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In a often quoted but little studied text, the Profugiorum ab ærumna libri III, Leon Battista Alberti compares the literary invention to the invention of the mosaic: an architect would have recovered the debris of precious materials used... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtTheory of ornamentLeon Battista Alberti
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      Cultural HistoryCultural HeritageHistory of ScienceClassical Reception Studies
This ambitious book is about a way of building that for centuries dominated the making of monumental architecture – yet now not only is it lost as practice, knowledge of its very existence is consigned to oblivion. In pre-modern Europe,... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyArchitectureMedieval StudiesRenaissance Studies
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais,... more
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      Leon Battista AlbertiRenascimento
Testo di circa 200 pagine che analizzando con appropriati strumenti teorici ed adeguata conoscenza bibliografica l'intero pensiero dell'autore (che scrisse circa 50 opere) restituisce una nuova interpretazione dell'Alberti umanista e... more
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      Leon Battista AlbertiEsteticaStoria Dell'Architettura
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      RhetoricRenaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance literature
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      RhetoricRenaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance literature
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      Creative NonfictionCultural HistoryArt HistoryModern Italian History
RESUMEN Insistiendo en aspectos tratados y otros no destacados, sus intenciones y sentidos respecto a Pienza y su plaza como núcleo y aglutinante urbanos, sus funciones y connotaciones, se efectúa un exhastivo estudio que, a modo de... more
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Theory
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      Digital FabricationLeon Battista AlbertiShape GrammarsParametric design architecture
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      Secular HumanismItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
In 1436, Leon Battista Alberti wrote a letter to Filippo Brunelleschi, which he attached to a manuscript of his recently completed treatise on painting, De pictura. In it, Alberti lauded some of the Florentine artists of his day, singling... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
"L’archivio dell’architetto Prospero Sorgato, donato generosamente dalla famiglia al Comune di Reggio Emilia e conservato presso la Biblioteca Panizzi, custodisce le importanti testimonianze di un protagonista delle trasformazioni urbane... more
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      Reggio EmiliaLeon Battista AlbertiProspero SorgatoEclettismo
Alberti & Gender The field of Architecture -In practice and in theory – has historically been of the male domain. Alberti's The Ten Books of Architecture was the first modern treatise on the theory and practice of architecture,... more
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      Gender StudiesArchitectureArchitectural HistoryVenetian art and architectural history
Sgraffito as a decorative element of the exterior of 14th and 15th century Florentine buildings has long been known, although seldom granted much attention. The present dissertation, therefore, examines the phenomenon of sgraffito, a... more
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      Architectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtRome (Renaissance)Italian Renaissance Art
Leon Battista Alberti, probably the most innovative architect of early Renaissance Italy, has always fascinated scholars by virtue of the striking interpenetration of theory and practice manifest in his work. As an architect, Alberti was... more
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      Architectural HistoryArchitecture (Rhetoric and Public Culture)Allegorical, Narrative, and Rhetorical ArchitectureLeon Battista Alberti
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomicsPolitical Economy
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      ArchitectureItalian Renaissance ArtLeon Battista AlbertiPalazzo Rucellai
in  Ewa Karwacka (a cura di) Architettura a Pisa nel primo periodo Mediceo, Roma, Gangemi, 2010, pp. 90-95
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      Leon Battista AlbertiHistory of architecture
"This study gathers and interprets the earliest extant references to architects in ancient Greek philosophy, as found in select works of Plato and Aristotle. Throughout this review, Plato and Aristotle [are] shown to consistently present... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPolitical PhilosophyAristophanes
Indagine sulla natura e sulle omologie della prospettiva albertiana sulla scorta della speculazione di Marshall McLuhan
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      Visual StudiesMarshall McLuhanLeon Battista AlbertiTipografía
The reception of Plato’s Timaeus during the Early Renaissance coincided with ground-breaking developments in the conceptualisation of architectural space and the ‘invention’ of perspective. This gave rise to fertile areas of influence of... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance PlatonismPythagoreanismItalian Renaissance Architectural History
La storia di otto capolavori della letteratura italiana raccontata a partire dai manoscritti autografi conservati in biblioteche o collezioni private. Giovanni Boccaccio, Decameron Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere Leon Battista Alberti,... more
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      Latin PaleographyGalileo GalileiBoccaccioLeon Battista Alberti
A partire dall’episodio lunare del Furioso, si ricostruisce in una prospettiva estetica e storico-culturale il particolare modo in cui Ariosto ha tradotto in forma la contrapposizione platonica fra l’Idea e la copia. Si inserisce, così,... more
