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Die Dummköpfe glauben, Wladimir Uljanow habe, nachdem er die Bedeutung der bäuerlichen Massen entdeckt und sie zuerst gegen den Zaren und dann gegen die Bourgeoisie aufgestachelt hätte, die alten Gleise verlassen und dem europäischen... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsPolitical EconomyMarxism
Is Marx a zombie? Capitalism seems to have vanquished it's warring twin; yet the fall of Communism has been followed by a decline in the free market. Perhaps Western culture is pervaded by ghosts and omens of death because it is built on... more
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Daftar Isi:

1. Editorial
2. Artikel Diskusi - Terjemahan oleh Oey Hay Djoen
3. Artikel Diskusi - "Enam Alinea Pengantar" oleh Anom Astika
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      PhilosophyMarxismDas Kapital
Tekst ten został opublikowany jako posłowie do pierwszego polskiego wydania rękopisów Karola Marksa stanowiących szkic niedokończonego tzw. "szóstego rozdziału" I tomu "Kapitału", znanego także jako "Rezultaty bezpośredniego procesu... more
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      MarxismKarl MarxHistory of Marxist ThoughtHistory of Marxism
Panel 1 - Critique of history and history of critique with Christian Garland, Harry Cross & Matt Bolton

British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
En este trabajo se intenta poner de manifiesto a través de los textos de Marx una determinada interpretación de la ley de la caída tendencial de la tasa de ganancia y su relación con las medidas de ajustes o causas contrarrestantes. A su... more
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      Political EconomyMarxist EconomicsCapitalismMarxist theory
Η πρώτη ελληνική μετάφραση του Χειρογράφου 1865 για τον δεύτερο τόμο του Κεφαλαίου, βασισμένη στο πρωτότυπο των MEGA.
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      Karl MarxDas KapitalκεφάλαιοTranslations of Das Kapital
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      MarxismCapitalismKarl MarxDas Kapital
The first edition of this Research Handbook offers unparalleled insights into the large-scale resurgence of interest in Marx and Marxism in recent years, with contributions devoted specifically to Marxist critiques of law, rights, and the... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsLawCriminal Law
Fragmenty polskiego przekładu "Rezultatów bezpośredniego procesu produkcji", nieopublikowanego projektu rozdziału I tomu "Kapitału" poświęcone kwestiom formalnej i realnej subsumcji pracy pod kapitał, pracy produkcyjnej i... more
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      MarxismMarxist theoryKarl MarxHistory of Marxism
Bu dosyada, daha önce çeşitli mecralarda yayımlanmış yedi yazımı bir araya getiriyorum.
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      Karl MarxMarksizmKrizler Ve 2008 KriziDas Kapital
任何一部經典,都要扎根進當代的現實土壤,經過此時此地的重新閱讀、批評、繼承、開展後,才算獲得了生命。在這個意義上,所有經典都是未完成的,一切經典都等待著讀者參與它的重生。... more
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      Critical Social TheorySocial and Political PhilosophyKarl MarxMarxian Political Economy
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      MarxismKarl MarxDroitDas Kapital
Kernargument des Artikels ist, dass die Rede von einer Popularisierung im marxschen Kapital aufgrund einer fälschlichen Interpretation von Brief- und Textstellen entsteht. In Teilen der "Neuen Marx-Letküre" wird dadurch ein ein falsches... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismMarxologyHegel
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Die Figuren der Kritik und der Umkehr: Kapitalismus, Mythos und Messianismus im Fragment Kapitalismus als Religion des jungen Walter Benjamin In der vorliegenden Arbeit geht es um den Zusammenhang zwischen Theologie und Politik im... more
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      ReligionWalter BenjaminMessianismBenjamin, Walter
For Marx, the touchstone of labour and, therefore, the production of value is the human being. In Capital, he argues that labour is a condition of human existence and is an exclusively human characteristic, which he connects to the human... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligencePolitical EconomyTechnology
En el presente artículo Franck Fischbach sitúa, a partir del trabajo de Gerard Granel, lo que podría ser el punto de encuentro entre los pensamientos de Marx y de Heidegger: el primero no es sólo un pensador del trabajo, sino también del... more
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      ProductionMaterialismDas KapitalGérard Granel
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar brevemente a Seção III do volume I da obra “O capital” de Karl Marx, que engloba do capítulo 5 ao 8 e explica a produção do valor mais-absoluto, criticando o capital e discutindo sobre algumas das... more
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      Karl MarxDas Kapital
Di questa società non c'è nulla da salvare, c'è solo da raccoglierne i frutti maturi. Per farlo occorre essere attrezzati, con programmi, uomini e strumenti adatti. Di qui la nostra critica a coloro che credono di non avere successo per... more
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      HistoryEgyptologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRevolutions
The paper addresses the gap between two conventional Marxist readings of the relation between capitalism and the enslavement of Africans. The first reading sees slavery as part of the process of primitive accumulation of capital, the... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsSlaveryHistory of Slavery
The aim of this text is to analyse the origin of Volume I of "Das Kapital". I discuss the subsequent manuscripts of Marx’s project to critically present the social reality of capitalist societies. I’m trying to show, how Marx, while... more
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      MarxismMarxist political economyMarxist philosophyKarl Marx
Daftar Isi: 1. Editorial 2. Yang Berdaya Beli atau Yang Berdaya Jual (1) oleh Anom Astika 3. Yang Berdaya Beli atau Yang Berdaya Jual (2) oleh Anom Astika 4. Apakah Filsafat Masih Diperlukan dalam Periode Demokrasi Liberal? oleh Anom... more
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      PhilosophyMarxismDas Kapital
