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Showing latest 50 of 141 images tagged with Seasonal Comparison tag.

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J3067 : The River Lagan from the Drum Bridge (1) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan from the Drum Bridge (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
Category: River
The Lagan, looking downstream, from the Drum Bridge. For a seasonal comparison... (more)
J3773 : The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - July 2015 (2) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - July 2015 (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
The view towards the Beersbridge Road and Holywood Arches from the North Road... (more)
J3773 : The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - July 2015 (1) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - July 2015 (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
The view towards Knock and Dundonald from the North Road bridge. For a... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (March 2015) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (March 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
See J3470 : The lowered Lagan, Belfast - February 2015(1). For comparison, the River Lagan, immediately upstream of the... (more)
J3773 : Spring on the Comber Greenway, Belfast  2011 (1) by Albert Bridge Spring on the Comber Greenway, Belfast 2011 (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
Category: Path
See J3773 : Spring on the Comber Greenway, Belfast. The view from the North Road bridge, towards Dundonald, as... (more)
J3773 : Old County Down railway, Belfast by Albert Bridge Old County Down railway, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
Category: Path
See J3773 : Old railway bridge, Belfast. The old railway seen from the North Road bridge. The view is... (more)
J4078 : Autumn leaves, Glenlyon, Holywood (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Autumn leaves, Glenlyon, Holywood (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J4078
The recent bouts of high wind and heavy rain seem to have brought the autumn... (more)
J3773 : Spring, Comber Greenway, Belfast (April 2014) by Albert Bridge Spring, Comber Greenway, Belfast (April 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
Plenty of frothy greenery on display, on the Knock side of the North Road... (more)
J3167 : The Edenderry Road, Edenderry, Belfast by Albert Bridge The Edenderry Road, Edenderry, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3167
Category: Road
See J3167 : Edenderry village near Belfast. The view, in the opposite direction, of the narrow Edenderry... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   Edenderry (Belfast)X   RoadX   subject:RoadX   Seasonal Comparison   season:SpringX  
J3774 : Autumn trees, Ballyhackamore, Belfast (October 2015) by Albert Bridge Autumn trees, Ballyhackamore, Belfast (October 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3774
Autumn colours at Eastleigh Drive. The council sweepers have been kept busy... (more)
J3775 : Snow-covered gardens, Belfast by Albert Bridge Snow-covered gardens, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3775
Category: Snowscene
Gardens on the Holywood Road, near the south western end of the Circular Road,... (more)
J4569 : The Enler River, Comber (2) by Albert Bridge The Enler River, Comber (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4569
Category: River
The Enler River, upstream of this bridge J4669 : Footbridge, Comber (3), at close to the limit of... (more)
J3269 : The River Lagan, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (December 2018) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (December 2018) by Albert Bridge
for square J3269
The weir immediately downstream from Shaw’s Bridge. The Lagan is high after a... (more)
J1860 : The River Lagan, Spencer's Bridge, near Moira - July 2018(1) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Spencer's Bridge, near Moira - July 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1860
The River Lagan, looking downstream, from Spencer’s Bridge on the Lany Road,... (more)
J1659 : The River Lagan at the Newmill Bridge, Moira - July 2018(1) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan at the Newmill Bridge, Moira - July 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1659
The River Lagan, looking downstream, from the Newmill Bridge on the Clarehill... (more)
J4075 : Parliament Buildings, Stormont, Belfast (September 2015) by Albert Bridge Parliament Buildings, Stormont, Belfast (September 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J4075
The Portland stone of Parliament Buildings, Stormont, reflecting the sun on a... (more)
J3268 : The confluence of the Lagan and Minnowburn, Belfast - February 2014 by Albert Bridge The confluence of the Lagan and Minnowburn, Belfast - February 2014 by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3268
The confluence of the Lagan and the Minnowburn, hidden by flooding after the... (more)
J1860 : The River Lagan, Spencer's Bridge near Moira (1) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Spencer's Bridge near Moira (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1860
Although lower than seven days ago J1860 : Flooding, Spencer's Bridge near Moira (2012-2), the Lagan remains high after... (more)
J4569 : The Enler River, Comber (3) by Albert Bridge The Enler River, Comber (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4569
The Enler, looking very muddy, after some persistent rain. The view is just... (more)
J3268 : The Edenderry Road near Edenderry, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge The Edenderry Road near Edenderry, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3268
The view towards Edenderry, from near Freddy’s Steps, with the very first of... (more)
J3775 : Flats, Holywood Road, Belfast (July 2011) by Albert Bridge Flats, Holywood Road, Belfast (July 2011) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3775
Rowans, producing berries, in the gardens on the Holywood Road, near the south... (more)
J3067 : Footbridge near Drumbeg (4) by Albert Bridge Footbridge near Drumbeg (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
The same footbridge, from the eastern side, surrounded by summer growth. Taken... (more)
J2865 : The Lagan canal at Hilden (2) by Albert Bridge The Lagan canal at Hilden (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
The disused Lagan canal at the Bridge Street/Hilden Road bridge. A seasonal... (more)
J1659 : Floods near Moira (1) by Albert Bridge Floods near Moira (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J1659
Category: Floods
See J1659 : The River Lagan near Moira. The heavy rain on 5/6 September caused the Lagan to break its... (more)
J3773 : Autumn, Comber Greenway, Belfast (2013) by Albert Bridge Autumn, Comber Greenway, Belfast (2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
