the components. Use Preview to check your constraints, if necessary. Your successful solution should look like the illustration below.
Automotive Project
Assembly Projects give you a chance to apply the lessons you have learned in the course of this tutorial. You are encouraged to exercise your acquired knowledge of basic assemblies on these projects. These models provide a safe environment in which to create reference sets, apply mating conditions, exploding your model, apply attributes, etc. The drive_assm.prt in the amd/automotive directory holds all the necessary part files. Generate a listing of components of the drive_assm. Choose Assemblies Reports List Components.
Note the general relationships between the components within the assembly and the subassemblies. The next sections graphically detail the relationships within the subassemblies.
389 The Subassemblies The drive assembly has 3 main subassemblies and 5 individual components, the clip being used twice.
Choose the Assembly Navigator tab. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Select hub_asm in the Assembly Navigator. MB3 Make Displayed Part.
Note that the innercv assembly has two components: 1 part (ccvin) and 1 subassembly (ring_asm,.but one of them is yet another subassembly. The ring assembly has 3 components: 2 parts and 1 subassembly named bearing_set, which has 6 components.
Plastic Project
Assembly Projects give you a chance to apply the lessons you have learned in the course of this tutorial. You are encouraged to exercise your acquired knowledge of basic assemblies on these projects. These models provide a safe environment in which to create assemblies/subassemblies, create reference sets, apply mating conditions, explode your model, apply attributes, etc. The flipfone_assembly.prt in the plastic directory holds all the necessary part files. Generate a listing of components of the drive_assm. Choose Assemblies Reports List Components.
Note the general relationships between the components and the subassemblies within the assembly. The next sections graphically detail the relationships within the subassemblies.
Choose the Assembly Navigator tab. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Select flipfone_subassy_bottom in the Assembly Navigator. MB3 Make Displayed Part.
More About: Designing-in-Context As a designer, you are typically responsible for designing single parts or a subset of interrelated parts of a larger assembly project. Component filtering is useful because you can specify a filter to see the parts you are designing, in the context of other parts that will be physically close to your parts after assembly. Example: You could set up a filter that queries the modeler to "Display all the fuel system parts in the engine assembly that come within 3 inches of this manifold"
Another use for component filtering is to facilitate that parts and assemblies fit together as originally envisioned. The person who is responsible for design review and validation can use component filtering to: check for proper fit of interfacing components check whether components can actually be physically assembled check that required clearances are being maintained evaluate the impact of proposed changes Typically, the design reviewer will require that filtering happen during the loading of components. To facilitate sectional review and analysis, box zones and plane zones can be designated.
Example: Load options can be tailored to say, "Load all components that fall within and intersect zone A" or "load all components above plane B".
More About: Documenting an Assembly Component filtering can also be used to isolate and customize assembly display for purposes of assembly documentation, such as: Assembly drawings showing how parts or subassemblies are to be installed in relation to a larger assembly. Shaded images of interfacing parts/subassemblies that are distant in terms of the assembly tree structure.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
If you do not see either the Assemblies or the Assembly Navigator toolbars; then their display is turned off. You can easily check these. Choose View Toolbars Customize.
Choose the Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog. Make sure the Assemblies and Assembly Navigator switches are on.
Feel free to dock the toolbars (Window users). Choose the Commands tab.
Choose the Assembly Navigator option. The commands associated with the Assembly Navigator are enumerated on the right side of the dialog. By clicking the various commands on or off, you can control which icons appear on the Assembly Navigator toolbar. Make sure the Filtering Mode command is on (checked).
2) In the Assembly Navigator, when the Filtering Mode is on, the Filters symbols are added into the tree structure.
Now that the Filtering Mode is on, you can turn the Assembly Filtering toolbar on. Choose View Toolbars Customize.
Choose the Toolbars tab. Turn the Assemblies Filtering option on (checked). The Assembly Filtering toolbar appears:
As depicted in the Assembly Navigator, filters can be saved in the part or just the current session.
Session Filters One big advantage of Session Filters is that you do not need write access to the assembly and can be tailored to your design needs, such as, "display all components larger that 20 mm." or "display only those components in zone A". With session filters, you can create many filters particular to your needs without effecting the parent assembly. Filters in Part Filters in Part are stored with the part, so most of these types of filters should only be made (and saved) by the owners of the assembly. Best practices dictate that the owner of large assemblies create a set of useful Filters in Part to facilitate display as well as isolating significant parts of the large assembly. Examples: Major/Minor functional areas; e.g. all hydraulics and forward hydraulics. Zone or plane-based filters; e.g. fuselage stations of an aircraft. Attribute based filters such as supplier or designer Components used for a Product Outline.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose the Expand All icon Expand All. Choose the Pack All icon All or choose Tools or choose Tools Assembly Navigator Assembly Navigator Pack
If one of the components of your component set is to be a subassembly, you have the ability to designate whether you want just the component at the specified level or the component and all of its children.
Notice two things: the subassembly highlights in the graphics area the respective nodes highlight in the Assembly Navigator display As you can see the subassembly is now selected, this will allow you to drag the total subassembly to the filter.
407 Make sure the check box of INTERNAL PARTS is checked (unblanked).
Double-click on the INTERNAL PARTS node in the Assembly Navigator. The components within component set internal parts highlight.
Select the INTERNAL_PARTS filter node in the Assembly Navigator to unhighlight the components.
408 Components can be added to an existing component set by either selecting the components to be added from the graphics display or hold down the Control key and select the components from the Assembly Navigator and drag the components to the correct filter. To remove components that are part of an existing component set, select the components that you want to remove, either in the graphics display or the Assembly Navigator. Next, place the courser over the selected node and hit MB3 Delete to remove the component from the component set filter If you are continuing on to the next topic, you can continue using this part file, otherwise close the part.
Zones Definition
Zones are used for volume comparisons between the zones themselves and the volume of components or component sets. Example: Using Load Options, you can designate to "load only components that are contained within zone A." (a Box zone). Or, using filter scripts, you could designate to "Blank all components that intersect with and are above zone B." (a Plane zone) Zones have the following characteristics: Zones can be 3-dimensional (Boxes) or 2-dimensional (Planes, lines or points). Zones are defined, stored and used in the Displayed Part only. Zones are located with respect to the Absolute coordinate system of the Displayed Part in which they are defined. To create a line zone, you define a box zone with two zero length sides. To create a point zone, you define a box zone with three zero length sides. The Set User Zone function is unique, in that it allows you to specify what might be called a "floating" zone. It provides interactive flexibility to choose which zone in your model you are interested in, when zones are used in component filters and scripts.
Creating Zones
In this section, you will define a simple zone that equates with the area of flow within a valve assembly. This is an example of how filter zones and component sets can work together.
If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on. First, you will retrieve some geometry that is necessary for this portion of the lesson. Make layer 2 Selectable. Choose the Layer Settings icon or choose Format Layer Settings. Double-Click on 2 in the Layer/Status list box to make layer 2 selectable. Choose OK to dismiss the dialog.
The two points you see at the ends of the valve will be used to help you define your first zone. Choose Assemblies Advanced Zones.
Rename Zone
Edit Zones
Choose the Create Box Zone icon. The Zone Creation Method dialog displays.
Choose the Two Diagonal Points option. The Point Constructor dialog appears. Use Existing Point to select the diagonal points.
A red box delineating the bounds of the zone appears along with the default name NEW_BOX_ZONE Be sure the new zone entry in the list box. Choose the Rename icon. If the Rename icon is not available then select the NEW_BOX_ZONE form the list with MB1 to enter the edit mode. Key in FLOWZONE as the new name, then OK.
The red lines of zones are very transitory. They will disappear when you Refresh or change your display in any way. Re-select the zone entry in the list box to re-display as needed.
Combining Filters
You can define component filters to perform comparative functions between sets of components. They take designated components as input: component sets components interfacing with zones components with shared attributes output from other filters They then output components that meet the filtering requirements that you have specified. Again, these filtering processes are for filtering during assembly loading and for customizing the display of your assembly. Example: Using Component Filters, you can designate to "load only those components that reside in zone A and intersect plane zone B." Or, you could designate to "blank all components that are in component set A and are contained in zone C."
412 In this next exercise you will combine the component set filter (INTERNAL_ PARTS) and the box zone (FLOWZONE) to create a filter that is cumulative in nature.
Select the INTERNAL_PARTS filter from the Assembly Navigator Select the Add Zone to Filter icon. Then select Box FLOWZONE from the list; this will activate the three interaction type options. The three actions that can be used with the box filter are Inside, Interfers and Outside.
Select Interfers option Select OK to accept the new addition. As you can see this new filter is added to the INTERNAL_PARTS filter and appears in the Assembly Navigator.
Double-click on the Interferes with FLOWZONE filter in the Assembly Navigator. Notice that all parts that interfere with the FLOWZONE are highlighted, including components outside of the INTERNAL_PARTS filter To isolate just the components that are in the INTERNAL_PARTS filter and interfere with FLOWZONE, you must designate a couple more filters to narrow down the filtering process.
The Match Any of filter will allow you to the match any requirements that are in the filter that it is associated to. In this case the Match Any of filter will be used to setup a combination to match any of the components in the Component Set filter (INTERNAL PARTS) to the Zone (FLOWZONE) filter. Select the components in the Internal Parts filter by selecting the top component and then pressing the Shift then selecting the last component. Select MB3 over the top of the selected components and select Match Any of ... Filter
As you can see this new filter appears on the Assembly Navigator and is called Match any of ..... Double click the Match Any of filter to see the results
414 As you can see, the Match Any Of filter addresses the same components that are valid for the parent INTERNAL_PARTS filter.
Select MB3 while over the top of the selected filters and then select Match All of ...Filter
As you can see, the Match All Of filter has narrowed down the amount of components that are valid for both INTERNAL_PARTS and FLOWZONE filters and Match Any of filter To say it another way "you have matched all components that directly touch the zone that are in the Component Set". Close all parts.
Component Scripts
Component Scripts give you a method of assigning actions to one or more Component Filters. The actions available to you are: Open: opens the component and adds it to the Current Component Set. Close: removes the component from the Current Component Set and closes it if it has not been modified or used elsewhere in the assembly. Force Close: removes the component from the Current Component Set and unconditionally closes it. Blank: blanks the component. Unblank: unblanks the component. SetRefSet (<name>) sets the component to use the specified reference set, if it exists. Select: add the component to the selection list. Deselect: remove the component from the selection list Example: You could designate and name a script that does the following:
416 "blank all components" "unblank all components in zone A" "change the reference sets of all components in zone A to 'body'" By stringing together script statements, it is possible to develop a simple program to manipulate your assembly.
Choose the Define Script icon. The Define/Execute Script dialog appears. Scripts can be named if you expect to perform a sequence of actions over and over. However, you do not need to name a script in order to perform script functions. For our display procedures, we will not initially name the scripts. Choose Action Blank option.
417 Note that your selection is added to the Blank action in the Script Contents list box.
This is your first script statement. Now for your second. Choose Action Unblank from the action list.
Click on <CSET> : IsIn(INTERNAL_PARTS) in the Filter list box. You now have your second script statement
The first statement in your script blanked all the components in your assembly then the second statement unblanked the components that met the INTERNAL_PARTS filter (and its other nested filter criteria). You can use the scripting function in conjunction with the Loaded Changed Components default component set to "refresh" your assembly by closing all components in the set, then reopening them. In a similar vein, you can also use scripting with the Unloaded Changed Components set to update assembly level information that is associated with the components. Close all parts
Click on the Load Components button. All Components: Loads all assembly components No Components: No components are loaded Use Last Component Set: Loads assembly with the same components it was last saved with Use Last Filter: Loads components based on the last filter that was used to load the assembly (and saved) Specify Filter: Loads components that meet the criteria of a chosen defined filter Set the Load Components option to Specify Filter. You are going to load an assembly based on a filter like the one you defined as INTERNAL_PARTS. Choose OK to accept. Open part file advasm_total_valve_scripts.prt from the advasm/valve subdirectory Choose INTERNAL_PARTS from the component list and OK.
Only those components that meet the filter criteria of FLOW_FILTER are loaded. The practical application of these types of loading filters is that different disciplines can load only those components that are related to their design needs. Also keep in mind that component sets are also filters and represent a simple form of filtering for assembly loading. Close all parts.
All component filter data (zones, component sets, filters, scripts) is created in the Displayed Part, regardless of the current work part. (There may be a higher level assembly loaded above the Displayed Part)
Can component filter data be created during "bottom-up" modeling techniques (i.e. zones that represent part envelopes are created in a part file and later that part is added as a component to an assembly) be accessed at the assembly later?
Zones, filters and scripts can be created at the detail part level, before the part is added as a component to an assembly. However, only zone and filter data can be accessed in the context of the assembly. Any scripts created at the piece part level cannot be accessed outside that piece part.
At what level of an assembly can the component filter data be accessed, or used?
All component filter data can be accessed from any level of an assembly, as long as the level of assembly that contains the component filter data is the displayed part.
The defining data (zone size, names, component set contents, etc.) can be accessed and modified when working in the context of an assembly. However, the user making the modifications to the component filter data must have write access to the part file containing the data in order to keep the changes.
What effect does closing parts within the current assembly have on the access to component filter data?
If a component part is closed, by definition, you do not have access to its filter data; remember that component filter data is associated with the Displayed Part.
Only the zone defined as Work Part Volume, or zones based on component names are associative to any model updates, regarding physical dimension changes. Any other zones or planes, whether created manually or automatically, are current only at the time of creation, and will not update their size, location, or spacing after a change to a component or the assembly.
Yes! An existing zone can be modified by choosing Component Filter Define Zone, and selecting the desired zone from the listing. A box zone may be edited by changing box lengths and/or transform. A plane zone may be edited by flipping the plane normal direction and/or transform.
Yes! You can define bounded plane zones, line zones and point zones: A bounded plane zone can be defined by choosing Zone Box and defining a box shape with zero height. This zone can be used with the Intersects With operator. (Be aware that since this still a Box zone so the Above and Below operators will not work.) A point zone can be created by choosing Zone Box with zero height and the same start and stop point. This zone can be used to highlight data that Intersects With the point or Within a tolerance zone of the point. A line zone can be created by choosing Zone Box with zero height and a start point and stop point a given distance apart but along the same axis, you could define a "line" that again could be used with the Intersects With or Within operators. The box "sides" are created parallel to the current WCS orientation, so you may have to rotate your WCS so that one of the axes falls along the direction of your desired "line".
The objectives of this lesson are: knowing why and when to use representations learning how to create representations learning how to use representations on a component and assembly level
Using representations of solids within an assembly model 'streamlines' the amount of data associated with large assemblies, significantly reducing the processing overhead of loading all the assembly data. Creating representations generates faceted, lightweight mesh editions of assembly objects which are fully associative to their solid object counterparts. This means that if the parent solid is modified, its child representation is updated automatically.
Assembly Level 8 x
Representations also relieve the data loading overhead when using Unigraphics NX applications such as: Clearance Analysis Hardware Shading
When subassembly 1 is loaded (opened or made work part), solid bodies are displayed automatically.
The swap between representations and actual solids is transparent to the user.
Creating Representations
Representations can be created on the component level and the assembly level or both. Your intended use for the representations will dictate how you configure your representations. In this lesson, you will have an opportunity to practice the different approaches. There are two basic steps to creating representations: Identifying the solid/sheet bodies that will make up the representation. Specifying a reference set that will hold the representations. In this section, you will create representations on three component parts of an assembly.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
This assembly is made up of four components using three parts; one part being used twice: 1. jaw_plate 2. plate_screw (2x) 3. fixed_jaw
The first representation you will make will be for the fixed_jaw part. Make fixed_jaw the work part. In the Assembly Navigator, position the cursor over the fixed_jaw node then use MB3 Make Work Part. Choose Assemblies Advanced Representations.
Choose Create. The Class Selection dialog appears. You will use this dialog to specify the solid geometry on which the representations will be based. Choose Type. Note that you have four types of geometry that can be specified to be representations: Face Solid Body Sheet Body Compound Face
425 We will be using the defaults. Choose OK to accept the entries. Choose the Select All option in the Class Selection dialog. The fixed_jaw geometry highlights. Choose OK to accept the selection. The Status Line acknowledges that representations were generated. The Reference Sets dialog also appears. This dialog gives you the ability to put the representations into an existing reference set or designate a new one to hold them. Key in facet in the New reference set field and Enter, then choose OK. You now have a representation of the fixed_jaw in a reference set named facet. Remember, because representations are associative, any change you make to the fixed_jaw will automatically be reflected in its representation. You can break this association by using the Disassociate option on the Define Representations dialog.
When you disassociate a representation from its defining solid, the representation becomes a 'stand-alone' faceted object.
Remember, a representation and its defining solid cannot be displayed at the same time. A disassociated representation (faceted object) can be displayed with the solid from which it originated. Normally, you would use File Save at this point to save the new reference set facet . You can not do this because the part files in the CAST Online directory are ReadOnly. There are master files that you will use later that reflect the work you are doing in these temporary files.
426 Choose the Display Members option from the Define Representations menu. The Reference Sets dialog appears. You must specify which reference set you are interested in.
Choose FACET from the list, then OK. The fixed_jaw component displays the facets of the representation in red.
This display is transitory, it will disappear if you manipulate the graphics area in any way. Use MB3 Refresh to dismiss the display of the facets.
