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戰後台灣自行考選培訓的司法人才,經過時日推移,已取代過去戰前中國或殖民地時期台灣所培養之司法人才,成為現今台灣司法界的主導力量。本文嘗試透過對台灣戰後司法官訓練文化的觀察,包括訓練計畫、訓導方式、學員年齡、性別組成、生涯規劃走向等面向的觀察,以瞭解台灣戰後司法人整體組成的概況。並分析透過這樣必經的司法訓練過程,所產生出的重視紀律考核、判牘一致性與期別先後倫理等特殊文化。以此,更進一步去討論這樣的組成與文化,對戰後台灣法律專業團體所造成的可能影響。 A Study of... more
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      Legal ProfessionDisciplineProsecutorsJudges
Standards of Professional Conduct for Prosecution Counsel at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, The Code of Conduct for the Office of the Prosecutor of the... more
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      International Criminal LawProsecutorsCode of ConductRight to a Fair Trial
1. Introduction. 2. The judge. 3. The Police authority. 4. The member of Public Ministery (prosecutor). 5. The counsel of choice (Private Attorney). 6. The appointed counsel and the public defender. 7. Bibliography.
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      Criminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeProsecutorsJudges
Ghidul este rezultatulproiectului „Întărirea capacităţii sistemului judiciar românesc de a răspunde provocărilor noilor schimbări legislative şiinstituţionale”, implementat de Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii din România (CSM) în... more
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      Sociology of ProfessionsProsecutorsJudgesJudicial Ethics
This is an earlier version of a paper published in The Criminal Law Review in 2021.
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      EvidenceRape and Sexual Assault LawProsecutorsPolice and Policing
This article shows that despite the infrequency of federal jury trials in the United States, jurors pervade lawyers’ work. From the earliest stages of their criminal and civil case preparation, the mere possibility that a case will... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureLegal ProfessionLegal Anthropology
Living with a felony conviction exposes people to a host of negative life experiences, including unemployment, low income, and family instability. Pretrial diversions offer defendants a rare chance to escape this fate. Using data from the... more
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      SociologyCriminal JusticeLaw and SocietyCritical Race Theory
The purpose of this book is to establish what consequences for the structure, competences and functioning of the prosecution service of a State derive from the fact of its membership in the Council of Europe as an international... more
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      Council of EuropeEuropean Court of Human RightsProsecutorsProsecutorial Misconduct
Prosecutor is not the representative of the victim, not of the accused, even not of the government, but he/she is the spokesperson rather agent of the people of the country in its real sense. In this paper we will deal with role of... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticeComparative Study
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      Qualitative Research MethodsProsecutorsParticipant Observation
En el Perú, la corporativización llegó en el 2011 a las Fiscalías Especializadas en Delitos de Corrupción de Funcionarios (en adelante, FC Corporativas Corporativas), luego de un supuesto éxito en la jurisdicción civil. Priorizando la... more
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Among the central issues in scholarship on the American jury is the effect of Batson v. Kentucky (1986) on discriminatory empanelment. Empirical legal research has confirmed that despite the promise of the Batson doctrine, both peremptory... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeAnthropology
Məqalədə Azərbaycan Prokurorluğunun 1918-ci ildə təşəkkülü və formalaşmasına dair məlumatlar əks olunmuşdur.
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      ProsecutorsPublic Prosecution ServiceEuropean Public Prosecutor's OfficeProsecutor
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      Criminal JusticeProsecutorsCorruptionMinistério Público
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      Plea BargainingProsecutorsProsecutorial and judicial discretion
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      Criminal JusticeLay Participation In Law: Juries And Mixed CourtsJuriesNorway
Capítulo de la obra "Las deudas y promesas incumplidas de la reforma constitucional de 1994. A 25 años" (Mauro Benente, comp.), EDUNPAZ, 2019, pp.107-142.
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      Constitutional LawDemocratic TheoryArgentinaDemocracy
Стаття присвячена актуальній науковій проблемі-захисту прав і свобод людини органами судової вла-ди, пріоритетному їх місцю в цьому процесі. В ній подається аналіз міжнародно-правових актів присвя-чена даній проблемі. Наголошено, що... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsCourtsCriminal Law Criminal Procedure Law
Conclusive evidence of a relationship between background characteristics such as gender, race, or religion and specific judicial decisions has been hard to come by. Studies that find a correlation between prosecutorial experience and... more
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      Judicial PoliticsProsecutorsJudges 19
Indonesia is a rule of law, which means that there is a guarantee for the functioning of an independent or independent prosecutor in carrying out the judiciary and other tasks and for upholding law and justice based on the state... more
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      Constitutional LawProsecutorsAbuse of power
Because state prosecutors in the United States typically work in local offices, reformers often surmise that greater coordination within and among those offices will promote sound prosecution practices across the board. Real... more
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      Political ScienceProsecutors
This essay begins with the observation that the American culture industry is nearly incapable of presenting state prosecutors in a positive light. Through readings of three apparent exceptions to this rule, the essay argues that... more
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      LawCriminal LawJurisprudencePolitical Theory