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      Web 2.0Second Language AcquisitionThe Social WebLinguistica
Does instruction style (e.g. classroom instruction vs. autonomous learning) affect knowledge of Dutch as evidenced by a spelling and vocabulary test with time and content held constant? Both groups received 45 minutes to learn the... more
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      EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTeacher Education
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      BusinessManagementFinanceProject Management
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      Second Language AcquisitionForeign LanguageAttitudeL2
The study reflects on the role of additional languages (L2) in the process of internationalization of higher education by analyzing the role of L2 in general and English in particular in the process of internationalization of a federal... more
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      EducationHigher EducationEnglishInternationalization of higher education
Se presenta un análisis de la utilización del Video como estrategia para la enseñanza del inglés en la Escuela de Idiomas de la Universidad de la Guajira, sede Riohacha, Colombia. La investigación de campo, estuvo teorizada por los... more
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      EnglishCommunication TechnologyL2Inglés
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      Political EconomyL2Asymmetric InformationUber
English spelling is a major challenge for the Arab EFL learner. The stumbling blocks are two, at the least: One, difference in the writing systems; and Two, difference of the language family. Even so, errors of interference are a foregone... more
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      Negative TransferL2AssimilationL1
Curtha in eagar ag T.J. Ó Ceallaigh agus Muiris Ó Laoire Tá 19 n-alt phiarmheasúnaithe sa leabhar seo atá curtha in eagar ag T.J. Ó Ceallaigh agus Muiris Ó Laoire. Tá na hailt bunaithe ar chuir i láthair a rinneadh ag an gCéad Chomhdháil... more
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      L2Language teaching in context
Abstract This study looked at the use of classifiers between L1 Singapore Hokkien speakers and L2 Singapore Hokkien speakers by eliciting natural speech using 13 pictures containing a wide range of concrete nouns in an interview setting.... more
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      SingaporeHokkien/TaiwaneseL2Mandarin Chinese
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsVietnamese Language
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In order to learn how vocabulary changes with progress in language proficiency and which characteristics of the lexical proficiency should be taken into consideration when assessing writing, we studied creative writings collected at... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage TestingApplied LinguisticsSecond Language Writing
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      Second Language AcquisitionL2Motion EventsConceptual Transfer
Vocabulary Development Strategies for the L2 Classroom Elham Yahia St. John’s University, Queens, New York United States Richard Sinatra St. John’s University, Queens, New York united States Abstract This paper presents some... more
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      ModelingL2Vocabulary developmentAcademic vocabulary
One of the problems in testing the proficiency of Estonian as a first or second language is that high-stake exams are assessed against the standards of the written language. Given this, we set out to describe the features of the actual... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage TestingVocabularyApplied Linguistics
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      Cognitive PsychologySecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsJapanese
This study investigated the time-course of activation of orthographic information in spoken word recognition with two visual world eye-tracking experiments in a task where L2 spoken word forms had to be matched with their printed... more
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      Eye-trackingOrthographySpoken Word RecognitionL2
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      Language TeachingL2SLIL1
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      Language TeachingL2SLIL1
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      Educational TechnologyDigital LiteracyICTConvergence
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El filósofo de la Escuela de Frankfurt, J. Habermas, en su obra Teoría de la Acción Comunicativa (1994) aporta una serie de conceptos fundamentales que redundan en la necesidad de que la sociedad debe comunicarse de forma crítica y... more
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      L2ELEInnovacion EducativaDinámicas De Grupo
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      Applied LinguisticsLanguageCognitiveComposition
This article outlines a method for teaching aural comprehension to students of Russian. The songs of Bulat Okudzhava are used as the primary material. Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis is used as the theoretical basis of this... more
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      Russian StudiesSecond Language AcquisitionStephen KrashenL2