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Thanks largely to the Kremlin’s information war, Ukraine’s ultranationalists have become global media stars of a sort, depicted in Western and other reports as key players in Ukraine’s third major political upheaval in less than a... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Post-Soviet RegimesFascismNeo-Fascism
The study aims to provide an analysis and systematize the complex of factors influencing the transformation of party systems. We attempt to identify the relationship between their general and specific influences in particular countries to... more
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      European StudiesEuropePolitical SystemPolitical Party
Implementation of the environmental agendas put forward in the election manifestos of 2014 of eight major political parties is found to be unsatisfactory. There is a need for more synergy between the election agendas and their... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyClimate ChangePolitical Ecology
Rossana Rossanda died last month after decades of commitment to first the Italian Communist Party and then the dissident manifesto group. She insisted that a left party should be shaped by the demands of workers' everyday struggles.... more
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      MarxismContemporary HistoryCommunismLenin
Este artículo reexamina la idea de Lijphart (1997) de que el voto obligatorio sea un instrumento efectivo para reducir la desigualdad del ingreso con un diseño de investigación cuasi experimental basado en la técnica de matching. Los... more
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      Political SociologyLatin American StudiesVoting BehaviorPolitical Participation
En 1846, l’un des plus anciens partis en Europe voyait le jour : le parti libéral belge. Le mr et l’Open vld ont donc commémoré, en 2016, le cent soixante-dixième anniversaire de sa naissance. Paradoxalement pourtant, la trajectoire et... more
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      Political PartiesLiberalismPoliticsHistory of Political Parties
For voters with bounded rationality to emulate the formation of policy preferences under full information, party cues provide effective heuristics. Although the effect of party cuing has been robustly established in US-centered studies,... more
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      Political PsychologyHeuristicsJapanNewspaper
This article explores the ways in which Gramsci's engagement with Machiavelli and The Prince in particular result in three significant developments in the Prison Notebooks. First, I analyze how the 'heroic fury' of Gramsci's lifelong... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical PartiesPolitical Theory
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      Political PhilosophyPoliticsParty PoliticsSiyaset
Resumo O presente trabalho problematiza o conceito de institucionalização do sistema partidário desenvolvido por Mainwaring e Scully (1995). Buscamos demonstrar que aspectos teóricos e operacionais desse conceito podem levar a... more
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      Political PartyParty System
This study investigates the practice of politics in Yemeni universities and its effects on the quality of education. It explores the university students’ as well as teaching and administrative staffs’ attitudes towards the students’... more
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      DiscriminationPolitical PartyFLT Journal
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      European StudiesPolitical PartiesLabour Party (UK)Working Classes
The defeat of the party NasDem in the year 2017 Pringsewu elections resulted in the party NasDem Party dismiss DPW Chairman of DPD in Pringsewu Regency NasDem Party. Decision of the DPW led to internal conflict DPD Party NasDem in... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictPolitical SciencePolitics
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία θα προσπαθήσουμε να διερευνήσουμε τις σχέσεις που διαμορφώθηκαν μεταξύ του ΠΑΣΟΚ και του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ την περίοδο 2012-2017 καθώς και τις προοπτικές που υπάρχουν για μια ενδεχόμενη συνεργασία των δύο χώρων, είτε... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PartiesPolitical ScienceSocial Democratic Party
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      DemocracyPolitical PartyLocal ElectionElection Commission
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      Political PartiesLiberalismHistory of Political PartiesConservative Party
A l’instar des formations politiques européennes, les partis politiques français sont confrontés à plusieurs défis et soumis à nombre de tensions à l’aube de ce XXIe siècle, alors même que leur attractivité n’a jamais semblé aussi... more
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsFrench HistoryPolitical Parties
L’élection présidentielle du 22 avril 2007 et le scrutin législatif qui l’a suivie ont été une terrible désillusion pour Jean-Marie Le Pen et le Front national (FN). Après avoir dominé l’agenda politique et médiatique durant les années... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical BehaviorFrench HistoryPolitical Parties
Sentralisasi politik dan desentralisasi pemerintahan telah berjalan saling berseberangan, meskipun parpol sebagai infratruktur sistem pemerintahan demokrasi, serta desentralisasi pemerintah sebagai model pembagian kewenangan di Negara... more
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      Community DevelopmentDecentralizationSocial AccountabilityPolitical Party
Diskursus tentang partai politik Islam di Indonesia tak lekang ditelan zaman sejak negeri ini belum merdeka hingga sekarang. Bahkan perjuangan kemerdekaan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari perjuangan politik Islam, begitu juga setelah... more
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      Islam and PoliticsPolitical PartyIndonesian elections
A political party is an organised group of people with a sui generis label and possibly an acronym that, primarily recruit, train and field candidates to be elected to vacant public offices by eligible electorates through the... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical PartiesPolitical Theory
Youth policy serves as a tool in promoting greater participation of young people on the issues of society and government. The Kabataan Party-list is a youth in the Philippine Congress that continuously gives primacy to the promotion of... more
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      Youth developmentPolitical PartyFilipino Youth Studies
[Published in INDIA REVIEW: Vol 16, No.1. pp 14-41] Abstract: Despite the extensive literature on distributive politics, we still lack a theory of how political and fiscal institutions interact to shape the pork‐barrelling ability of... more
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      FederalismIntergovernmental RelationsFiscal federalism and decentralizationIntergovernmental Interaction
This is a brief introduction to Namdeo Dhasal, founder of Dalit Panther and a poet-activist.
