IT 169 Advance Database Systems: Don Francis C. Prado
IT 169 Advance Database Systems: Don Francis C. Prado
IT 169 Advance Database Systems: Don Francis C. Prado
IT 169
1. Manage your time well. A course study schedule is prepared for you to help you study
the modules in this course. The productive use of your time and energy will help you
a lot in finishing the scheduled activities.
2. Focus your attention. The key element for better understanding is having the focus on
the things to be done.
3. Give your best. Always remember that success will be attained in everything you do
by giving extra effort in the things you are doing. Giving your best also means
observing Honesty in doing the assigned tasks you are asked to do in this module.
Never let someone do the task for you or copy the work of your classmates.
4. Submit on time. Work diligently. Do not procrastinate. Remember time is gold. Work
immediately on the task at hand for you to follow scheduled time for submission.
5. Be patient, Motivate yourself. Patience equates success. Always think of the bright
future ahead. And to get there, start moving now.
6. Answer confidently. Study hard, surf the internet, read and read and read more. The
more you know, the more confident you become.
7. Work independently. You can do it! Your future lies in your own hands and your own
decisions. So, practice working independently, trust yourself, be independent.
8. Contact me. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me through my email or the group chat created for this class.
To keep you on track for the best use of the modules in The Teacher and the Curriculum, the
study schedule is hereby presented for you to follow:
The Module, “Advance Database Systems”, is a course which comprises the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a future educator.
There are several symbols in this module to guide you as you study:
This tells you to take note of or to remember an important point.
This tells you there is an Intended Learning Activity for you to accomplish.
This tells you of the study guide for you to work upon.
Policies on the Use of this Module
1. The preparation and reproduction of this module entailed much effort and cost hence, you must give
value to it. Strictly speaking, the module is a property of the college and you are not allowed to fold or
tear nor put any markings or writings on any of its pages for it will be of future use.
2. The very purpose of this module is to transfer learning to you my dear students amidst this COVID-19
pandemic. Thus, you must read, study its content, comply with the required activities, and perpetuate
the project ask for and have to submit them on time. Observe promptness and know how to value your
3. The issuance of your next module solely depends upon your submission of the required activities and
project of your previous module. In short, no activities/project submitted no next module.
4. It is expected that you work by yourself with the different activity and project for you are the one whom
we are transferring knowledge and not anybody else. Be diligent and honest enough.
5. In doing the learning activities, assessments and assignments for each lesson of each module, please
use a separate sheet of short size bond paper for each and compile all of this in one short size folder.
This will serve as your portfolio for your module.
6. If there are part/s of the lesson which seem not clear or hard for you, you may seek assistance or shoot
questions that will give clarity to your concern thru the Group Chat or GC created for this purpose.
7. Submission of learning activities, assessment, assignment, project and the module will be during the
scheduled monthly face to face meeting and at the same time you will be given a summative test anent
the module just finished.
8. The adopted rubrics below will be used in evaluating your activities, assignments and projects:
CRITERIA Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
91-100 81-90% 71-80% 61-70%
a. Creativity- 40 All the One of the criteria Two of the criteria Evidently fail to
b. Timeliness- 25 criteria has has not been met has not been met meet the criteria
c. Quality - 35 been met satisfactorily satisfactorily
a. Creativity- 30 All the One of the criteria Two of the criteria Evidently fail to
b. Timeliness- 20 criteria has has not been met has not been met meet the criteria
c. Quality - 20 been met satisfactorily satisfactorily
d. Relevance-30
a. Organization- 30 All the One of the criteria Two of the criteria Evidently fail to
b. Content/Relevance-40 criteria has has not been met has not been met meet the criteria
c. Vocabularies – 20 been met satisfactorily satisfactorily
d. Neatness – 10
9. During this pandemic, we make use of the grading system 70% class standing and 30% term exam.
However, we were given the academic freedom to decide the components of your class standing. For
this subject, you will be graded in your class standing accordingly:
a. 35% - quizzes/assessment/summative test
b. 35% - activities and assignments
c. 30% - project/s
Module 1
The Database Environment
Intro to Database Management System
Definition of terms
Explain growth and importance of databases
Name limitations of conventional file processing
Identify five categories of databases
Explain advantages of databases
Identify costs and risks of databases
List components of database environment
Describe evolution of database systems
A database management system (DBMS) refers to the technology for creating and managing
databases. DBMS is a software tool to organize (create, retrieve, update, and manage) data in a
The main aim of a DBMS is to supply a way to store up and retrieve database information that
is both convenient and efficient. By data, we mean known facts that can be recorded and that have
embedded meaning. Usually, people use software such as DBASE IV or V, Microsoft ACCESS, or
EXCEL to store data in the form of a database. A datum is a unit of data. Meaningful data
combined to form information. Hence, information is interpreted data - data provided with
semantics. MS. ACCESS is one of the most common examples of database management software.
Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and events; raw facts; building blocks of
- Structured: numbers, text, dates
- Unstructured: images, video, documents
- Think of data as a "raw material" - it needs to be processed before it can be turned into
something useful. Hence the need for "data processing". On its own - it is not very useful.
- Examples of Data
Think of the data that is created when you buy a product from a retailer. This includes:
Time and date of transaction (e.g. 10:05 Tuesday 12 November 2013)
Transaction value (e.g. P55.00)
Facts about what was bought (e.g. hairdryer, cosmetics pack, shaving foam) and how
much was bought (quantities)
How payment was made (e.g. credit card, credit card number and code)
Which employee recorded the sale
Information: data processed to increase knowledge in the person using the data; data
processed to be useful in decision making.
Examples of Metadata
- Program-Data Dependence
o All programs maintain metadata for each file they use
o Problems with data dependency
Each application programmer must maintain his/her own data
Each application program needs to include code for the metadata of each file
Each application program must have its own processing routines for reading,
inserting, updating, and deleting data
Lack of coordination and central control
Non-standard file formats
- Data Redundancy (Duplication of data)
o Different systems/programs have separate copies of the same data
o Problems with data redundancy
Waste of space to have duplicate data
Causes more maintenance headaches
The biggest problem:
Data changes in one file could cause inconsistencies
Compromises in data integrity
- Limited Data Sharing
o No centralized control of data
- Lengthy Development Times
o Programmers must design their own file formats
- Excessive Program Maintenance
o 80% of of information systems budget
Database systems offer solutions to all the above problems
DBMS - a software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to user
databases; a collection of programs that manages database structure and controls access to data
Order Filing
Central database
DBMS Contains employee,
order, inventory,
pricing, and
Payroll customer data
DBMS Examples
- Oracle, SQL Server (Microsoft), DB2 (IBM), Access (Microsoft), Informix, PostgreSQL,
Interbase, Sybase 11, Foxpro, Firebird
Open Source
- MySQL, MariaDB, MaxDB, Ingress
DBMS Functions
• DBMS performs functions that guarantee integrity and consistency of data
– Data dictionary management - defines data elements and their relationships
– Data storage management - stores data and related data entry forms, report definitions,
– Data transformation and presentation - translates logical requests into commands to
physically locate and retrieve the requested data
– Security management - enforces user security and data privacy within database
– Multiuser access control - uses sophisticated algorithms to ensure multiple users can
access the database concurrently without compromising the integrity of the database
– Backup and recovery management - provides backup and data recovery procedures
– Data integrity management - promotes and enforces integrity rules
– Database access languages and application programming interfaces - provide data access
through a query language
– Database communication interfaces - allow database to accept end-user requests via
multiple, different network environments
Types of Databases
Can be classified by number of users:
• Single-user: Supports only one user at a time
– Desktop: Single-user database running on a personal computer
• Multi-user: Supports multiple users at the same time
– Workgroup: Multi-user database that supports a small group of users or a single
– Enterprise: Multi-user database that supports a large group of users or an entire
Can be classified by location:
• Centralized: Supports data located at a single site
• Distributed: Supports data distributed across several sites
Can be classified by use:
• Transactional (or production): (OL Transaction P)
– Supports a company’s day-to-day operations
• Data warehouse: (OL Analytical P)
– Stores data used to generate information required to make tactical or strategic decisions
– Often used to store historical data
– Structure is quite different
Evolution of DB Systems
• File systems - 1960s - 1980s
• Hierarchical – 1970s - 1990s
• Network – 1970s - 1990s
• Relational – 1980s - present
• Object-oriented – 1990s - present
• Object-relational – 1990s - present
• Data warehousing – 1980s - present
• Web-enabled – 1990s - present