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Solid Edge 2024 Black Book
Solid Edge 2024 Black Book
Solid Edge 2024 Black Book
Ebook1,360 pages5 hours

Solid Edge 2024 Black Book

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About this ebook

The Solid Edge 2024 Black Book is the 5th edition of our series on Solid Edge. This book is written to help beginners in creating some of the most complex solid models. The book follows a step-by-step methodology. In this book, we have tried to give real-world examples with real challenges in designing. We have tried to reduce the gap between university use of Solid Edge and industrial use of Solid Edge. The book covers almost all the information required by a learner to master the Solid Edge. The book starts with sketching and ends at advanced topics like Sheetmetal, Rendering, and Simulation Studies. Some of the salient features of this book are:


In-Depth explanation of concepts

Every new topic of this book starts with the explanation of the basic concepts. In this way, the user becomes capable of relating the things with real world.


Topics Covered

Every chapter starts with a list of topics being covered in that chapter. In this way, the user can easily find the topics of his/her interest easily.


Instruction through illustration

The instructions to perform any action are provided by maximum number of illustrations so that the user can perform the actions discussed in the book easily and effectively. There are about 1550 illustrations that make the learning process effective.


Tutorial point of view

At the end of concept's explanation, the tutorial makes the understanding of users firm and long lasting. Almost each chapter of the book has tutorials that are real world projects. Moreover, most of the tools in this book are discussed in the form of tutorials.



Projects and exercises are provided to students for practicing.


For Faculty

If you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topic, exercise, tutorial, or concept. As faculty, you can register on our website to get electronic desk copies of our latest books, self-assessment, and solution of practical. Faculty resources are available in the Faculty Member page of our website once you login. Note that faculty registration approval is manual and it may take two days for approval before you can access the faculty website.

Release dateNov 25, 2023
Solid Edge 2024 Black Book

Gaurav Verma

Gaurav Verma is currently a Full Professor at the Panjab University, Chandigarh, India (Dr. SS Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, and Adjunct Faculty at the Department of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology). He is a former CV Raman Post-Doctoral fellow from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. His research focuses on the areas of applied nanoscience and nanostructured materials.

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    Book preview

    Solid Edge 2024 Black Book - Gaurav Verma


    Solid Edge 2024 Black Book


    Gaurav Verma

    Matt Weber

    (CADCAMCAE Works)

    Edited by


    Published by CADCAMCAE WORKS, USA. Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in the database or retrieval system without the prior permission of CADCAMCAE WORKS. To get the permissions, contact at cadcamcaeworks@gmail.com


    Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described in the text or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained in the text. Publisher does not assume, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to obtain and include information other than that provided to it by the manufacturer.

    The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities herein and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions.

    The Publisher makes no representation or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, nor are any such representations implied with respect to the material set forth herein, and the publisher takes no responsibility with respect to such material. The publisher shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or part, from the reader’s use of, or reliance upon, this material.


    To teachers, who make it possible to disseminate knowledge

    to enlighten the young and curious minds

    of our future generations

    To students, who are the future of the world


    To my friends and colleagues

    To my family for their love and support

    Training and Consultant Services

    At CADCAMCAE WORKS, we provide effective and affordable one to one online training on various software packages in Computer Aided Design(CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer programming languages(C/C++, Java, .NET, Android, Javascript, HTML and so on). The training is delivered through remote access to your system and voice chat via Internet at any time, any place, and at any pace to individuals, groups, students of colleges/universities, and CAD/CAM/CAE training centers. The main features of this program are:

    Training as per your need

    Highly experienced Engineers and Technician conduct the classes on the software applications used in the industries. The methodology adopted to teach the software is totally practical based, so that the learner can adapt to the design and development industries in almost no time. The efforts are to make the training process cost effective and time saving while you have the comfort of your time and place, thereby relieving you from the hassles of traveling to training centers or rearranging your time table.

    Software Packages on which we provide

    basic and advanced training are:

    CAD/CAM/CAE: CATIA, Creo Parametric, Creo Direct, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, Solid Edge, UG NX, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, EdgeCAM, MasterCAM, SolidCAM, DelCAM, BOBCAM, UG NX Manufacturing, UG Mold Wizard, UG Progressive Die, UG Die Design, SolidWorks Mold, Creo Manufacturing, Creo Expert Machinist, NX Nastran, Hypermesh, SolidWorks Simulation, Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, Creo Simulate, Gambit, ANSYS and many others.

    Computer Programming Languages: C++, VB.NET, HTML, Android, Javascript and so on.

    Game Designing: Unity.

    Civil Engineering: AutoCAD MEP, Revit Structure, Revit Architecture, AutoCAD Map 3D and so on.

