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  • 'I Could Stand In The Middle Of The South Lawn And Shoot Holes In The People's House'
    The 2020 Republican National Convention ended the way the 2016 RNC did, with a lawless criminal being nominated the party's presidential candidate while in the process of breaking the law.
  • The Mother Of All Tuckers: How Shocked Are We That The Fox News Host Defends Armed Vigilantism?
    The incident comes a year after a push to boycott and fire Carlson, following his August 2019 commentary that White Supremacy is a "hoax," so I have to ask -- what is the incendiary line Fox News won't let its hosts step over?
  • The Irony Throne: First Lady Uses Rose Garden To Troll All Former First Ladies, The Media Too
    Day Two featured the First Lady's attack on the media for ignoring the opioid drug crisis, a day after the RNC opened with gossip about members of the First Family delivering their speeches under the influence of drugs. In fairness, cocaine is not an opioid.
  • American Carnies: Why The RNC's Running Joke Rhymes With #Coke
    "If you really want to drive them crazy, say 12 more years," was how the Republican nominee for President opened his convention Monday. Because that's what a President should want: to drive Americans crazy.
  • The Answer Is Yes, It's Supposed To Be A Bad Thing
    People may debate whether he's serious or just trolling us, but the crazy things the President says are just part of his methodology. Like other con men, he uses double talk to confuse, distract and misdirect us. Unlike other con men who are trying to part us from our money, this one is trying to part us from our democracy. He's succeeding.
  • In Joe We Trust: The Other Guy, Not So Much
    Three months after benchmarking the trust Americans imbue in Joe Biden's presidential brand, the Democratic contender's trust rating has moved up six percentage points, with nearly half of American voters indicating they have confidence in him. That's the finding of the latest edition of Brand Keys Media Trust Tracker, reflecting the views of American voters as of August. While his opponent, the incumbent President, also moved up seven percentage points, he is still mired at less than a fifth of American voters trusting him.
  • When Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them The First Time: #IIWII
    With less than 89 days until America gets to answer that question, lets all spread the new campaign hashtag -- #IIWII -- as much as we can to remind America what "it" truly is.
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