To automate the reference set naming and generation process for representations, it is possible to customize your defaults file to include a "Lightweight" default. This is achieved by specifying a name for the following statement in the default file
427 Assemblies_FacetReferenceSet Example: Assemblies_FacetReferenceSet: "FACETED" would yield a situation where all solid bodies or sheet bodies would automatically have representations created and they would be put into the Faceted reference set.
Lightweight is the type of Reference Set "FACETED", is the reference set name specified in the defaults file. The first word, Lightweight, is how the system identifies the model reference set. The second name is not that important. What this means is that if you share your geometry with others, they do NOT need to name their lightweight reference sets the same.
The list window displays the bodies, sheets and/or faces that make up the respective representation. When you have a large combination of faces/bodies/sheets, use the Select option to streamline your list. Use the Temporary Display option to display the facets of a selected entry. Select body from the list, then OK.
428 A Information window appears enumerating the parameters used to define the selected listed entries. Dismiss the Information window.
How and when would you make use of representations that were defined in components of an assembly?
Because representations are held in reference sets, certain reference set strategies can be used with representations. For instance, you can use the Default Reference Sets option in the Load Options dialog to control loading of specifically named representations.
Using Representations
There are different ways you can set up representation schemes in your assembly depending on your design needs. Of course there can be many different permutations of configuring your representations; two will be addressed here: Using Component Level Representations
Select the Default Reference Sets option. Key in exact in the New Reference Set field, then Enter. Next, key in facet in the New Reference Set field, Enter. This load option scheme creates a loading hierarchy where the model is first checked for FACET reference sets, if found, they are loaded; if not, the model is checked for EXACT reference sets, if found, they are loaded.
The assembly was loaded using FACET as the first default reference set. Where it could not find a FACET reference set (fixed_jaw_assm) to load, it loaded the EXACT reference set.
The components loaded with an EXACT reference set do not have a FACET reference set to load. This information is also shown in the Assembly Navigator, Reference Set column:
Why are the jaw_plate and the plate_screw of the advasm_moving_jaw assembly "Excluded"?
431 The jaw_plate and the two plate_screws were excluded because their parent assembly, the moving_jaw_assm, had a FACET reference set but they did not. The component's EXACT reference sets did not come into play because their parent assembly's FACET reference set interrupted the search.
But why were the same jaw_plate and the plate_screws in the fixed_jaw_assm loaded with no problem?
The jaw_plate and the two plate_screws of the fixed_jaw_assm do have EXACT reference sets, as does its parent assembly, the fixed_jaw_assm. At any time, you can check the reference set make-up by invoking an assemblies report. Dismiss the Information window. Close all parts.
432 A variation on this theme is utilizing the Master Model approach with representations. The Master Model and Representations In the Master Model scenario, a new file is created that holds the representations of the master model (it is a component of the highest level file).
Even though you can not file any parts in the CAST directory, you will be taken through the procedure for practice, using master files when necessary. Choose File Options Load Options.
Click Default Reference Sets then select Entire Part from the list. Click Move Up until the Entire Part reference set is at the top of the list, then OK. Create a new inch file called vise_assm_rep_xxx, where xxx are your initials. Choose the Assemblies icon Assemblies. from the Application toolbar or chooseApplication
Choose the Add Existing Component icon Assemblies Components Add Existing.
Add the Master Model, in this case advasm_vise_assm, as a component to your new file. Utilize the Select Part dialog to select advasm_vise_assm. Make sure Layer options is set to Work, then OK the Add Existing Part dialog. Accept the defaults of the Point Constructor dialog. Use MB3 Replace View centered in the display. TFR-TRI to get your display into a trimetric view and
Choose the Parameters option on the Define Representations dialog. The two areas in the Edit Parameters dialog we are concerned with here are Specify Surface Tolerance and Specify Curve Tolerance.
Click the Specify Surface Tolerance and Specify Curve Tolerance options on. When these options are on, the tolerance values are relative to the size of the Displayed Part within the graphics area. These system-generated tolerances can be manually adjusted. Choose OK to accept the parameters. Choose Create from the Define Representations dialog. Choose Type from the Class Selection dialog and make sure all types are highlighted.
Choose OK.
434 The reason you want all types is that in any given assembly, you may not know how certain components were modeled. Use Select All to highlight all geometry, then choose OK. Enter all_reps as the new reference set name, then choose OK. Representations have been made in your new file that reference the Master Model, advasm_vise_assm. Normally, at this point you would save your new model that holds the representations. Since you don't have Write access to the CAST directory, you will continue the practice using master files that represent the work you've done so far. Now you will see how using this Master Model approach to representations can help you work with large or extremely large assemblies. Close all parts.
Set the Load Component option to No Components, then OK. Open file vise_assm_rep_xxx (this emulates the file you created, i.e. it has the Master Model as a component and representations of its components). Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Be aware of a couple things at this point: No components of the highest level assembly are loaded (see Assembly Navigator). This makes for fast loading of the top assembly. You still can see the whole assembly and manipulate it visually. If you want to work on a particular subassembly and its parts, you can quickly do this with help from the Assembly Navigator.
435 With the cursor over the advasm_guide_handle_assm node, use MB3 Assembly to open (and load) the components of the subassembly. Open
With this representation strategy, you can selectively open and close (load and unload) components as you need to work on them. Referencing the Master Model is a great way to use representations, however there are pros and cons. Positives Negatives
Rapid part file retrieval / Component parts aren't loaded; component operations not available. display. Good for designing-incontext using total assembly. Very quick and easy to create representations. Allows non-owning user to create and use representations. Close all part files.
Yes, having representations in your model will increase your model size considerably.
Are there any "rules of thumb" for when to manually change surface and curve tolerances?
One might be that when you are dealing with free form surfaces, you decrease the tolerances so that there is a closer match between the facets and the actual free form surface.
Can representations be edited in any other way than manually overriding the surface/curve tolerances?
Yes. Within the Edit Parameters dialog, you can specify how many edges each facet will have (the default is 3); you can specify a `double precision' representation, or you can
436 specify a maximum facet size. In addition, you can use Edit the color of representations. Object Display to change
There are, of course, many possible organizing schemes that you could use; here are a couple of ideas. Use descriptive names for your representation reference sets so that their function is obvious (e.g. "facet" vs. "exact"). Put representations on designated layers within a model per enterprise-wide standards. This way designers will know where to look for representations on unfamiliar assemblies.
Promotion of Bodies
The objectives of this lesson are: understanding promotion terminology understanding the relationship between promoted bodies and assembly level features understanding how promotions work on different levels within an assembly understanding the interaction between edited components and promotions to introduce you to some promotion tips and techniques
Using Promotions
Important Note You will be unable to complete this section unless the resource control parameter Assemblies_AllowPromotions is set to "yes" in your UG_english.def file. If you have problems see your system administrator. A promoted body is a body of an assembly component that has been changed in a way that features can be added to it within the assembly, without effecting the component part. Once you promote a body into the assembly, you can work on that geometry as if you created it within that work part. Remember that the work part must be the assembly.
When a component is promoted, a copy is made of the original body and placed in the assembly part. Assembly level features are then added to it from within the assembly. When a change is made to the base body (the original body), it is recopied and updated into the assembly.
438 Because these features reside in the work part (assembly), not the component part, they are referred to as assembly level features.
Promotions Terminology
There are several new terms that need to be defined before you continue: The Promoted Body is the body within the assembly that has been promoted. The Base Body is the original body within the component part file. The Base Component is the component from which a least one body has been promoted. It is important to remember that it is not the component that is being promoted, it is the body within that component. If a single component has more than one body in it, each of those bodies would need to be promoted separately.
Open part advasm_mold_part.prt from the advasm/mold directory. The mold part is displayed.
Choose the Assemblies icon Assemblies (if necessary). The Assemblies Toolbar appears.
439 If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on.
Design Intent In this activity, you will use promoted bodies and assembly level features to create the mold that would be used to create this part. The mold will be fully associative to the part, when the parameters of the part are modified the mold cavity and core will also update. Create a new inch part called advasm_mold_cavity.prt. Choose MB3 Orient View Trimetric. Open the Assembly Navigator (if necessary).
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.)
Choose the Add Existing Component icon or Assemblies Components Add Existing. Choose the Choose Part File option on the Select Part dialog. Choose advasm_mold_block.prt from the list, then OK. Set the layer to Work then OK the parameters in the Add Existing Part dialog. Make sure the coordinates of the Base Point are 0,0,0, then OK the Point Constructor dialog. Cancel the Add Existing Part dialog.
Use MB3
Add the advasm_mold_part component to the origin of the assembly. Choose the Add Existing Component icon or Assemblies Components Add Existing. Choose advasm_mold_part.prt from the list, then OK. OK the default parameters in the Add Existing Part dialog. Make sure the coordinates of the Base Point are 0,0,0, then OK the Point Constructor dialog. Cancel the Select Part dialog. Use MB3 Fit to fill the component in the graphics area.