    We also provide consultant services for Design and development on the above mentioned software packages

    For more information you can mail us at:


    Table of Contents

    Training and Consultant Services iv

    Preface xviii

    About Authors xx

    Chapter 1 : Starting with Solid Edge

    Introduction 1-2

    Starting Solid Edge 1-2

    Starting a New Part Document 1-3

    User Interface Overview 1-5

    Customizing Ribbon 1-6

    Recording Solid Edge Screen 1-8

    Application Menu Tools 1-10

    Learn Options in Application Menu 1-10

    New Options in Application Menu 1-11

    Opening a File 1-13

    Saving File 1-13

    Save As Tools 1-14

    Saving Model in Image Format 1-15

    Exporting Solid Edge Model 1-16

    Saving Model for Tablet Devices 1-18

    Print File 1-19

    Preparing File for 3D Printing 1-21

    Share 1-24

    Settings 1-25

    Tools 1-44

    Info 1-47

    Property Manager 1-50

    Exit Solid Edge 1-53

    Mouse Button Function 1-54

    Workflow In Solid Edge 1-54

    Self Assessment 1-55

    Chapter 2 : Sketching

    Basics For Sketching 2-2

    Planes 2-2

    Relation between Sketch, Plane and 3D model 2-3

    Starting Sketch 2-3

    Sketching Environment and Tools 2-3

    View toolbar 2-5

    Sketch Creation Tools 2-7

    Line Tools 2-7

    Circle Tools 2-10

    Ellipse Tools 2-12

    Rectangle Tools 2-14

    Fillet Tools 2-18

    Arc Tools 2-20

    Curve Tools 2-22

    Trim Tools 2-25

    Split drop-down 2-26

    Offset Tools 2-28

    Move Tools 2-30

    Mirror Tools 2-32

    Project to Sketch Tool 2-36

    Construction Tool 2-36

    Create As Construction Tool 2-37

    Clean Sketch 2-37

    Auto-Scale Sketch 2-38

    Relate Tools 2-38

    Connect 2-39

    Horizontal / Vertical 2-39

    Tangent 2-40

    Parallel 2-41

    Equal 2-42

    Symmetric 2-42

    Concentric 2-42

    Perpendicular 2-43

    Collinear 2-43

    Lock 2-44

    Rigid Set 2-44

    Maintain Relationships 2-45

    Relationship Handles 2-45

    Relationship Assistant 2-46

    Dimensions 2-46

    Smart Dimension 2-47

    Creating Distance Between Dimension 2-51

    Creating Angle Between Dimension 2-52

    Coordinate Dimension Tools 2-52

    Angular Coordinate Dimension 2-54

    Symmetric Diameter 2-55

    Maintain Alignment Set 2-55

    Removing dimension from Alignment Set 2-56

    Ordered Tools 2-56

    Starting 2D Sketch in Ordered Environment 2-57

    Tools In Draw Group 2-57

    Symmetry Axis 2-62

    IntelliSketch Tools 2-62

    IntelliSketch Options 2-62

    Relationship Colors 2-67

    Alignment Indicator 2-67

    Creating and Using Dimension Axis 2-67

    Activating Auto Dimensioning 2-68

    Styles 2-68

    Increase PMI Font 2-74

    Decrease PMI Font 2-74

    Practical - 1 2-74

    Practical - 2 2-77

    Practice 1 2-81

    Practice 2 2-82

    Practice 3 2-82

    Practice 4 2-83

    Practice 5 2-83

    Practice 6 2-84

    Chapter 3 : 3D Sketch and Solid Modeling

    Introduction 3-2

    3D Sketch 3-2

    Extrude 3-3

    Project To Sketch 3-11

    Copying or Moving Sketch Elements to New Sketch 3-12

    Extrude Cut 3-13

    Creating Planes and Coordinate System 3-16

    Creating Coincident Plane 3-17

    More Planes drop-down 3-17

    Creating Coordinate System (Ordered Environment) 3-20

    Revolve 3-21

    Revolve Cut 3-23

    Hole Tools 3-24

    Hole 3-24

    Creating Simple Hole 3-25

    Creating Threaded Hole 3-27

    Creating Counterbore Holes 3-27

    Thread 3-28

    Slot 3-30

    Recognizing Holes 3-31

    Round 3-32

    Creating Constant Radius Round 3-33

    Creating Variable Radius Round 3-34

    Creating Blend Round 3-36

    Creating Surface Blend 3-37

    Chamfer 3-37

    Draft 3-39

    Thin wall Drop-down 3-40

    Thin Wall (Shell) 3-41

    Thin Region 3-42

    Rib 3-44

    Web Network 3-45

    Lip 3-47

    Vent 3-48

    Mounting boss 3-50

    Practice 3-64

    Chapter 4 : Advanced Solid Modeling

    Introduction 4-2

    Add drop-down 4-2

    Creating Sweep Feature 4-2

    Sweep with Single Path and Single Cross-section 4-3

    Multi Section Sweep 4-4

    Twist Sweep 4-6

    Solid sweep 4-7

    Loft 4-8

    Helix 4-9

    Projecting Sketch Curves on Surface/Face 4-11

    Normal 4-12

    Thicken 4-13

    Creating Fillet Weld 4-14

    Creating Groove Weld 4-16

