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The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
The issue of “housing” has generally not been granted an important role in post-war political economy. Housing-as-policy has been the preserve of social policy analysis and of a growing field of housing studies; housing-as-market has been... more
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      Political EconomyIdeologyInternational Political EconomyComparative Political Economy
This book presents an exploratory account of the origins and dynamics of cities. The author recounts how the essential foundations of the urbanization process reside in two interrelated forces. These are the tendency for many different... more
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      Urban GeographyCity and Suburban IntegrationUrbanization in Developing AreasUrban Politics
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
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      Information SystemsManagementMarketingSociology
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      Settlement PatternsComparative UrbanismUrban StudiesIrregular/Informal Settlements Studies
Perpaduan dan integrasi nasional di Malaysia merupakan agenda penting yang mendasari setiap program pembangunan negara. Kestabilan politik dan ekonomi negara boleh tergugat sekiranya perpaduan antara ahli dalam masyarakat sangat rapuh.... more
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      Social SciencesIslamic StudiesNeighborhood EffectsSocial Responsibility
The arts have long played a role in debates around gentrification and displacement, yet their roles and impacts as change agents are not clear-cut. According to the standard account, artists facilitate gentrification and ultimately... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningGentrificationUrban Studies
Entre las características que definen la actual coyuntura político-económica de las ciudades a nivel global, especialmente en los denominados "barrios conflictivos", encontraríamos el extremo sometimiento del espacio vecinal a la... more
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      Social MovementsHuman GeographyUrban GeographyMarxism
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      Neighborhood EffectsRecidivism
This dissertation inquires into the forms of social reproduction of the urban poor under a process of accumulation in which real estate and finance capital have a preeminent role. My main hypothesis is that the forms of reciprocity and... more
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      Real EstateFinancePolitical EconomyMulticulturalism
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      Urban StudiesNeighborhood EffectsAncient Urbanism
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      SociologyEthnic StudiesMedia StudiesSocial Networks
Serious youthful offenders are presented with a number of significant challenges when trying to make a successful transition from adolescence to adulthood. One of the biggest obstacles for these youth to overcome concerns their ability... more
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      CriminologyPsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
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      Mental HealthNeighborhood Effects
In the last two decades, critical urban studies has paid a great deal of attention to contemporary “neoliberal urbanism”, but very little to its historical and urban roots. This chapter discusses the use of neighbourhood typologies and... more
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      Neoliberalization of the stateNeoliberalismShrinking CitiesNew Orleans
[2003, Dissertação de mestrado defendida no PPCIS/UERJ e orientada pela Profa. Dra. Helena Lewin & Profa. Dra. Alba Maria Zaluar]. Essa dissertação pretendeu analisar a sociabilidade e os conflitos existentes nas redes sociais de... more
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      Urban StudiesNeighborhood EffectsCiências SociaisRio de Janeiro
Rather than viewing neighbourhood decline as a natural process resulting from the in-flow of low-income households, this study uses a socio-spatial approach that looks at the structuration of neighbourhood decline by emphasising the power... more
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      EducationSegregationNeighbourhood DevelopmentEthnic minorities
Neighbourhood research hitherto suggests that the neighbourhood in which youth grow up affects their educational achievement. However, the mechanisms though which the neighbourhood reaches these effects are still unclear. Family and... more
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      EducationViolenceParentingRace and Ethnicity
Drawing upon Bourdieu’s (1986) social capital theory, I test a conceptual model of neighborhood conditions and social capital—considering relationships between neighborhood social capital forms (social support, social leverage, informal... more
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      Medical SociologySocial epidemiologySocial CapitalHealth Disparities
Let’s set the scene: there’s a regular on his barstool, beer in hand. He’s watching a young couple execute a complicated series of moves on the dance floor, while at the table in the corner the DJ adjusts his headphones and slips a new... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySociology of Culture
Governments in a wide range of contexts have long pursued policies of social mixing to disperse poverty concentrations, attract middle class residents, and manage disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Drawing on longitudinal and spatial housing... more
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      SociologyUrban GeographyPolicy Analysis/Policy StudiesSocial Policy
Tested a model for understanding the relationship of participation in block associations to block-level variables (i.e., demographics, the built environment, crime, the transient social and physical environment). Data were obtained from... more
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      Community PsychologyEnvironmental PsychologyCommunity DevelopmentCommunity Organizing
The incidence of childhood vaccine refusal tends to cluster in space, leading to localized dangerously low levels of herd immunity for preventable diseases. In this paper, we seek to answer two questions: Where are the clusters of... more
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      Public Health PolicySpatial epidemiologyMedical GeographyNeighborhood Effects
Background: Alcohol outlet density has been linked to rates of substantiated maltreatment both cross-sectionally and over time. Most of these studies have been conducted in Anglo-Saxon countries, especially in the U.S., but other... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologySocial Psychology
Many studies have examined the effects of neighbourhoods on educational outcomes. The results of these studies are often conflicting, even if the same independent variables (such as poverty, educational climate, social disorganisation, or... more
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      EducationYouth StudiesPovertyAdolescent Development
