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Svaka sličnost sa stvarnošću je sasvim slučajna ." Serija "Red i zakon " Bilo je to možda, pre nekoliko godina …U toj školi samo nas nekoliko je dolazilo iz grada,svi oostali su obrađivali imanja i gajili voće i povrće , krave,koze... more
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    • Ancient Greek Numismatics
Za svog života Juraj Julije Klović portretiran je na medaljama dvaput – ukoliko nije riječ o dvije inačice iste medalje – a samo jedna medalja sačuvana je do danas i to u Odjelu za numizmatiku i medalje Britanskog muzeja u Londonu. Godine... more
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Institut za arheologiju i Muzej grada Šibenika imaju čast pozvati vas na otvorenje izložbe Vlakom prema jugu 60 godina suradnje Instituta za arheologiju i Muzeja grada Šibenika Veselimo se vašem dolasku! Izložba se organizira uz... more
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English translation of Part II (The Coins) of Josef Brunsmid's "Die Inschriften und Münzen der Griechischen Städte Dalmatiens", from Abhandlungen des archäologisch-epigraphischen Seminares, XIII, Vienna 1898. With additional images,... more
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      Ancient CoinsAncient IllyricumArchaeology of Roman DalmatiaGreek-Illyrian coins
Giulio Clovio on Medals and on a Medallion The effigy of Giulio Giorgio Clovio (Grižane, Croatia, 1498 ‒ Rome, January 5, 1578) the most famous miniaturist of the 16th c. – maximus in minimis – can also be seen on medals. Although we... more
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      Renaissance Portrait MedalRenaissance Coins and Medalsportrait medals
The paper presents a specimen of the rare silver coinage of King Ballaios, with a goal of enlarging the numismatic database for the study of this still enigmatic ruler who remains unrecorded by the extant literary sources, yet nonetheless... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek History
On the basis of iconography, the Roman sarcophagi can be classified in 3 categories: 1 – completely standardised; 2 – those that modify and/or combine well-known patterns within the standard repertoire of funerary iconography; 3 –... more
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    • Roman Provincial Archaeology
Archaeological Excavations at the City Bulwark Connecting Point North of the Porta Caesarea in Solin (1970 – 1973). During the archaeological excavations at the city bulwark connecting point north of the monumental city gate, Porta... more
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      Archaeology of Roman DalmatiaRoman aqueducts and water supplySalona (Solin)Roman Archaeology
Summary: Urban Features in the Location and Raster of the Architecture of Roman Rider (Danilo near Šibenik). The fertile plateau of the Danilsko polje (field) is known of the famous site of Neolithic culture which was firstly recognized... more
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      Ancient IllyricumRoman Architecture and UrbanismArchaeology of Roman DalmatiaProvincial Roman Archeology
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The necropolis near the village of Dragišić has long attracted attention of the scholars because of the large number of metal object and pottery within the tombs assemblage, from the Liburnian Iron Age material culture, the indigenous... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHellenistic poetryHellenistic archaeology
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      ArchaeologyAncient Greek NumismaticsAcademia.eduRoman Provincial Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyFaculty of PhilosophyDuje Rendić-MiočevićUniversity of Zagreb
Proceedings of the international conference held in Šibenik 12th - 15th September 2013.
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyOnomasticsEarly Christianity
En 1937, une découverte sensationnelle de bijoux en or de l'époque hellénistique venait d'être faite à Budva sur le littoral monténégrin, à l'endroit où l'on creusait les fondations d'un nouvel hôtel. Les fouilles archéologique, mal... more
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      Illyrian ArchaeologyAncient Greek and Roman NecropoleisIllyrian HistoryEastern Adriatic Coast
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      BibliographyBiographyDuje Rendić-Miočević
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      BibliographyBiographyArchaeologistDuje Rendić-Miočević
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    • Duje Rendić-Miočević
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      MedalsDuje Rendić-MiočevićCroatian medals
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      Isidor KršnjaviIvo KerdićCroatian medals
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      MedalsCroatian medalsAloysius Stepinac
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      NumismaticsDuje Rendić-Miočević
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    • Medals