    Creating Stitch Weld 4-17

    Creating Label Weld 4-18

    Cut Features 4-19

    Sweep Cutout 4-19

    Solid Sweep Cut 4-20

    Loft Cutout 4-22

    Helix Cut 4-23

    Normal cut 4-23

    Add body features 4-24

    Add body 4-24

    Enclosure 4-25

    Multi-body Publish 4-26

    Union 4-27

    Subtract 4-28

    Intersect 4-29

    Split 4-30

    Scale Body 4-31

    Pattern 4-32

    Creating Pattern 4-32

    Rectangular Pattern 4-32

    Circular Pattern 4-34

    Along Curve Pattern 4-35

    Pattern by Table 4-37

    Duplicate Pattern 4-39

    Mirror 4-40

    Mirror Copy Feature 4-40

    Mirror Copy Part 4-41

    Save As Mirrored Part 4-41

    Move Faces 4-42

    Moving faces 4-42

    Rotate faces 4-44

    Offset faces 4-45

    Delete 4-46

    Deleting Faces 4-46

    Deleting Regions 4-47

    Deleting Holes 4-48

    Deleting Rounds 4-49

    Re-sizing Holes 4-49

    Resize Rounds 4-50

    Creating Sketches for Hook 4-51

    Creating Sweep Feature 4-54

    Applying Round at End 4-55

    Chapter 5 : Selection Tools, 3D Printing, and Views

    Introduction 5-2

    Select drop-down 5-2

    Selection Filter 5-4

    Overlapping Selection Box 5-4

    3D Printing 5-5

    Part Preparation for 3D Printing 5-5

    3D Printing Processes 5-5

    Part Preparation for 3D Printing 5-11

    3D Print Part Preparation in Solid Edge 5-11

    Converting Cosmic Threads to Physical 5-11

    Deleting Internal Voids 5-12

    Reorienting Model for 3D Printing 5-13

    Defining Print Material 5-14

    Wall Thickness Validation 5-14

    Checking Overhangs 5-15

    Print Validations 5-16

    Exporting Model to STL File 5-16

    View Tab 5-17

    Showing Panes 5-17

    Construction Display Options 5-18

    Setting Planes 5-18

    Views 5-19

    Front View 5-19

    Back View 5-19

    Left View 5-19

    Right View 5-19

    Top View 5-20

    Bottom View 5-20

    Dimetric View 5-20

    ISO View 5-20

    Trimetric View 5-20

    Saving Current View 5-20

    View Manager 5-21

    Orient 5-21

    Look at Face 5-21

    Previous View 5-21

    Spin About 5-21

    Refresh View 5-22

    View styles 5-22

    Wire Frame 5-22

    Visible and Hidden Edges 5-22

    Visible Edges 5-23

    Shaded 5-23

    Shaded With Visible Edges 5-23

    Floor reflection 5-24

    Floor shadow 5-24

    High-Quality Rendering 5-24

    Edge Color 5-24

    Sharpen 5-25

    Perspective View 5-25

    Showing Facet Edges 5-25

    Color Manager 5-25

    View Overrides 5-26

    Rendering Tab 5-27

    Lights Tab 5-27

    Background Tab 5-27

    Environment Tab 5-29

    Applying Appearances to Part 5-31

    Chapter 6 : Surfacing

    Surfacing 6-2

    Subdivision Modeling 6-2

    Box 6-2

    Cylinder 6-3

    Sphere 6-4

    Torus 6-5

    Start Symmetry 6-6

    Stop Symmetry 6-6

    Scale 6-6

    Blend 6-7

    Split 6-8

    Split with Offset 6-9

    Fill 6-10

    Bridge 6-10

    Offset 6-11

    Align to Curve 6-12

    Cage Style 6-13

    Key point curve 6-14

    Curve by table 6-15

    Intersection 6-17

    Project 6-18

    Wrapping Sketch Curves on Surface/Face 6-19

    Helical Curve 6-19

    Cross 6-23

    Contour 6-24

    Isocline 6-25

    Derived 6-26

    Split 6-27

    Intersection point 6-27

    Section Sketches 6-28

    Creating SURFACES 6-30

    Creating Surface using BlueSurf tool 6-30

    Creating Surface using Bounded tool 6-33

    Creating Surface using Redefine tool 6-35

    Creating Surface using Swept tool 6-36

    Creating Surface using Extruded tool 6-37

    Revolved 6-39

    Offset 6-39

    Copy 6-40

    Ruled 6-41

    Blank Surface 6-43

    Modifying Surfaces 6-44

    Intersect 6-44

    Replace Face 6-47

    Trim 6-47

    Extend 6-48

    Split 6-49

    Stitched 6-50

    Show Non-Stitched Edges 6-50

    Parting Split 6-51

    Parting Surface 6-52

    Offset Edge 6-53

    BlueDot 6-54

    Surface Visualization Settings 6-54

    Displaying Section Curvature 6-56

    Chapter 7 : Product Manufacturing Information

    Introduction 7-2

    Locking Dimension Plane 7-2

    Setting Dimension Axis 7-2

    Creating Dimension 7-3

    Nominal Dimension Type 7-8

    Unit Tolerance Dimension Type 7-8

    Alpha Tolerance Dimension Type 7-8

    Class Dimension Type 7-8

    Limit Dimension Type 7-9

    Basic Dimension Type 7-9

    Reference Dimension Type 7-9

