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Showing latest 50 of 148 images tagged with Comber Greenway tag.

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J4470 : The start of the Comber Greenway, Comber by Albert Bridge The start of the Comber Greenway, Comber by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4470
The start of the Comber Greenway close to J4570 : The Belfast Road, Comber. It runs to here... (more)
J4470 : The Comber Greenway by Rossographer The Comber Greenway by Rossographer
geograph for square J4470
The Comber Greenway approaching Comber. The end of the path is a few hundred... (more)
J4073 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald by Rossographer The Comber Greenway, Dundonald by Rossographer
geograph for square J4073
The Comber Greenway at Dundonald. Here, the path also enters Lisburn &... (more)
J3773 : The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
See J3773 : Spring on the Comber Greenway, Belfast 2011 (1). The widened Comber Greenway looking towards Dundonald. “Work... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   Comber Greenway   top:Construction, DevelopmentX   type:GeographX   PathX   subject:PathX   top:PathsX  
J4173 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (5) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4173
The Comber Greenway (the course of the old railway) crossing the Eastlink Road.... (more)
J4273 : Dundonald railway station (site of) (1) by Albert Bridge Dundonald railway station (site of) (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4273
Dundonald station was on an embankment at the apex of the Old Dundonald Road... (more)
J4471 : Footbridge, Comber Greenway (3) by Albert Bridge Footbridge, Comber Greenway (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4471
This footbridge J4471 : The Comber Greenway (12) carrying the Comber Greenway (formerly the Belfast... (more)
J4371 : Footbridge, Comber Greenway near Dundonald (January 2015) by Albert Bridge Footbridge, Comber Greenway near Dundonald (January 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4371
This footbridge J4371 : Footbridge, Comber Greenway (2), carrying the Comber Greenway across the Enler... (more)
J4273 : Comber Greenway cycle route signs, Dundonald (October 2014) by Albert Bridge Comber Greenway cycle route signs, Dundonald (October 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J4273
Comber Greenway cycle route signs, on the Comber Road, close to the... (more)
J3973 : The Comber Greenway, Belfast (8) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Belfast (8) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3973
A stretch of the Comber Greenway (formerly the Belfast and County Down railway –... (more)
J4372 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (August 2014) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4372
The Comber Greenway lined with rosebay willowherb, looking towards Dundonald,... (more)
J4073 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (4) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4073
The Comber Greenway (built on the course the old railway line), looking towards... (more)
J4173 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (3) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4173
The Comber Greenway (built on the course the old railway line), looking towards... (more)
J4273 : Dundonald railway station (site of) (2) by Albert Bridge Dundonald railway station (site of) (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4273
See J4273 : Dundonald railway station (site of) (1). The site of the station is marked by the trees but the “old... (more)
J4471 : New footbridge, Comber Greenway (2) by Albert Bridge New footbridge, Comber Greenway (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J4471
See J4471 : New footbridge, Comber Greenway (1). The bridge, seen from the end of the Greenway, at the... (more)
J4471 : New footbridge, Comber Greenway (1) by Albert Bridge New footbridge, Comber Greenway (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4471
See J4471 : Footbridge site, Comber Greenway (2). The footbridge has now been erected across the Ballyrainey... (more)
J3773 : The Comber Greenway, Belfast (7) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Belfast (7) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
A part of the Comber Greenway, on the other side of the North Road bridge from... (more)
J3673 : Old rail (?), Comber Greenway, Belfast (August 2017) by Albert Bridge Old rail (?), Comber Greenway, Belfast (August 2017) by Albert Bridge
for square J3673
At first glance this looks like a piece of old bullhead rail at the Beersbridge... (more)
Tags: Beersbridge Road (Belfast)X   place:BelfastX   type:Close LookX   Comber Greenway   Old Railway Line PathX   PathX   subject:PathX   top:PathsX   RailX   former:RailwayX   top:RailwaysX  
J4272 : The Comber Greenway, Millmount Village, Dundonald (August 2015) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Millmount Village, Dundonald (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4272
A side entrance, close to here J4272 : The Enler bridge, Millmount, Dundonald (August 2015), connecting the Comber Greenway to... (more)
Tags: Comber Greenway   place:Dundonald (Co Down)X   subject:PathX   PathX   top:PathsX  
J4371 : Old rail, Dundonald/Comber (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Old rail, Dundonald/Comber (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J4371
64 years after the Belfast Comber/Donaghadee/Newcastle line closed, this old... (more)
J4173 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (8) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (8) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4173
The Greenway, although built of the course of the old railway, does not quite... (more)
J4470 : Gates, Comber Greenway, Comber by Albert Bridge Gates, Comber Greenway, Comber by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4470
See J4470 : Gates and lane near Comber (October 2010). The same gates in their setting beside the... (more)
J4470 : Bicycle counter, Comber Greenway, Comber by Albert Bridge Bicycle counter, Comber Greenway, Comber by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4470
A bicycle counter, near the start of the Greenway, close to the Belfast Road.
