CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals: Jaecheol Koh
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals: Jaecheol Koh
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals: Jaecheol Koh
Jaecheol Koh
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals
ISBN-13: 978-1477689028
ISBN-10: 1477689028
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limit. This textbook is written in Release 21 and the files are available in Release 19. Users of
earlier releases can use this textbook with minor modifications.
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals
Visit our homepage You can download the files for exercises without any
limit. This textbook is written in Release 21 and the files are available in Release 19. Users of
earlier releases can use this textbook with minor modifications.
This textbook explains how to create solid models, assemblies and drawings using CA-
TIA V5. CATIA is a three dimensional CAD/CAM/CAE software developed by Das-
sault Systèms, France. This textbook is based on CATIA V5 Release 21. Users of earlier
releases can use this book with minor modifications. We provide files for exercises via
our website. All files are in Release 19 so readers can open the files using later releases
of CATIA V5.
It is assumed that readers of this textbook have no prior experience in using CATIA V5
for modeling 3D parts. This textbook is suitable for anyone interested in learning 3D
modeling using CATIA V5.
Each chapter deals with the major functions of creating 3D features using simple exam-
ples and step by step self-paced exercises. Additional drawings of 3D parts are provided
at the end of each chapter for further self exercises. The final exercises are expected to be
completed by readers who have fully understood the content and completed the exercises
in each chapter.
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals
1.8 System Options 16
1.9 Customization 18
3.1.3 Units 63
3.2 Sketch Elements 64
3.3 Sketch Procedure 64
3.3.1 Defining the Sketch Plane 64
3.3.2 Creating Sketch Curves 65
3.3.3 Constraint 65
3.3.4 Exit the Sketch 65
3.4 Creating a Sketch 66
3.4.1 Profile 66
Exercise 01 67
3.4.2 Sketch Tools Toolbar 68
3.4.3 Predefined Profile 69
Exercise 02 69
3.4.4 Other Sketch Commands 71
Exercise 03 71
3.5 Deleting Sketch Elements 74
3.5.1 Select Toolbar 74
3.6 Constraining Sketch Curves 75
3.6.1 Dimensional Constraint 76
3.6.2 Geometrical Constraint 77
3.6.3 Types of Constraints 79
Exercise 04 81
3.6.4 Status of Constraint 83
3.6.5 Verifying the Status of Constraint 84
Exercise 05 87
Exercise 06 89
Exercise 07 94
Exercise 08 95
4.1.2 Chamfer 99
4.1.3 Relimitation 100
4.2 Transformation 101
4.2.1 Mirror 101
Exercise 01 101
4.2.2 Symmetry 103
4.2.3 Translate 104
4.2.4 Rotate 105
4.2.5 Scale 106
4.2.6 Offset 107
4.3 Deleting Sketch Elements 108
4.4 Creating Sketch Elements from 3D Geometry 110
Exercise 02 110
Exercise 03 113
4.5 Positioned Sketch 116
Exercise 04 117
4.6 Linking Sketch Dimensions 118
Exercise 05 119
Exercise 06 122
Exercise 07 123
Exercise 08 124
Exercise 09 125
Exercise 10 126
Exercise 11 127
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals
Exercise 02 136
Exercise 03 138
5.3 Direction of Pad 139
Exercise 04 140
5.4 First Limit of Pad 142
Exercise 05 143
Exercise 06 144
Exercise 07 145
Exercise 08 146
5.4.1 Offset of Limit Plane or Surface 147
5.4.2 Second Limit of the Pad 148
5.5 Pad of Surface or Plane 149
5.6 Thin Pad 151
5.7 Drafted Filleted Pad 152
Exercise 09 153
5.8 Multi-Pad 154
5.9 Pocket 155
5.10 Drafted Filleted Pocket 156
5.11 Multi-Pocket 157
Exercise 10 158
Exercise 11 162
6.3.3 Creating a Hole at a Distance from Existing Edges 177
Exercise 04 177
Exercise 05 179
Exercise 06 182
Exercise 07 190
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals
Chapter 9 Parametric Modification
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals
Exercise 03 299
Exercise 04 300
10.2.2 Union Trim 301
Exercise 05 301
10.2.3 Remove 302
Exercise 06 302
10.2.4 Remove Lump 303
Exercise 07 303
10.2.5 Intersect 304
Exercise 08 304
10.3 Reusing Bodies 307
Exercise 09 307
10.4 Graphic Properties 310
Exercise 10 311
Exercise 11 313