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      Karl MarxΦυσικές ΕπιστήμεςDas Kapitalτεχνολογία
Günümüzün en yakıcı sorunları neler? Sorunlar, Marx’ın dediği gibi, çözümleriyle birlikte geliyorsa, çözümlerin ipuçları neler? Kapital’de anlatılan bizim hikâyemiz ise anlatılan tam olarak ne? Evet, Kapital’in birinci cildi bir şaheser,... more
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      David HarveyKarl MarxDas KapitalAnti Kapitalizm
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      Political EconomyMarxismKarl MarxKritik der politischen Ökonomie
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      LiteratureTheodor AdornoMarxist theoryWorkerism
ARCHIVOS de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda
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      El capital Karl marxDas Kapital
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      Political EconomyMarxismNew LeftKarl Marx
Los fundamentos de la doctrina son los principios del materialismo histórico y del comunismo crítico de Marx y Engels enunciados en el Manifiesto de los Comunistas, en El Capital y en sus otras obras fundamentales, base de la constitución... more
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      Political TheoryMarxismCommunismMarxist theory
The Life of Marx: 1818-83 | Marx’s Work on Political Economy | Marx before Marxism | Marx and the Communist Manifesto | Das Kapital and Capitalism | Marxist Method and the Dialectic | Marx’s Approach to Social and Political Analysis |... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsMarxologyCapitalism
2015, en Elvira Concheiro y José Gandarilla, Karl Marx revisitado
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      MarxismEl capital Karl marxDas Kapital
Circulation is a concept and category Marx uses to analyze capital as a process in addition to or, rather than, a relation. Marx's analysis of the circulation process is challenging, which in part is due to the polysemy of circulation as... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsLogisticsIdeology
Saggio neomarxista sul conflittualismo dialettico del Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico
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      MarxismPost-MarxismHegelDialectical Materialism
This paper explores G. A. Cohen’s claim that Althusser’s Marxist philosophy is bullshit. This exploration is important because, if we are persuaded SI by Cohen’s assertion that there are only three types of Marxism: analytic,... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxismLouis Althusser
Este artigo consiste em uma leitura imanente de parte do livro terceiro d'O Capital, no que diz respeito especificamente ao conceito de capital fictício (fiktives Kapital) e como este se constitui a partir do sistema financeiro de crédito... more
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      HegelMarxist theoryKarl MarxFilosofía Política
David Harvey’in mart ayı başında kendi sitesinde yayımladığı "Emek-Değer Teorisinin Marx Tarafından Reddi" başlıklı makalesi İngilizceden Türkçeye tarafımızca tercüme edilmiş ve metin Express Dergisi'nin Mayıs 2018 tarihli 163'üncü... more
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      David HarveyKarl MarxDas KapitalKapitalizmin Krizleri
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      Political EconomyHistory of CapitalismCapitalismKarl Marx
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      Labour LawGiorgio AgambenMichel FoucaultMarxist Legal Theory
The article examines two pieces of journalism by Maxim Gorky published in early July 1896, where the aspiring writer shared his impressions of a visit to one of the first film showings in Russia. These texts are an important source for... more
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      Early CinemaMass cultureSpectatorshipMichel de Certeau
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      Karl MarxDas Kapital
Nagsimula ang Maikling Imbestigasyon ng Isang Mahabang Pangungulilas sa isang pagtatakang nanghahamon: pagpapasalita sa isang “basag na salamin sa mata.” Susunod rito ang pagbanggit sa Aleph, sa “teolohiya ng Isa at Karamihan,” sa... more
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      Literary CriticismWalter BenjaminNarrative TheoryVladimir Nabokov
Kelebek, tırtıl, koza —bu sırayla 14.09.2020 Gencer Çakır 14 Eylül Kapital’in yayınlanışının 153. yıldönümü. Bu muazzam eseri okumak, okunmuşsa yeniden ve yeni bir gözle okumak için bir vesile daha. Meta, para, değer nedir, nasıl bir... more
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      Karl MarxMarksizmKapitalizmDas Kapital
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      Political EconomyHistory of CapitalismCapitalismKarl Marx
""With value theory, Marx argues that the logic of economic agents does not come from any rational subject, but from economic abstractions, such as commodities and money. Because individuals according to Marx (Capital Vol. 1, 92) are... more
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      Political EconomySupply Chain ManagementMarxismMobility/Mobilities
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      Karl MarxSergei EisensteinDas Kapital
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      CapitalismKarl MarxDas Kapital
En “Notas acerca del concepto de 'crítica' en El capital”, Sergio Pérez Cortés realiza un recorrido por el concepto de "crítica" en Marx para tratar de comprender la gestación de la teoría social marxiana. Si bien le interesan... more
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      Critical ThinkingKarl MarxDas Kapital
Non tutte le seguenti osservazioni hanno la stessa importanza, ho cercato con una catalogazione approssimativa, mediante i colori del testo, di dare delle indicazioni (il colore verde in genere segnala le cose meno importanti, i refusi... more
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      TranslationKarl MarxDas KapitalTranslations of Das Kapital
Notes for Panel 16: Great Refusals: Refusing One Dimensionality Today The Dialectics of Liberation in an Age of Neoliberal Capitalism International Herbert Marcuse Society Seventh Biennial Conference, 26-28 October 2017, York... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology