Roman imperial cult
Recent papers in Roman imperial cult
Constantijn was de eerste keizer die het christendom openlijk bevoordeelde. De grote vraag voor historici is echter in hoeverre hij zich echt tot het christelijke geloof bekeerde.
Drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of double-voicedness and James Scott’s theory of public and hidden transcripts, this essay investigates the colonial context of Romans 13:1–7 with particular attention to the Roman imperial cult. It is... more
Are Scandinavian monarchs worshipped as state gods, as part of an inherited mystery apotheosis cult? Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark is the supreme authority of the state Church of Denmark (Den Danske Folkekirke.) Supreme... more
Agrippa's Pantheon remains the subject of lively debates. A much-discussed passage is found in Cassius Dio's Roman History (53.27.2-3), which is most often treated as a stand-alone, self-explanatory whole. However, in order to be... more
Paper presented at CRASIS Annual Meeting & Master Class 'Motivation & Causality' (22-23 February 2018), University of Groningen
Rome matters. Roman religion is, basically, the religion of one of the hundreds of Mediterranean city states. Many features of this type of territorially bound religion, centred around a politically independent community, characterise... more
It has been long recognized that chap 13 of the book of Revelation is a thinly veiled polemic—using language from Daniel 7—against the Roman Imperial cult 1 The two beasts presented in this chapter represent respectively the Roman... more
The imperial sanctuary devoted to the Sun and to the Moon is situated at the coast of Ager olisiponensis, at the Cape Roca's area, also called the Promunturium Magnum, definitely the finis terrae of the Ancient World. The inscriptions CIL... more
This article relates Colossian vocabulary, motifs and theological themes to the cultural situation of the cult of the emperor. The author's language and conceptualization of reconciliation as a cosmic and earthly peace (Col.
1. Vroeg Italië, pp. 1-31.
Résumé: La consécration d’un autel aux cultes impériaux est un acte complexe entre prescription rituelle, affirmation d’une allégeance à Rome et autoreprésentation du dédicant. L’étude de l’emplacement des différents monuments permet de... more
"The Roman principia with chapels of the Standards, the Genius castrorum and the Imperial cult in Egypt are of special interest. There were some examples of principia with such chapels and temples. As a rule, these monuments were built... more
La nascita e la diffusione dei cicli statuari giulio-claudii come autentico fenomeno sociale caratterizzante la società urbana romana della prima età imperiale, indissolubilmente legate all'affermazione dell'idea dinastica ai vertici... more
Before Vespasian returned to Rome to take up the reins of imperial government, he reportedly had a vision in the Serapeum of Alexandria and, as the New Serapis, healed two men. These wonders came to define Vespasian's time in Egypt and... more
In this short, introductory essay, I introduce the Revelation of St. John by providing the following elements: a short overview of the work, the historical context in which the book was written, some examples of the elements that make... more
Roman Ephesos had a diverse religious community. Numerous studies have focused on one or several Ephesian cults, but few have emphasised the intertwinement of these cults. This article stresses the intimate connection between two of the... more
The establishment of Augustus’ monarchy sees the development of a whole set of new means aimed at visualizing the princeps’s position, a position notoriously hard to frame in legal terms and the more so relying on what has been... more
The erection of the monopteros of Roma and Augustus marked a significant transformation of the spatial concept of the Athenian Acropolis, which had remained virtually unchanged for the following centuries since the Periclean building... more
Настоящая книга представляет собой пятый том монументального труда великого русского филолога Ф. Ф. Зелинского «История античных религий». Если два первых тома были известны русскому читателю по изданиям начала XX века и переизданиям в... more
Abstract In Res Gestae 8, 5 Augustus boasts of having renewed «multa exempla maiorum» and of being himself responsible of «multarum rerum exempla». This could appear in line with Roman tradition about mos mairoum; actually, this... more
The paper is devoted to architectural pequliarities of late Roman principia in Egypt and their possible prototypes.
N el 1979 la scoperta del complesso giulio-claudio del Sebasteion di Aphrodisias consentì alla comunità scientifica internazionale di percepire visivamente la dirompente potenza del culto imperiale nel contesto di un importante centro... more
his article surveys various concepts of imperial deification and its historical evolution. Three stages are identified. In the first stage, an eyewitness of the apotheosis is attested and a senatorial decree awarding divine honours is... more
An unpublished Master's Diploma Thesis, which deals with the Imperial cult and propaganda during the reign of Roman emperor Domitian (I apologise for little mistakes (mostly grammar/spelling and numbering of pictures), which were not... more
Although the sacrificial tables standing in the courtyards of the Great Altar at Pergamon and Artemis Altars at Ephesos and Magnesia are dated to the Hellenistic period, some features observed in the anthemion decorations of these tables... more
El sistema monárquico, inspirado en los patrones de gobierno helenísticos, se instauró a fines del siglo I a.C. en Roma. Para fundamentar la estabilidad de una sociedad en crisis, desintegrada y heterogénea, fue necesario levantar el... more
Tiberius Claudius Nero, 16 Kasım M.Ö 42’de Roma’da doğdu. Annesi ve babası Claudius’lar ailesine mensuptur. O daha 3 yaşında iken annesi Livia Drusilla, babasından boşanarak Augustus ile evlendi. Annesinin yaptığı bu evlilik Tiberius’un... more
Political image-making -- especially from the Age of Augustus, when the Roman Republic evolved into a system capable of governing a vast, culturally diverse empire -- is the focus of this study. Explored are how various artistic and... more
This thesis is concerned with the foundations of Livia’s position in the Roman state. They are delineated by an investigation of important events of her life, the diverse privileges given to her, and the patterns that were established to... more
The imperial cult, emerging at the end of a long evolutionary process including the worship of notable individuals, Hellenistic kings, Roman officials and the goddess Roma, and based upon the same model of benefactory exchange,... more
The book attempts to present –for the first time in the international bibliography– a detailed description of the historical life of Abydos (Άβυδος) of Hellespont (Ελλήσποντος, Δαρδανέλλια); the latter was an important ancient and... more
L'articolo è stato pubblicato nel volume "Vestigia" in onore degli 80 anni di Filippo Coarelli. Sulla base delle evidenze architettoniche riconoscibili all'interno del Mausoleo di Adriano si propone una lettura degli itinerari che si... more
The following study 1 is dedicated to the building complex in Ephesos that has entered scholarly literature as an imperial cult temple for Domitian (Plan 4). 2 In addition to an overview of the history of research and a review of its... more