    Feature Callout Dimension Type 7-10

    Blank Dimension Type 7-10

    Dimension Styles 7-11

    Model Size and Pixel Size PMI 7-11

    Creating Callout Annotation 7-11

    General Tab 7-12

    Text and Leader Tab 7-14

    Smart Depth Tab 7-14

    Feature Callout Tab 7-15

    Border Tab 7-16

    Creating Balloon Annotation 7-18

    Creating Surface Texture Symbol 7-18

    Creating Weld Symbol 7-20

    Creating Edge Condition 7-21

    Creating Datum Frame and Feature Control Frame Annotation 7-22

    Creating Feature Control Frame 7-24

    Creating Datum Frame 7-26

    Creating Datum Target 7-27

    Creating Leader 7-27

    Creating Section by Plane 7-28

    Creating User Defined Section 7-29

    Creating Model Views 7-31

    Chapter 8 : Assembly-I

    Assembly 8-2

    Inserting Ground component 8-3

    Inserting components in assembly 8-3

    Assembly Constraint 8-5

    FlashFit 8-6

    Mate 8-6

    Planar Align 8-7

    Axial Align 8-7

    Insert 8-8

    Connect 8-9

    Angle 8-10

    Tangent 8-11

    Path 8-12

    Cam 8-13

    Parallel 8-14

    Gear 8-15

    Match Coordinate Systems 8-17

    Centre-Plane 8-18

    Rigid Set 8-19

    Ground 8-20

    Assembly Relationships Manager 8-20

    Assembly Relationships Assistant 8-20

    Capture Fit 8-22

    Move on select 8-23

    Drag component 8-23

    Move component 8-24

    Linear Move 8-25

    Rotational Move 8-26

    Replace part 8-27

    Replace Part 8-27

    Replace Part With Standard Part 8-28

    Replace Part with New Part 8-28

    Replace Part with Copy 8-30

    Replace Part with 3DfindIT Part 8-30

    Transferring Part to Another Subassembly 8-31

    Dispersing Sub-assembly 8-31

    Rotational Motors 8-31

    Linear motor 8-32

    Variable table motor 8-33

    Simulate motor 8-33

    Pattern 8-34

    Mirror Components 8-35

    Duplicate component 8-36

    Pattern along curve 8-36

    Clone Component 8-37

    Inspection Tools 8-37

    Smart Measure 8-38

    Measure 8-39

    Measure Distance 8-39

    Measure Minimum Distance 8-40

    Measure Normal Distance 8-41

    Measure Angle 8-42

    Inquire Element 8-42

    Properties 8-43

    Properties manager 8-43

    Check interference 8-44

    Assembly statistics 8-45

    Geometry Inspector 8-45

    Inserting Ground Component 8-47

    Inserting and Constraining Component 8-48

    Chapter 9 : Assembly Design - II

    Introduction 9-2

    Tools Tab 9-2

    Peer Variable 9-2

    Component Tracker 9-4

    Update Tools 9-5

    Limited Update and Limited Save 9-5

    Reports 9-5

    Errors 9-6

    Inter-Part Manager 9-7

    Component Structure Editor 9-7

    Publish internal components 9-8

    Publishing Virtual Components 9-9

    Publishing Terrain Models 9-9

    Update Structure 9-9

    Engineering Reference 9-10

    Shaft Designer 9-10

    Cam Designer 9-15

    Spur Gear Designer 9-17

    Bevel Gear Designer 9-21

    Explode Render Animate Environment 9-23

    Animation Editor 9-23

    Animation Drop-down 9-24

    Creating New Animation 9-24

    Saving Animation 9-24

    Deleting Animation 9-24

    Animation Properties 9-25

    Save as Movie 9-25

    Creating Camera Path and Enabling Camera Movement 9-26

    Show Camera Path 9-27

    Working with Animation 9-27

    Creating KeyShot Animation 9-27

    Keyshot render 9-28

    Auto explode 9-28

    Explode 9-29

    Reposition 9-30

    Removing Component from Exploded State 9-31

    Collapsing Exploded Component 9-31

    Unexplode 9-32

    Binding Sub-Assembly 9-32

    Unbinding Sub-Assembly 9-32

    Flow lines 9-32

    Drop 9-33

    Draw 9-33

    Modify 9-34

    Configurations 9-35

    Saving and Retrieving Display Configurations 9-35

    Configuration Manager 9-36

    Configuration Options 9-36

    Copying Components to Display Configuration 9-37

    Taking Snapshot and Restoring 9-38

    Unloading Hidden Parts 9-38

    Modes 9-38

    Chapter 10 : Assembly - III

    Introduction to XpresRoute 10-2

    Creating Path for Route 10-2

    Creating 3D Line of Route Path 10-3

    Creating 3D Arcs 10-4

    Creating 3D Arc by 3 Points 10-4

    Creating Tangent 3D Arc 10-5

    Creating Route using Paths 10-5

    Creating Tube Along Path 10-5

    Creating Piping Route 10-7

    Introduction to Electrical Routing 10-9

    Creating Paths 10-9

    Creating Wires 10-9