Exercise 12 315
11.3 Mirror 329
Exercise 04 329
11.4 Scaling a Body 331
Exercise 05 332
Exercise 06 333
Exercise 07 334
Exercise 08 335
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals
Exercise 03 351
12.6 Constraining Components 353
12.6.1 Fix 353
12.6.2 Coincidence 354
12.6.3 Contact 355
Exercise 04 355
12.6.4 Moving Components with the Snap Icon 359
12.6.5 Moving Components with the Smart Move Icon 360
12.7 Verifying Constraint Status 362
Exercise 05 364
13.6.3 Sectioning 391
Exercise 08 392
Exercise 09 396
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals
16.2 Solid Combine 466
16.3 Rib 467
16.3.1 Keep Angle Option 468
16.3.2 Pulling Direction Option 468
16.3.3 Reference Surface Option 469
16.3.4 Move Profile to Path Option 470
16.3.5 Condition of Profile and Center Curve 471
Exercise 02 471
16.3.6 Merge Rib’s Ends Option 474
16.4 Slot 475
16.5 Multi-Sections Solid 475
Exercise 03 476
16.5.1 Multi-Sections Solid with Guides 477
Exercise 04 477
16.5.2 Using a Spine for Multi-Sections Solid 480
Exercise 05 480
16.5.3 Coupling and Closing Point 482
Exercise 06 483
Exercise 07 486
16.6 Removed Multi-sections Solid 488
Exercise 08 489
6 Sketch Based Features II
(Shaft, Groove and Hole)
6.1 Shaft
Using the Shaft command in the Sketch-Based Features toolbar, you can revolve a pro-
file or surface to create a 3D geometry. The 3D geometry created with the Shaft command
is added to the existing geometry.
① Create a sketch.
② Choose the Shaft button from the Sketch-Based Features toolbar.
③ Select the profile or surface.
④ Select an axis of revolution.
⑤ Input the limit angle of the revolution and press OK.
Sample Chapter
If you press the button designated by A in Fig 6-1, you can invoke the Sketcher work-
bench and modify the sketch that you selected as the profile. If you did not create a sketch
in advance, you can create a new sketch while running sketch based features such as
Pocket, Pad and Shaft etc. by pressing the Sketcher button in the dialog box and speci-
fying the sketch plane. After creating the sketch, you can exit the Sketcher as usual and
the sketch is selected as the profile.
6.1.1 Characteristics of Profile and Axis of Shaft
When you define the profile and axis for the Shaft, you have to bear in mind the follow-
ing characteristics.
① You can use the Axis line, Reference Element or Standard Element as an axis
of the Shaft.
② You can create a solid body by revolving a closed profile.
③ When you are using an open profile as the profile of the first Shaft feature, you
have to choose the Thick option to create a solid body (except for the case of no.⑥
④ You cannot use an intersecting profile for a single Shaft feature under any cir-
Sample Chapter
⑤ You can select as many profile as you want unless they are intersecting, pro-
vided they are all closed.
⑥ For cases where the end points of an open profile are on the axis, you can create
a solid body with an open profile.
(Refer to Fig 6-2.)
⑦ The axis cannot intersect the profile. (Refer to Fig 6-3.)
⑧ Values in the First angle and Second angle should not exceed 360°.
Fig 6-2 Open Profile Fig 6-3 Axis Intersecting the Profile
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II
(Shaft, Groove and Hole)
6.2 Groove
Using the Groove command in the Sketch-Based Features toolbar, you can revolve a
profile and remove material from the existing solid body. The Groove icon is activated
only when at least one solid body exists. Therefore, you cannot create a Groove as the
first feature.
Sample Chapter
Exercise 01 Creating a Groove Feature
Fig 6-4 Groove Feature
A Step 1: Sketch
Step 2: Groove
4. Press the Reverse Direction button
in the dialog box, if required, such that
Fig 6-7 Selecting Sketch and Axis the direction of the arrow appears as
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II
(Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Using the Hole command in the Sketch-Based Features toolbar, you can easily create
standard holes that are frequently used in mechanical parts.
① Simple Hole
② Tapered Hole
③ Counterbored Hole
④ Countersunk Hole
⑤ Counterdrilled Hole
Sample Chapter
Fig 6-11 shows the section of each standard hole.
