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Rad se bavi atmosferom među studenskom mladeži u Hrvatskoj u vrijeme trajanja Prvog i Drugog balkanskog rata. Na temelju postojeće relevantne literature, onovremenih brošura i memoarskih tekstova, te izvora privatne naravi, proučava se... more
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      Balkan StudiesCroatian HistoryHistory of Students MovementsStudents Attitudes
The paper deals with the question of students’ attitudes toward the first female students who attended classes as full-time students at the University of Francis Joseph I in Zagreb. They were enrolled at the Faculty of Humanities and... more
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      Women's HistoryHistory of higher educationHistory of UniversitiesSocial history (19th century and early 20th century)
This paper presents the education and scientific work of two Croatian chemistry doctors, Konstantin Georgević (1875–1941) and Zvonimir Pinterović (1904–1954). Georgević and Pinterović graduated from the Vinkovci High School.... more
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      History of ChemistryUniversity of ZagrebHistory of Chemistry in Croatia
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      History of ChemistryUniversity of ZagrebHistory of Chemistry in Croatia
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      Standars and InsigniaUniversity of ZagrebMaces
Cf. also: Mirnik, Ivan. Insignije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Zagreb, 2019: 635-646.
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      Insignias and BadgesUniversity of ZagrebMaces
"THE HONORARY DOCTORATE OF THE ZAGREB UNIVERSITY AWARDED TO DON FRANE BULIĆ Don Frane Bulić (*Vranjic nr. Split, October 4, 1846 +Zagreb, July 29, 1934), the most popular Croatian archaeologist ever, was the eighth doctor honoris... more
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      ArchaeologyDoctorateUniversity of ZagrebDon Frane Bulić
On the basis of literature, periodicals and archival sources presently kept in the Croatian State Archive, Archive of the Croatian Academy, and Archive of Catholic Theologian Faculty in Zagreb, author of this article describes life of A.... more
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      Modern HistoryChurch HistoryCatholic Church HistoryUniversity of Zagreb
Over the centuries students from the Croatian lands traditionally studied abroad, at universities throughout Europe, especially at the Apennine peninsula and at the universities of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The lack of modern local... more
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      Croatian HistoryHistory of UniversitiesHistory of Everyday Life19th Century (History)
Kao redoviti profesor hrvatske povijesti na Mudroslovnom fakultetu Sveučilišta Franje Josipa I. u Zagrebu i pravi član Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Ferdo Šišić posebno je bogatu znanstvenu, nastavničku i kulturnu... more
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      Croatian historiographyUniversity of ZagrebFerdo Šišićhrvatska historiografija
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      MilkováE.: Algorithms: The Base of Programming Skills. In: ITI 2007 Proceedings of the 29th International Conferences on INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERFACESUniversity of ZagrebCroatia 2007
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      ArchaeologyFaculty of PhilosophyDuje Rendić-MiočevićUniversity of Zagreb
Uz ukratko prezentirane rezultate ranijih istraživanja o počecima visokoškolskog obrazovanja žena u Hrvatskoj, upisu prvih djevojaka kao izvanrednih (1895.) i redovnih (1901.) studentica na Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, o... more
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      Women's HistoryCroatian HistoryHistory of Universities19th Century (History)
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      University of ZagrebMaces
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      Military HistoryDoctorateUniversity of ZagrebArchduke Eugene
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      Computer ScienceCyberlawEuropean LawComputer Engineering
The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the basic information concerning Vladan Desnica's time as a student at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb between 1924 and 1930. For context, the paper also briefly touches upon his family's... more
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      Intellectual HistoryInstitutional historyUniversity of ZagrebKingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes
U radu se govori o prvim generacijama studenata povijesti, u razdoblju od osnutka modernog sveučilišta i katedre za povijest do početka Prvog svjetskog rata. Na temelju podataka iz upisnih listova (nacionala) koji se čuvaju u Arhivu... more
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      History of EducationHigher EducationCroatian HistoryHistory of Universities
Korespondencija povjesničara i arhivista Josipa Matasovića iz razdoblja njegovih studentskih dana za vrijeme boravka u Zagrebu, Zürichu i Beču bogat je izvor informacija o Matasovićevoj visokoškolskoj izobrazbi, ali i o njegovom... more
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      Cultural HistoryCroatian HistoryHistory of Universities20th century (History)
This paper investigates the actions of the student body from the Royal University of Franz Joseph I. in Zagreb during the National Movement of 1903, with emphasis on their activity in Zagreb. It is based on the relevant literature about... more
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      Political HistoryCroatian HistoryHistory of Universities20th century (History)