    Creating Cable 10-10

    Introduction to Frame Design 10-11

    Creating Frame Members 10-11

    Applying Frame End Cap 10-14

    Creating Gusset Plate 10-15

    Trimming/Extending Frame Member 10-16

    Publishing Model to HTML Web page 10-17

    Chapter 11 : Drawing

    Introduction 11-2

    Starting Drawing Environment 11-2

    Starting a New Drawing 11-2

    Starting a Drawing using Model or Assembly 11-2

    Placing Views with View Wizard 11-3

    Updating Views 11-8

    Creating Principal Views 11-8

    Creating Auxiliary View 11-9

    Creating Detail View 11-10

    Creating Broken View 11-10

    Creating Section View Cutting Plane 11-11

    Creating Section using Cutting Plane Line 11-12

    Creating Broken-Out Drawing View 11-13

    Creating Parts List 11-13

    Creating Hole Table 11-14

    Creating Bend Table 11-15

    Dimensioning Tools 11-15

    Creating Symmetric Diameter Dimension 11-16

    Applying Chamfer Dimension 11-16

    Retrieving Dimension 11-17

    Line Up Text 11-17

    Copying Attributes 11-17

    Removing Dimensions from Alignment Set 11-18

    Stacking Dimensions 11-18

    Chapter 12 : Sheetmetal Design

    Introduction 12-2

    Starting Sheetmetal Part Document 12-2

    Creating Tab Feature 12-2

    Creating Flange Feature 12-4

    Creating Multi-Edge Flange 12-6

    Creating Contour Flange 12-7

    Creating Lofted Flange 12-8

    Creating Hem Feature 12-10

    Creating Dimple Feature 12-11

    Creating Louver Feature 12-12

    Creating Drawn Cutout 12-13

    Creating Bead Feature 12-15

    Creating Gusset Feature 12-16

    Creating Cross Brake 12-17

    Creating Etch Feature 12-18

    Creating Emboss Feature 12-19

    Closing 2-Bend Corner 12-20

    Closing 3-Bend Corners 12-21

    Creating Ripped Corners 12-21

    Creating Bend 12-22

    Unbending Sheet Metal 12-23

    Rebending 12-24

    Creating Jog Feature 12-24

    Applying Bend Bulge Relief 12-25

    Applying Break Corner 12-26

    Sheet Metal Modification Tools 12-27

    Modifying Bend Angle 12-27

    Modifying Bend Radius 12-28

    Practical 12-29

    Chapter 13 : Simulation Study

    Introduction to Simulation 13-2

    Types of Analyses performed in Solid Edge Simulation 13-2

    Linear Static Analysis 13-2

    Normal Modes Analysis 13-3

    Linear Buckling Analysis 13-3

    Heat Transfer Analyses 13-4

    Harmonic Response Analysis 13-5

    Starting a Study 13-5

    Switching between Studies 13-8

    Selecting Material of Model 13-8

    Nastran log viewer 13-8

    Selecting Geometry for Analysis 13-9

    Uniting Bodies for Simulation 13-9

    Recovering Bodies 13-10

    Applying Structural Loads 13-10

    Applying Force Load 13-10

    Applying Pressure Load 13-12

    Applying Hydrostatic Pressure Load 13-12

    Applying Torque Load 13-12

    Applying Displacement 13-13

    Applying Bearing Load 13-14

    Applying Body Loads 13-14

    Applying Body Temperature 13-14

    Applying Centrifugal Load 13-15

    Applying Gravity Load 13-15

    Applying Thermal Loads 13-16

    Applying Temperature Load 13-16

    Applying Heat Flux Load 13-17

    Applying Convection Load 13-17

    Applying Radiation Thermal Load 13-17

    Applying Constraints 13-18

    Applying Fixed Constraint 13-19

    Applying Pinned Constraint 13-19

    Applying No Rotation Constraint 13-19

    Applying Slide Along Surface Constraint 13-19

    Applying Cylindrical Constraint 13-20

    Applying User-Defined Constraint 13-21

    Meshing 13-22

    Creating Mesh 13-22

    Setting Mesh Size for Edges 13-23

    Specifying Surface Mesh Sizes 13-24

    Specifying Body Mesh Size 13-25

    Solving Analysis 13-25

    Simulation Results 13-26

    Probing Results 13-26

    Display Options 13-27

    Equilibrium Check 13-27

    Contour Style 13-28

    Deformation 13-28

    Animating Results 13-28

    Creating Report 13-29

    Data Selection for Results 13-30

    Optimization Study 13-30

    Performing Generative Study 13-33

    Performing Normal Modes Analysis 13-36

    Starting Normal Modes Analysis 13-36

    Performing Normal Modes Analysis 13-36

    Performing Linear Buckling Analysis 13-38

    Performing Thermal Analysis 13-39