Because Mating Conditions cannot reference geometry created from assembly level features, it is a good idea to perform all mating conditions prior to promoting any bodies.
Choose the Modeling icon Modeling (if necessary). Choose the Promote Body icon
or choose Insert
Feature Operation
The Promote Body dialog is displayed and you are prompted to select the bodies to be promoted. Choose the part and the block from the graphics area, choose OK. Notice that the Status line confirms that two bodies have been promoted. Cancel the Promote Body dialog. The next step of this lesson is to use the outer surfaces of the cone-shaped body to remove the same volume of material from the block.
443 This process will create the cavity of the mold, and will keep its associativity with respect to the component part file. The promotion of these bodies are what makes this possible. Before you continue, use the Assembly Navigator to change the Reference Set of both components to Body. With the cursor over one of the components, use MB3 Set BODY. Repeat for second component. Replace Reference
or choose Insert
Feature Operation
The Trim Body dialog is displayed and you are prompted to select the body to be trimmed. Choose the block for the target body, then choose OK to accept.
Next, you are prompted to select the faces for the Trim Body operation. Choose the bottom flat face of the cone for the first face, then OK.
444 The face is highlighted and a direction vector is displayed. Choose the outside conical face for the second face.
Choose OK to signal that you are done selecting faces. Notice there are two direction vectors displayed in the graphics area. These vectors are used to indicate which side the material will be removed from. To create the bottom half of this mold, you need to remove the material from the inside of the cone, not the outside as currently indicated by the direction of the arrows. Choose Reverse Default Direction to complete the operation. Choose Cancel to dismiss the Trim Body dialog. In order for this assembly to retain its associativity to the part component, the component link needs to stay intact. However, the part geometry should be removed from the display to avoid confusion. Set the reference set of the component advasm_mold_part to Empty. The mold cavity has been created.
From the Assembly Navigator make advasm_mold_block the displayed part. Notice that this part file remains unmodified. This is because the Trim Body operation took place at the assembly level, and the data for that operation is stored in the assembly part file.
Change the displayed part back to the assembly by choosing MB3 advasm_mold_cavity from the Assembly Navigator.
Display Parent
Once again, establish an Align Mating condition between the Csys of the part and the block.
With the block and part positioned correctly, the next step is to promote the two components. Use the Assembly Navigator to change the Reference Set of both components to Body. With the cursor one of the components and use MB3 Set BODY. Repeat for second component. Replace Reference
or choose Insert
Feature Operation
The Promote Body dialog is displayed and you are again prompted to select the bodies to be promoted. Choose the two solid bodies from the graphics area, choose OK. Once again the Status line confirms that two bodies have been promoted. Cancel the Promote Body dialog. With the components positioned correctly and the bodies promoted, you can now perform the trim operation on the block.
or choose Insert
Feature Operation
You are next prompted to select the body to be trimmed. Choose the block for the target body, then choose OK to accept.
Next, you are prompted to select the face or datum plane for the Trim Body operation. Choose the bottom flat face of the inside of the cone for the first face, then OK.
The face is highlighted and a direction vector is displayed. Choose the inside conical face for the second face, then Accept.
449 To create the top half of this mold, you need to remove the material from the outside of the cone, not the inside as currently indicated by the direction of the arrows. Choose Reverse Default Direction to complete the operation.
Choose Cancel to dismiss the Trim Body dialog. Set the reference set of the component amd_mold_part to Empty.
The two subassemblies should be positioned correctly within the assembly. You could have also mated the components using edges created on the promoted bodies. Now complete the top part of the mold. Make advasm_mold_core the work part. Choose the Block icon or choose Insert icon. Form Feature Block.
Key in 2 for the Height (ZC) then OK to accept. Choose Unite from the bottom of the block dialog.
The Point Constructor dialog is displayed and you are next prompted to select two points for the operation. Choose these two points.
You are next prompted for the boolean operation to be used. Choose the inside cone for the Target solid.
Choose OK. The block is created and united to the existing geometry.
Because the work part is the mold assembly and these solids have not yet been promoted at this level, you will not be able to add any features to these bodies until they are promoted.
or choose Insert
Feature Operation
The Promote Body dialog is displayed and you are prompted to select the bodies to be promoted. Choose the mold core solid from the graphics area, and Accept.
Choose OK to continue. Notice that the Status line confirms that one solid body has been promoted. Choose Cancel. To actually complete this mold you would also need to promote the mold cavity. For this activity you will only be working on the mold core.
Promoted Bodies at Multiple Levels Within an Assembly Adding Assembly Level Features
With the solid now promoted you can now add assembly level features to this assembly. Creating the First Holes Choose the Hole icon or choose Insert Form Feature Hole.
You are next prompted for the planar placement face for the hole. Choose the top face of the mold core in the location shown below, then Accept (stay close to the back left edge).
Choose the bottom face of the core solid as shown for the thru face.
Key in .25 for the diameter. Select OK to accept all the values. The Positioning Method dialog is now displayed so you can position the hole on the face.
Next, you are prompted for the target edge. Choose the curve for the target edge.
Choose Tangent point. Key in .25 for the distance from the tangent point of the edge to the center of the hole feature. Do not hit enter. Choose the Vertical icon from the Positioning Method dialog.
Choose Arc Center for the arc point. Key in 0 for the expression value. The operation is completed and the hole feature is added to the solid.
Choose Cancel.
or choose Insert
Feature Operation
Choose the simple hole from the list, then choose OK. The hole feature you just created is highlighted, and you are prompted to key in the parameters for the array. From the Enter Parameters dialog, key in 2 for the Number and 180 for the Angle, choose
456 OK. Next you are prompted to select a rotation axis for the circular instance array. Choose Point & Direction. Choose +ZC for the rotation Axis. Next define a reference point for the operation. Choose the arc center of the arc below, then Accept.
Choose Yes to create the instance. Cancel the Feature Selection dialog. The array is created and the hole instance is added to the part.
or choose Insert
Form Feature
to create a Counterbore.
Choose the top face of the mold core in the location shown below, then Accept.
Choose the bottom face of the core solid as shown for the thru face.
The Enter Parameters dialog is displayed. Key in 1 for the C-Bore Diameter, .375 for the C-Bore Depth, and .5 for the Hole Diameter and OK. The Positioning Method dialog is now displayed
You are next prompted to select the target edge for the horizontal dimension. Choose the edge shown.
The Edit Expression dialog is displayed so you can edit the value of the dimension. Key in 1.5 for the expression value and OK. The Positioning Method dialog is again displayed. Choose the Vertical icon from the Positioning Method dialog.
You are next prompted to select the target edge for the Vertical dimension. Choose the edge shown.
Key in 1.5 for the positioning dimension value. The hole is added to the part.
Create a Circular Instance Array using the Counter bored hole you just created. Create the array the same way you did previously except this time set the Number of instances to 4 and the Angle to 90. When the instance array is completed the part should look like the following.
or choose Insert
Select SKETCH_000 from the pull-down The dimensions are displayed on the sketch. Double-click on the angular dimension p11 in the graphics area.
Double-click in the value area of the Dynamic Input Box Key in 110 for the new value then Enter. Choose the Finish icon .
Notice that not only is the mold part updated, but the entire assembly is also updated including the Trim Body operations that were used to create the cavity and core. Close all parts when completed.
Weight Management
The objectives of this lesson are: understanding how weight management works on piece parts understanding the role of part level caching understanding how weight management works in assemblies understanding the concept of weight caching learning how to define weight exceptions and weight assertions understanding the relationship between weight attributes and component filtering
Weight Management lets you calculate, display and manage the mass properties of component parts within large assemblies. You can control component properties even though some assembly data is not available. The functionality of Weight Management addresses the following: using the solids in component parts to calculate the mass properties of an entire large assembly calculating the mass properties of assembly components without having to have those components loaded managing weight properties even though the actual geometry of any given part is not available defining a weight envelope that warns you if the envelope is being exceeded caching weight data which yields performance gains on very large assemblies The Weight Management functionality works as a complement to the other Mass functions available under the Analysis menu option.
463 If you do not see the Assemblies toolbar, it is turned off and must be turned on. Choose View Toolbars Customize then choose the Toolbars tab and turn the Assemblies switch on. Open the Assembly Navigator, and expand all subassemblies.
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab. use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose the Expand All icon Expand All. Make shaft.prt the Work Part. or choose Tools Assembly Navigator
Choose Analysis
The Weight Management dialog appears. First, you will do a quick weight calculation as a point of reference.
