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O  presente  artigo  analisa  os impactos  das  relacoes  Brasil-Israel  no processo de aquisicao de capacidades  para a  producao  nacional  de  Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas (ARPs)  no contexto da Base Industrial de Defesa (BID)... more
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      International RelationsBrazilian StudiesStrategic StudiesBrazil
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      CapitalismCanadaArms TradeUs Military
Abstract Over the last decade, the European land armament industry developed into a thriving market driven by growing demand from the BRICS, a new wave of emerging countries and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, the 2008... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionDefense IndustryDefense and Strategic Studies
UNIDIR defines WAM in a comprehensive manner covering the oversight, accountability and governance of arms and ammunition throughout their management cycle, including establishment of relevant national frameworks, processes and practices... more
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      LiberiaConventional Arms TransfersSmall Arms and light weaponsArms Control and Disarmament
- Az utolsó akadály is elhárult az elől, hogy az Egyesült Államok kormánya mesterlövészpuskákat és páncéltörő rakétarendszert szállítson Ukrajnának, miután 2018. március 1-jén a külügyminisztérium is jóváhagyta a szállításokról szóló... more
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      Russian StudiesMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Ukraine
Outreach constitutes the normative dimension of efforts to enhance export control policies in third countries, while assistance is the practical dimension of such engagements. European Union (EU) Joint Action 2008/230/CFSP and Council... more
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      Capacity BuildingConventional Arms TransfersArms TradeArms and Export Controls
Written in 1976 for the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers), this volume analyzes the global and Middle East arms trade of that period. It addresses which countries are proviking the arms trade and which companies are making... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMiddle East PoliticsQuakersArms Trade
Unpublished Interview of Michael von der Goltz and Alfons Sassen About international arms trade, his brother Willem Sassen, Ecuador. Bits of the interview were used in 'Nazis to the Core, the Sassen brothers and their anti Bolshevik... more
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      Second World WarRight-Wing ExtremismArms TradeIntelligence Services
The end of the Cold War changed the international order and brought about new security challenges for the conventional arms control field. The field had been shaped by the ideologically driven political and strategic interests of the two... more
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      Small Arms and light weaponsArms Control and DisarmamentArms TradeArms Trade and Transnatinal Terrorism
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      EU Foreign PolicyExport controlsExport ControlDefense and Strategic Studies
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      North KoreaArms Trade
Turkey has been investing in its national defence industrial base since the 1980s. As with other developing countries, Turkey’s motivations for investing in national defence industries can be boiled down to the pursuit of defence autarky,... more
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      TurkeyDefence StudiesDefense and Strategic StudiesArms Trade
An analysis of human rights law and activism hold corporate power to account, with a focus on the arms trade and the trade to Saudi Arabia.
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      Development StudiesCorporate Social ResponsibilityHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
Article for Archivio Disarmo Sistema Informativo a Schede.
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      Arms and Armor StudiesSmall Arms and light weaponsArms Control and DisarmamentArms Trade
In this dissertation I argue for increased regulation of a specific part of most modern international conventional arms deals - an offset agreement. This argument proceeds in multiple steps. First, the pacifist approach to arms deals is... more
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      Business EthicsPolitical PhilosophyApplied EthicsVirtue Ethics
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Southeast Asian Studies
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      Intellectual Property LawArms TradeMilitary Diffusion
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      EngineeringArms and Armor StudiesArms and ArmourSmall Arms and light weapons
Gamal Abdel Nasser’s 27 September 1955 announcement of his decision to buy a massive amount of weapons from Czechoslovakia sent shockwaves around the world. The years preceding 1955 had seen a long lull in the arms race between Israel and... more
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      Czech HistoryEgyptian HistoryNasserismArab-Israeli conflict
Diese Analyse diskutiert zunächst die Parameter für die Aktivitäten der französischen Rüstungsunternehmen, insbesondere die politisch-strategischen Vorgaben des Staates. Außerdem bildet ein kurzer historischer Rückblick die Entwicklung... more
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      FranceDefense IndustryDefense and Strategic StudiesArms Trade
Examines the role Israel played in U S foreign policy in the 1960s - 90s in Central America, particularly in the arms trade, military training and torture training. Also examines Latin American perceptions of Israel which might have... more
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael StudiesColombiaPolitical Science
Paper prepared for presentation at the Biennial Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society Conference, Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa, October 16-8, 2014.
