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Ss 2 Civic Education Cat1 2021

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The inalienable rights of citizens can be

guarantee through? _______
(A) an unwritten constitution
DEEPER LIFE HIGH SCHOOL (B)parliamentary system of government
(C) unitary system of government (D) an
independent judiciary.
10. A major feature of representative
Instruction: Answer all questions in section A and B.
democracy is (A) free and fair election (B)
SECTION A (Objective Test: Choose the option
absolute application of law (C) civil liberty
from a – d)
groups (D) enlightened electorate.
1. Human rights are basic natural rights which 11. In a democracy, official opposition is
people enjoy primarily because they are allowed to (A)bring down the government
(A) members of a political party (B) pave way for military intervention
(B)international citizens (C) members of a (C) make government accountable
community D) human beings. (D) encourage crises in the state.
2. The division of Nigeria into various 12. The active involvement of people in the
constituencies with each electing a person to decision-making process in a state indicates
represent it in the national assembly is a political. (A) indoctrination
demonstration of? (B) participation (C) struggle (D) apathy
(A)checks and balances (B)popular 13. Which of the following is the best way
participation (C) political rivalry among the through which citizens can participate in the
constituents (D)drive towards succession politics of the country?
3. Universal declaration of human rights (A) acquisition of degree in political
(UDHR) is based on the resolution of the science(B) standing for elective positions
(A)Human Rights Watch (B) United (C) learning the art and science of political
Nations Organization (C) Amnesty sagacity (D) undergoing mentor-ship under
International (D) League Of Nations prominent political leaders
4. One of the factors can limit the enjoyment 14. The chapter IV of the 1999 constitution is
of human rights in Nigeria is the _______ about?
(A) acceptance of foreign aid by the (A) composition of the national assembly
government B) improvement in literacy rate (B) fundamental human rights
of citizens (C) declaration of state of (C) procedures for the impeachment of the
emergency by government (D) periodic president (D) information of quorum in the
review of the constitution by the senate
government. 15. Which of the following may prevent a
5. In which year did the United Nations citizen from voting in a general election?
General assembly adopt the universal (A) lack of stable income (B) high cost of
declaration of human rights (A) 1945 living (C) non registration (D) political
(B) 1946 (C) 1947 (D)1948 neutrality
6. Which of the following is not a form of 16. Period of ____ is usually a period of
political participation national chaos and intractable crises
(A)taking part in voters registration exercise (A) Peace (B) Emergency (C) Population
(B) voting during election (C) joining census (D) General elections
political party (D) ballot box stuffing 17. the significance of popular participation
7. One of the reasons leaders fail to protect the include the following except
interest of their followers is? _______ (A) Training of prospective political leaders
(A) selfishness (B) inadequate finance (B) Correction of past governmental
(C)ignorance (D)rigid policies mistakes (C) An avenue of patriotic
8. Human rights can be best promoted if? expression (D) Increased political
(A) jungle justice is discouraged (B) instability.
relevant knowledge and information are 18. In popular participation, universal adult
acquired (C) political elites exercises suffrage grants adult citizens ___ franchise
discretionary powers (D) there is existing (A)Unrestricted (B) Restricted (C) Limited
constitution (D) Global

19. Civil society are vital for the promotion of 1a. What is Human Right? (2 marks)
popular participation because they are
1b. Discuss three things that happen during period
(A) profit oriented organizations
of emergency. (3 marks)
(B) engaged in developmental programmes
2a. Define the term ‘popular participation.
(C) involving in political education
(D) formidable opposition to government
2b. Explain three reasons why people do not
20. Popular participation can equally be called
participate in politics (3marks)
(A) Elite politics (B) Noble party
(C) wealth involvement in politics (D) Mass
participation in politics

1. D 2. B 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.A
11.C 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.D

1a. What is Human Right? (2marks)

Human rights are rights human being posses irrespective of their sex, religion, origin, race and colour,
which the government has the responsibility to protect. Or Human rights are those rights which every
civilized society must accept as belonging to each person as human being

1b. Discuss three things that happen during period of emergency. (3marks)
The following are some of the things that happen during the period of emergency:
1. Limitation of Movement: Citizens of such environment are advised to stay indoors thereby restricting
their movement and this action cannot be challenged in a law court.
2. Imposition of curfew: A dusk to dawn curfew may be imposed and people’s movement is restricted
even in the night.
3. Suspension of Legislation: The legislative arm of government is usually the first victim of emergency
rule. The act of law making is suspended and the law makers are immediately sacked and authoritarian
rule takes over. The Governor also is appointed to take over the administration of that state.
4. Suspension of Freedom of Assembly: During emergency period, the right of assembly of the people is
taken away. The gathering of people especially for political reasons is termed unlawful and could be
jailed for so doing. Cases of such occurred during the military era.
5. Loss of Freedom of Expression: During emergency rule, people are too afraid to express their opinion
because those who dare to do so undergo serious harassment, torture, jailed or even killed. The media
are usually targets and victims.
6. Breakdown of law and Order: During periods of emergency, some people may be unfortunate. They
may lose their lives or properties or even both.
7. Indefinite closure of some public Institutions: In emergency, some institutions may be forced to close
down due to fear of uncertainty, institutions such as Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Worship
centers, Airports, etc.
8. Criminal Activities: During emergency periods, some individuals or organized group may resort to
committing all sorts of crimes such as looting, rape, arson-burning of people’s houses, or worship
places, blocking roads and burning tyres on major roads and streets, etc.
9. Displacement of Persons: During periods of emergency, people because of fear of losing their lives
run from their homes and become refugees. This is usually the case during wars, communal
clashes/crisis, fire disaster, flooding earthquake, etc.
10. Outbreak of Diseases: Prolonged period of emergency may lead to shortage of food at refugee camps,
outbreak of diseases such as cholera, kwasakor resulting from overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions

11. Disruption of Economic and Social Activities: During emergency period, people find it difficult to
carry out their duties. Businesses are suspended due to fear. This also slows down progress and
development of the society.
12. Fettered Judiciary: The judges may at such times be forced to give judgments that suit the authority
during emergency rule

2a. Define the term ‘popular participation. (2marks)

Popular participation means the active involvements of citizens in matter of political social and cultural
activities in their country or It is a process where citizens on their own involve themselves in direct or
indirect decisions making that affect their social, economic and political welfare.
2b Explain three reasons why people do not participate in politics (3marks)
Reasons why people do not participate in politics are:
1. Educational attainment: We have minimum qualification for any post into which people might want
to contest, therefore, an illiterate may not be able to contest for such elective position.
2. Lack of enlightenment: The citizens are not properly enlightened to know the need for them to
participate fully in the governance of their country. Some do not know when elections are held even
when it is announced in the air and television. They do not know the names of the political parties
formed and which to join.
3. Financial constraint is also a factor – some citizens cannot afford to feed their families. Full political
participation requires money to register, organize political rallies and other things. Since they do not
have money they will not participate.
4. Some religion organization do not allow their members to be involved in politics especially women.
5. Some places, culture forbid them from participating in politics.
6. It may be due to the attitude of the government towards the citizens when the citizens are not
catered for in any way

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