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UNIDIR defines WAM in a comprehensive manner covering the oversight, accountability and governance of arms and ammunition throughout their management cycle, including establishment of relevant national frameworks, processes and practices... more
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      LiberiaConventional Arms TransfersSmall Arms and light weaponsArms Control and Disarmament
The appearance on Russian TV stations Channel One and NTV of the plans for a nuclear torpedo/unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) has prompted much interest among observers. Among other aspects, its probably salted warhead attracted much... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInternational LawWar StudiesStrategic Studies
This article examines the issue of riot control agents as it relates to the subject of chemical weapons arms control at the international level and, more specifically, implications for the United States. The article examines how the issue... more
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      Chemical WeaponsAmerican Foreign PolicyArms Control and DisarmamentArms Control
Dans cette note de l'Observatoire franco-russe, Igor Delanoë décrypte et analyse la "Doctrine nucléaire" de la Russie publiée le 2 juin dernier.
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      International SecurityNuclear WeaponsRussiaNuclear
U radu se istražuje kakve su uopšteno mogućnosti i ograničenja multilateralizacije pregovora o kontroli strateškog naoružanja i posebno uključivanja Kine u iste, budući da su SAD tokom 2019. i početkom 2020. godine uslovile produžetak... more
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      Arms ControlNuclear Arms Control and DisarmamentStrategic Stability
Armament Research Services (ARES) Special Report 4, Munitions Employing Sensor-fuzed Submunitions: Do they Comply with the Convention on Cluster Munitions?, critically evaluates the definition of "cluster munition" established by the... more
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      International LawArms and Armor StudiesInternational Human Rights LawInternational Humanitarian Law
The ban on the posession of certain types of weapons, the control of weapon exports to foreign countries, and even the right to bear arms by citizens are highly topical issues with a long history that goes back to the Bronze Age. This... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceArms and Armor StudiesRoman military history
Theories of international relations conventionally regard great powers as the most important actors in international politics. Research on norms, however, has placed little emphasis on their activities. Research on great powers, in turn,... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceNuclear WeaponsBiological Weapons
Elvira Rosert/Una Becker-Jakob/Giorgio Franceschini/Annette Schaper 2013: Arms Control Norms and Technology, in: Müller, Harald/Wunderlich, Carmen (ed.): Norm Dynamics in Multilateral Arms Control. Athens: University of Georgia Press,... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsBiological WeaponsArms ControlLandmines and ERW
The first satellite Sputnik came about in 1957, the law regulating activities in outer space came in a decade later. The law was then dynamic and evolved to fulfill the changing needs of the world. Quite unfortunately, it stopped evolving... more
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      International LawInternational SecurityWeapons of Mass DestructionPublic International Law
As an ongoing American foreign policy 're-balancing " attests, the Asia-Pacific region is subject to uncertain transition manifestations and implications for global peace and economic prosperity. This is reflected in growing tensions and... more
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      Political EconomyInternational SecuritySoutheast AsiaChina
Trade in 'strategic goods' is subject to controls in order to combat illegal trade and to avoid undesirable use . Historically, national control regimes focused on controlling exports by their own arms producers, so as to prevent the... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisEuropean Foreign PolicyFranceBelgium
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      Middle EastArms Control and DisarmamentUSA Foreign PolicyArms Control
In early Sep 2017, for two weeks, a mass, outdoor, art event coincided with the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair in East London. Artist & activists arrived at the site of the arms fair armed with canvases,... more
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      Social ChangeArms Control and DisarmamentArms Control
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      FirearmsArms ControlIllicit tradeSmall Arms Proliferation
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      EngineeringPolymer CompositesArms ControlPolymer Composite
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      International NegotiationPrisoner's Dilemma, Evolution of CooperationArms Control and DisarmamentArms Control
‘Fragmentation’, ‘pluralism’, ‘constitutionalization’ and ‘global administrative law’ are among the dominant narratives of international legal order at present. Each narrative makes a descriptive claim about the current state of the... more
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      International LawEnergyLegal PluralismChina
Perhaps the most controversial aspect of the plan to overhaul the nation’s nuclear arsenal is the replacement program for the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) force, the land-based leg of the nuclear triad that also includes... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsAmerican Foreign PolicyU.S. Foreign PolicyNuclear Disarmament
This article offers a novel understanding and theorization of humanitarian disarmament regimes and their related prohibition politics. In doing so, it utilizes a power-analytical framework and puts in use four conceptions of power:... more
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      International RelationsEthicsHumanitarianismInternational Security
In this "blue-sky" effort to rethink humanity's basic challenges, Philip Morrison and Kosta Tsipis—both eminent scientists with deep expertise in arms control issues—sketch the broad outlines for a global approach to the problems of... more
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      Development StudiesArms Control
This framework article in the legal literature on tactical nuclear weapons analyzes the nuclear arms control regime’s regulation of nuclear forces, argues that the strategic vs. tactical distinction is eroding, and recommends that the... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawNuclear WeaponsNonproliferation Treaties
The onset of a crisis in US-Russian and global arms control has generated manifold proposals on ways to rejuvenate productive negotiations on weapons cuts and confidence building measures. Yet most of these plans are focused on technical... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisInternational Studies
The India–US nuclear deal is primarily discussed in the context of its strategic, developmental and environmental implications. However, for students of international law, it is a salutary reminder of the limits of international law when... more
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      International LawNonproliferation TreatiesEnergyChina
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      New TechnologiesArms Control
As the second-largest country in Europe, with a history of firearms stockpiles and an active conflict zone, Ukraine presents one of the most complex firearms proliferation cases in Europe. The barrier for access to firearms in Ukraine is... more
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      Small Arms and light weaponsArms ControlSmall Arms ControlUkraine Crisis
Repetitive tasks in the manufacturing industry is becoming more and more commonplace. The ability to write down a number set and operate the robot using that number set could increase the productivity in the manufacturing industry. For... more
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      AlgorithmsDeep LearningArms ControlMNIST
In 2011 France agreed a contract to supply Russia with two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships with an option for two more to follow. This was the first major arms sale to Russia by a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)... more
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      European UnionFranceRussiaArms Control
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      Computer SciencePolitical EconomyCyberlawCyberpsychology
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      Disarmament LawInternational Humanitarian LawNuclear DisarmamentArms Control and Disarmament
The distribution of power at the international level and the intensity of the security rivalry can explain the trajectory of arms control between China and the United States. Washington and Beijing were able to work together during the... more
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      International SecurityNuclear WeaponsChinaNuclear Deterrence and Arms Control
2007, Paper on main points about disarmament and arms control
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      NON PROLIFERATIONArms ControlDisarmament
On the 22nd November 2019 press releases started circulating on Myanmar social media and news outlets concerning what was defined as one of the largest weapons seizures carried out by the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed forces) in the last years.... more
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      MyanmarWeaponsNon State Armed ActorsBorderlands
U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement on October 20 that he intends to have the United States “terminate” the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty took many European policymakers and security experts by surprise. Although... more
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      European Security and Defence PolicyEuropean SecurityUnited StatesNATO-Russian Relations
The collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the demilitarization of eastern Europe, apprehension over the future political shape of the continent, and the need to assimilate the changes in the European security environment have injected great... more
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      Political ScienceArms Control
Recently there have been calls to change the New Zealand Police firearm policy so that police officers are routinely armed at all times. It is believed that an armed police force interacts in society differently from an unarmed police... more
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      PolicingPolice LegitimacyPolice use of forceArms Control
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      Environmental policyPovertyConservationPolitical Science
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceDeveloping CountryArms Control
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      Nuclear WeaponsArms ControlWeapons Tutorial
Die USA haben ihren Ausstieg aus dem Vertrag über das Verbot von Mittelstreckenraketen verkündet. Washington will dies nur zurückziehen, wenn Moskau Vorwurf der Vertragsverletzung entkräftet. Russland wirft jedoch den USA ebenfalls eine... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsEuropean Foreign PolicyNATO-Russian RelationsArms Control
Während seiner Mitgliedschaft 2019/2020 im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen will Deutschland Impulse zur Abrüstung und Rüstungskontrolle geben. Eine besondere Herausforderung in dieser Hinsicht stellt Nordkoreas Nuklearund... more
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      International SecurityPolitical ScienceForeign PolicyUSA
It is no coincidence that NATO adopted its first dedicated space strategy in June 2019 and is considering to designate space as a domain of its own, equal to land, air, sea and cyberspace.1 The latest reminder that space is turning into a... more
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      NATOPolitical ScienceFederal Republic of GermanyResources
Abstract : This paper critiques the Carter Administration's strategy for managing the domestic politics of its arms control efforts. It maintains that the Carter Administration made a series of political misjudgements and mistakes,... more
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      International RelationsPublic OpinionPolitical ScienceForeign Policy
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      Political ScienceArms Control
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      Political ScienceArms Control
Il presente studio intende offrire un’analisi comparata della modalità con cui i Governi di Francia, Germania, Regno Unito, Spagna e Svezia informano i rispettivi Parlamenti in merito alle esportazioni nazionali di equipaggiamenti... more
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      Parliamentary StudiesContemporary Italian History and PoliticsArms ControlArms Trade
This book is the result of meetings involving internationally recognized scientists and policymaker to provide an analysis of arms control verification technologies -- such as imaging, optics, infrared, spectroscopy, seismic, and... more
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      VerificationArms Control
The Politics of Weapons Inspections - Review
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionArms Control and DisarmamentDisarmament and Arms ControlArms Control
The laws of armed conflict as well as arms control and disarmament law are often treated as two distinct fields of public international law. Nevertheless, the laws of armed conflict impact arms control and disarmament. In particular, the... more
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      Disarmament LawInternational Humanitarian LawNuclear DisarmamentArms Control and Disarmament