Work Part: Calculates total weight props of work part. Data is saved on work part (some as part attributes). Choose the Work Part option (top) on the Weight Management dialog. The Information window displays the results of the calculation. Note that the listing consists of the following:
Center of Mass
Accuracy used (.99 is default). Moments of Inertia (Work: relative to WCS) Density Area Volume Mass First Moments Moments of Inertia (Centroidal: about the center of mass) Moments of Inertia (Spherical) Products of Inertia: Work and Centroidal Radii of Gyration: Work, Centroidal, Spherical Principal Axes
Data uses WCS coordinates and the origin of the current Displayed Part. Be aware that all solids within a piece part are included in weight calculations. These include: Blanked solids. Solids on invisible layers. Weight Management works on solids only; sheet bodies or any other type of objects are not supported. Dismiss the Information window.
You can ensure that the solids data needed for an assembly level weight analysis is available by turning on the Save Options switch Generate Weight Data. File Options Save Options:
465 This way, whenever your part is used as a component within an assembly, that assembly will have the correct solids data it needs.
Once designated, only solids of the ref. set contribute to weight properties of that part.
Set the Give Error Information option on in the Weight Management dialog. Choose the Work Part (Calculation) option on the Weight Management dialog. Scroll to the bottom of the Information window. Because you turned on Give Error Information, estimated errors are enumerated.
Error information is always generated, the Give Error Information function just displays it. Dismiss the Information window. In the calculation you just ran (on the assembly), the system did two things: it calculated weight properties for six of the components of the subassembly it added in the previous values cached with the shaft If an assembly has components which already have weight properties cached (from weight calculation done on the piece part level), then the component data contributes to the total sum of all other components within the assembly.
You can easily isolate them for a weight analysis run using the Selected Components facility. The Weight Management dialog should still be displayed
In the Component Selection dialog, select the following components (in conjunction with the Ctrl key), then OK. shaft_bolt valve
The weight analysis is run automatically and the Information window is displayed. Note that the listing begins with the number of contributing components, with their component names and part names listed.
You now have cached weight properties for the shaft and subassy_intprts (shaft_bolts and valve), which in turn will be used in any subsequent analyses involving these components.
Now when the assembly is loaded, but a component is not loaded or is not available, the component's weight properties are still available to the owning assembly for inclusion in its weight calculations.
470 This assembly level cache is removed if the component part is changed in such a manner that might affect its weight properties i.e. removal of contributing solids. There is the risk that the weight properties of unloaded component parts may change. The Update Structure option copies weight properties from unloaded component parts to their assembly component counterparts.
In this case, several of the necessary components were not loaded. You have several options to correct this situation: Open the components in question, then recalculate. If the components are so large that loading them would cause memory problems, each part can be made the Work Part, then calculate the weight properties respectively (data is cached with the parts) and close the parts. The cached data is now available to higher level assemblies. Close the assembly, then load each respective component in question, calculate its weight properties then save it. Reload the assembly and use the Update Structure option on the Weight Management dialog. Use an assertion on the unloaded part. (assertions are discussed in the next section) In this case, you will use the first option. Using the Assembly Navigator, Open rodend respectively. Component Fully for pipe1, pipe2, housing and
Choose the Work Part (under Calculation) option on the Weight Management dialog again. Notice this time, there are no exceptions and the symbology in the Assembly Navigator also reflects this.
472 Dismiss the Information window. More About: Weight Management Exceptions
When exceptions are noted during weight calculations, the exception is noted in the Information window and the calculation continues. There are four basic exceptions: Component is not loaded and does not have cached data. Calculation continues without it; if it has child components that are loaded or have cached data, they are included in the calculation. Component is partially loaded and does not have cached data. Calculation continues without it; if it has child components that are loaded or have cached data, they are included in the calculation. Component defines its weight properties with a reference set, but the reference set in not currently defined. Calculation continues as if no reference set had been specified. Component defines its weight properties via a component set which is not present in the part. Calculation continues as if no component set had been specified.
473 In contrast, when an assertion is applied to a component, the properties of that assertion are valid only for that component, even if there are other components of the same part in the assembly (or any other assemblies for that matter).
As you can see, component property assertions would be a good way of assigning different properties to the same component, used in different places. Example: The same bolt component is used many times in an assembly, but in some places, the bolt has the properties of mild steel asserted and in others, the properties of hardened steel asserted.
Since I can make assertions on both the part and component, is it possible to have one set of properties asserted on the piece part level and another set of properties asserted on a component that represents the piece part?
Yes. In such a case, the component assertion overrides the piece part assertion. But, the part assertion is still used for the part itself, and in any components that include the part.
In the Assert Values section of the Weight Management dialog, choose Selected
475 Components. In the Component Selection dialog, select housing, then OK. In the top part of the Assert Values dialog are four radio options.
Because assertions use the formula m = v x d (mass = volume x density) to determine relationships, you could set any two out of the three and the third value will be extrapolated from the two known values. Notice there are a lot of "unknowns" in terms of data in the dialog fields. Since there are weight properties cached for the housing (from the first analysis), you can use those to fill in the blanks. Choose the Copy Values from Component option on the lower part of the dialog. Select housing, in the Copy Values From Component dialog, then OK. The Assert Values dialog is updated with the cached weight properties of the housing. Choose the Density and Volume switch. The Density and Volume fields become available directly below the options. The default value for Density is .2829. Key in .3087 for the density of brass in the Density field, then OK. The Component Selection dialog returns, letting you make further assertions. Select pipe1 from the list, then OK. Notice that the dialog remembers your input for housing, i.e. .3087 OK the input value (for density). Select pipe2 from the list, then OK. OK the input value (for density). Choose Cancel on the Component Selection dialog to dismiss it. Notice in the Assembly Navigator that you get an Asserted Weight symbol:
Now you will recalculate the weight properties on the total assembly. Choose Work Part (Calculation) on the Weight Management dialog. Scroll to the end of the Information window. Notice that at the end of the info page, you got some assertion messages:
You can use assertions for a number of other situations: Dismiss the Information window. Cancel the dialog but leave the part open. Examples of Use of Assertions
Example 1 In a situation where an assembly component is so complex that loading it into the assembly would cause performance problems. Complex component loading scenario: Problem: Complex component causes performance problems when loaded with larger assembly. Solution: Load component separately, calculate weight, assert weight, Component's solids can then be simplified / suppressed without affecting weight calculations on assemblies containing the component.
Example 2 Within a concurrent engineering scenario, a part used in an assembly might not be ready in its entirety. A placeholder component part, with the proper weight properties, could be added to the assembly: Concurrent engineering scenario: A place holder component representing an unfinished part is added to an assembly with asserted weight properties.
Example 3 In a situation where certain component parts are proprietary to an outside vendor and only certain information regarding the part is available. Multi-vendor engineering scenario: Proprietary vendor part with only limited data available, e.g. outer envelope only. Vendor supplied weight is asserted.
Choose the Define Filter icon. Choose the Attribute option. Note the last five system ($) attributes in the list.
These attributes are for use with component filtering only. They will not appear in any Part Attribute listing accessed using MB3 Properties.
480 If any weight limits are exceeded it will be noted in the Information listing of that analysis. In this section you will see how this works first on the part level and then on the component level. Cancel any remaining dialogs if necessary. Make the shaft the Work Part. First you will run a standard analysis to get a baseline weight for the shaft. Choose Analysis Assembly Weight Management from the main menu.
Choose Work Part (under Calculation) at the top of the Weight Management dialog. The data you are interested in is the Mass value.
Now, you know that the weight (mass) of the shaft is .21836. You will set an arbitrary maximum limit so as to violate the current weight. Dismiss the Information window. Choose Work Part (Set and Clear Weight Limits) option at the bottom of the Weight Management dialog. The Weight Limits dialog appears.
Key in .2 in the Maximum entry field, then OK. Both Minimum and Maximum entries must be greater than 0. Once any values are entered, they are used for the entire session and used until explicitly changed. Notice in the Assembly Navigator that you get an Outside Weight Limits symbol:
Choose Work Part (Calculation) at the top of the Weight Management dialog. In the Information window, an exception is noted:
If you scroll to the end of the listing, the parts that violated the weight limits are specified. Close all part files.
Interpart Expressions
The objectives of this lesson are: understanding the different types of interpart expressions learning to create overriding expressions learning to create referencing expressions learning how IPEs work with load options promoting recommended practices
General Concepts
Important Note You will be unable to complete this section unless the resource control parameter Assemblies_AllowInterpart is set to "yes" in your UG_english.def file. If you have problems see your system administrator. Interpart Expressions (IPEs) allow the user to establish relationships between expressions in separate part files. A change to an expression in one part file may affect a change to an expression in a separate part file, thus altering the geometry of that part. For example, you can use interpart expressions to constrain a hole in part A so that its diameter is always linked to the pin diameter in part B. You might create an expression like this in the assembly file where they are used: A::dia=B::dia + tol Thereby creating a link between the two expressions. The result being, when either the expression "dia" in part B or" tol" in the assembly file are changed, the hole diameter in part A automatically changes in the assembly.
