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This article comparatively studies non-traditional trade marks that have recently gained popularity in the European Union (EU) and Japan. Businesses invest in sensory marketing strategies to build a long-lasting and unforgettable... more
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      TrademarksSoundEuropean UnionJapan
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      Intellectual PropertyResearch MethodologyIntellectual Property LawIntellectual Property Rights
In this Essay, I sketch out some First Amendment and Due Process issues that arise from recent efforts by the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) to revise U.S. copyright law. My focus will be on the WIPO Treaty on... more
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      Performing ArtsIntellectual PropertyPerformance StudiesFirst Amendment Law (USA)
O livro, como se depreende da análise do organograma acima, apresenta uma análise ampla das corte e tribunais internacionais. Inicialmente, faz-se uma análise histórica dos meios de solução de controvérsias, retomando as Convenções de... more
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      International LawLaw of the SeaWTO Dispute SettlementWIPO
The principle of Access to Knowledge (A2K) has become a common reference point for a diverse set of agendas that all hope to realize technological and human potential by making knowledge more accessible. This book is a history of... more
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      CommunicationIntellectual PropertyDevelopment StudiesLibrary Science
With the support of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, this event was carried out within the scope of the project titled “The Research on Performing Artists in Turkey and the Effects of the WIPO Beijing Treaty on the... more
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      CopyrightCopyright (Law)WIPOCopyright Law
Özet: Coğrafi İşaretler, bir veya birkaç yönüyle kendine has özellikleri sayesinde benzerlerinden ayrılan Türk Patent Enstitüsü tarafından tescillenmiş ürünlerdir. Bu ürünler ya tamamiyle belli bir coğrafi alana ya da ürünü oluşturan... more
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      GeographyEconomic GeographyWIPOGeographical Indications
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      LawIslamic LawConstitutional LawInternational Economics
El trabajo forma parte de un estudio más amplio llevado adelante por el Comité de Desarrollo de la OMPI, que puede consultarse aquí: y aquí... more
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      MetadataCopyrightDigital WatermarkingMovies
Traditional knowledge (TK) is the intellectual inventiveness, innovations, and practices of indigenous populations and local communities over generations of living through cultural emanation. The very existence of this knowledge is under... more
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      BioengineeringIntellectual PropertyBiotechnologyIntellectual Property Law
This chapter deals with the international protection and promotion of indigenous traditional knowledge (TK) associated with agriculture, with a special focus on biodiversity-related knowledge. Interest in this knowledge has intensified... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeIntangible cultural heritageRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples Rights
National and regional legal and regulatory frameworks have been put in place to implement provisions of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge and benefit sharing from... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsCultural LandscapesIntellectual Property Law
""This paper presentation is about the potential understanding of the development of defamation, Cyber Defamation respectively. The paper will further assess the development of defamation (origin, meaning, types of defamation, elements... more
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      HistoryNew MediaIntellectual PropertyBlogs
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      LawIntellectual PropertyGlobalizationCorporate Law
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      Agricultural EngineeringIntellectual PropertyAgribusinessAgricultural Economics
This monograph addresses the complexity of legal issues arising as a result of the deployment of international investment agreements (IIAs), as substantive regulatory and enforcement devices, for the protection of intellectual property... more
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      Intellectual Property LawWTO lawInternational trade lawIntellectual Property Rights
Approfondimento dei diritti rilevanti in materia di gestione e sviluppo nonché delle opportunità di sfruttamento del valore commerciale del patrimonio artistico museale. Elaborazione di un’ipotesi di sistema di gestione dei diritti di... more
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      Best PracticesMuseumsWIPODiritto d'Autore
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      WIPOFikri ve Sınai Mülkiyet HaklarıArabuluculukTahkim
The hereunto dissertation discusses the legal issues and the limitations of the copyright’s right in favor of the Individuals with Special Needs, in order to allow the Disabled to be equal to the rest of their co-citizens in the... more
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      Intellectual PropertyDisability StudiesCopyrightCopyright (Law)
En el presente texto son analizados algunos aspectos sobre la protección internacional de obras e interpretaciones audiovisuales, sobretodo con la indicación de los reflexos de esta discusión en el marco del Tratado de Beijijng de 2012 y... more
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      CopyrightWIPOAudiovisualAudiovisual Performance
Much is spoken and written about the liberal nature of global trade and its relation to democracy and freedoms. Trade representatives of the transatlantic free trade agreement (TAFTA | TTIP) have talked about the importance of the... more
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      International Relations TheoryGeopoliticsWhistleblowingGlobal Civil Society
In Making Intangible Heritage, Valdimar Tr. Hafstein—folklorist and official delegate to UNESCO—tells the story of UNESCO’s Intangible Heritage Convention. In the ethnographic tradition, Hafstein peers underneath the official account,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreDiplomatic HistoryCultural StudiesJapanese Studies
3° Premio - Premio di Laurea "Giuseppe De Maria" per tesi di laurea in materia di Proprietà Intellettuale (Camera di Commercio di Torino). La Tesi parte dalla ricostruzione della nozione dei concetti di cultura, folklore e tradizione... more
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      FolkloreIntellectual PropertyCopyrightIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)
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      Sustainable DevelopmentIntellectual Property LawIntellectual Property RightsWIPO
For nearly two decades, the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO’s) expert committee, known as the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) has been... more
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      Intellectual Property LawTraditional KnowledgePolicy makingPlant Genetic Resources
This thesis draws a line between two opposing positions on the protection of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions. On the one side, the one considering existing Intellectual Property tools suitable to protect the... more