    Solid Edge 2024 is a parametric (history based) and synchronous technology solid modeling tool that not only unites the three-dimensional (3D) parametric features with two-dimensional (2D) tools, but also addresses every design-through-manufacturing process. The Mechanical Designers functionality of the software makes it faster to design mechanical components for manufacturing. The software is capable of performing analysis with an ease. Due to a long journey of development in software, this solid modeling tool is remarkably user-friendly and it allows you to be productive from day one.

    The Solid Edge 2024 Black Book is the 5th edition of our series on Solid Edge. This book is written to help beginners in creating some of the most complex solid models. The book follows a step by step methodology. In this book, we have tried to give real-world examples with real challenges in designing. We have tried to reduce the gap between university use of Solid Edge and industrial use of Solid Edge. The book covers almost all the information required by a learner to master the Solid Edge. The book starts with sketching and ends at advanced topics like Sheetmetal, Rendering, and Simulation Studies. Some of the salient features of this book are :

    In-Depth explanation of concepts

    Every new topic of this book starts with the explanation of the basic concepts. In this way, the user becomes capable of relating the things with real world.

    Topics Covered

    Every chapter starts with a list of topics being covered in that chapter. In this way, the user can easily find the topics of his/her interest easily.

    Instruction through illustration

    The instructions to perform any action are provided by maximum number of illustrations so that the user can perform the actions discussed in the book easily and effectively. There are about 1550 illustrations that make the learning process effective.

    Tutorial point of view

    At the end of concept’s explanation, the tutorial make the understanding of users firm and long lasting. Almost each chapter of the book has tutorials that are real world projects. Moreover most of the tools in this book are discussed in the form of tutorials.


    Projects and exercises are provided to students for practicing.

    For Faculty

    If you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topic, exercise, tutorial, or concept. As faculty, you can register on our website to get electronic desk copies of our latest books, self-assessment, and solution of practical. Faculty resources are available in the Faculty Member page of our website (www.cadcamcaeworks.com) once you login. Note that faculty registration approval is manual and it may take two days for approval before you can access the faculty website.

    Formatting Conventions Used in the Text

    All the key terms like name of button, tool, drop-down etc. are kept bold.

    Free Resources

    Link to the resources used in this book are provided to the users via email. To get the resources, mail us at cadcamcaeworks@gmail.com with your contact information. With your contact record with us, you will be provided latest updates and informations regarding various technologies. The format to write us mail for resources is as follows:

    Subject of E-mail as Application for resources of ......................... book.

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    About Authors

    The author of this book, Matt Weber, has written more than 18 books on CAD/CAM/CAE available in market. He has coauthored SolidWorks Simulation, SolidWorks Electrical, SolidWorks Flow Simulation, and SolidWorks CAM Black Books. The author has hands on experience on almost all the CAD/CAM/CAE packages. If you have any query/doubt in any CAD/CAM/CAE package, then you can contact the author by writing at cadcamcaeworks@gmail.com

    The author of this book, Gaurav Verma, has written and assisted in more than 16 titles in CAD/CAM/CAE which are already available in market. He has authored Autodesk Fusion 360 Black Book, AutoCAD Electrical Black Book, Autodesk Revit Black Books, and so on. He has provided consultant services to many industries in US, Greece, Canada, and UK. He has assisted in preparing many Government aided skill development programs. He has been speaker for Autodesk University, Russia 2014. He has assisted in preparing AutoCAD Electrical course for Autodesk Design Academy. He has worked on Sheetmetal, Forging, Machining, and Casting designs in Design and Development departments of various manufacturing firms.

