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AUGUST 12TH 2020.

1)The importance of value include all these
A. Helps in controlling our behaviour
B.Promoting good relationship
C.Promoting anti-social behaviours in youths
D. Helps us in resisting peer pressure among
2. An act of wholeheartedly focusing on an
activity until it is successfully done is called
A. Commitment
B. Discipline
C. Self-determination
D. Doggedness

3. A major consequence of dishonesty is

A. Dents on the nations image internationally
B. Economic progress due to increase in
money laundering
C. Increase in level of investment to the trade
with Nigeria

4.All these are attributes of cooperation except

A. Team spirit
B. Support
C. Caring
D. Dishonesty

5.All these will promote co-operation except:

A. Undefined goals
B. Understanding among the people
C. Rewarding an achiever
D. Clearly explaining the need for cooperation

6.Benefits of self-reliance to an individual are all

these except:
A. Ability to make abnormal to an individual
profit fraudulently
B. Privacy to business
C. Effective and efficient planning
D. Easy decision making

7.An advantage of self-reliance to a nation is that

A. Promotes economic growth
B. Retards economic progress
C. Nurtures social vice
D. reduces government revenue and income

8.All these may be experienced by an individual

who could not discover his talent except:
A. Frustration
B. Lack of progress
C. Poverty
D. High standard of living

9.When majority of a nation citizens depends on

government for employment, one of these may
likely happen;
A. High rate of unemployment
B. High rate of employment
C. High level of economic growth
D. High level of investment

10. A legal member of a country with full

constitutional rights is called;
A. An alien in a country
B. A foreigner in a country
C. A citizen of a country
D. A diplomat of a country

11. Which of these is not a major condition for

citizenship by naturalizationin Nigeria?
A. Living in Nigeria for at least 15 years
B. Willingness to stay in Nigeria
C. Readiness to join Nigerian Political party
D. Readiness to take oath of allegiance

12. Freedom of discrimination due to physical

and mental disability, gender, religion,race etc
is a
A. Civic right
B. Political right
C. Economic right
D. International right

13. Citizenship by registration is normally

handled in:
A. Ministry of Internal Affairs
B. Ministry of foreign affairs
C. Ministry of international affairs
D. Ministry of Immigration

14. A type of citizenship in which a foreigner is

made the citizen of a country without fulfilling
normal conditions for becoming the citizen of a
country is called;
A. Citizenship by naturalization
B. Citizenship by registration
C. Honorary citizenship
D. Diplomatic citizenship
15. An active citizen is known for all these
A. Paying Tax
B. Winning laurels for the country
C. Partially obeying traffic laws
D. Displaying high level of patriotism

16. Citizens that disobey laws of the country

can be described as:
A. Active citizens
B. Average citizens
C. Bad citizens
D. Passive citizens

17. Citizens that are not enthusiastic to achieve

anything for the country can be described as :
A. Patriotic citizen
B. Active citizens
C. Bad citizens
D. Passive citizens
18. A non-citizen of a country is called:
A. An Alien
B. Ambassador
C. A diplomat
D. A refugee

19. All these are bad citizens except:

A. Internet fraudsters
B. Advance fee fraudsters
C. Street urchins disturbing public peace
D. A man who refuses to join a political party

20. The qualities of a good citizen are all these

A. Respect for national symbols
B. Partial loyalty to his country
C. Patriotism to the nation
D. Obedience to the law of the land

21. All these are social obligations except:

A. Respect for traditional rulers
B. Maintenance of Public property
C. Respect for our parents
D. Voting during election

22. Failure to carry out our obligations may

result to:
A. Slow development of our society
B. Peaceful co-existence amongst citizens
C. Election of good leaders
D. Speedy economic and Political progress

23. Which of these is not a proper way of

treating the national flag?
A. Mutilation flags should be destroyed with
decorum and respect
B. Old and worn out flags should never be
C. No flags should be higher than it when it is
hung alongside with other flags
D. Old and worn out flags can be displayed
only in schools

24. The Nigerian Anthem written by Lilian

Williams had:
A. Two Stanzas
B. Three Stanzas
C. Four Stanzas
D. One Stanza

25. National Unity is important because :

A. It promotes political Stability
B. It retards economic growth
C. It fosters tribalism and Nepotism
D. It generates discord amongst citizens

26. All these will promote National unity

A. Religious Tolerance
B. Discrimination
C. Inter-marriage
D. Hospitality

27. Which of these is not a feature of

A. Existence of rule
B. Secret voting
C. Existence of only one political party
D. Free and fair elections

28. All these are merits are written constitution

A. It serves as a tool for resolving conflicts
among the organs of Government
B. It can be used as a National symbol
C. It is easy to amend
D. It is used in protecting minority interest

