Module 4 PF201A - Edited
Module 4 PF201A - Edited
Module 4 PF201A - Edited
Almighty Father, thank You for this fourth week of our Distant Learning Modular Lesson. Thank
You for the continued good health and safety and for granting us this opportunity to study with our
classmates. Continue to bless our Professors, our families, our School community and our country and
grant our land continued healing. Amen.
Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, Pray for us.
In this module, you looked at how the .NET Framework was developed and how programs execute
under the framework. The previous modules introduced you to the Visual Studio IDE, and you gained
some familiarity with working in it. You are now ready to start coding! This chapter is the first of a series
that will introduce you to how classes are created and used in C#. It covers the basics of creating and
using classes. You will create classes, add attributes and methods, and instantiate object instances of the
classes in client code.
LO1: explain how objects used in OOP depend on class definition files and the purpose of class
constructors through program making;
LO2: discuss the process of overloading class constructors and methods and the process of creating and
testing class definition files with Visual Studio; and
LO3: value the important role that encapsulation plays in OOP and the use of instances of classes in
client code.
a. Introducing Objects and Classes (see Appendix A)
b. Defining Classes (see Appendix B)
c. Using Constructors (see Appendix C)
d. Overloading Methods (see Appendix D)
PF201A – Module 4 – BSIT – NDRVMCC – Term 1, First Semester AY 2020-2021 – A.J. BASTILLADA Page 1 of 3
1. The APPENDICES of the given topics above can be accessed through
2. Just input the class code:
3. View the uploaded documents for any issues and questions.
C. MDAS (5 pts)
Build a program that will calculate the product, quotient, sum, and difference of any 2 given
1st Number: 12.3
2nd Number: 11.6
Product: ?
Quotient: ?
Sum: ?
Difference: ?
INSTRUCTION: For the learning assessments of this module, an online quiz will be given using Google
Form. Join the and input the class code:
This module gave you a firm foundation in creating and using classes in C# code. Now that you are
comfortable constructing and using classes, you are ready to look at implementing some of the more
advanced features of OOP. In Chapter 7, you will concentrate on how inheritance and polymorphism are
implemented in C# code. As an object-oriented programmer, it is important for you to become familiar
with these concepts and learn how to implement them in your programs.
Dear God, thank You so much for blessing our learning this week. Continue to bless, inspire and
keep us in Your loving care and protection and lead us to move forward with the grace of strength,
courage, and confidence. We thank You for the continued blessings of healing, good health and
protection. Amen.
Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. Pray for us.
Bless us, O Heavenly Father and give us the grace to seek and do Your will in all things.
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PF201A – Module 4 – BSIT – NDRVMCC – Term 1, First Semester AY 2020-2021 – A.J. BASTILLADA Page 3 of 3