    For Any query or suggestion

    If you have any query or suggestion, please let us know by mailing us on cadcamcaeworks@gmail.com. Your valuable constructive suggestions will be incorporated in our books and your name will be addressed in special thanks area of our books on your confirmation.

    Chapter 1

    Starting with Solid Edge

    The major topics covered in this chapter are:

    •Starting Solid Edge 2024

    •Starting a New Document

    •User Interface Overview

    •Setting User Interface

    •Application Menu Tools

    •3D Builder


    •Mouse Button Functions and Workflow



    Solid Edge is a 3D CAD software which works in both Parametric (History based) and Synchronous (direct) modeling style. You can create part, assembly, and 2D views using the software. You can integrate Team Viewer and Sharepoint with Solid Edge for collaborating with others. The software also provides support for FEA and CAM.

    Starting Solid Edge

    •To start Solid Edge in Window 10 from Start menu, click on the Start button in the Taskbar at the bottom left corner. The Start menu will be displayed.

    •Click on the Solid Edge folder. In this folder, select the Solid Edge icon; refer to Figure-1.

    •Before finishing the installation of this software, if you have selected the check box to create a desktop icon of this software then an icon of Solid Edge will be displayed on desktop.

    •If you have not selected the check box to create the desktop icon but want to create the icon on desktop later, then drag and drop the Solid Edge icon from Start menu on the desktop.

    After you have performed the above steps, the Solid Edge application window will be displayed with learn page; refer to Figure-2. Select desired link button from this page to access beginner’s resources.

    Starting a new Part document

    Application Menu: New cascading menu->New

    You can create a new document in Solid Edge by two ways: by using New menu or by CTRL+N shortcut key:

    1. Click on New option from Application menu. The options to create new documents will be displayed in New cascading menu; refer to Figure-3. Click on the New button to create a new document. The New dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-4.

    2. Press Ctrl + N from the keyboard. The New dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-4.

    The template whose name ends with assembly.asm is used for starting new assembly files.

    The template whose name ends with weldment.asm is used for starting new assembly files with weldment options.

    The template whose name ends with part.par is for starting new part files. 3D models are created using this template.

    The templates whose name ends with sheet metal.psm are for starting new sheet metal design files.

    The template whose name ends with draft.dft is for starting new drawing (drafting) file.

    •Select desired template from the left area of the dialog box. ANSI Inch template uses inch as unit for length. ANSI Metric uses mm as unit for length. In the same way, other templates represent their standard unit system.

    •On selecting the template from left area of the dialog box, the templates to create different type of files are displayed on the right in the dialog box. Double-click on the ansi metric part.par template file to start a part file with ANSI Metric standard. The interface will be displayed as shown in Figure-5.

    Note that after selecting the template, a dialog box will be displayed asking you to set the environment preference; refer to Figure-6. The Ordered environment is selected by default. Select desired environment from Ordered or Synchronous by selecting the Continue with Ordered or Continue with Synchronous button, respectively.

    User Interface Overview

    Various common elements of user interface of Solid Edge are shown in Figure-7. These elements are discussed next.

    1.Application button : Displays the Application menu which provides access to all document level functions, templates, and standards.

    2.Tabbed Document : It shows all the document in the form of tiles which you have opened.

    3.Path Finder : Provides a quick way to identify and select model element.

    4.Quick Access toolbar : The options in Quick Access toolbar are used to access common tools like Save, Undo, Redo, etc. Use the down arrow in Quick Access toolbar to check additional options.

    Customizing Ribbon

    •Click on the Arrow button from Quick Access Toolbar. A drop-down will be displayed; refer to Figure-8.

    •Select Customize option from the drop-down. The Customize dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-9.

    •Now, select Ribbon tab from Customize dialog box. After that select tools from left list box and location in right list box where you want to add the tool, and then click on the Add>> button. The added tools will be shown in the right list box; refer to Figure-10.

    •After setting desired parameters, click on the Close button.

    5.Ribbon : It is the group of tools from where you can use tools to create different features. It is classified into tabs and groups. It can be customized according to user. The procedure to add commands in Ribbon is discussed next.

    6.Predict Commands Toolbar : The tools in toolbar change as per the user’s choice in the software. This toolbar is a part of Adaptive UI feature. Based on the tools used by user, system will automatically suggest next tools to be used.

    7.Command Finder: It is used to find a command in the User Interface.

    8.Quick View Cube: It is used to change the orientation of object by rotating it or selecting the face. You can set parameters related to Quick View Cube by using Quick View Cube Settings tool in the Orient panel of View tab in the Ribbon. On clicking this tool, the Quick View Cube Settings dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-11. You can set the location, color, opacity, and other parameters of Quick View Cube in this dialog box. After specifying parameters, click on the OK button.

    9.Prompt Bar: It shows tips for the command you have selected.