Remember that you can create holes by using the Pocket or Groove commands if you do
not know how to use the Hole command.
6.3.1 Creating a General Hole
If you press the Positioning Sketch button, you can define the location of the hole center
Sample Chapter
by using the sketch constraint. You may modify the location of the hole later by accessing
the sketch feature in the Spec Tree.
Note that you can create only one hole in a single operation. If you have to create a hole
recursively, you can copy or pattern the hole using the commands in the Patterns toolbar.
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II (Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Sample Chapter
Fig 6-13 Plane for Hole
4. Set the options in the Extension and
Type tab in the Hole Definition dialog
box as shown in Fig 6-14 and press OK.
5. Double click the Sketch feature un-
der the Hole feature in the Spec Tree.
The Sketcher workbench is invoked.
END of Exercise
Sample Chapter
! Anchor Point
The Anchor Point option in the Type tab of Hole Definition dialog box defines the
location of the base point in the hole section.
Anchor Point
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II (Shaft, Groove and Hole)
You can create a hole at the center of an existing circle or arc according to the following
Sample Chapter
Open the part file ch06_003.CATPart and create a simple hole whose center is coin-
cident with the center of an existing arc. The number in Fig 6-18 corresponds to the
procedure explained above.
6.3.3 Creating a Hole at a Distance from Existing Edges
You can create a hole at a distance from the existing linear edge(s) according to the fol-
lowing procedure.
Sample Chapter
Using the part file in Exercise 03, create a countersunk hole at a location measured from
the existing edges.
! Message in the Status Bar
“Select a face or a plane. Optionally se-
lect a point or line first to position the
Fig 6-20 Modifying the Dimensions
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II (Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Sample Chapter
sketch plane.
Fig 6-21 Type and Extension Option
Creating Points in Advance
END of Exercise
Shaft and Groove Exercise 05
Let’s create the Shaft and Groove feature according to the following steps.
Sample Chapter
Shaft button.
Fig 6-23 The First Sketch
3. Select the sketch created above as the
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II
(Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Step 3: Create a Groove
The status bar message prompts you to
Fig 6-28 Axis select an axis.
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II
(Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Fig 6-32 Completed Model Fig 6-32 shows the completed model.
END of Exercise
① The diameter of the four holes specified by A are linked such that if you modify
one, all other holes are updated.
② The Pocket feature designated by B in Fig 6-33 has to remove the sphere com-
pletely regardless of the radius of the sphere.
③ The Pad feature designated by C has to end on the spherical surface.
Copyright © 2012 by ONSIA Inc. All rights reserved.
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II
(Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Sample Chapter
Fig 6-35 Sketch Plane
6-36 and iso-constrain it. The line pass-
ing through the center of the circle will
be used as the axis. You may create the
line with the Axis command because
the end points of the half circle are on
the axis.
Step 3: Pad Feature C in Fig 6-33
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II (Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Sample Chapter
5. Click the Surface Filter button from
the User Selection Filter to turn it off.
Fig 6-42 Intersection Curve
If the yellow intersection curve is not obtained, check the option as follows.
A 6. Align the sketch plane by pressing
the Normal View button in the View
toolbar. Note that the normal view is
reversed if you click the button one
more time.
Sample Chapter
10. Press the More button in the Pocket
Definition dialog box. Set the First
limit and the Second limit as shown in
Fig 6-44 Limits Options
Fig 6-44 and press OK.
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II
(Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Sample Chapter
6-46 is modified to 20 and the function
symbol f(x) is appended.
Fig 6-47 Applying Formula
9. Link the dimensions D, E and F to
the dimension B in the same way.
END of Exercise
The Shaft feature B in Fig 6-33 is created successfully because we have created an
intersection curve with the spherical surface.
! Verifying the Requirement ③
The following figure shows the procedure to modify the dimension value using the
Formula icon. Input a new value in the input box and press OK.
Sample Chapter
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II (Shaft, Groove and Hole)
! Fillet
Sample Chapter
A fillet makes sharp edges rounded.
The Fillet feature designated by A in Fig 6-49 can be created by using the Edge Fillet
command available in the Dress-Up Features toolbar.
Copyright © ONSIA Inc. All rights reserved.
Guide Bracket
Ch 6: Sketch Based Features II
(Shaft, Groove and Hole)
Sample Chapter
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