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L’analisi antropologica e paleopatologica dei reperti umani rinvenuti nella cattedrale di Alba è stata condotta al fine di ottenere informazioni necessarie sia per delineare il profilo biologico del campione in esame (sesso, età... more
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyPaleopathologyMedieval Archaeology
In the archaeological site of the early Christian Episcopal complex of Saint Peter, in Canosa di Puglia (Bari, Italy), during the operations of archaeological excavations, tombs were discovered. They were dated between the sixth and... more
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      PaleopathologyDNA ExtractionPaleopathology, Biological Anthropology, Dental AnthropologyPaleopatologia
diagnostico y tratamiento de la caries dental
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      PaleopatologiaAntropologia Dentale
ABSTRACT: The archaeological excavation of Unidad de Ejecución número 3 del PGOU de Llíria was carried out between September 2011 and August 2012, coinciding with the redevelopment works. The intervention, directed by Francisco De Manuel,... more
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyMedieval ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
En este trabajo se analiza la presencia de distintos indicadores paleopatológicos en los restos de un varón adulto de edad avanzada exhumado en la Sacramental de San Justo (Madrid). Según la documentación aportada por las autoridades... more
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      PaleopathologyPhysical AnthropologyOsteoarchaeologyOsteoarthritis
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      Roman HistoryPaleopathologyHistory of PlagueMarcus Aurelius
La paleopatología investiga la evolución de las enfermedades en el pasado y las formas en las cuales las sociedades humanas se adaptan a ellas y a su medio ambiente (Zuckerman et al., 2012). Desde esta perspectiva evolutiva, las... more
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      PaleopathologyPaleopathology in mummified remainsBilogical Anthropology, Paleotology, PaleopathologyPaleopathology, Biological Anthropology, Dental Anthropology
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    • Paleopatologia
in "Journal of Anthropological Sciences", 96, 2018.
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      Medieval HistoryBioarchaeologyPaleopathologyMedieval Archaeology
"Nell’ambito degli studi archeo-antropologici si nota un crescente interesse per gli aspetti tafonomici ed in particolare per la valutazione dello stato di conservazione dei reperti antichi. I resti umani, ed in generale tutti i resti... more
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Sono raccolti i primi articoli della rivista "Il Radiologo" (2010-2018). La paleoradiologia si usa per rispondere alle domande che l’antichità – o meglio il passato, talvolta anche quello prossimo – ci pone. A queste domande rispondono,... more
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      PaleontologyRadiologyImaging ScienceArcheologia
L’argomento di questa tesi nasce dall'esperienza congiunta di rievocazione storica ed archeologia sperimentale che ho maturato con gli anni. Appassionato di rievocazione dal 2007, ho praticato (e continuo tuttora a praticare) la scherma... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyForensic AnthropologyPaleopathology
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyPaleopathologyPhysical Anthropology
Le recenti scoperte a riguardo della Yersinia Pestis, responsabile dell Peste di Giustiniano e della Peste Nera, impongono una revisione della nostra visione storica sul contagio e sulla presenza dei ratti nelle città medievali.
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      PaleopathologyStoria medievaleHistory of Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern EuropePaleopatologia
Resumen. Presentamos el estudio de los restos humanos que procedentes de la Cova de la Sarsa (Bocairent, Valencia), se encuentran depositados en los museos arqueológicos de Bocairent, Alcoi y S.I.P (Valencia). Se ha determinado un número... more
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      PaleopathologyNeolithic ArchaeologyPaleopatologia
Bu tez çalışmasında, Müslümantepe Ortaçağ ve Eski Tunç Çağı toplumlarının iskelet materyalleri paleopatolojik açıdan incelenmiştir. İskeletler üzerindeki paleopatolojik lezyonlar belirlenmiş, bu lezyonların popülâsyonda ne kadar yaygın... more
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      Skeletal BiologyPaleopatologia
The Little Ice Age (LIA) is known as one of the coldest stages of the Holocene. Most records from the Northern Hemisphere show evidence of significantly colder conditions during the LIA, which in some cases had substantial socioeconomic... more
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      Climate ChangePaleopathologyPaleopatologiaBioarchaeology, Osteology, Paleopathology
El estudio de las prácticas funerarias en la Iglesia de Huanchaco nos ha permitido definir las actividades mortuorias realizadas durante el Periodo Colonial Temprano. Estas prácticas funerarias están relacionadas al proceso de... more
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      Colonial AmericaArqueologíaHistoriaArqueología histórica
The Longobard necropolis of Povegliano Veronese dates from the 6 th to the 8 th centuries AD. Among the 164 tombs excavated, the skeleton of an older male shows a well-healed amputated right forearm. The orientation of the forearm... more
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      Medieval HistoryBioarchaeologyPaleopathologyMedieval Archaeology
La paleopatología se encarga de estudiar las enfermedades que afectaron a los seres vivos en el pasado. Estas enfermedades dejaron su huella indeleble en los restos óseos de las criaturas que las padecieron. En este artículo vamos a... more
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      PaleopathologyOsteoarchaeologyPhisical anthropologyPaleopatologia
El Prado es uno de los escasos yacimientos al aire libre del Neolítico Antiguo de la mitad norte peninsular. En la excavación arqueológica han sido documentadas cincuenta estructuras negativas asociadas a un poblado del Neolítico Antiguo... more
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      PaleoanthropologyViolenceStable Isotope AnalysisPaleopathology
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      Biological AnthropologyBioarchaeologyPaleopathologyAntropología Biológica
Riassunto Gli scavi archeologici condotti tra il 2007 e il 2011 all’interno della Cattedrale di San Lorenzo (Alba, CN), hanno portato alla luce circa 350 sepolture. Sono stati rinvenuti diversi individui in deposizione primaria, facenti... more
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      Medieval HistoryPaleopathologyOsteologyPhysical Anthropology
