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Federally-recognized tribes must adapt to many ecological challenges arising from climate change, from the effects of glacier retreat on the habitats of culturally significant species to how sea level rise forces human communities to... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesClimate ChangeCritical Geopolitics
For many years the Metis National Council and its affiliates have pursued a rights based agenda with the federal and provincial governments of Canada. This annotated bibliography has been developed to assist university students who wish... more
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      Indigenous StudiesMetis StudiesRights of Indigenous PeoplesSettler Colonialism & Its Legacies
O tema desta tese de doutorado é o processo, e sua posterior consolidação como projeto, de educação escolar indígena na comunidade Tupinambá de Serra do Padeiro (Terra Indígena Tupinambá de Olivença, Bahia-Brasil). São examinadas as... more
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      EducationBrazilRights of Indigenous PeoplesInterethnic Relations
Indigenous Peoples have always been “data warriors”.1 Our ancient traditions recorded and protected information and knowledge through art, carving, song, chants and other practices. Deliberate efforts to expunge these knowledge systems... more
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      Rights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesIndigenous Data Governance
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      Cultural StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Comparative LawCommunity Engagement & ParticipationNegotiationRights of Indigenous Peoples
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      Rights of Indigenous PeoplesMiningIndigenous PeoplesResource Curse
Los warao como desplazados urbanos en Venezuela y Brasil Os Warao como deslocados urbanos na Venezuela e no Brasil Resumen: Los warao son un grupo étnico que tiene como hábitat ancestral el Delta del Orinoco, ha acudido en el pasado a los... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyRights of Indigenous PeoplesWarao
Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the UN General Assembly in September 2015, Indigenous Peoples have been engaging in national, regional and global processes... more
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      Rights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Santal Hool, a pioneering revolt against British in Indian sub-continent are today neglected. More than 50,000 Santals families were evicted and more than 30,000 santal revolt were killed during the war 1855-56. This revolt is so... more
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      Indigenous PoliticsRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous knowledge systemsHuman Rights of Indigenous people
Santal farmers of Sahebganj Bagadgada-farm under Gobindganj Upazila in Gaibandha district issued a memorandum to Deputy Commissioner of Gaibandha district in Bangladesh on 21 April 2022 to cancel the Export Processing Zone (EPZ)... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeRights of Indigenous Peoples
Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, was sind die besonderen Probleme und die unterschiedlichen Interessen von den Mehrheitsvölkern der Urvölker der Arktis? Zuerst wird aus einer völkerrechtlichen Perspektive die Frage... more
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      Arctic Social ScienceRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous PeoplesArctic Anthropology
Historically, Indigenous women have been the target of violence at an alarming rate compared to the non-Indigenous population. This work explores how Indigenous women have used the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous... more
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      International LawFederalismRights of Indigenous PeoplesWomen's Activism
Cet article décrit la dialectique qui oppose les droits des peuples autochtones et les normes de protection de la nature. Il défend l’hypothèse selon laquelle ces normes sont un instrument de biopouvoir. Dessinant une nouvelle archéologie... more
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      AnthropologySlaveryHistory of SlaveryRights of Indigenous Peoples
This article aims at analyzing Resolution No. 287 of the National Council of Justice of Brazil (CNJ), which establishes special procedures for the treatment of indigenous people who stand as accused, defendants, who are sentenced or are... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesRights of Indigenous Peoples
Traditional medicine practice involves a complex combination of activities, order of knowledge, beliefs and customs to generate the desired effects for the diagnosis, prevention or elimination of imbalances in physical, psychological or... more
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      EthnobotanyApplied, engaged, and public anthropologyEthics & Social SustainabilityRights of Indigenous Peoples
The essay analyzes the macro-issue of illiberal democracies in the specific Latin-American legal and geo-political context through a complex dimension that allows to connect different and emblematic challenges that liberal-democratic... more
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      Rights of Indigenous PeoplesInter-American Human Rights SystemIlliberal democraciesEco-ethno development
Bolivia's refounding as a plurinational state is based on the recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples and their right to determine their form of government. As such, the creation of indigenous originary peasant autonomies... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesBolivian studiesIndigenous Politics
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission called for the doctrine of discovery to be removed from Canadian law and for Canada to adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. These calls conflict with the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples
This paper tries to highlight the dysfunctional relationship of the indigenous people and their rights. Despite having the treaties and conventions, indigenous people are not getting the proper access to their rights. This paper tries to... more
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      Ethnic StudiesIndigenous StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesSocial Sciences
In southern Ontario, heritage preservation and protection are mandated under provincial provisions but there has been little involvement of Indigenous nations whose ancestral (i.e., archaeological) sites are the focus of the heritage... more
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      Indigenous ArchaeololgyOntario ArchaeologyRights of Indigenous PeoplesSouthern Ontario prehistory
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      PhilippinesRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples
30 June 2020 marks the 165th anniversary of the Santal Uprising. On this day in 1855 , Birvanta (Martyr) Sidhu Majhi alias Murmu sowed the seeds of a spark of revolt among the oppressed indigenous peoples of the Indian subcontinent. The... more
