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JS 1 Soc. STD 3RD Term Exam 2020

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SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES JS1 ( BASIC 7) Time: 1 hour: 30 minutes
Instruction: Answer all the questions in section A and three questions in section B.
SECTION A (Objective Test: Choose the correct option from a – d) (30 marks)

1. The issues Social Studies study includes the following EXCEPT...........

(A) how to vote during election (B) why laws should be obeyed
(C) how people can work together peacefully (D) how to create national disaster.
2. The things created by God are referred to as ______
(A) Artificial creation (B) natural features (C) real things (D) everlasting products.
3. A number of people who maintain common interest for a particular purpose are referred to as ____
(A) Society members (B) social group (C) interest group (D) members of political party.
4. The civil war in Nigeria was fought between __
(A) 1960 and 1973 (B) 1967 and 1970 (C) 1914 and 1939 (D) 1966 and 1973.
5. A situation whereby members of the family are bound together in love and share together in time of
good and bad is called ______
(A) Communal life (B) give and take (C) sharing for others (D) family help.
6. The role of children in the home is to _____
(A) Run errands (B) watch TV and play games (C) just play around and eat food (D) enjoy sleep.
7. Which of the following can affect the members of the small family size negatively?
(A) Death of a financier (B) Increase in family income
(C) Giving birth to new members of the family (D) A member getting lucrative job.
8. Stories about man and animals such as tortoise and elephant are called
(A) folklores (B) fictions (C) factions (D) culture.
9. The type of family size that can bring rapid development to the country is ____
(A) large (B) small (C) medium (D) no size family.
10. The following are features of culture except ___
(A) rigidity (B) language (C) religion (D) dressing.
11. Culture is transmitted from _______
(A) Father to society (B) children to parents (C) one culture to another (D) one generation to
12. Which among these is not a cultural similarity in Nigeria?
(A) Mode of dressing (B) Taboos (C) marriage system (D) Naming ceremony.
13. One of these is a level of identity (A) Family (B) Language (C) Dressing (D) Food.
14. Which of these cultural differences in Nigeria is the most remarkable among others?
(A) Language (B) food (C) religion (D) behavioural pattern.
15. Acceptable social norms in Nigerian community include all the following except _____
(A) wearing of dress that covers your nakedness (B) keeping one’s virginity
(C) no sexual intercourse with your relation (D) introducing one’s boy or girl friend to their parents.
16. Which of the following is the most important in socialising a child?
(A) Community (B) family (C) mass media (D) school.