29. The demerits of a rigid constitution is that:

A. It is an easy process for amendment
B. It is too cumbersome to amend
C. It is too easy to interpret
D. It can’t be easily manipulated by Politicians

30. Which of these is not good for

A. Flexible constitution
B.Rigid constitution
C.Unwritten constitution
D. Confederal constitution

31. A constitution which is not easily

amendable is called:
A. A Flexible constitution
B. An unwritten constitution
C. A rigid constitution
D. A confederal constitution

32. NAPEP was established to:

A. Alleviate poverty
B. Eradicate poverty
C. Give opportunity for the poor to enjoy
government money
D. Distribute money to the poor

33. Which of these constitutions may not be

suitable for a multi-ethnic nation?
A. Rigid constitution
B.Federal constitution
C.Confederal constitution
D. Unitary constitution
34. All of these are major consequences of
human rights abuse except:
A. Refusal of citizen to cooperate with leaders
B. Violent protest by citizens
C. Increase in lawyers income due to increase
in cases of human rights abuse
D. Political and economic backwardness
35. Which of these will not help in preventing
human rights abuse?
A. Education citizens about their rights
B. Applying jungle justice
C. Punishing human rights offenders
D. Increase literacy level
36. A feeling of being satisfied with one’s
present possessions or status while working
towards a better future is
A. Satisfaction
B. Contentment
C. Status satisfaction
D. Status complacency
37. All these are problems of population census
in Nigeria except:
A. Inadequate skilled demographers
B. Lack of enumerators
C. Superstitions
D. Inadequate planning
38. Which of these is not a organization in
B.Nigerian Immigration Service
C.The Nigerian Air Force
D. The Nigerian Customs Service
39. All of these are from North-West Geo-
political zone in Nigeria except:
A. Adamawa State
B.Jigawa State
C.Kaduna State
D. Kastina State
40. Which of these states is not from South-
East Geo-political zone in Nigeria?
A. Abia
D. Ebonyi
41. Under which of the following can education
be classified in Nigerian 1999 constitution?
A. Exclusive list
B.Residual list
C.Concurrent list
D. Executive list
42. All these are Geo-political zones in Nigeria
A. North Central
B.South West
D. North-North
43. Kwara State is grouped under
A. South West Geo-political zone
B.North Central Geo-political zone
C.North East Geo-political zone
D. South-East Geo political zone
44. All these States are from South-South Geo-
political zone except:
A. Abia State
B.Bayelsa State
C.Edo State
D. Delta State
45. Which of these is not on the exclusive list
under Nigeria 1999 constitution?
A. Foreign Affairs
B.Immigration and Emigration
D. Information
46. Nigeria is divided into:
A. 36 Geo-political zone
B.18 Geo-political zone
C.6 Geo-political zone
D. 7 Geo-political zone
47. The three tiers of Government in Nigeria
A. Regional, Federal and Councils
B.Federal, State and Local Governments
C.Central, Regional and Local Governments
D. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
48. Which of these has exclusive power in
Nigerian constitution?
A. State council
B.State Government
C.Federal council
D. Federal Government
49. A good leader does all these except:
A. Directing people
B.Controlling his follower
C.Encouraging his followers to disobey the law
D. Leads by his life style

50. A person who accepts the authority of a

leader can be described as:
A. A follower
B.A civil servant
C.A public servant
D. A messenger

51. Leadership based on people’s customs and

beliefs is known as -------
A. Traditional leadership.
B.Spiritual leadership.
C.Local leadership.
D. Customary leadership.
52. The vice chancellor of a university is a good
example of -----
A. Legality leadership.
B.School leadership.
C.Institutional leadership.
D. School leadership.
53. A leadership based on outstanding personal
qualities of an individual is known as -----
A. Traditional leadership.
B.Personal leadership.
C.Institutional leadership.
D. Charismatic leadership.
54. Which of these leaders cannot be classified
under leadership by legality?
A. The president.
C.A local government chairman.
D. The senate president.
55. Bad leadership and followership may lead
to all these except --------
A. Corruption and indiscipline.
B. Economic hardship.
C.Smooth running of the society.
D. Failure of government programmes.
56. Good followers have all these qualities
except ------
A. Respect for leadership.
B. Partial commitment to the nation.
C. Loyalty to the nation.
D. Obedience to leadership.
57. A peaceful relationship between leadership
and followership may lead to -------
A. Economic hardship.
B. Incessant friction in the society.
C.Breakdown of law and order.
D. Tranquility and progress.
58. Which of these is not involved in
A. Love.
D. Crave for personal gain.
59. Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe was ------
A. The first prime minister of Nigeria.
B.The first president of Nigeria.
C.The first Executive president of Nigeria.
D. The father of nationalism in Nigeria.
60. A set of rules and regulations through which
a society is governed to ensure peace and
orderliness is called ------
A. Law.
B. Constitution.
C. Document.
D. Policy.



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