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      PoetryActivismIndiaPolitical Party
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      PoliticsParty organizationParty PoliticsSiyaset
The book that you have in your hands is the result of the work of a research team coordinated by the professors Santiago Izquierdo (UPF) and Gemma Rubí (UAB) deployed throughout Catalonia. The main objective pursued was to find out the... more
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      NationalismPolitical PartyCatalan RepublicanismContemporain Spain XX Century
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      Political SociologyPolitical PartiesPoliticsPolitical communication
Les partis socialistes et sociaux-démocrates laissent peu d’observateurs et de citoyens indifférents. Depuis plusieurs années maintenant, nombre d’acteurs les présentent comme une famille de partis en crise, sans imagination ni tonus,... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesComparative Politics
The present paper aims to investigate the spatiality of electoral behavior and its changing dimensions concerning the contemporary general elections in West Bengal. It analyses the general elections of 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019 and... more
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      Indian studiesPoliticsPopulismElectoral Behavior
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical PartiesPolitical EcologyEnvironmental Studies
1912 tarihinde Osmanlı’nın Balkan savaşlarına gebe olduğu günlerde kurulmuş olan Milli Meşrutiyet Fırkası’nın en önemli yönü, bu dönemde kurulmuş olan ve Türkçülük iddiasını seslendiren ilk fırka olmasındandır. Fırkanın kuruluşunda yine... more
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      NationalismConstitutionalismPolitical Party
C'est peu dire que le libéralisme politique et, plus encore, les partis libéraux en Europe ont été peu étudiés par la communauté scientifique. Comparé aux formations socialistes, communistes, d'extrême droite et, plus récemment,... more
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEuropean Studies
C'est peu dire que les élections du 13 juin 1999 ont constitué un véritable tremblement de terre pour la famille sociale chrétienne. En Flandre, le Christelijke Volkspartij (CVP) est passé sous la barre des 25% et a été devancé, à la... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociology of ReligionPolitical Parties
Entitas partai politik menjadi vital dalam alam demokrasi.
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      Political PartyPartai Politik
Socialist and Social Democratic parties leave few political observers and citizens indifferent. For several years, a certain number of actors on the political scene have presented it as a political family in crisis, lacking in imagination... more
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEuropean Studies
Every political party must participate in seeking the maximum achievement of a good government (good governance), good governance can be achieved through a government system that has strong leadership on the commitment to realize the... more
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      Merit and meritocracyMeritocracyÇin Komünist Partisi - China's Communist PartyPolitical Party
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
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      PoliticsMediaPolitical PartyPolitical party financing in Indonesia
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      Digital MediaPoliticsPolitical communicationParty Politics
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      Political PartiesLiberalismHistory of Political PartiesPolitical History of Belgium
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      French HistoryPolitical PartiesFrench StudiesPolitics
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologyEuropean StudiesComparative Politics
Political “turncoatism” or the practice of party switching has been an integral aspect of party politics in the Philippines. Since the inception of Filipino political parties during the American colonial period, Filipino politicians have... more
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      PhilippinesElectionsPolitical Party
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEuropean Studies
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      Political PartiesHistory of Political PartiesSocialismBelgian History
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      French HistoryPolitical PartiesFrench StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
Depuis quelques années, le PTB – le PVDA en Flandre – défraie la chronique politique et médiatique. Le Parti du travail est parvenu à s’imposer comme un interlocuteur, désormais régulier, de la presse audiovisuelle et écrite, et a... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismSocialismsCommunism (Revolutions)
El objetivo de este trabajo es describir los caminos divergentes de los tres sistemas de partidos más institucionalizados de América Latina, vale decir, Chile, Costa Rica y Uruguay, a nivel subnacional. Los tres países han sido... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical ParticipationPolitical PartiesPolitical Science
The formation of a party system is widely regarded as a key to successful and sustainable patterns of democratisation. In this essay we examine the evolution of the party system in Ukraine, focusing on the extent to which the Euromaidan... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPolitical PartiesDemocratizationPost-Soviet Regimes
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxismItalian Studies