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      Rights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Peoples
This chapter deals with the international protection and promotion of indigenous traditional knowledge (TK) associated with agriculture, with a special focus on biodiversity-related knowledge. Interest in this knowledge has intensified... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeIntangible cultural heritageRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples Rights
Esta disertación es un estudio decolonial de los manuscritos pictóricos del Ñuu Savi (Pueblo de la Lluvia), y busca el entendimiento de sus valores culturales a través del estudio holístico y diacrónico de su herencia viva e... more
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      Cultural HeritageMesoamerican ArchaeologyCultural MemoryRights of Indigenous Peoples
Land use and land classification traditions of Northeastern Algonquians remain poorly understood. Even less clear are traditions governing use of sacred lands: ceremonial places as well as hunting and gathering lands. Epistemic genocide... more
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      EthnohistoryBiochemistryNative American StudiesIndigenous Studies
Capítulo 1 del libro Tejiendo diálogos y tramas desde el Sur-Sur: territorio, participación e interculturalidad / Stefano Claudio Sartorello, Ana Carolina Hecht, José Luis García, Erik Said Lara Corro (coordinadores); [autores] Luis... more
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      LiteracyIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesRights of Indigenous PeoplesSouth American indigenous languages
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeIndigineityRights of Indigenous Peoples
Le respect des droits des peuples autochtones sur leurs territoires ancestraux compte parmi les plus grands défis qui se posent aux juristes. La façon tout indiquée de le relever consiste en la conclusion de traités avec ces peuples. Au... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesLegal TheoryLegal PluralismPhilosophy Of Law
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      Digital MediaRights of Indigenous PeoplesDigital Media And New LiteraciesIndigenous Peoples Rights
Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group. Shadow Report for the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) Committee, 88th Session: November 2015, Review of the Holy See. The Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working... more
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      International RelationsHuman Rights LawColonialism (History)International Law
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      Natural ResourcesRights of Indigenous Peoples
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      Climate ChangeRevolutionsArgentinaRights of Indigenous Peoples
The purpose of this article is to analyze the condition of indigenous peoples' rights in the context of the protection, safeguard and management of their cultural heritage, especially those elements which have been recognized as of... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
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      Gender StudiesPolitical AnthropologyIndigenous PoliticsShamanism
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      Native American StudiesHuman RightsNatural LawState Formation
The aim of this chapter is to illustrate the ways in which the community of Santo Tomás Ocotepec has protected its sacred landscape since the XVI century until the present day. It does this by analyzing archaeological data, colonial maps,... more
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      Indigenous StudiesPostcolonial StudiesColonialismManuscript Studies
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      Identity politicsRights of Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples of Nepal are searching for the state which recognizes and reflects their identities. Exclusion of indigenous peoples in the ruling apparatus and from resources of the “modern states,” and absence of their... more
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      Identity (Culture)PoliticsRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples
Anais do 3º CIPIAL - Congresso Internacional dos Povos Indígenas da América Latina: Trajetórias, narrativas e epistemologias plurais, desafios comuns (ISBN 978-65-5080-015-4) O infanticídio indígena, sua relação com o abandono estatal, à... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsLaw and SocietyRights of Indigenous Peoples
The history of Northeast India is the history of ethnic self-determination whose seeds have been rooted by the crown and the company. The demands for separate geographical space for the native Ethnic community are the outcome of British... more
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      Race and EthnicityRights of Indigenous PeoplesEthnicityMarginalised Groups
Indigenous peoples’ property rights are hotly debated in legal, policy, and academic circles across Canada. This article explores three such debates in which Indigenous peoples and lands are centrally implicated: debates over implementing... more
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      MulticulturalismIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesRights of Indigenous Peoples
During the Seventh Conference of the Parties, held in Malaysia in 2004, Indigenous Peoples made a significant impact on the negotiations between states in a number of key issue areas. Building on this success, and as a part of the... more
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgeIndigenous KnowledgeRights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples Rights
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      Human RightsRights of Indigenous PeoplesDroits de l'homme
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      Northern Ireland LiteratureSocial MovementsSocial TheoryIrish Studies
In 1990 the late Pat Parker and I authored National Register Bulletin 38, about "Traditional Cultural Properties." The U.S. National Park Service is now trying to update this publication, so I thought it might be timely for me to post the... more
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      Cultural StudiesHistoric PreservationRights of Indigenous PeoplesEnvironmental Justice
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyCritical Medical Anthropology
McLean's chapter “Toxic Encounters: What’s Whiteness Doing in a Nice Field Like Education?” is a provocative piece that extends the literature on racism in education by examining whiteness in the context of public schools. McLean’s... more
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      Race and RacismRights of Indigenous PeoplesCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theoryColonalism and Racism
This chapter focuses on the complications that arise in implementing Indigenous rights in Sweden, in particular in deciding who belongs to Indigenous groups and as such to whom Indigenous rights are accorded. I discuss the political... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous PoliticsIndigenous KnowledgeRights of Indigenous Peoples