17. Overuse of public facilities is one of the consequences of a large family size on ______
(A) Individual life (B) national economy (C) family economy (D) global economy.
18. Any deviation from the societal norms amounts to ______
(A) Head boy or girl (B) deviant behaviour (C) cherished attitude (D) legal action.
19. One among these is not a negative effect of socialization
(A) increase crime rate in the society as a result of negative peer pressure
(B) a morally backward community tend to produce moral citizens
(C) Infiltration of negative influence (D) acculturation through over dependent on western culture.
20. Which of the following will not contribute to the spread of social vices in our society?
(A) internet (B) The church(C) prohibited literature (D) television.
21. The agency that is in charge of fighting corruption in Nigeria is ______
22. In Nigeria, cruel destruction of lives and properties by Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen occurs
mainly in the ______
(A) South West (B ) South East (C) North East (D) North West .
23. The essence of road safety club is to _______
(A) train future road safety corps members (B) ensure students are special marshals
(C) teach children on the importance of safety in the school and on roads
(D) train boys and girls to control traffic.
24. What makes it needful for children to be sensitized on the road safety rules?
(A)To help them learn how to drive early in their lives
(B) to ensure traffic is controlled at the school junction
(C) to save their lives and that of others
(D) to enhance easy employment into the corps.
25. The office of the road safety is called a ______
(A) Barrack (B) Station (C) Command (D) Secretariat
26. The three domains of learning are cognitive, affective and ______
(a) accelerator (b) psychology (c) psychomotor (d) institution
27. _____ tribe does theirs naming ceremony after eight (8) days.
(A) Igbo’s (B) Hausa’s (C) Yoruba’s (D) Edo’s.
28. A child is born and helpless, but learns through the effort of older member of the family, is an
example of ______
(A) Home (B) primary socialization (C) tertiary socialization (D) secondary socialization.
29. The agency that prevent and control fire outbreak is called ______
(A) Federal Road Safety Corps (B)Nigerian prison Service (C) Fire Service (D) the Police.
30. Rule of law meansthat nobody is ______ the law. (A) below (B) above (C) opposite (D) under
31. Failures of road users to obey road safety rules can lead to ____
(A) loss of lives and properties (B) becoming a road safety officer
(C) forcing people to join road safety club to educate them more on proper use of roads
(D) sending offenders on exile.
32. One among these is not an agent of socialization:
(A) mass media (B) age group (C) militia (d) peer group.
33. Which of the following is not a good value in our schools?
(A) Cheating during examination (B) copying down the notes given by the teachers
(C) going to the library for academic research (D) punctuality.
34. Truancy as a cause of examination malpractice means that a student
(A) is underage (B) runs away from classes (C) is attending classes regularly (D) is bullying others.
35. Any illegal act committed by a student singlehandedly or in collaboration with others before, during
and after examination in order to obtain undeserved marks is termed as ______
(A) Assignment (B) malpractice (C) reading (D) research.
36. Which of the following does not testify the causes of examination malpractice in Nigerian schools?
(A) Adequate preparation on the part of students (B) failure of moral training to students
(C) gross inadequacy of qualified teachers (D) inadequate preparation on the part of the candidates.
37. HIV stands for ______
(A) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (B) Human Immune Virus
(C) Human International Virus (D) Human immunization virus.
38. The following are social problems in Nigeria except _________
(A) corruption (B) cultism (C) obedience (D) kidnapping.
39. A place where people learn an organized knowledge guided by a planned curriculum is _____
(A) school (B) Church (C) mosque (D) market.
40. Contemporary socialissues are issues that ______in the society.
(A) are currently happening (B) never happened (C) had happened (D) are historical facts.
41. Political instability is a social problem affecting ________
A) individuals (B) families (C) nations (D) all of the above.
42. _______ is an indigenous religion in Nigeria.
(A) Christianity (B) Hinduism (C) Judaism (D) Idol worshipping.
43. Which of the following is an electrical appliance in the home?
(A) Blender (B) cooking pot (C) stone grinder (D) kerosene stove.
44. Fire outbreak in the home can be as a result of _______
(A) not unplugging electrical appliance after use (B) non-payment of electricity bill
(C) purchase of new appliances
(D) proper use of electrical appliances.
45. Road accidents occur as a result of ______rules and regulation.
(A) disobeying traffic (B) Respecting traffic
(C) responding to traffic controller (D) controlling speed limits.
46. The traffic light red colour means that vehicle should _____
(A) Keep moving (B) park (C) continue (D) stop.
47. One of these is a safety measures at school _______
(A)rain fall (B)singing in the school
(C) a well-stocked first aid kit should be available in the school
(D) none of the above.
48. Which of the following causes of road accidents is the fault of the government?
(A) Bad roads (B) Underage driving (C) Over speeding (D) Drunkenness.
49. Sexual intercourse between people of blood relation is termed____
(A) fornication (B) adultery (C) homosexual (D) incest.
50. Social studies is divided into ___ and ____environment.
(A) manmade, social (B) natural, pollution (C) physical natural (D) physical,social.
51. In Nigeria, the first formal institution that produced Social Studies textbook for JSS is the ____
(A) African Grammar School, Ayetoro (B) Baptist Secondary School, Ayetoro
(C) Comprehensive High School, Ayetoro (D) Rosemary Grammar School, Ilesha.
52. The blood relationship through the mother’s side could be described as
(A) maternity relationship (B) Mother blood relationship
(C) matrilineal relationship (D) matrimonial relationship.
53. All the following contributes to the spread of social vices in our society. EXCEPT.
(A) internet (B) Television (C) prohibited literature (D) churches.

54. Internet fraud is related to ____

(A) Lack of parental love and care (B) Drug abuse (C) Ritual killing (D) Influence of mass media.
55. Which of the following is not a feature of cultism? They/The_____
(A) have sign language (B) meet secretly
(C) swear oath of secrecy (D) members can withdraw at his/her own will.
56. Some students join cult groups for the following reasons except ____
(A) Peer Group influence (B)Security (C) Dancing (D) Campus politics
57. Crime is a social problem carried out by ______
(A) Individuals (B) families(C) nations (D) communities.
58. Which of the following does not belong to the causes of HIV/AIDS?
(A) Appropriate use of condom (B) Mother to child transmission
(C) Sharing injection equipments with a person who is HIV positive
(D) Unprotected sex with an infected person.
59. The administrative head of a secondary school is called _______
(A) Head teacher (B) Provost (C) Vice principal (D) Principal.
60. Contemporary social problems can be eradicated if we obey _______ of the country.
(A) Government policies (B) school principals (C) personal laws (D) rule of law.