J4471 : Footbridge site, Comber Greenway (1) by Albert Bridge Footbridge site, Comber Greenway (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4471
There are several footbridges allowing Comber Greenway J4470 : The Comber Greenway (7) to cross farm... (more)
J4470 : Lane and gate near Comber - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Lane and gate near Comber - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4470
A lane, leading from the Belfast Road (behind me), to fields on the north... (more)
J4371 : Red admiral and buddleia, Comber Greenway (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Red admiral and buddleia, Comber Greenway (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J4371
A red admiral butterfly... (more)
Tags: plant:BuddleiaX   subject:ButterflyX   ButterflyX   place:ComberX   Comber Greenway   place:Dundonald (Co Down)X   top:PathsX   butterfly:Red AdmiralX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
J4371 : Spring verge, Comber Greenway (May 2014) by Albert Bridge Spring verge, Comber Greenway (May 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4371
Part of the Greenway, on the Comber side of the Millmount Road, was cut. Most... (more)
J4371 : Prickly sow-thistle, Comber Greenway by Albert Bridge Prickly sow-thistle, Comber Greenway by Albert Bridge
for square J4371
This link LinkExternal link shows that... (more)
J4371 : Clover, Comber Greenway - May 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Clover, Comber Greenway - May 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J4371
Part of a profuse display of clover, along the Greenway, on the Comber side of... (more)
J4372 : "Farm traffic" sign, Comber Greenway by Albert Bridge "Farm traffic" sign, Comber Greenway by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4372
A sign (quite unusual) warning pedestrians and cyclists about agricultural... (more)
J4272 : The Comber Greenway (temporary line), Dundonald (March 2014) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway (temporary line), Dundonald (March 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4272
The Comber Greenway, during a temporary re-alignment, as it crosses the... (more)
J4173 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (7) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (7) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4173
Much of the Greenway between the Eastlink Road and the Beersbridge Road is in... (more)
J4569 : Cafe, Comber by Rossographer Cafe, Comber by Rossographer
geograph for square J4569
'Trait' on Castle Street, Comber. Formerly a boot and shoe repair shop... (more)
Tags: top:Business, Retail, ServicesX   building type:CafeX   CafeX   subject:CafeX   Castle StreetX   top:City, Town CentreX   place:ComberX   ComberX   Comber Greenway   type:GeographX  
J4471 : Old railway bridge near Comber (3) by Albert Bridge Old railway bridge near Comber (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4471
The partly-altered remains of a bridge which carried the Belfast and County Down... (more)
J4173 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (2) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, Dundonald (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4173
Category: Path
See J4273 : The Comber Greenway, Dundonald. The Comber Greenway as it crosses Grand Prix Park J4173 : Grand Prix Park sign, Dundonald.