483 Referencing Expressions Overriding Expressions Overriding expressions are expressions with an interpart link on the left side of the expression equation (part_a::length=1). The expression being overridden will be locked (a "!" is placed in the expression) which means that it can only be edited from the expression which is overriding it.
Overriding expressions can be created in an assembly only. It is recommended that when associating overriding expressions, the relationship should be top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top; not component to component.
Referencing expressions are used to reference an expression from one part to an expression in another part. With this kind of interpart expression, the interpart link is found on the right side of the equation (dia=B::dia). This means that the value of one expression will depend on the value of an expression in another part. There are two ways that referencing expressions can be used.
Set up Load Options: Make sure Load Method is set to From Directory. Make sureLoad Components is set to All Components. Make sure Use Partial Loading is turned on. Choose OK. Open the part file amd_caster_ipe.prt from the caster subdirectory. Choose the Assemblies icon Assemblies. Choose the Modeling icon Modeling (if necessary). from the Application toolbar or choose Application
On Windows systems, with the cursor over the Assembly Navigator tab.
485 use MB3 Undock to display the Assembly Navigator in a separate window. (Unix users, choose the Assembly Navigator icon on the Navigators toolbar.) Choose Tools Expression to open the Expressions dialog.
Notice that the expression "tol=.01" is added to the list of expressions. This expression will be used to define the tolerance between the shaft and the hole, and will be used in one of the interpart expressions. Key in another expression: theDia=.5 and Enter. Notice this expression is also added to the list of expressions. This will be the master expression and will control both the shaft and hole diameters.
You are prompted to select the part that contains the expression you want to link to. There are several methods you can use to select this part. Choose the part you want from the list of loaded parts. Select a component part from the graphics area. Key in the name of a component part in the part name field. Choose an unloaded part by selecting the Choose Part File option. Select the component from the Assembly Navigator. Choose the component part named caster_shaft from the list then choose OK. The Expression List dialog now displays a list of all the expressions found in the shaft component part.
You are prompted to choose the expression to be linked. Choose the expression boss_dia=.75 from the list of expressions then choose OK. You have now created an interpart link to the expression boss_dia of the component part caster_shaft. Next you will complete the expression.
Complete the expression by adding =theDia to the end of the string. The entire expression should be: caster_shaft::boss_dia=theDia When the expression has been correctly defined, Enter to add it to the list.
Because "Use Partial Loading" is turned on in your Load Options, the component part that is being referenced has not been fully loaded. Changes will not take effect until the component part is fully loaded. You will fully load all the component parts later so you can see these changes Choose OK to dismiss the message box.
488 caster_fork. component. Set this expression equal to theDia+tol. Choose the Create Link option from the Expressions dialog. Choose the component part named caster_fork from the list then choose OK. From the bottom of the list of expressions, choose the expression shaft_dia=0.781 then OK. Complete the expression by adding =theDia+tol to the end of the string.
The new IPE (InterPart Expression) should look like the following: caster_fork::shaft_dia=theDia+tol When the expression has been correctly defined choose Enter to add it to the list. Once again you will get a message telling you that you are modifying a partially loaded part. Choose OK to dismiss the message box. The Expression dialog should have the these expressions (order may vary) caster_fork::shaft_dia=theDia+tol caster_shaft::boss_dia=theDia p16=0.0 p17=.125 theDia=.5 tol=.01
The Open option will open any unloaded or partially loaded component part. When changes are made by interpart expressions to expressions in unloaded or partially loaded parts, no updates can happen until they are fully loaded. Choose the Load all parts in list option. After the parts are fully loaded the components will update.
OK any message regarding read only parts. These changes were made in both of the component parts: In the caster_shaft the size of the shaft changed to .5 In the caster_fork the size of the hole changed to .51 (.5+.01). These changes occurred because the expressions that define those values are being overridden by the interpart expression in the assembly part. Select the expression theDia=.5 from the list of expressions, then change its value to 1.
Press Enter to accept the new value. Watch the shaft in the caster as you choose Apply on the Expressions dialog to update the model. Notice that the caster_fork and caster_shaft are again updated to reflect the new value of the expression theDia. The expression theDia has become the master expression. It controls both components in this assembly.
490 An expression is locked to prevent it from being overridden by another part using interpart expressions. In this example, the expression was automatically locked when it was overridden by an IPE. By selecting the lock icon you can lock an expression manually.
When an expression has been locked by a user, that expression cannot be overridden by an IPE. Change the value of the expression to any value. Enter to accept. You should now receive a message telling you that the expression has been locked by the assembly and cannot be modified.
491 The Edit Interpart Links dialog provides three options Change link With this option you can change the link in an IPE to point to another part. For example, the expression x=block1::length could be changed to x=block2::length Delete link This option allows the user to dissolve the relationship with a selected part and replace the value with the current numeric value. Delete all links This option works the same as delete link but will delete ALL interpart links in the current work part. Choose Delete all links. Notice that the two interpart expressions are deleted out of the list in the Expressions dialog.
Choose amd_caster_ipe from the list of loaded parts, then select OK. Choose expression theDia=1 from the Expression List dialog, then select OK. Your expression thus far should read as follows: boss_dia=1amd_caster_ipe::theDia Remove the 1 from the expression, then Enter to save the change back to the list. The final expression should read: boss_dia=amd_caster_ipe::theDia Next, create an expression to link the caster fork component back to the assembly. Change the Work Part to caster_fork.
492 Choose the shaft_dia expression from the list. (you may need to scroll down to find it.) Set the expression shaft_dia equal to amd_caster_ipe::theDia+ amd_caster_ipe::tol (whole expression: shaft_dia=amd_caster_ipe::theDia+ amd_caster_ipe::tol), then Enter. This sets the expression "theDia" plus the expression "tol", in the assembly part. Change the Work Part back to the assembly. Choose the expression theDia=1. Change its value to .5 and Enter. Choose Apply on the Expressions dialog. Notice that both components updated to reflect the new diameter value.
In the first section, you created overriding expressions in the assembly. These overriding expressions forced the expressions in the component parts to take on a certain value. In this section, the expressions in the component parts referenced the expressions in the assembly rather then being controlled by them.
When this option is used in conjunction with interpart expressions it will only list usage by parts currently loaded in your session. This Information window gives you a description of where the expression is being used. Notice that the expression is being used in both component parts. Dismiss the Information window. Close all parts.
Set up Load Options: Make sure Load Method is set to From Directory. Make sure Load Components is set to All Components. Make sure Use Partial Loading is turned on. Choose OK. Now open the part file amd_caster_ipe_a.prt from the caster subdirectory. Choose Assemblies Reports Update Report to create an Update Report.
Notice that note 3 tells you the following: The part was partially loaded and the solids require updating. Dismiss the Information window. Choose the Modeling icon from the Application toolbar or choose Application
Notice the value for the expression "theDia" is set to .25. This expression is referenced in the IPEs that control the diameter of the shaft and hole of the fork.
Because the components are not yet fully loaded and hence, they have not been updated.
Choose Load all parts in list from the Load Parts dialog. When the two component parts are fully loaded they both update to reflect the new shaft and hole diameter. Choose File Choose File Close Options Close all parts to close all parts. Load Options.
Turn Use Partial Loading to off. Then select OK. Open part file amd_caster_ipe_a.prt again and see what happens. Notice that now when the assembly is loaded the components are automatically updated. This is because Load Options were set with "Partial loading" turned off, which means that the components are fully loaded and updated when the assembly is opened. When a part containing an IPE is loaded, the system attempts to resolve all interpart links. It will look for the name of the expression in the referenced part, if the correct name is found then the system has resolved the link. The user may delete an expression and create a new one of the same name and the system will update its link to look at the new expression and inherit its values. If it is impossible for the link to be resolved, the system will notify the user, delete the link, and assign the last known constant value. For example, the following expression is in the assembly part file: block::dia=pin::dia+tol
495 If you were to delete the expression "dia" within the pin part file, the expression in the assembly would revert to: block::dia=1.25 +tol Where 1.25 was the last constant value for the diameter in the pin component. If you perform a Save As on a part, any loaded part which references it will rename the expression so the link is preserved. If the other parts are not loaded at the time the save as was performed, their expressions can be changed later by using the Edit Link function in the expression dialog. If versioning rules are in place and the Save As is performed using the correct naming convention, the interpart links will automatically be changed upon opening the assembly.
Part Families
The objectives of this lesson are: to present an overview of family of parts concepts to learn about the template part and defining family members to learn how to save a family of parts spreadsheet to learn how to save a family of parts into separate part files to learn how to edit features in a family of parts to learn how to add a family member to an assembly
Important Notice to Windows Users To be able to do this lesson, you must be view CAST outside of the Resource Bar Training tab, in a separate browser. This is because in this lesson, when a Spreadsheet is opened, Unigraphics NX is locked as is the browser embedded in Unigraphics NX . Part Families provide you with a fast way to generate a family of similar parts. Family members are controlled by a single part file referred to as a family template. When you make changes to the family template file, the system will automatically update all the family members. (This template file can be a piece part or an assembly.) Because the template part controls the family of parts, family members are read only and can only be modified from the template part file.
