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      Roman North Africa (Archaeology)Roman SculptureRoman Emperors
This article examines the performance context of Synesius of Cyrene’s (ca. 370–415 CE) On Kingship. Synesius draws heavily on the classical tradition, and also incorporates many elements of Themistius’ philosophical style into his speech.... more
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      Greek LiteratureSecond SophisticLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
Tios (Zonguldak-Filyos) kentteki arkeolojik kazılar 2007 senesinden beri Karadeniz Ereğli Müzesi adına, sırasıyla Prof. Dr. Sümer Atasoy ve Doç. Dr. Şahin Yıldırım’ın bilimsel danışmanlıklarıyla akropolis, antik liman, tiyatro ve... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryGreek EpigraphyRoman provincial administration
Plinius der Jüngere (61/62-113 n. Chr.) verlieh als senatorischer homo novus durch die Epistulae, den Panegyricus sowie einige Inschriften seiner aristokratischen Existenz dauerhaften Ausdruck. Diese literarischen und epigraphischen... more
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      Roman HistoryPolitical BehaviorSocial NetworkingSocial Capital
Violence in Roman warfare is certainly not a myth. But until recently, historians have understood violence in terms of their own standards instead of considering the thresholds of Roman sensibilities. Within the framework of the “histoire... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryRoman History
This text gives some very small selection of details included in the forthcoming Caracalla: A Military Biography (as an advertisement) due to be published by Pen & Sword this year and in fact provides also a short overview of some of the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
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      Ancient ReligionAncient Sports/AthleticsAncient MosaicsUrban Elites
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The paper examines the peculiarities of Cassius Dio’s narrative in Julio-Claudian books of his «Roman History». Dio’s work, as a whole, reveals a remarkable combination of contradictory features, which are specifically mirrored in books... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius DioAugustan PrincipateJulio-Claudian Emperors
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      Ancient HistoryGender StudiesClassicsRoman History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval HistoryPatristics
Ky botim, i shtypur në 2000 kopje, nuk është në shitje. Iu shpërndahet falas të gjithë të interesuarve që vizitojnë Muzeun Arkeologjik Apolloni deri në përfundim të rezervave. Fotografitë e publikuara në këtë botim janë origjinale dhe të... more
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"Még a kockajátékból származó nyereséget sem vetette meg, hanem akár hazugsággal, sőt hamis esküvel is igyekezett többet nyerni. Egyszer átadta a játszmát a mellette ülő játékosnak, kilépett az atriumába, és két gazdag római lovagot, akik... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman gamesRoman EmperorsRoman board games
Agrippa's Pantheon remains the subject of lively debates. A much-discussed passage is found in Cassius Dio's Roman History (53.27.2-3), which is most often treated as a stand-alone, self-explanatory whole. However, in order to be... more
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      Roman ReligionTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Cassius DioRoman Empire
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      Roman HistoryIdeologyRoman EmpireEmperor Nero
Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more
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      HistoryAncient HistorySociologyLaw
Da sempre considerato un imperatore sciocco, incapace e succube delle mogli e dei potentissimi liberti di corte, Claudio si può ritenere senza alcun dubbio una vittima della storiografia senatoria a lui ostile e, soprattutto, degli studi... more
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      Roman HistoryProsopographyLatin EpigraphyRoman Empire
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical GeographyRoman History
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      Roman HistoryRoman EmpireAncient RomeRoman Architecture and Urbanism
A discussion of the boy emperor, Romulus Augustulus, after his forced abdication in 476 CE
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman EmpireRoman Emperors
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      Emperor NeroRoman Emperors
Publius Helvius Pertinax (126-193 CE) was Roman emperor in the early months of 193, following the murder of Commodus. While feted by the senatorial order, he struggled to win the loyalty of other political constituencies within the Roman... more
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      Roman HistoryCassius DioRoman EmpireThe Praetorian Guard
Octavian took the title of princeps senatus during the first lectio senatus of his long reign. The article deals with the role of the title of princeps of the Senate in the system of government under Augustus. I argue that the first Roman... more
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      AugustusRoman EmperorRoman EmperorsRoman senate
In life, the emperor Domitian (81-96 CE) marketed himself as a god; after his assassination he was condemned to be forgotten. Nonetheless he oversaw a literary, cultural, and monumental revival on a scale not witnessed since Rome’s first... more
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      Ancient HistoryFlavian LiteratureGraeco-Roman EgyptEmperor Domitian
In the Old Royal Palace in the Middle Ages and early Modern Age cycles of rulers evolved, the idea of which was to confirm the legitimacy of the ruling monarch. Around 1360 Charles IV, after being crowned Emperor in Rome in 1355, had a... more
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryRenaissance StudiesPainting
Marcus Aurelius should be viewed as the ideal role model for Roman Emperor because he was able to deal with natural disasters, economic crises, military campaigns and governmental issues.