Tags: Comber Greenway  
J4371 : The Enler River near Dundonald by Albert Bridge The Enler River near Dundonald by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4371
Category: River
The Enler River (looking upstream towards Dundonald) seen from the footbridge on... (more)
J3773 : The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
The Comber Greenway, looking towards the Beersbridge Road, from the North Road... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   Comber Greenway   type:GeographX   Old Railway Line PathX   PathX   top:PathsX  
J3773 : The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge The Comber Greenway, North Road, Belfast - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
The Comber Greenway, looking towards Knock and Dundonald, from the North Road... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   Comber Greenway   type:GeographX   Old Railway Line PathX   PathX   subject:PathX   top:PathsX  
J3673 : Autumn leaves, Comber Greenway, Belfast - November 2015(3) by Albert Bridge Autumn leaves, Comber Greenway, Belfast - November 2015(3) by Albert Bridge
for square J3673
Fallen autumn leaves at the Beersbridge Road end of the Comber Greenway.
Tags: season:AutumnX   Autumn ColourX   Autumn LeavesX   place:BelfastX   Comber Greenway   PathX   top:PathsX  
J3673 : Autumn leaves, Comber Greenway, Belfast - November 2015(2) by Albert Bridge Autumn leaves, Comber Greenway, Belfast - November 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3673
Fallen autumn leaves towards the Beersbridge Road end of the Comber Greenway.
Tags: season:AutumnX   Autumn ColourX   Autumn LeavesX   place:BelfastX   Comber Greenway   PathX   top:PathsX  
J3773 : Autumn leaves, Comber Greenway, Belfast - November 2015(1) by Albert Bridge Autumn leaves, Comber Greenway, Belfast - November 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3773
The Comber Greenway between the Beersbridge Road (behind me) and the North Road.... (more)
J4371 : Spider's web, Comber Greenway (October 2015) by Albert Bridge Spider's web, Comber Greenway (October 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J4371
A spider’s web, made conspicuous by dew drops, on a whin bush beside the Comber Greenway.
J4372 : Elderberries, Comber Greenway - October 2015(2) by Albert Bridge Elderberries, Comber Greenway - October 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J4372
A magnificent display of fully ripened elderberries growing beside the Comber... (more)
J4372 : Elderberries, Comber Greenway - October 2015(1) by Albert Bridge Elderberries, Comber Greenway - October 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J4372
Elderberries, at many stages of ripeness, growing beside the Comber Greenway.
J4372 : Blackberries, Comber Greenway - October 2015(2) by Albert Bridge Blackberries, Comber Greenway - October 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J4372
Red and ripe black blackberries growing along the Comber Greenway close to the... (more)
J4372 : Blackberries, Comber Greenway - October 2015(1) by Albert Bridge Blackberries, Comber Greenway - October 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J4372
Mainly red blackberries growing along the Comber Greenway close to the Billy... (more)
J4173 : Teasel flower, Comber Greenway, Dundonald - August 2015 (1) by Albert Bridge Teasel flower, Comber Greenway, Dundonald - August 2015 (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J4173
Teasel coming into flower beside the Comber Greenway. See also J4173 : Teasel flower, Comber Greenway, Dundonald - August 2015 (2).
J4173 : Burnet moth, Comber Greenway, Dundonald (August 2015) by Albert Bridge Burnet moth, Comber Greenway, Dundonald (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J4173
A six-spot burnet moth... (more)
J4272 : Thistle, Comber Greenway, Dundonald (August 2015) by Albert Bridge Thistle, Comber Greenway, Dundonald (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J4272
A thistle, at the height of flowering, growing along the Comber Greenway, beside... (more)
J4272 : Robin-run-the-hedge, Comber Greenway, Dundonald (August 2015) by Albert Bridge Robin-run-the-hedge, Comber Greenway, Dundonald (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J4272
Robin-run-the-hedge (sometimes “cleavers”)... (more)
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