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      PlutarchLeon Battista AlbertiLudovico AriostoEugenio Garin
Il libro affronta i principali snodi storico-concettuali della civiltà del Rinascimento da un punto di vista privilegiato: le numerose e varie occasioni d'incontro tra parole e immagini. L'intreccio fra componente visiva e codice... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian LiteratureItalian Renaissance ArtBenvenuto Cellini
ITALIAN ABSTRACT: Nel De pictura, paragonando la pittura prima a una finestra e poi a uno specchio, Leon Battista Alberti sottolinea l’importanza del punto di vista per la rappresentazione artistica. Nelle Intercenales, che costituiscono... more
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      AestheticsRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance Art
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtItalian Renaissance Architecture
This contribution aims to offer some elements to study the problem of political advising in Renaissance political thought. The introductory section considers the Momus by Leon Battista Alberti, some letters by Marsilio Ficino and the... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryItalian Studies
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    • Leon Battista Alberti
The Architectural Treatise in the Renaissance examines the Italian Renaissance architects' efforts to negotiate between the imitation and reinvention of classicism. Through a close reading of Vitruvius and texts written during the period... more
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      Architectural HistoryVitruviusArchitectural TheoryItalian Renaissance Art
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      Leon Battista AlbertiEquestrian MonumentNiccolò III D'Este
برز عمل ألبرتي التنظيري في مرحلة خلت من التنظير الرياضي والهندسي. فألبرتي منظر في الرياضيات ويمارس الرسم وبذلك مثل النموذج مثالي في النهضة للرسام الطموح والعالم المنظر الذي ساهم في تطوير الفنون بفضل كتبه التي تشرح المبادئ الأساسية... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtLeon Battista AlbertiLinear Perspective
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      Secular HumanismRenaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
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      Leon Battista AlbertiBrunelleschi
The papers considers, with a comparative approach, the architecture of vertical connections and city edges. We hypothesize that the city edge, when its elevation overwhelms the surrounding urban fabric, cannot be redesigned within a basic... more
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      ArchitectureUrban MorphologyLeon Battista AlbertiHistory of architecture
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      Modern Italian HistoryArchitectural HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtLeon Battista Alberti
Leído durante la presentación del libro en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile, el día 16 de Junio de 2016.
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      Leon Battista AlbertiHistoria de la ArquitecturaAmérica LatinaArquitectura Moderna
Understanding visually presented stories requires intense effort from our visual imagination. Artists and theoreticians from the Renaissance onwards suggested various ways to depict stories, either to enhance their understanding and... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuropsychologyArt HistoryArt Theory
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    • Leon Battista Alberti
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      Leon Battista AlbertiAlberti De Pictura
The aim of this paper is to discuss fundamental aspects of the concept of decorum detected in writings of Leon Battista Alberti and Louis Kahn. These architects favour – during modernity and the radical criticism of concepts such decorum,... more
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      AestheticsRenaissance HumanismHistory of conceptsLeon Battista Alberti
This thesis examines the carnal sin of sodomy in early modern Florence, Italy (1432–1600). More specifically, this project investigates one particular sodomitical locale: the San Niccolò bathhouse. Domenico Cresti’s (called ‘Il... more
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      Gender StudiesRenaissance HistoryQueer TheorySexuality
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Dall’excursus dei testi albertiani - dal De iciarchia agli Apologi, dalle Intercenali agli elogi del Canis e della Musca, ai Libri della Famiglia, al Momo - emerge una concezione etica e poietica incentrata sulla praxis. Sorprende,... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Alberti's aims with De pictura/Della pittura are closely mirrored by the tripartite division of the text, as well as the compressed ideas within each section. He sought to elevate the status of painting that of a liberal art, which... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Applied MathematicsArt HistoryRhetoric
The analysis of two Renaissance drawings offers the occasion for a discussion of light in ecclesiastical architecture. The first exemple considers the well-known drawing – drafted on parchment by Giovanni di Gherardo Gherardi da Prato in... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Lighting
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      Leon Battista AlbertiImitatioUmanesimoPitagora
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance PhilosophyErasmusZwingli
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      Theatre StudiesArchitectureItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
A large painting by Maerten van Heemskerck, today in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, takes as its subject matter a contest among the Classical gods with the figure of Momus—the arch critic—acting as arbiter. This story is told in Aesop’s... more
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      ClassicsTheatre StudiesRhetoricEarly Modern History