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      International RelationsU.S. Foreign PolicyConventional Arms TransfersCanadian Foreign Policy
States’ comments on the Arms Trade Treaty this week overwhelmingly welcomed the agreement’s forthcoming entry into force this December, which Estonia’s representative described as “a major achievement for the international... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational LawHuman Rights
Using multiple sources, including diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, the paper traces how Americans and their local brokers intervened in the Norwegian policy process to ensure that the Royal Norwegian Air Force would fly the F-35... more
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      International RelationsEmpireConventional Arms TransfersDefence and Strategic Studies
The full text of the Handbook is freely available online: Arms and ammunition are evidence. Many weapons carry marks that, combined with... more
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      TerrorismTransnational Organized CrimeCrimeWeapons
In the last decades, the "business of war" has attracted thousands of civilian transport and logistics companies, especially in the aviation sector. State and non-State actors engaged in armed conflicts or in military operations... more
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      Criminal LawInternational LawHuman RightsAviation
A 20. század utolsó harmadától felgyorsult globalizáció számos olyan biztonsági problémával és kihívással szembesítette a nemzetközi közösség tagjait, amelyek kezelése – nagyságrendjük, kiterjedtségük vagy komplexitásuk miatt – meghaladja... more
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      DemographyTerrorismWeapons of Mass DestructionMigration
Recent work by scholars on the early colonial history of the Congo basin has made reference to the subject of customs and contraband. Their work has focused mainly on how smuggling networks operated across the borders of the Congo Free... more
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      ColonialismFiscal HistorySmugglingArms Trade
TransArms and IPIS undertook a thorough research of the responsibilities of states and companies involved in the transfer of military equipment by sea under customary international law. The maritime transport is by far the main modality... more
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      LogisticsShipping/ Transport LogisticsArms Trade
The full text of the Handbook is freely available online: Arms and ammunition are evidence. Many weapons carry marks that, combined with... more
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      TerrorismTransnational Organized CrimeCrimeWeapons
The full text of the Handbook is freely available online: Arms and ammunition are evidence. Many weapons carry marks that, combined with... more
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      Military HistoryTerrorismTransnational Organized CrimeCrime
Already at the beginning of independence, a conviction was formed at the top of the military hierarchy of the Second Polish Republic that the equipment of the army should be based on native production. The idea was accepted as a sort of... more
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      Military HistoryArms Trade
Following the 1877-78 Russo-Turkish War, a combination of financial insolvency, changing priorities in imperial defense and personal preferences led Sultan Abdülhamid II to execute a radical shift in Ottoman naval policy. The battle fleet... more
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      Ottoman NavyImperial Russian NavyOttoman-Russian relationsAbdulhamid II
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      Arms TradeDefence Logistics
How do states decide where to source arms? Drawing on theories of international relations, we consider the recent fighter aircraft competitions in Brazil and India, and analyze why the U.S.-made aircraft lost to their European rivals.... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPolitical ScienceAmerican Foreign Policy
Although the number of craft-produced small arms and light weapons is difficult to estimate, they are prevalent and range broadly in sophistication and quality. Improvised and craft-produced firearms remain an important source of... more
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      TerrorismGun ControlBlack MarketsOrganised Crime
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      Military HistoryAviation Military HistoryArms Trade
The full text of the Handbook is freely available online: Arms and ammunition are evidence. Many weapons carry marks that, combined with... more
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      TerrorismTransnational Organized CrimeCrimeWeapons
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      International RelationsInternational SecuritySecurity StudiesArms Control and Disarmament
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsArms Trade
The full text of the Handbook is freely available online: Arms and ammunition are evidence. Many weapons carry marks that, combined with... more
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      TerrorismTransnational Organized CrimeCrimeWeapons
The years 1933 and 1934 were critical ones for European diplomacy, as statesmen groped to divine precisely what Hitler represented and how best to deal with him and his resurgent Germany. In the ensuing welter of diplomatic initiatives,... more
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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistoryItalySoviet Union
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern EnglandProtestant Reformation
L'économie de défense mondiale traverse actuellement une importante phase de mutation dont l'issue est encore largement indéterminée. Cette transition est provoquée par le déplacement partiel des moteurs de la croissance des dépenses... more
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      European StudiesUnited StatesDefense IndustrySouth America
Od pierwszych miesięcy swego istnienia odrodzona w roku 1918 Rzeczpospolita nawiązała bliską współpracę z Republiką Francuską. Jedną z płaszczyzn współpracy obu państw stanowiły dostawy sprzętu wojskowego, którymi Francja zasilała... more
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      Military HistoryArms TradePolish military history
Armament Research Services (ARES) Special Report 4, Munitions Employing Sensor-fuzed Submunitions: Do they Comply with the Convention on Cluster Munitions?, critically evaluates the definition of "cluster munition" established by the... more
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      International LawArms and Armor StudiesInternational Human Rights LawInternational Humanitarian Law
The culmination of a long-running investigation, Research Report 10 examines a new and thriving segment within Venezuela’s black-market arms trade, which has proliferated primarily through social media and secure messaging platforms. The... more
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      Latin American StudiesVenezuelaBlack MarketsSmall Arms and light weapons
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      Arms TradeDefence Logistics
Due to a U.S./EU arms embargo that was impo- sed on China in 1989, China remains excluded from tra- ding with any of the leading arms producers except for Russia and Ukraine. The previously existing military-industrial symbiosis between... more
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      Contemporary ChinaChinese Military ModernizationArms TradeRussian Arms Industry