In this paper the author describes some aspects of social and everyday life of Bulgarian students in Zagreb in the period from the foundation of the University of Zagreb until the World War I. Mainly on the basis of the unpublished... more
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      History of UniversitiesSocial HistoryHistory of Everyday LifeBulgarian history
Na temelju građe iz Arhiva Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u radu se analizira konfesionalna, jezična i nacionalna struktura studenata upisanih na Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu u razdoblju od osnutka sveučilišta (1874.) do... more
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      Croatian HistoryQuantitative ResearchSocial HistoryStudents
The study is based on the examination of faculty admissions paper and analysis of the structure of the students at the Faculty of Arts according to the data of place of their birth and place of origin in the period from the foundation of... more
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      History of UniversitiesQuantitative ResearchSocial HistoryCollege Students
Medijska pismenost teži kod učenika razvijati znanja i sposobnosti, te poticati vrijednosti potrebne za djelovanje u društvu medija, a u hrvatskom odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu se realizira u okviru medijske kulture unutar kurikuluma... more
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      EducationMedia StudiesTeacher EducationHigher Education
U radu se analiziraju strukturalna obilježja bugarskih studenata koji su u razdoblju od 1874. do 1914. studirali na Filozofskom fakultetu Zagrebačkog sveučilišta. Prema podacima iz Arhiva Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, autorica obrađuje... more
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      History of higher educationHistory of UniversitiesQuantitative Research19th Century (History)
Aufgrund der Angaben aus den Immatrikulationsblättern (Nationalen) der Studenten aus dem Archiv der Philosophischen Fakultät in Zagreb wurde eine Gruppe von 21 Studenten und Studentinnen bestimmt, die Deutsch als ihre Muttersprache... more
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      Higher EducationCroatian HistoryQuantitative Research20th century (History)
This work analyzes the student population of the Faculty of Philosophy at Zagreb. It examines the length of studies undertaken, as well as the taking of exams which marked the culmination of studies: the ‘rigorozi’ and state exams for... more
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      Higher EducationCroatian HistoryHistory of UniversitiesQuantitative Research
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      University of ZagrebArchduke EugeneSvetozar Boroević
U radu se na temelju društvenog časopisa i društvenih pravila analiziraju djelovanje i akcije zagrebačkih studenata kroz prvo studentsko društvo općeg karaktera na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu od 1875. do 1881.
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      Croatian HistoryHistory of UniversitiesSocial HistoryHistory of Everyday Life
Javnosti je dobro poznata Strossmayerova uloga velikog mecene, duhovnog pokretača i glavnog materijalnog utemeljitelja Zagrebačkog sveučilišta. U ovom radu, nasuprot te biskupove pomoći institucionalnim oblicima znanosti i visokog... more
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      History of EducationCroatian HistorySocial HistoryBulgarian history
In the focus of the paper are the activities of Croatian students in publishing their magazines at the beginning of the 20th century. The emphasis is placed on the magazines that were published in Zagreb, but considering a strong student... more
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      Croatian HistoryStudentsUniversity StudentsHistory of Students Movements
The article deals with the student strike at the University of Zagreb, which occurred in the summer term of the academic year 1907/1908 and was motivated by the politically influenced forceful retirement and suspension of the university... more
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      Croatian HistoryHistory of Universities20th CenturyState and University Autonomy
В статията се разказва за пристигането на първите студентки в Загреб, т.е. във Философския факултет на Загребския университет. Става дума за първото поколение на девойки, които са записали университета в своята родина и в значителен брой,... more
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      Women's HistoryBulgarian historyWomen in higher educationBulgarian students abroad
The issue of university education for women in Croatia was definitely positively solved when in September 1901 women were allowed to enrol as full-time students at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University in Zagreb by the decree of the... more
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      Women's HistoryHigher EducationCroatian HistoryHistory of Universities
The book deals with the social and everyday life of students at the University of Zagreb in the period between the foundation of the university (1874) and the World War I (1914). The research is based on the data gathered from different... more
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      Croatian HistoryHistory of UniversitiesSocial HistoryHistory of Everyday Life
Based on the faculty admissions papers (nacionali), the article analyses the social composition of the student body of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Zagreb in the period from the foundation of the university in 1874 to the... more
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      Croatian HistoryHistory of UniversitiesQuantitative Research19th Century (History)