Los presentes hallazgos, documentados en 2017 en el Sector 11 de La Alcudia de Elche, se realizaron en el marco del proyecto multidisciplinar “Damas y héroes. Tras la Ilici ibérica” (Universidad de Alicante-Fundación... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleopathologyMedieval ArchaeologyOsteoarchaeology
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      AnthropologyAntropología FísicaPhisical anthropologyPaleopatologia
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      ArchaeologyIncinerationAntropología FísicaPaleopatologia
Nella città di Siponto (Manfredonia, Foggia, Puglia, Sud Italia), abbandonata nel Medioevo (1263), è stato rinvenuto intorno ad un edificio religioso uno spazio funerario pluristratificato. L’indagine è stata condotta su un primo... more
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      Archeologia medievaleAntropologíaPaleopatologiaArcheologia Funeraria
El análisis se basa en la colección de cerámica del museo Larco, con filiación al periodo cultural mochica y asociada con el grupo determinado como cerámica con patologías. Empleando el reconocimiento visual de las representaciones en las... more
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyPaleoparasitologyPaleopathology in mummified remains
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyTrauma StudiesTrauma
The present poster discusses the case of a probable treponemal infection observed on an isolated young adult probable male skull from the early modern period from a rural religious setting in Cantabria (northern Spain) (Fig. 1). The skull... more
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      AnthropologyHistory of MedicinePaleopathologyOsteoarchaeology
Post mortem abnormal modification of bone are known as pseudopathologies. The geochemical characteristic of the burial soil and/or the presence of biological agents may produce marked changes in bone preservation. This could be the case... more
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      Biological AnthropologyBioarchaeologyPaleopathologyHuman Anatomy (Biological Anthropology)
The Longobard necropolis of Povegliano Veronese located in Veneto; Northern Italy was discovered in 1985. Archaeological evidence tells us the necropolis was used during the VI-VIII centuries AD. Over 240 skeletons have been recovered... more
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyMedieval ArchaeologyArcheologia
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      PaleopathologyArcheologia medievalePaleopatologia
En aquesta contribució es presenten les darreres novetats referides a l’anomenat Àmbit D, localitzat en una de les zones del Sector Sud del jaciment arqueològic de Son Peretó (Mallorca – Illes Balears), la qual va quedar al descobert... more
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyLate AntiquityLate Roman Archaeology
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyVisigothic SpainVisigoths
Exhibition: Zdrowie i higiena w dawnym Gdańsku. Muzeum Archeologiczne w Gdańsku, Gdańsk, 2020
Exhibition curator: Ewa Trawicka
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      Biological AnthropologyOsteology (Anthropology)PaleopatologiaBioarchaeology, Osteology, Paleopathology
El cementerio Tarapacá-40 (1100 cal a.C.-660 d.C.) (Uribe et al 2015; Oakland 2000) I región de Chile, ha sido adscrito al Período Formativo (1000 A.C -900 D.C.) al cual se le atribuyen importantes transformaciones socioeconómicas,... more
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      Feminist ArchaeologyPaleopatologiaFormativoArqueología y bioarqueología
En el presente trabajo se analiza el esqueleto de un varón adulto perteneciente a la necrópolis hispanomusulmana de San Nicolás (siglos X-XIV), en el que se observa la amputación del pie derecho. La tibia y el peroné de dicho lado... more
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      PaleopathologyMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyPhysical Anthropology
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of GenderPaleopathologyIsland archaeology
Paleopathological analyses of skeletal remains provide us with valuable information on the health and disease status of prehistoric populations. Skeletal dysplasias are of great interest because, if they are rare at present -1: 6000... more
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      PaleopathologyPhysical AnthropologyOsteoarchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      PaleopathologyAntropología FísicaPaleopatologiaPHYSICAL ANTRHOPOLOGY
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryLate Antiquity
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    • Paleopatologia
Numerosos agentes intrínsecos y extrínsecos afectan de diferentes formas los grados de preservación de restos óseos humanos. La observación de la forma e intensidad en las que tales factores inciden en las características del registro... more
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyHuman TaphonomyBioarcheology
Il volume è edito nel solo formato elettronico, e può essere scaricato gratuitamente dalla pagina “Pubblicazioni” del sito dell’Associazione oppure direttamente dal seguente link:... more
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      Medical AnthropologyMedieval HistoryPaleopathologyMedieval Studies
Six single burials and several dislocated bones dated to the period between the 15th and the 18th century were discovered under the floor of the Baptistery of San Giovanni Battista (Settimo Vittone, Turin) during an archaeological... more
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      PaleopathologyOsteoarchaeologyHuman OsteologyPaleopatologia
Paleopathology includes the analysis of diseases in the past through a variety of sources of information including skeletonized and mummified remains, studies of microorganisms, historical and ethnographic documents and molecular... more
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      PaleopathologyPaleoparasitologyPaleopathology in mummified remainsBilogical Anthropology, Paleotology, Paleopathology
O emprego da violência interpessoal tem destaque no conjunto de instrumentos comportamentais de uma ampla gama de espécies que habitam ou habitaram o Planeta, e é algo que representa um diferencial evolucionário na competição individual... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyHuman EvolutionPrimatologyCooperation (Evolutionary Psychology)
Artificial cranial deformation is a cultural practice that modifies the shape of the skull during the early infancy. It is not related to rites of passage, but to different social status in a group. Therefore, the deformed cranium is an... more
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      BioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPaleopathologyOsteoarchaeology