Emanuel Swedenborg
Recent papers in Emanuel Swedenborg
Notes on Christian Hebraists between 1450-1750, a brief biographical study.
Numbers are important in the natural world and particularly in the sciences. The writings of Emmanuel Swedenborg also suggest that numbers have a unique spiritual significance, and he explains the meaning for selected numbers that appear... more
KUHN, Christian Carlos. Kant and the Mysticism: la conflict between Reason, Enthusiasm and Madness. 2016. 119 p. Dissertation (Master in Philpsophy) – University of the West of Paraná (UNIOESTE) - Toledo, 2016. KEY WORDS: Mysticism,... more
URL : http://revueties.org/document/index.php?/ties/la-voix-dans-tous-ses-etats/660-polyphonie-litteraire-et-imaginaires-de-la-voix-spectrale-chez-fedor-dostoievski Cet article a pour but de replacer la poétique de la polyphonie, propre... more
This paper is based on couple of articles in which I’m charting the influence of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) in the Finnish national literature of the 19th century. The outset of this paper will briefly demonstrate that Emanuel... more
"Ilya Vinitsky discusses Vladimir Dahl, whose religious passions and unbridled energy recall Webster. Dahl structured the entries in his Explanatory Dictionary as 'nests' and thereby worked to cast the Russian language as a kind of... more
In this paper we will compare Emanuel Swedenborg’s (1688-1772) practice of Internal Breathing to Paramahansa Yogananda’s (1893-1952) Kriya Yoga. We will focus on the esoteric meaning, historical context and scientific foundation beneath... more
Language: Polish. With an English summary. The book is a much needed update on recent developments in research on western esotericism. It presents history of academic research in this field, proposes new and more accurate Polish... more
Internal breathing is one of the most esoteric and mysterious aspects of Emanuel Swedenborg’s life story. This energetic breathwork was a constant practice for him which, throughout his life, became an ever-deepening and broadening... more
Die Neue Kirche (Swedenborgianer) im deutschsprachigen Raum musste sich im Unterschied zu allen anderen Swedenborgkirchen auf der Welt schon im 19. Jahrhundert mit den Neuoffenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber und den Lorberfreunden... more
In this paper we will compare Emanuel Swedenborg’s (1688-1772) practice of internal breathing to Paramahansa Yogananda’s (1893-1952) kriya yoga. We will focus on the esoteric meaning, historical context and scientific foundation beneath... more
Swedenborg’s involvement with the London Moravian Community, suspected for some time, can now be documented from the diaries (May 4/15th 1745) of the Moravian Church at Fetter Lane in the City of London. The influence of Zinzendorf’s... more
Finished book now available on amazon. This is a draft copy of one of the chapters from my book ‘Mysticism in Western Esoericism’ which is available on amazon. In the study of Western esotericism there is frequent mention of mysticism and... more
Lux in Tenebris is a collection of eighteen original interdisciplinary essays that address aspects of the verbal and visual symbolism in the works of significant figures in the history of Western Esotericism, covering such themes as... more
In Visionary: On Hilma af Klint and the Spirit of Her Time, ed. Kurt Almqvist and Louise Belfrage, 71-91, 118-20. Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2019. The footnotes for this essay were inadvertently not... more
This article seeks to address the complex relationships, conspiratorial theories and actual relationship between Jacobites, Hanoverians and Freemasons. This is a translation of the original article published in French.
Tähän valikoimaan sisältyy synopsikset, alkutekstit, suomennokset ja kommentaarit seitsemästä kosmisen mystagogi William Blaken (1757-1827) varhaisimmasta eeppisestä runoelmasta eli nk. profetiallisesta draamasta. Teos keskittyy siis... more
Abstract: Individuation as the process of psychological maturation is associated with the way of the spirit, equal to the ‘narrow path’. Social and worldly adaptation as central aspects of individuation are overvalued. It is generally... more
Merkitsevästi William Blake ei milloinkaan kaunokirjallisessa tuotannossaan käytä käsitteitä 'gnosis' tai 'gnostikko' tai 'gnostilaisuus', mutta monin paikoin hänen elämäänsä koskevissa dokumenteissa ilmenee, että antiikin gnostilaisuus... more
"on: Pawel Maciejko, The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement 1755-1816 (Jewish Culture and contexts), Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011, 376 pp. The article includes a review of developments in... more
This is an article on the history of religion and mathematics, which explores the origins and uses of geometric terminology in late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century esoteric discourses, and inquires as to whether or not such... more
Tätä tutkielmaa voi kutsua biografis-kriittiseksi esseeksi, sillä se palauttaa ensinnä mieliin William Blaken (1757-1827) elämäkerran ja taiteellisen kehityksen ääriviivat; Pyrin siis tässä hahmottamaan joitakin suuntaviivoja siitä,... more
The research task in this master's thesis was to conceptualize, analyze and evaluate international political economy (IPE) in a systemic manner. The result is an attempt to define what Stephen Gill has labelled market civilization and... more
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) had many very positive things to say about Africa. This essay explores some of these teachings and their impact on Swedenborg's followers in 19th Century Britain.
Theological, historical, and literary reflections on the Zohar's Maiden in the Palace Parable.
In this study, Wouter Hanegraaff examines the structure, themes, and development of Emanuel Swedenborg's massive work Arcana Coelestia, published between 1749 and 1756. Written as a work of biblical exegesis (of Genesis and Exodus),... more
50 Jahre vor Jung-Stillings Theorie der Geister-Kunde veröffentlichte der schwedische Seher Emanuel Swedenborg ein Werk, das sich dem Leben nach dem Tode widmete. Bei der Lektüre des Werkes Jung-Stillings fallen auf den ersten Blick... more
Two essays by Henry Corbin: 'Mundus Imaginalis' and 'Comparative Spiritual Hermeneutics.'
My article discusses the influence of Emanuel Swedenborg on a Finnish female author, Kersti Bergroth (1886–1975) through one of Bergroth’s novels Eläviä ja kuolleita (‘The Living and the Dead’, 1945). Bergroth was a prolific author with... more
The television series “Lost” updates a logical characteristic of the primary phase of the funeral rites of passage, taking as its subject the role of personal responsibility in the final destination of the deceased. This determination... more
Let us consider more closely the "Lens" that a true Philosophical Stone is. As an encompassing "Globe" that you are "lifted into" — it is actually more than just a three-dimensional experience. One articulate witness, Jane Lead, certainly... more