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Renaissance Information
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian Humanism
A cross-cultural reading hosted by Carleton University and covered by CBC In Town and Out interview The diagram interfaces geometry and anatomy, humanity and nature, architecture and cosmos, microcosm and macrocosm. It transcends the... more
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      Islamic StudiesLeonardo da VinciAverroesCosmology
In this paper, I explore the relationship between personality traits and the use of symbols pertaining to building brand identity, be it corporate, institutional, or individual
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      Visual StudiesBrand ManagementVisual SemioticsConsumer Culture
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      Byzantine HistoryByzantine artGiorgio VasariRennaisance art
Интерес к картинным рамам в России сегодня постепенно растет. А что же происходит в Европе, где еще в конце XIX века началось изучение картинных рам? Как там обстоит дело с их коллекционированием, сохранением и реставрацией? Эти вопросы... more
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      Decorative ArtsCollecting and CollectionsRennaisance art17th and 18th century European Decorative Arts and Design
162 obras del maestro del renacimiento, Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) quien cumple 500 años de fallecido, han sido reunidas por primera vez en París para una exhibición retrospectiva en el Museo del Louvre, en lo que constituye una de los... more
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryLeonardo da VinciHistoria del Arte
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      Historical ArchaeologyEarly Modern HistoryStove TilesKachelöfen
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    • Rennaisance art
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      Colonial AmericaRennaisance art
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      European StudiesEnlightenmentRennaisance artBenua Eropah
This is the first call for the 29th IRCLAMA colloquium.
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesMonastic StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryWomen's Studies
گوتیک، شاخه ای از هنر در قرون وسطی است که هنرمندان ایتالیایی دوران پس از آن، یعنی رنسانس، به دلیل مخالفت اساسی و بسیار با این سبک و نا متوازن و بی اصالت دانستن آن، این هنر را منسوب به قوم بربر ها و گوت ها می دانستند و به همین سبب به جهت... more
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      ArchitectureGothic architectureRennaissance ArtGothic Art
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      ReligionHistoryPhilosophyEnglish Literature
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      History of CollectionsRestauration and ConservationRennaisance artRaphael
Dentro del programa anual de restauraciones de fuentes que el Patronato del Real Alcázar de Sevilla tenía previsto para el año 2013, se incluye la Fuente de Neptuno con carácter urgente, debido al daño sufrido por el incidente ocurrido a... more
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      Art HistoryHeritage ConservationSevillaRennaisance art
Il saggio propone l'inedita attribuzione al misterioso "Maestro dell'Adorazione di Glasgow" di due tavole dipinte raffiguranti i SS. Pietro e Paolo custodite nella chiesa di S. Lucia in Terlizzi (BA). Parti superstiti di un polittico... more
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      Fifteenth and Sixteenth century culturePittura RinascimentoRennaisance artGiovanni Antonio de' Sacchis detto Pordenone
La pubblicazione del presente volume scaturisce dal ventennale lavoro di ricerca svolto dall'autrice riguardo la Basilica di San Giovanni dei Fiorentini a Roma, dove la Compagnia della Pietà rappresentava il sodalizio fiorentino,... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtBaroque art and architecture
Throughout the 1400s, the medieval landscape underwent a gradual transformation: castles, domus, and palacia evolved into palaces that represented the aesthetic taste and prestige of princes. The second half of the century saw a... more
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      Medieval ArtHistory of architectureFortificationsCastles and Fortifications
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      Italian Renaissance ArtRenaissance RomeMichelangelo BuonarrotiRinascimento
This thesis explores the topic of religious silverware work in Portugal, with a special focus on the monstrance (or ostensory) executed in a Portuguese context in the 16th century. Using some case studies as examples of the art of silver... more
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      Decorative ArtsPortuguese ArtRennaisance art
Modlitewnik Zygmunta I Starego znajduje się obecnie w British Library w Londynie (sygnatura: Add. 15281). Prezentowane wydanie zawiera facsimile rękopisu oraz wstęp (w językach polskim i angielskim), w którym opisano historię zabytku,... more
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)History of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthBook Illustration
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      Medieval ArtFlemish PaintingEpigraphyRennaisance art
