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Per Parco Culturale Ecclesiale, si intende un sistema territoriale che promuova, recuperi e valorizzi, tramite strategie coordinate ed integrate, il patrimonio storico, artistico, liturgico, architettonico, museale e ricettivo di una o... more
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      Storia medievaleArtesHistoria del ArteTurismo
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesItalian Literature
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      Renaissance StudiesArchitectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtItalian Renaissance Architectural History
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      IconographyRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceItalian Humanism
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      History of VeniceRenaissance ItalyStoria MilitareSigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtHistorical medalsEnea Silvio Piccolomini
The Sigismondo Lord of Rimini's portrait by Agostino di Duccio in the Tempio Malatestiano is studied in connection with the symbolism of the victory at the Vada's battle and with the Manetti's oration. The edition of the Manetti's text is... more
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      HumanitiesRenaissance HumanismIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)History of Florence
The book aims to guide specialist or non-specialist readers, who know little or nothing of the Malatesta's history, through the biography of Sigismondo, one of the most celebrated princes of the Renaissance; it also wishes to avoid the... more
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      Piero della FrancescaLeon Battista AlbertiHistory of Italian Renaissance Art & ArchitecturePisanello
Saggio in Volume | Gli antichi alla corte dei Malatesta. Echi, modelli e fortuna della tradizione classica nella Romagna del Quattrocento (l’età di Sigismondo). Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Rimini 9-11 giugno 2016. A cura di... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian HumanismThe Classical Tradition
"Il contributo ricostruisce e riassume, sotto forma di relazione congressuale, i vari aspetti e momenti del piano di "salvataggio occidentale di Bisanzio", che ebbe per protagonisti Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Bessarione e Tommaso Paleologo,... more
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      Late Byzantine historyPiero della FrancescaFall of ConstantinopleGregory Palamas
Insegnante al “R. Valturio” di Rimini, rivoluzionò gli studi su Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta e dimostrò la falsità di molte delle accuse rivolte al signore di Rimini dal suo acerrimo rivale Pio II, fino a quel momento ritenute fondate... more
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      RiminiUniversità Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore MilanoSigismondo Pandolfo MalatestaRimini History
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      Italian Renaissance sculptureMino Da FiesoleSigismondo Pandolfo MalatestaAlfonso Il Magnanimo
‘Art Criticism versus Poetry: An introduction to Adrian Stokes’s “Pisanello”’, Comparative Criticism, v. 17 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, September 1995), 133-160 and ‘Pisanello: First of four essays on the Tempio Malatestiano... more
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      Giambattista VicoFriedrich NietzscheEzra PoundEkphrasis
Georgius Gemistus Pletho died June 26, 1452, according to reports from his followers in two separate manuscripts. However, as John Monfasani has noted, this date is problematic for various reasons. Since June 26, 363 AC is the day in... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesOttoman History
Un ricordo di Roberto Valturio nel VI Centenario della nascita di Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceItalian Renaissance Art
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      Italian HumanismThe Italian communes and signories (1300-1450)Italian Renaissance literatureRimini
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      Diplomatic HistoryRenaissance Portrait MedalMehmed IIRimini
40 tempera on wood, Renaissance Bean Ceiling Tables formerly Myron C. Taylor Coll., Locust Valley, New York, provenance from a Riario Della Rovere palace, here attributed to Jacopo Ripanda
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      Italian Renaissance Art15th Century Italian ArtFederico da MontefeltroRoman Emperors
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      Italian Renaissance ArtRenaissance Portrait MedalMehmed IIGentile Bellini
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      Italian StudiesDivinationPetrarchItalian Literature
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceRinascimentoRimini
ENG: Considered by critics as a form of plagiarism of Dante’s Paradiso or a little original imitation of the Commedia, the poem De honore mulierum written by Benedetto da Cesena testifies, among other works, the cult devoted to Dante in... more
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      Ancient HistoryDante StudiesRenaissance StudiesPetrarch
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      Prints and DrawingsOld Master drawingsDrawingsRimini
In the context of the Senigallia Urban Archaeological Project, started in 2010, two important operations of preventive archaeology were carried out at the end of 2011. In both cases the archaeological excavation was preceded by a georadar... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheologia urbanaSigismondo Pandolfo MalatestaSenigallia Urban Archaeological Project
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      Italian LiteratureItalian philologyHumanismRenaissance literature
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      Digital HumanitiesItalian StudiesManuscript StudiesHumanistic psychology
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      StoicismMedieval And Humanistic PhilologyLatin Didactic PoetryNeolatin Literature
Lecture | Friday, January 26th 2018, h. 11.00 am, UCLA Royce Hall Room 314, Los Angeles. Conference | Friday, January 26, 2018 - Saturday, January 27, 2018. Los Angeles. For many centuries, beginning from the excommunication and... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismThe Classical TraditionItalian Renaissance Art
"Il contributo è dedicato alla ricostruzione e all’indagine storica degli intrecci dinastici, politici e religiosi miranti ad un progetto di “rifondazione occidentale” di Bisanzio nel XV secolo. Il progetto di un “salvataggio occidentale... more
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      Late Byzantine historyPiero della FrancescaFall of ConstantinopleByzantine philology
Rezension zu: Anthony F. D’Elia: Pagan Virtue in a Christian World: Sigismondo Malatesta and the Italian Renaissance, Cambridge 2016, in: H-Soz-Kult, 3. November 2016.
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceRenaissance Art
This chapter addresses a largely overlooked aspect of Pisanello's medallic oeuvre: the artist's adoption, manipulation, and origination of heraldic or para-heraldic imagery. Particular attention is given to the function such imagery... more
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      HeraldryItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance Portrait MedalSelf-Fashioning
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      Renaissance magic and astrologyHumanistic AstrologyIlluminated manuscriptsPoesia umanistica
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance, the classical tradition; the social and cultural history of early modern Europe; women and learning 1300-1800; and the history of childhood from antiquity to the presentTradition of Classical antiquity
Le vicende italiane del tardo Medioevo e le contraddizioni di un'epoca di passaggio fanno da sfondo a questo libro che indaga Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta attraverso la cultura materia-le con l'intento di mostrare modelli di consumo e... more
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      Renaissance HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval Economic and Social History
Naso aquilino e un’escrescenza ossea sul cranio (nascosta dai capelli): ecco il vero aspetto di Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. Lo studio è stato effettuato dal FAPAB Research Center di Avola (Siracusa) in collaborazione con la Flinders... more
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      PaleopathologyPaleopatologiaRinascimentoSigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta
ENG: The De honore mulierum is a poem written in ‘terza rima’ by Benedetto da Cesena, a poet from Romagna, and dedicated to Pandolfo, son of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta and of his mistress, later to become his third wife, Isotta degli... more
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      Renaissance StudiesManuscript StudiesItalian LiteratureItalian Humanism
Il contributo si propone di ricostruire, grazie alla documentazione rintracciata nel fondo Notarile dell'Archivio di Stato di Rimini, il profilo di Benedetto Ramusio, nonno paterno di Giovanni Battista
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      Venetian HistoryHistory of VeniceMezzadriaG.B. Ramusio
The Church of St Maria of Scolca was founded by Carlo Malatesta in 1418 and later left to the Benedictin monks of Monte Oliveto in Siena. The Olivetan monastery had a huge archives from the Middle Age to 1797. The Church was decorated by... more
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      Benedictine MonasticismGiorgio VasariRiminiSigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta
«l’Asino» was a satirical illustrated socialist newspaper, published in Rome from 1892 to 1925. The examination of the thirty years of the publication reveals numerous references to Romagna, as area and as inhabitants, both in... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Modern Italian HistoryIllustrationItalian Politics
Paper submitted at the Ezra Pound International Conference in Salamanca, June 2019.
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      Ezra PoundSigismondo Pandolfo MalatestaThe Cantos of Ezra PoundIl Tempio Malatestiano di Rimini
Cette intervention discute l'autographe de l'Hesperis par Basinio da Parma et plus spécifiquement des paratextes qui distinguent ce témoin textuel de tous les autres. J'analyse les citations en grec qui figurent dans les marges en... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismManuscript StudiesEpic poetry
13 settembre 2019
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      PhilologyAstrologyHistory of AstrologyLatin Didactic Poetry
--- Italiano --- Prestito d’armatura completa su richiesta dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna e del Comune di Rimini, in occasione della mostra “Le dame, i cavalier, l'arme, i motori”, allestita a Rimini dal 2 settembre al 29 ottobre... more
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      HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
A controbilanciare precedenti studi che hanno delineato con eccessiva nettezza l’interesse per l’antico locale dei duchi di Urbino, si propone l’analisi della voce «Urbinum» redatta dall’umanista Lorenzo Abstemio (†1507 ca.) per il suo... more
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      Historical GeographyRenaissance HumanismRenaissance antiquarianismUrbino
"E’ questo l’ultimo dei contributi specificamente dedicati dall’autrice al progetto di “salvataggio occidentale di Bisanzio” dipanato lungo il mezzo secolo che separa il matrimonio interconfessionale tra Cleopa Malatesta e Teodoro II... more
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      Late Byzantine historyFall of ConstantinopleBessarionPius II
... 4), is more accurate in its inscription, although the documentary value of the portrait has been damaged by “ruthless and unintelligent” tooling.'~3 This was doubtless carried out on the orders of jehan Trieaudet [sic] de... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtRenaissance Portrait MedalMehmed IIGentile Bellini
Usi e abusi dell'Antico 25.09.2018 | Aula Capitani, Complesso di S. Giovanni in Monte - Piazza S. Giovanni in Monte 2, Bologna. Presentazione e discussione dei volumi: F. Muccioli – F. Cenerini (a cura di), Gli Antichi alla corte dei... more
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      IconographyRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian Humanism
CONFERENZA/WORKSHOP "FUROR PUGNAE. Armi e armati al tempo di Sigismondo". Organizzata dall'Associazione Culturale IMAGO ANTIQUA (, con il patrocinio del Comune di Rimini, in data 3 Febbraio 2018, ore 16:15, presso la... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceArms and Armor StudiesArms and Armour
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      Sigismondo Pandolfo MalatestaMeleagerBasinio Da Parma