    10.View Tools: These tools provide quick access to Zoom, Fit, Pan, Rotate, View, Styles, and Saved View options.

    11.Youtube search and playback : This tool opens the YouTube application window through which you can search and play a Solid Edge YouTube video.

    12.Record: User can record video while making any features in Solid Edge. The steps are given in next topic.

    13.Upload to YouTube : This tool is used to directly upload the recorded videos on YouTube.

    Recording Solid Edge Screen

    •Click on the red colored Record button at the bottom right corner of Application window to record video. The Record Video dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-12.

    •Click on Record button or press hot keys Shift+F9 from keyboard to start recording the Solid Edge screen.

    •After starting the recording, you can pause the recording anytime by pressing Shift+F9 from keyboard.

    •Click on Stop button or press hot keys Shift+F10 to stop the video.

    •User can also record his/her voice. To do so, select the Record audio check box from the dialog box. You can select the device for recording audio from the drop-down below this check box.

    •You can select the codec for video recording from the Compression Codec drop-down.

    •After recording the video, click on Save button to save the video. The Save Video dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-13.

    •Specify desired name of file in the File name edit box and click on the Save button to save the recording.

    Uploading Recording on YouTube

    •If you want to upload the recorded file on YouTube then click on the Upload button from the dialog box. You can also use the Upload to YouTube button from the bottom right corner of the Application window to upload video on YouTube. The Upload to YouTube dialog box will displayed; refer to Figure-14.

    •Login into your YouTube account by clicking on the Sign In button. Set the parameters as desired in the Upload to YouTube dialog box and click on the Upload button.

    Application Menu Tools

    The tools in the Application menu are used to manage application and file related functions. These tools are discussed next.

    Learn Options in Application Menu

    The options in Discover cascading menu are used to access various resources to learn about Solid Edge. The procedure to access different options in this menu are discussed next.

    •Click on the Learn option from Discover cascading menu in the Application menu. The options will be displayed as shown in Figure-15.

    •Click on the Tour Solid Edge option in the Learn page to check beginners videos on Solid Edge.

    •Click on the Learn Solid Edge in a Few Steps option to know how to create basic objects.

    •Click on the What’s New to find the latest feature added to this version of software.

    •Click on Solid Edge Help to learn Solid Edge.

    •Click on Add Links button to add more links in the My Links area of the Learn page. The Add or Remove Links dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-16. Add desired link in the Link edit box, specify the other parameters, and click on the OK button. The new link will appear in the list.

    New Options in Application Menu

    The options in New cascading menu are used to create new documents. The procedure is discussed next.

    •Click on New cascading menu in the Application menu. The options to start new documents will be displayed as shown in Figure-17.

    •Click on New tool from New cascading menu. The New dialog box will be displayed with list of templates; refer to Figure-18.

    •Select ansi metric assembly.asm template to create a new assembly using the default template.

    •Select ansi metric weldment.asm template to create a new welding design document using default template.

    •Select ansi metric part.par template to create a new part document using default template.

    •Select ansi metric sheet metal.psm template to create a new Sheet Metal document using the default template.

    •Select ansi metric draft.dft template to create a new draft (Drawing) document using default template.

    •After selecting desired template, click on the OK button from the dialog box.

    NOTE : You can also edit templates by using Edit List button from the New dialog box displayed on clicking New tool from New cascading menu of Application menu.

    Opening a File

    The options in Open cascading menu are used to open files from local drive.

    •Click on Browse button from the Open cascading menu to browse files. The Open File dialog box will displayed; refer to Figure-19.

    •Select the format of file which you want to open in Solid Edge from the File Type drop-down.

    •Browse to desired location and select the file you want to open in Solid Edge.

    •After selecting file, click on the Open button from the dialog box to open the file. The file will be displayed in Solid Edge.

    Saving File

    The Save tool in Application menu is used to save the model file. If you are saving the file for first time then Save As dialog box will be displayed and once you have saved the file then no dialog box will be displayed later after selecting this tool. The procedure to use this tool is given next.

    •Click on the Save tool from the Application menu. The Save As dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-20.

    •Specify desired name of file in the File name edit box. If you want to save the file in format different from native format of Solid Edge then select desired option from the Save as type drop-down.

    •Click on the Save button from the dialog box to save the file. After saving the file once, modify the model as needed and press CTRL+S to save the file.

    Note that you should save the file as soon as you have performed modifications in model to make sure you do not loose the work.

    If you have multiple files open in Solid Edge and have not saved the files yet then click on the Save All tool from the Application menu.

    Save As Tools

    The tools in the Save As cascading menu are used to save the model in different formats with different names; refer to Figure-21. These tools are discussed next.

    The procedure to use Save As tool of Save As cascading menu is same as discussed for Save tool earlier.

    Saving Model in

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