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      Intellectual PropertyUnescoTraditional Ecological KnowledgeIndigenous Knowledge
El estado de las negociaciones sobre un nuevo tratado internacional para el derecho de los organismos de radiodifusión en el Comité Permanente de Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos de la OMPI está avanzado, luego de 19 años de trabajo.... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightIntellectual Property LawInternational Copyright Law
Over the years, the idea of traditional knowledge has progressively unraveled as a traction point for complex issue linkages between intellectual property and, for example, genetic resources, biodiversity conservation, the rights of... more
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      Development EconomicsSustainable DevelopmentIntellectual Property LawTechnological Innovation
Los pueblos indígenas tienen derechos sobre sus conocimientos tradicionales,1 sus expresiones culturales tradicionales,2 y sus recursos genéticos,3 incluidos los derechos de propiedad intelectual asociados, como se reconoce en el artículo... more
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      WIPODerechos HumanosPropiedad IntelectualPueblos indígenas
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      Environmental EngineeringIslamic LawIntellectual PropertyGlobalization
Sistem imun atau sistem kekebalan tubuh memiliki fungsi yang sangat sentral dalam pertahanan tubuh manusia. Tanpa sistem imun, tubuh akan rentan terhadap serangan kuman, parasit, atau virus. Sistem kekebalan tubuh juga berperan dalam... more
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      VaccinesUnited NationsUnescoBiology
El presente documento busca identificar los principales intereses nacionales en materia de propiedad Intelectual, que sirva de marco o guía referencial para definir una posición del Perú en la negociación de estos temas en los tratados que... more
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      Development StudiesCooperationWIPO
Питање адекватне заштите фолклора од неконтролисане комерцијализације привлачи пажњу стручњака и предмет је интересовања правника већ деценијама. И док су многе земље широм света имплементирале механизме заштите фолклора у своја... more
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      FolkloreCopyrightIntellectual Property LawWIPO
ABSTRACT This paper is inspired from The Digital Migration Case that underwent thorough proceedings before Judges of The High Court, The Court of Appeal and The Supreme Court of Kenya . As one goes through the case, it is clear that... more
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      International RelationsPhilosophyHuman Rights LawInternational Law
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      CopyrightMuseumsWIPOMoral rights
Since December 2015, a set of twelve Ethical Principles for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage enriches the paradigm of the 2003 UNESCO Convention. At the meeting of its Intergovernmental Committee at Windhoek where those... more
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Why do some countries adopt exogenous rules into their domestic law when those rules contravene their specific interests? We draw on the policy-diffusion literature to identify four causal mechanisms that we hypothesize explain the... more
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      Comparative LawInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyIntellectual Property
The Treaty seeks fundamental objectives of non-discrimination, equal opportunity, access, and complete individual development, effective as well as inclusive participation in society. The Treaty of Marrakesh truly balances human rights... more
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      Intellectual Property LawWIPOMarrakesh TreatyBlind Treaty
My lecturer wishes to explore the racial formation of Israel’s Eurocentered IP settlers’ regime through the interplay between the Zionist appropriations of Arab-Jewish TK [traditional knowledge] and folklore and the proliferation of... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsAnthropologyIndigenous Studies
Rising economies face a crucial dilemma when establishing their position on international patent law. Should they translate their increasing economic strength into political power to further developing countries' interests in lower levels... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyIntellectual PropertyDevelopment Studies
Since the early 2000s, several intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) have advanced the idea that the creative economy could be a ‘feasible development option’. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the... more
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      UnescoCreative IndustriesCultural IndustriesWIPO
In this era of "big data", hundreds or even thousands of patent applications arrive every day to patent offices around the world. One of the first tasks of the professional analysts in patent offices is to assign classification codes to... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningClassification (Machine Learning)Clustering and Classification Methods
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      CyberlawDigital LibrariesInternet LawCopyright
"Why some developing countries adopt US-style IP rules that go beyond those required by the TRIPs agreement.? With this paper, we contribute to the disentanglement of this puzzling situation in two manners. First, we explore one often... more
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      Critical TheoryLawInternational EconomicsInternational Relations
The global intellectual property (IP) regime is in the midst of a paradigm shift in favor of greater access to protected work. Current explanations of this paradigm shift emphasize the agency of transnational advocacy networks, but ignore... more
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      LawInternational EconomicsMacroeconomicsInternational Relations
Indigenous Peoples have rights over their traditional knowledge, 1 traditional cultural expressions2 and genetic resources,3 including associated intellectual property rights, as recognized in Article 31 of the UN Declaration on the... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeIndigenous PeoplesTraditional KnowledgeWIPO
"This study argues that ‘regime complexes’ and ‘policy coherence’ are two faces of the same integrative process. The development of regime complexes co-evolves with the pressures on decision makers to coordinate their policies in various... more
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      Environmental ScienceInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyCommunication
Orthodox copyright scholarship frames piracy in ‘developing’ countries as a detrimental and illegal practice that results from these countries’ lack of economic, social and cultural development. It argues that piracy needs to be... more
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      Political EconomyAfricaCopyrightGhana
Due to scientific uncertainties and political problems, policymakers rely on socially constructed norms when drafting what they hope to be an efficient patent system. At the international level, ethical discourse is often used by... more
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      Islamic LawIntellectual PropertyGlobalizationCorporate Law