Answer only ONE question from this section.
1. a. What is culture? (2 marks)
b. Mention four characteristics of culture. (4 marks)
c. List and explain the components of culture. (4 marks)
2. a. What are norms? (2 marks)
b. Outline any three acceptable norms in Nigerian. (3 marks)
c. List five levels of identity. (5 marks)
Answer all the TWO questions in this section.
1. a. List three effects of examination malpractice. (3 marks)
b. List three causes of HIV/AIDS. (3 marks)
c. State and explain two solutions or measures of solving social problems in Nigeria. (4 marks)
2. a. List four consequences of not obeying traffic rules. (4 marks)
b.Mention three causes of road accidents. (3 marks)
c. List three safety measures at home. (3 marks)



1. D 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. A
11. D 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. B 19. B 20. B
21. C 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. B
31. A 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. A
41. D 42. D 43. A 44. A 45. A 46. D 47. C 48. A 49. D 50. D
51. C 52. C 53. D 54. D 55. D 56. C 57. A 58. A 59. D 60. D


1. a. Culture: (2 marks)
Culture is the total way of life of a particular group of people or community that distinguishes them
from others.
b.Characteristics of culture: (4 marks)
-Culture defines a group of people.
-Culture is cumulative i.e. it is a collective experience of a community or a group of people.
-It is a continuous process that is transmitted from one generation to another.
-Culture is relative i.e. no culture is bad or inferior.
-Culture is socially learnt
-Culture is dynamic, flexible and changes with time as technology changes and as people come in
contact with other cultures.
(Any four correct answers@ 1 mark each=4marks)

c.Components of culture: (4 marks)

-Material Aspect of Culture: These consist mainly of those things that are made by a society (man).
They are those things that are concrete and visible which are made by man in order to satisfy the
needs of its people.Examples are houses, tools, and weapons, clothes to suit the conditions of the
environment; and the work of art and craft such as dyeing and painting.
-Non-Material Aspect of Culture: These are intangible culture. This aspect of culture consists of those
things we cannot see like religion, music, language, morals, values, folklores, literature, dancing
styles, technology, etc.
(Correct answers@ 2 marks each=4marks)

2. a. Norms: (2 marks)
Norms are standard way of behaviours that societies uphold that is general accepted within a
society. It also dictates how social institutions are run in a given society.
b. Acceptable norms in Nigeria: (3 marks)
-Wearing of dresses that cover your nakedness.
-Keeping of one’s virginity is cherished in all communities.
-Getting parental approval before marriage is done.
-Sexual activity should be done in secret.
-No sexual intercourse with your relation or blood relation (No incest).
(Any three correct answers@1 mark each=3marks)

c. Levels of identity: (5 marks)

1. Family.
2. Age group.
3. Town/Village.
4. Cultural or Ethnic group.
5. Local Government.
6. State of Origin.
7. National Identity.
(Any five correct answers@ 1 mark each=5marks)

a. Causes of Examination Malpractice: (3 marks)
1. Poor attendance in class.
2. The crave to earn good grades in order to secure white collar jobs or gain admission to higher
3. Parents/societal bad influence.
4. Laziness to study.
5. Truancy.
6. Lack of self-confidence.
7. Lack of enough provision for higher education.
8. Preference for some courses of study over others.
9. The desire to live big.
10. Overpopulation in many schools.
11. Corrupt invigilators and supervisors.
(Any three correct answers@ 1 mark each=3marks)

b. Effects of HIV/AIDS: (3 marks)

1. HIV/AIDS always result in series of illnesses.

2. Shame and neglect.
3. It can eventually lead to death as it is incurable.
4. Drains the financial resources of the one suffering from it.
5. A carrier can lose his job and friends.
6. It can lead to divorce.
7. The carriers often suffer discrimination.
8. It creates emotional problems such as anxiety, fear and sadness for the carrier and his loved
(Any three correct answers@ 1 mark each=3marks)

c. Solutions or measures of solving social problems in Nigeria: (4 marks)