Benvenuto Cellini (1500 - 1571), Italian sculptor and goldsmith became an "icon" of the art of goldsmithing not just due to his art but also thanks to his two books: the "Autobiography" and the "Treatises on Goldsmithing and Sculpture".... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniGoldsmitherySilversmithingRennaisance art
Resumen: El presente artículo pretende realizar un somero análisis al corpus de dibujos sobre papel atribuido a Joan de Joanes y a sus más directos seguidores, desde una óptica metaformal, adentrándose en la génesis misma de tales... more
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      DrawingSpanish Renaissance ArtSpanish Renaissance and Baroque ArtRennaisance art
This online doctoral seminar focuses on the complex relations between texts and images as tools of analysis and reflection on different topics and objects of study (political, social, cultural, artistic, historiographic, and ideological),... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryMedieval ArtEarly Medieval Art
The introduction contains the most important and current state of art about the prayer book of the Queen Bona Sforza, wife of the King Sigismund I the Elder. The prayer, containing beautiful illuminations, was created in the most famous... more
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Central and Eastern EuropeMedieval Devotional CultureBook Illustration
I de danske museers samlinger ligger en stor guldgrube af hvide tekstiler broderet med hvide mønstre og motiver. Mange private har dem også i deres hjem, måske som arvestykker, måske købt på loppemarked eller man har selv kastet sig over... more
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      TextilesRecyclingEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles
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      DrawingNear InfraredCartoons and preperatory drawingsStudio Arts, Art History, Drawing and Painting
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      Italian Renaissance ArtRennaisance artPittura BologneseMarco Zoppo
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      History of HungaryEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryFortificationsCastle Studies
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      PortraitsPortraiturePhysiognomicsRenaissance magic and astrology
Presentazione a Trento del volume di Carla Benocci, La Villa di Papacqua a Soriano nel Cimino. Gli Otia dei Madruzzo, Altemps, Albani, Chigi, presso la Biblioteca provinciale dei Padri Capuccini, venerdi 26 ottobre 2018, ore 15.00, con... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance Art
The application of print privilege (pre-copyright) legislation to Venetian cartography came about by chance. While the Venetian Republic was not the first state in Europe to construct a system of printing privileges, it was the earliest... more
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      CartographyLawPrint CultureArt History
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryCastlesCastle Studies
link para download: <> A Itália da segunda metade do século XVI é o teatro de calorosas contendas teóricas e estéticas no campo da música, ao termo das quais são... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusic Theory
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      UrbanismRennaisance artPlazas Mayores
On a newly identified etching in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
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      PrintmakingVeniceRennaisance artBattista Del Moro
The major outcomes of the project are: - A publication in the form of an edited volume: Festival Culture in the World of the Spanish Habsburgs (Routledge, formerly Ahsgate, 2015). - International Conference: Re-creating Renaissance... more
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      Music HistoryArt HistoryEarly Modern HistorySerious Games
"Surpris par le tableau La Libération de saint Pierre par l’ange (1642 et 1647-1648) de David II Teniers, où le sujet religieux est traité au second plan et comme un détail sans que ce geste soit justifié par les Écritures, nous avons... more
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      PerceptionIconographyArt HistoryPainting
O artigo tem por objeto a tradução e comentário de três capítulos do tratado italiano de autor desconhecido "Il Corago" (c. 1630). O texto trata da arte da representação cênica e, especificamente nestes capítulos, da cenografia. Ele se... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
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      Roman HistoryRoman ArchitectureMonarquía HispánicaSpanish Reconquest
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      Architectural HistoryRenaissance RomeItalian Renaissance Architectural HistoryHistory of architecture
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      Art HistoryHistory of HungaryFortificationsCastle Studies
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      Renaissance ArtEpigraphyRenaissance architectureEpigrafia
The book was published in Prague in 1896.
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryArtArchitecture
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      Cultural HistorySociology of CultureLatin American StudiesIconography