498 When defining a Family of Parts, you specify which properties can be changed between the family members. These properties are referred to as Family Attributes and can include: Part Attributes Components Expressions Mirror Density Feature This option uses the spreadsheet to modify the parameters of the part family, the parameters that are being used are defined within Unigraphics NX. For example, the specific expression or feature being modified is defined within Unigraphics NX, but the family table is created and edited within the spreadsheet.
As changes are made to this part, all family members are updated. For this activity, you will be editing the total length of the part, and the length of the pad.
Load Options and make sure the Load Method is set to From
Open part file advasm_anchor_bracket.prt from the advasm subdirectory. Choose the Assemblies icon Assemblies. Choose the Modeling icon Modeling . from the Application toolbar or choose Application
Use the Pan option, as necessary, to move the part to the top of the graphics area. You will also be editing some of the various features of this model. The Model Navigation Tool will be helpful in examining the features of this part. Open the Model Navigator.
The Part Families dialog is displayed. The top list box contains all the expressions used in the creation of the part. Be sure the top option is set to Expressions.
Add the two expressions, length and pad_length to the Chosen Columns list. Select length from the Expressions list. Choose the Add Column option. Select pad_length from the Expressions list. Choose the Add Column option. If you add the wrong expression to the Chosen Column list, choose it, then choose Remove Column. You can also choose an item by double clicking on it in the Available Columns list. As you select the two items from the list, they will be added to the Chosen Columns list.
The items you have placed in the Chosen Columns list will be placed at the top of each column of the spreadsheet in the same order that was found in the Chosen Columns list. Notice that Part_Name was already in the list. This column is where you will define the names of the family members. Because each family member must have a part name, this column is automatically added and can not be removed. Notice that when you single click on some expressions, the expression and its values will highlight in the graphics area.
The three items that you placed in the Chosen Columns list are now at the head of a column in the spreadsheet. The expression value for each item is entered below the expression name. A 2 3 4 Next, you will edit the spreadsheet by adding all the information required for a family of parts with three family members. Set the column width of the three columns to snap to the width of the contents. B 140 C 50
Add the following three part names to column A.(You do not need to add the extension
4 bracket3 Add the following values for the length and pad_length of each part. A 2 bracket1 3 bracket2 4 bracket3 B 150 200 250 C 30 75 40 1 Part_Name length pad_length
The model is updated with the parameters in the selected family member. Notice that after the model is updated, control is transferred to Unigraphics NX so you can examine that member in the graphics area.
When you are done examining the geometry, choose Resume from the Part Families dialog. By choosing Resume, system control is transferred back to the spreadsheet and the original template solid is displayed back in the graphics area. The part in the graphics area returns to its previous parameters. Follow the same instructions to view the other two family members (bracket1 and bracket2).
The spreadsheet is saved into the part file and then dismissed, you are now able to work back in Unigraphics NX.
Examining the Template Part Saving the Family of Parts into Separate Part Files
Up to this point you have: defined your family of parts verified your family of parts saved your family of parts to the part file but you have not yet saved any parts to disk. There are two different possibilities when saving family members to disk. You can save selected family members to disk from within the spreadsheet by using the Create Parts option. You can add a family member to an assembly before it has been saved to disk. When this is done the system creates the component.
504 When you save that component the family member is saved to disk. Later in this lesson you will use this method when you add a family member to an assembly.)
Examining the Template Part Defining the Part Families Member Directory
Before you can save these family members to disk, you need to tell the system what directory these part files are to be saved in. This is done from the Save Options dialog. Choose File Options Save Options from the menu bar.
From the Save Options dialog, you can specify the location for part family members. In the Part Families Members Dir field, key in the path name for a directory where you have write access, then choose OK. The path location you enter here will be the location where all family members will be saved to disk.
Set the Load Method to Search Directories, then choose the Define Search Directories option. The Load Options dialog is changed to include a list of search directories and options to perform operations on them. If the Part Families Member Directory is included in a current Search Directory, then you do not need to do anything, choose OK to dismiss the dialog. Keep in mind that when three dots (...) follow a path name, all subdirectories are automatically included in the search path. If the Part Families Member Directory is not included in a current Search Directory, then key in the directory in the New Directory field and choose Add, then choose OK to dismiss the dialog. With the search directories correctly set, when you update the family members from the spreadsheet, the system will look for those member part files in the Search Directories. If the members are not found in the specified search directories, you will get a message telling you that the family members are not found.
The Information dialog is displayed in Unigraphics NX and the message "Creating member parts for family" is displayed in the spreadsheet. Then the system will post the name of each part as it is saved. When all the parts have been written to disk, the spreadsheet displays a message telling you that the parts are created.
Dismiss the Information window. Choose Resume in the Part Families dialog. Choose PartFamily Save Family from the spreadsheet menu bar.
Once again, the spreadsheet is saved into the Unigraphics NX part file and then dismissed, you are now able to work back in Unigraphics NX.
All the features in the part are listed in the Available Columns list. You can select these features and add them to the spreadsheet. Once added, you can control whether the feature is on or off (suppressed or unsuppressed) in a specific family member. Double click on the following features to add them into the Chosen Columns list. EXTRUDED(8) EXTRUDED(11) SIMPLE_HOLE(14)
Notice that when you select each feature it is highlighted in the graphics area. Since you have already created a spreadsheet, you now need to add these features onto it. Choose Edit to activate the spreadsheet. The three feature columns are added to the existing spreadsheet. D YES YES YES E YES YES YES F YES YES YES
The possible choices for the cell values are YES meaning that the feature is visible in the family member or NO meaning that it is not visible. Set the Column Width of the new columns to snap to the width of their contents.
508 Set the following values (these values are not case sensitive). D NO YES YES E NO YES YES F YES NO YES EXTRUDED(8) EXTRUDED(11) SIMPLE_HOLE(14)
Now check the parts in the family. Click in cell A2 (bracket1). Choose PartFamily Verify Part to verify bracket1.
The solid is temporally updated for you to view. Notice that the two extruded features that made up the split and locking lug are removed from the solid and the simple hole remains.
Choose Resume from the Part Families dialog to return control back to the spreadsheet. Verify bracket2. In this family member notice that the split and locking lug are visible and the simple hole is removed.
Resume when your ready to continue. Verify that the simple hole has been removed from the model then Resume. Verify bracket3, then choose Resume.
Remember, the system uses the current Search Directories to locate each family member. If the Part Family Member Directory was not defined in one of the search directories, you will get a message indicating that the system was unable to locate the Family Member. The spreadsheet is disconnected and the Information window is displayed to tell you that each of the family members have been updated. Close the Information window and choose Resume to return control to the spreadsheet. Use PartFamily Save Family to save and dismiss the spreadsheet.
The Save Family option saves the spreadsheet in the current file and then dismisses the spreadsheet. Close all parts.
Choose the Assemblies icon Assemblies. Choose the Modeling icon Modeling. Choose Tools Part Families.
The Part Families dialog is displayed. The Available Columns list contains a list of expressions that can be defined for this family of parts.
Double click on the following expressions to add them to the Chosen Columns list. hndl_dia hub_dia hub_hole_rad
Keep in mind that the order you select the items from the list will be the same order that they will appear in the spreadsheet. As you select each of the items, it is added to the Chosen Columns list.
When Feature is selected, a list of features appears in the Available Columns list. Double click on BOSS(28).
The boss feature is added to the Chosen Columns list (it is also highlighted in the graphics area). Change Available Columns to Attributes, then add PART_NUM and LEVERAGE_BAR to the list. The Chosen Columns List should now contain the following items.
512 Choose Create from the Part Families dialog. The spreadsheet is displayed with all the columns that you listed in the Part Families dialog. Format the width of all the columns in the spreadsheet to snap to the length of their contents.
Notice that the value of E2 is now "yes"; the "=G2" designation reads cell G2 and copies its value into E2. The value of the LEVERAGE_BAR attribute will now determine whether or not the boss feature is visible. The Boss feature in column E makes up the leverage bar on the handle. If its value is "yes" then the feature will be visible, if the value is no then the feature will be suppressed. The "yes" and "no" values are not case sensitive, both upper case and lower case will work the same.
Next you will set the name of the family member equal to its part number. Choose cell A2 and key in =F2 for its new value. Window Users: With the A2 cell still selected, choose Format Cell. Set the Category to General, then OK. With the A2 cell still selected, click in the formula bar, then Enter. Unix users: Once again set the format for the selected cell (A2) to Default. Now the part name will always be defined by the part number attribute. Next copy row 2 into row 3 and change a few of its values. Choose cells A2 - G2 then copy the formulas to row 3 (A3). More About Copying Cells
If you copy information from more than one cell, it will overwrite (replace) any information in similar cells you are pasting to.
Highlight the cell(s) you want to copy information from. MB3 Copy Copy Formula Choose one cell where the information is to be pasted. If you've copied information (formulas) from more than one cell, the system will paste it all in starting with the cell you chose. Also: the copied information does NOT remain in the buffer. (You can continue to paste this information in other cells. You must copy it fresh each time.)
These members consist of 4 separate pairs, each having different parameter values. Each of these pairs will have one member with a leverage bar and one without. Change the part numbers in column F as shown below. (Remember that the part name will automatically be the same as the part number).
The "_l" at the end of some of the part numbers represent the family members that have the leverage bar attached.
The model is updated with the parameters in the selected family member. Examine the geometry, then choose Resume to transfer control back to the spreadsheet. Use the Verify Part option to verify some of the other members of this part family. Notice how they are different. Before you save any of these family members to disk, you need to make sure you have defined a location for the member part files. This is done by setting the Part Families Member Directory to a directory where you have write access. This option is found on the Save Options dialog (File Options Save Options). Highlight cells A8 - G9. Choose PartFamily Create Parts.
The Information dialog is displayed with the status of the save operation.
The two selected family members are created and saved to disk in the location you specified.
516 Dismiss the Information dialog and choose Resume on the Part families dialog to return to the spreadsheet. From the Spreadsheet menu bar choose PartFamily Save Family.
The first task is to find the family member you want to use in the assembly. In this hypothetical scenario, you will need a handle with a .306 hole radius but with no leverage bar.
Choose the Add Existing Component icon or choose Assemblies Components Add Existing. Choose the template file 17043_tmp from the list of loaded parts then choose OK. The Select Family Member dialog is displayed.
Choose the hub_hole_rad from the list of Family Attributes. The Selection Criteria section of the dialog displays all the possible values for that specific Family Attribute.
The next step is to define the Selection Criteria for the selected family attribute. This could be done by selecting one of the valid values from the list. You can also define a range of values for the selection criteria, then the system will tell you which family members meet that criteria. Key in the following into the Selection Criteria entry field, then Enter. hub_hole_rad>=.3 && hub_hole_rad<=.31 Notice that this range limits the family members to only those with a hub hole radius of .306.
518 The value matching the selection criteria remains in the Valid Values list and the other values are placed in the Invalid Values list. Notice that the Matching Members list now only contains two members. These two members are the only ones that matched the criteria you defined.
3) Family members that match the criteria. The selection criteria can use regular Unigraphics NX expressions to define the valid values. With the use of interpart expressions you can use expression values from other components in the selection criteria. Choose the hub_hole_rad attribute again from the Family Attributes list. The Selection Criteria you entered before is now displayed in the Selection Criteria entry field for you to edit. Edit the existing Selection Criteria to the criteria shown below, then Enter. hub_hole_rad>=valve_body::Shaft_end_rad && hub_hole_rad<=valve_body::Shaft_end_rad+.01 Notice that the valid values and the matching members are still the same, this time these values will depend on the value of the Shaft_end_rad expression within the valve_body component. Next you will further the selection criteria by choosing another Family Attribute. Choose LEVERAGE_BAR from the Family Attributes list to narrow the criteria.
519 Remember, you set up the leverage bar option to determine whether or not the leverage bar will be displayed. For this first example you will be turning it off. From the Valid Values list choose no. You have narrowed the criteria to a family member with the following characteristics: A hub hole radius within a specified range and, the leverage bar is not present. The Family Attributes list summarizes the selection criteria for you.
Notice that only one family member meets all the criteria that you have defined.
Now that you have found the correct family member you can now select it and add it to the assembly. Choose the only member in the Matching Members list then choose OK. Before the operation continues the system creates the specified family member. The Add Existing Part dialog is then displayed so you can add it to the assembly. Change the reference set to BODY, then set the positioning method to Mate. Choose OK to continue. Choose OK to place the family member at the origin (0,0,0) of the assembly. The component is added to the assembly and you are prompted to position it with the Mating Selection dialog. Mate the handle to the valve body. Zoom in on the model to make sure the component is placed correctly.
Keep in mind that up to this point the handle has been created and added to the assembly but has not yet been written to disk. When the handle component is saved it will be written to disk. Because the CAST environment is read only, you will not be able to save the assembly unless you use the Save As option.
Shaft_dia=1 Shaft_end_rad=.375 Choose Apply to update the component. Because the shaft diameter has changed, the hole in the valve yoke also needs to be increased. Change the work part to the valve_yoke. Set the expression Center_hole to 1.03125 then choose Apply to update the model. Change the work part back to the assembly. Keep in mind, that, in this case, the selection criteria depends on the expression value in the valve body component. Because of these changes to the valve body component, the selection criteria has changed. As a result, the current handle component no longer matches the selection criteria.
521 You can now automatically update the handle component to one which meets the new selection criteria. First, query the system for a Family Report. Choose Assemblies Reports Family Report from the menu bar.
Dismiss the Information dialog. Next you will have the system automatically update the component with the part that matches the new selection criteria. Choose Assemblies Components Part Family Update.
An Information window appears noting component 170431 was updated with a new family member (170432) that meets the new criteria.
Remember that because you are working in a read only environment you can not save this assembly with the new component. If at his point, you were to use the save all parts option, this family member would then be saved to disk. Close all parts.
Important Concepts
There are some important concepts that need to be remembered when working with Part Families: Each family member is saved into its own part file. If you want to add a family member to an assembly as a component, that is not currently saved to disk, the system will create the family member automatically. If you want to add a family member to an assembly as a component, that is not currently saved to disk, the system will create the family member automatically. Each of these part files are "Read Only" parts that can only be edited by changing the family template file and updating the family members.
522 Each of these part files are "Read Only" parts that can only be edited by changing the family template file and updating the family members. Each of these part files are "Read Only" parts that can only be edited by changing the family template file and updating the family members. Family members can not be used to create a new family of parts. If you need to break the link between the template part and a specific family member, use the Unigraphics NX Save As option on the file pull-down menu. Any modifications made to the template part will be reflected in the family members. Family members can not be edited from the family template file if they are currently open.
On Your Own
Reopen part advasm_anchor_bracket.prt from the advasm directory. Create a family of parts using the length and pad_length expressions just as you did in the first part of the previous activity. This time, also add the expression hole_dia to this list. Create this family of parts with three family members, bracket1a, bracket2a and bracket3a. Change the values for each expression in the three family members.
Edit the family of parts to include the following features, just as you did in the previous activity.
Now edit this part family so the slot and two holes can be turned on or off in the various family members.
Spend some time and play around with the values if the various family members. Resave the family members to disk when your done.
Start the Assemblies application. Start the Modeling application. Suppress the two bosses shown below. Remember that any other features attached to the two bosses will also need to be suppressed.
Choose the Suppress Feature icon from the Edit Feature toolbar or choose Edit Feature Suppress Make sure List Dependents is on, then in conjunction with the Ctrl key, choose BOSS(12) and Boss(18).
Use the Assemblies Add Existing Component procedure to add two occurrences of the reservoir part to the same location, the second right over the first, at the origin of this assembly. Change the Reference Set for both to Solid. Choose the Add Existing Component icon or Assemblies Components Add Existing. Choose advasm_reservoir_body from the list, then OK. Set Reference Set to SOLID and Layer options to Work, then OK. Make sure the coordinates of the Base Point are 0,0,0, then OK the Point Constructor dialog. Repeat the previous three steps to add a second instance of the same part. You will be warned that you are instancing the same component twice.
OK the warning message. Cancel the Select Part dialog. The two instances of the advasm_reservoir_body component are reflected in the Assembly Navigator.
528 In the Assembly Navigator, blank (click on checkbox) the second solid body. Choose the Promote Body icon on the Feature Operation toolbar or choose Insert Feature Operation Promote. Select the unblanked reservoir solid, then OK. In the Assembly Navigator, unblank the second solid then blank (click on checkbox) the first solid body. Select the other reservoir solid, then OK, then Cancel. Make sure both solids are unblanked.
Choose the Simplify Body icon from the Feature Operation toolbar or choose the Insert Feature Operation Simplify. The Retained Faces icon is active and you are prompted to select a retained face; the selected face will not be removed. Choose the specified outside face for the retained face.
Next you will need to choose the Boundary Faces. Choose the Boundary Faces icon from the Simplify Body dialog.
529 Choose the face shown below for the Boundary Face.
Choose Apply to simplify the body. A message is displayed telling you that 117 faces have been removed from the solid.
icon. Choose the simplified component as the Target Body. Choose the unsimplified component as the Tool Body, then choose OK.
The subtract operation is completed. The resulting solid consist of the material that was in the pocket of the reservoir body. This core is fully associative to the original body.