Urban Studies, 2011. This paper presents initial findings from longer-term transdisciplinary research concerning the social dynamics of urban neighbourhoods. It examines the spatial clustering of ethnicity and class in neighbourhoods over... more
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      SegregationUrban HistoryComparative UrbanismNeighborhood Effects
In The Neighborhood as a Social and Spatial Unit in Mesoamerican Cities, edited by Marie Charlotte Arnauld, Linda R. Manzanilla and Michael E. Smith, pp. 1-26. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyUrban StudiesNeighborhood EffectsAncient Urbanism
Quarto Oggiaro, Milano. Pochi quartieri delle città del Nord Italia sono considerati così emblematici per il cumulo di problemi e di svantaggi sociali. Poche periferie sono state così stigmatizzate e discusse attraverso i mass media.... more
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      SegregationUrban PlanningUrban RegenerationUrban Sociology
The paper uses contemporary urban studies and network theory to consider the ways in which a writing like the Shepherd of Hermas could have helped to transform the experience of space and urban identity in the crowded neighbourhoods of... more
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      PatristicsNew TestamentEarly ChristianityUrban Studies
2013. Gieseking, J. Queering the Meaning of ‘Neighborhood’: Reinterpreting the Lesbian-Queer Experience of Park Slope, Brooklyn, 1983-2008. In M. Addison and Y. Taylor, eds. Queer Presences and Absences. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.... more
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      Cultural GeographyFeminist TheoryQueer TheorySpace and Place
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      Subjective Well-BeingSocial CapitalNeighborhood Effects
Previous research suggests police surveillance practices confer health risks to community members. This study examines whether the public health burden of excessive or ethnoracially inequitable police use of force are amplified or... more
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      Community EcologyRace and EthnicityHealth DisparitiesSurveillance Studies
Despite media coverage of isolated incidents of violent crime perpetuated by undocumented immigrants in cities with sanctuary policies, there is scant systematic research on the relationships between the adoption of sanctuary policies,... more
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      SociologyCriminologyGeographyHuman Geography
Territoriality, neighborhood, social functions, experience of the city
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      Sense of PlaceNeighborhood Effects
There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographySpatial AnalysisPublic PolicyStudies
Studies of gender have an important place in studies of Turkey because the discourses of Islamism and secularism, and modernity and tradition, make the bodies and practices of Turkish women the site of debate. However, few studies have... more
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      Gender StudiesUrban StudiesModern TurkeyNeighborhood Effects
Research in the last three decades has shown that negative neighborhood factors such as neighborhood violence, noise, traffic, litter, low neighborhood socioeconomic status, and poor air quality increase the risk of poor health. Fewer... more
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      Positive PsychologyHealth PsychologyEpidemiologySocial Sciences
This pilot study tested a child-guided protocol integrating qualitative field techniques with spatial analysis tools to explore children's neighborhood perceptions and use. Sixteen children aged 7-9 in London, Canada led researchers and... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodParticipatory ResearchGPS ApplicationsChildren's Rights
" COIN, " the counter-terrorism doctrine the U.S. used during the Iraq War, was in criminological terms overly reliant on militarized "incapacitationist " strategies. Based on a competing " societal reactions " or community-level labeling... more
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      CriminologyLawCultural SociologyPeace and Conflict Studies
Neighborhoods can be defined in many different ways, for example by their urban morphological, economic or social characteristics, but even if one were to agree on which combination of characteristics defines a neighborhood, there would... more
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      SegregationStigmaNeighbourhood DevelopmentStigmatization
During the past decades, complex transformation of Iranian cities has occurred in physical and socio-economic aspects. Some of the less-studied outcomes of these transformations are the urban travel impacts. It is useful for our transport... more
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      Transportation EngineeringUrban GeographySustainable TransportationMobility/Mobilities
Non si può parlare di città senza fare cenno alla casa e al quartiere: è con riferimento a queste due dimensioni che vanno studiate la difficile realtà del disagio abitativo odierno e le cause che lo generano, per far fronte a un’ennesima... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PoliticsUrban StudiesHousing Policy
Prólogo Lo vecinal en Chile está escrito desde una perspectiva situada en una región del sur de Chile, la Región del Maule, y más específicamente en una ciudad intermedia, Talca. Muestra cómo esta región, esta ciudad y sus barrios han... more
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      Cultural StudiesUrban SociologyNeighborhood EffectsArquitectura
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      Social WorkNeighborhood EffectsCommunity-Based Participatory Research
Why do some neighborhoods have higher crime rates than others? What is it about certain communities that consistently generate high crime rates? These are the central questions of interest for social disorganization theory, a macro‐level... more
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      Social CapitalNeighborhood EffectsCollective EfficacyCrime
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      Spatial StatisticsNeighborhood EffectsSpatial autocorrelationSupermarkets
Low-income minority women are among the most disadvantaged in terms of social location, which exposes them to various forms of violence that perpetuate their poverty. Previous research has focused on individual explanations of actions... more
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      Domestic ViolenceViolencePovertyViolence Against Women
Background: The main strategy for alleviating heart disease has been to target individuals and encourage them to change their health behaviors. Though important, emphasis on individuals has diverted focus and responsibility away from... more
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      Social MovementsPositive PsychologyCardiologySocial Policy
Nowadays, cities function as global centres of political and economic decisionmaking, as spaces for the process of accumulation, and as scenarios of and for social conflicts, among other issues. The recent events in cities such as New... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyUrban AnthropologySymbolismUrban Sociology
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      SegregationUrban SociologyNeighborhood EffectsUrban Marginality