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      ChristianityMilitary HistoryPhilosophyPlato
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      Roman HistoryRoman political cultureAugustan PrincipateAugustus
One of the great maxims of history is that it is written by the victors, and nowhere does this find greater support than in the later Roman Empire. Between 284 and 395 AD, no fewer than 37 men claimed imperial power, though today we... more
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      Political LegitimacyDamnatio MemoriaeLater Roman EmpireRoman Triumph
The Roman History of Cassius Dio provides one of the most important continuous narratives of the early Roman empire, spanning the inception of the Principate under Augustus to the turbulent years of the Severan Dynasty. It has been a... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCassius DioRoman Emperors
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
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      Roman HistoryIdeologyPolitical IdeologyRoman Empire
La mostra del Colosseo nasce, per così dire, con un vizio di forma: ci si aspetta una mostra sul solo Vespasiano e in realtà si ha a che fare con una rassegna sull'intera dinastia dei Flavi. Le ragioni dello scarto sono, di questi tempi,... more
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      ArchaeologyImperial RomeRoman EmpireColosseo
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryImperial RomeRoman Empire
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionHistory
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsRoman History
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      Ancient HistoryRomanian StudiesAncient Roman NumismaticsAncient Greek and Roman Art
Hat unbegrenzte Macht einen schädlichen Einfluss auf die menschliche Psyche? Diese Vorstellung ist im populären Diskurs moderner Gesellschaften jedenfalls weit verbreitet. Im deutschsprachigen Raum findet sie sich verdichtet im Begriff... more
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      Classics and PoliticsClassical Reception StudiesComics and Graphic NovelsClassics and Cinema
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryEmperor NeroRoman Emperors
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
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      Roman HistoryNationalismRoman EmpireRoman citizenship
The revolutionary nature of Augustus’ politics manifested itself in numerous aspects of daily life. One of these, certainly, was the control of time: by introducing in the calendar numerous celebrations related to the Emperor and his... more
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyAncient RomeRoman Emperors
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      Roman HistoryByzantine HistoryLate Roman EmpireRoman Empire
Paper demonstrating the origin of Popes (or Bishops of Rome) from the Calpurnius Piso family, giving the actual identities of the first 10 Popes. 18 pages. This paper also makes the case for the mention of Christ in the works of Flavius... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
I remember the first time I came upon the figure of Augustus. It wasn't a very good first impression for I met him in the movie Cleopatra (1963) with the beautiful on and off-screen couple of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. I... more
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      Imperial RomeAugustusRoman EmperorsAntony and Cleopatra
What does it mean to be a leader? This collection of seventeen studies breaks new ground in our understanding of leadership in ancient Rome by re-evaluating the difference between those who began a political action and those who followed... more
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      Public OpinionLeadershipPolitical CultureRoman Republic
This short paper considers the evidence for the small number of cities in the eastern provinces that were named after Trajan or bore the name/title Ulpia. It also looks in detail at the two eastern cities with which the emperor was most... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman EmperorsPolitics in the Greek cities of the Roman East
Come da ben 1946 anni, oggi, primo luglio, ricorre l'anniversario della proclamazione di Titus Flavius Vespasianus a imperatore di Roma, che governò nel decennio fra il 69 e il 79 d.C. col nome di Caesar Vespasianus Augustus. Fondatore... more
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      Roman HistoryCivil WarRoman EmperorsVespasianus
L’état de fébrilité du public lors des courses de chars de la Rome antique apparaît, à certains égards, comme un lieu commun dans de nombreux passages de la littérature ancienne parvenus jusqu’à nous. Néanmoins, l’engouement suscité par... more
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      EmotionRoman EmpireRoman CircusesCrowd Behaviour and Psychology
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      Christianity and RomeEmperor NeroAncient RomeRoman Emperors
At the turn of the fourth century, four soldiers ruled the Roman Empire: Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius and Galerius. This Tetrarchy, as modern scholars call it, was the brainchild of Diocletian, and under this emperor's leadership,... more
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      Late AntiquityRoman ArmyLate Roman EmpireLate Roman Army