See J3773 : Autumn, Comber Greenway, Belfast (2012) (October 2012). Slightly later in the season, the autumn view... (more)
J2968 : The M1, Dunmurry (2013-1) by Albert Bridge The M1, Dunmurry (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2968
A high-summer view, from this bridge J2968 : Motorway bridge, Dunmurry (2) at Dunmurry Lane, towards... (more)
J4582 : Ballygrot rath near Helen's Bay (4) by Albert Bridge Ballygrot rath near Helen's Bay (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4582
See J4582 : Ballygrot rath near Helen's Bay (3). For comparison, a view close to Midsummer’s Day with the trees... (more)
J3269 : The low Lagan, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge The low Lagan, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3269
Category: Boathouse
See J3269 : The low Lagan, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (3). The boathouse makes an interesting comparison, in the water... (more)
J3067 : The low Lagan near Dunmurry (2) by Albert Bridge The low Lagan near Dunmurry (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
Category: River
See J3067 : The low Lagan near Dunmurry (1). This mound, covered by grass, south of Dixon Park and... (more)
J2766 : The River Lagan at Lambeg by Albert Bridge The River Lagan at Lambeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2766
Category: River
The view upstream from the footbridge J2766 : Footbridge, Lambeg towards the weir. For a... (more)
J4682 : The Crawfordsburn, Crawfordsburn Country Park by Albert Bridge The Crawfordsburn, Crawfordsburn Country Park by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4682
Category: River
The view upstream of the Crawfordsburn upstream of J4682 : Path and river, Crawfordsburn and close to the... (more)
J3269 : Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (December 2018) by Albert Bridge Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (December 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3269
The Lagan, at Shaw’s Bridge, flowing from left to right, after a week of almost... (more)
J2890 : The Sixmilewater, Ballyclare (July 2018) by Albert Bridge The Sixmilewater, Ballyclare (July 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2890
The Sixmilewater, looking upstream from the footbridge in the Sixmilewater Park.... (more)
J2766 : The River Lagan, Lambeg (July 2018) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Lambeg (July 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2766
This was supposed to be a shot of the low Lagan and the effects of the... (more)
J3269 : The River Lagan, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - July 2018(3) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - July 2018(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3269
The weir and fish pass (hidden), a short distance downstream from the bridges,... (more)
J3067 : The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge, Dunmurry - June 2018(3) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge, Dunmurry - June 2018(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
The Lagan, looking downstream from the Drum Bridge. The trees have grown... (more)
J3269 : Malone House, Belfast (winter view) (February 2015) by Albert Bridge Malone House, Belfast (winter view) (February 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3269
Malone House... (more)
J3269 : Boathouse, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Boathouse, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3269
The boathouse, on the upstream side of Shaw’s Bridge, inundated by the high... (more)
J5082 : Hurricane Gonzalo, Bangor - October 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Hurricane Gonzalo, Bangor - October 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J5082
See J5082 : Hurricane Gonzalo, Bangor - October 2014(1). The same wave, a few seconds later, as it drains off the... (more)
J2969 : Train, Dunmurry station (2013-1) by Albert Bridge Train, Dunmurry station (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2969
A high-summer view for comparison with this snow scene J2969 : Train, Dunmurry station (3) in December... (more)
J3473 : Winter morning, River Lagan, Belfast by Albert Bridge Winter morning, River Lagan, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3473
February has been wet, dull and generally miserable. Today was bright and mild.... (more)
J3267 : The Eel Weir near Edenderry, Belfast (2013-1) by Albert Bridge The Eel Weir near Edenderry, Belfast (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3267
The Eel weir showing the effect of the recent heavy rain and melted snow. The... (more)
J3268 : The Giant's Ring Road, Belfast (11) by Albert Bridge The Giant's Ring Road, Belfast (11) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3268
An autumn view along the Giant’s Ring Road, from opposite the Sandpit Field... (more)
J3773 : Autumn, Comber Greenway, Belfast (2012) by Albert Bridge Autumn, Comber Greenway, Belfast (2012) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
A mid-autumn scene on the Comber Greenway makes an interesting comparison with... (more)
J3167 : The Edenderry Road, Edenderry (October 2018) by Albert Bridge The Edenderry Road, Edenderry (October 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3167
See J3167 : The Edenderry Road, Edenderry, Belfast (May 2009). The same view as the autumn colours start to appear.
J3875 : Blackberries, Belfast (July 2017) by Albert Bridge Blackberries, Belfast (July 2017) by Albert Bridge
for square J3875
See J3875 : Blackberries, Belfast (August 2015). Much earlier in the season, at the same place. Three... (more)
J3875 : Spring on the Cairnburn Road, Belfast (May 2016) by Albert Bridge Spring on the Cairnburn Road, Belfast (May 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3875
Lush spring greens and pink flowering cherries, at the Circular Road end of the... (more)
Tags: top:Air, Sky, WeatherX   place:BelfastX   subject:RoadX   top:Roads, Road TransportX   Seasonal Comparison   season:SpringX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
J3875 : Autumn trees, Cairnburn Road, Belfast (October 2015) by Albert Bridge Autumn trees, Cairnburn Road, Belfast (October 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3875
Some mixed and vivid autumn colours on display towards the Circular Road end of... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
See J3470 : The River Lagan near the Stranmillis Weir, Belfast (March 2015). Six weeks later and colour has returned to the banks of the... (more)
SK2727 : Egginton Brook in winter by Ian Calderwood Egginton Brook in winter by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK2727
Tags: BrookX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   Seasonal Comparison   subject:StreamX   season:WinterX  
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