-Rule of law: Most of the contemporary social problems can be eradicated if we all obey the laws of the
country. Rule of law means that no person or government is above the law. It also means that no
government or its officials can enforce laws that are unfair and unjust.
-Anti-Corruption Agencies:Anti-corruption agencies such EFCC and ICPC are agencies specialised in
fighting political corruption and engaging in anti-corruption activities.They should be allowed to operate the
way they see fit, and no corrupt leader should be shielded, neither should any of their officers be exempted
from facing the law.
-Civil Societies: Civil Societies such as Campaign for Democracy (CD), National Association of Democratic
Lawyers(NADL), Committee for Defense of Human Right(CDHR), etc. should continue their good work of
correcting the ills in our country.
-Government Policies: Governments exists to see to the good orderliness of society. Government policies
should be based on national interest. Policies should be aimed at enhancing factor quality by investing in
infrastructure, improving educational outcomes, enhance trade and transport facilitation to help develop
the country.
-Job Creation: This often refers to government policies intended to reduce unemployment. The
Governments, both States and Federal, should deliberately create jobs and businesses for school leavers,
this will aid in reducing unemployment among youths.
-Infrastructural Development: Infrastructure is the basic essential services that should be put in place to
enable a country to run smoothly. Government should construct new and maintain existing infrastructural
facilities such as roads, railways, airports and seaports etc. stabilize, expand and improve on electricity
power supply, water supply etc. to encourage business and economic productions, and to improve the
quality of life.
-Religious Organizations - Churches and Mosques should increase their efforts in inculcating in their
members the fear of God, desirable attitudes and values that enhance common good.
-Public Opinion Leaders: Public opinion leaders are citizens who stand for the common good of the
country and speak against the ills of the society. Public opinion leaders seek the acceptance of others and
are motivated to enhance their social status.
-School: A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning
environment for teaching of students under the direction of teachers. Schools should be equipped with
needed facilities that will enhance quality education whose products will not become vagrants and
miscreants in society.
-Personal Discipline: Self-discipline is the ability to control ones feelings. If individuals engage in self-
discipline which is self-control that brings about emotional stability, train members of their family to do the
same, there would be a reduction of contemporary social problems in our country. Saying ‘No’ to immoral
sexual allurements or demands from the opposite sex.
-Security Organizations: A security agency is a governmental organisation in charge of activities that
bothers on intelligence for the internal security of the nation. The police, the SSS, and other security
agencies should be given specialized training on how to detect crimes and fish out criminals of all
descriptions and bring them to face the law.
(Any two correct answers@ 2marks each=4marks)

2. a. Consequences of not obeying traffic rules: (4 marks)

1. Road accidents
2. Disabilities
3. Loss of valuable property
4. Economic depression
5. Traffic jams
6. Loss of valuable man-hour
(Any four correct answers@ 1 mark each=4marks)

b. Causes of road accidents: (3 marks)

1. Over-speeding: many motorists are usually in hurry and they drive at high speed
disregarding the official speed limit.
2. Bad-roads: poor condition of road, either as a result, of not tarred or lack of proper
maintenance may lead to road accident. e. g. bumps, pot-hole and dangerous sport on the
3. Under-aged driver: Another cause of road accidents is the abuse of driving regulations by
children who are under-aged.
4. Ignorance: Some road users cannot read and interpret road signs either due to ignorance,
carelessness or inability to go to driving school. This is risky for other road users. Such
drivers are easily involved in road accidents.
5. Drunkenness: Accidents in most cases occur on our roads as a result of some drivers who
drink alcohol before embarking on trip. It is very dangerous to drinks before and when
(Any three correct answers@ 1 mark each=3marks

c. Safety measures at home: (3 marks)

1. The home and its surroundings should be kept clean always by sweeping the floor and clearing the

2. Keep all drugs and poisonous substances away from children.

3. Provide fire extinguishers at home.

4. Dangerous household utensils and tools should be kept out of the reach of children.

5. Switch off electric sockets while not in use and make sure electrical faults are handled by the experts.

6. Broken glasses, bottles and plastics should be carefully disposed by burying them.

7. The home should be well ventilated.

8. To prevent fire outbreak, the use of candle at home should be used with caution.

9. A generator should never be placed inside a house.

10. The drainage should be clean and unused water containers should be disposed off to avoid breeding of

11. A well-stocked first aid kit to deal with emergencies should be available.

12. Avoid playing with cooking gas.

(Any three correct answers@ 1 mark each=3marks)

Name: Idegwu Sheba Shalom.

Campus: Jalingo campus.
Phone number: 08100467879.

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