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As used here | Vajda | Dunlap | Knuth | Definition | Description |
Phi Φ |
τ | τ | φ, α |
= 1.6180339... | Koshy uses α (page 78)
phi φ | −σ | −φ | −β |
= 0.6180339... | Koshy uses −β (page 78)
abs(x) |x| | |x| | |x| | |x| | abs(x) = x if x≥0; abs(x) = −x if x<0 | the absolute value of a number, its magnitude; ignore the sign;
| [x] | trunc(x), not used for x<0 |
⌊x⌋ |
the nearest integer ≤ x. |
When x>0, this is "the integer part of x" or "truncate x"
i.e. delete any fractional part after the decimal point.
3=floor(3)=floor(3.1)=floor(3.9), -4=floor(-4)=floor(-3.1)=floor(-3.9) |
round(x) [x] |
[ x + |
1 | ] |
2 |
trunc(x + 1/2) |
the nearest integer to x; trunc(x+0.5) |
3=round(3)=round(3.1), 4=round(3.9),
-4=round(-4)=round(-3.9), -3=round(-3.1)
4=round(3.5), -3=round(-3.5)
| - | - |
the nearest integer ≥ x. |
3=ceil(3), 4=ceil(3.1)=ceil(3.9), -3=ceil(-3)=ceil(-3.1)=ceil(-3.9) |
fract(x) frac(x) | - | - |
x mod 1 | x − floor(x) |
the fractional part of x, i.e. the part of abs(x) after the decimal point
nCr n choose r; the element in row n column r of
Pascal's Triangle the coefficient of xr in (1+x)n
the number of ways of choosing r objects from a set of n different objects.
n≥0 and r≥0 (otherwise value is 0)
Formula | Refs | Comments |
F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1, F(n+2) = F(n + 1) + F(n) | - | Definition of the Fibonacci series |
F(−n) = (−1)n + 1 F(n) | Vajda-2, Dunlap-5 | Extending the Fibonacci series 'backwards' |
L(0) = 2, L(1) = 1, L(n + 2) = L(n + 1) + L(n) | - | Definition of the Lucas series |
L(−n) = (−1)n L(n) | Vajda-4, Dunlap-6 | Extending the Lucas series 'backwards' |
G(n + 2) = G(n + 1) + G(n) | Vajda-3, Dunlap-4 | Definition of the Generalised Fibonacci series, G(0) and G(1) needed |
Dunlap-63 |
Phi and −phi are the roots of x2 = x + 1
Dunlap-65 |
Beware! Dunlap occasionally uses φ to
represent our phi = 0.61803.., but more frequently he uses
φ to represent −0.61803.. !
F(n + 2) + F(n) + F(n − 2) = 4 F(n) | B&Q(2003)-Identity 18 |
F(n + 2 ) + F(n) = L(n + 1) | by Definition of L(n), Vajda-6, Hoggatt-I8, B&Q(2003) Identity 32, Dunlap-14, Koshy-5.14 |
F(n + 2) − F(n) = F(n + 1) | by Definition of F(n) |
F(n + 3) + F(n) = 2 F(n + 2) | B&Q(2003)-Identity 16 |
F(n + 3) − F(n) = 2 F(n + 1) | - |
F(n + 4) + F(n) = 3 F(n + 2) | B&Q(2003)-Identity 17 |
F(n + 2) + F(n − 2) = 3 F(n) | B&Q(2003)-Identity 7 |
F(n + 2) − F(n − 2) = L(n) | Hoggatt-I14 |
F(n + 4) − F(n) = L(n + 2) | - |
F(n + 5) + F(n) = F(n + 2) + L(n + 3) | - |
F(n + 5) − F(n) = L(n + 2) + F(n + 3) | - |
F(n + 6) + F(n) = 2 L(n + 3) | - |
F(n + 6) − F(n) = 4 F(n + 3) | - |
F(n) + 2 F(n − 1) = L(n) | (Dunlap-32), B&Q(2003) Identity 50 |
F(n + 2) − F(n − 2) = L(n) | Vajda-7a, Dunlap-15, Koshy-5.15 |
F(n + 3) − 2 F(n) = L(n) | possible correction for Dunlap-31 |
F(n + 2) − F(n) + F(n − 1) = L(n) | possible correction for Dunlap-31 |
F(n) + F(n + 1) + F(n + 2) + F(n + 3) = L(n + 3) | C Hyson(*) |
| "Binet's" Formula
De Moivre(1718), Binet(1843), Lamé(1844),
Vajda-58, Dunlap-69, Hoggatt-page 11, B&Q(2003)-Identity 240 |
L(n) = Phin + (−phi)n |
Vajda-59, Dunlap-70, B&Q(2003)-Identity 241 |
Phin = Phi F(n) + F(n−1) |
Vajda-50a, Rabinowitz-28, B&Q(2003)-Corrolary 33 |
Phin = F(n+1) + F(n) phi | Rabinowitz-28, B&Q(2003)-Corollary 33 |
Vajda-50b, Rabinowitz-25, B&Q(2003)-Identity 242,
I Ruggles (1963) FQ 1.2 pg 80 |
(−phi)n = |
L(n) − F(n)√5 |
2 |
Vajda-50c, I Ruggles (1963) FQ 1.2 pg 80,
Rabinowitz-25, B&Q(2003)-Identity 243 |
(−phi)n = −phi F(n) + F(n−1) | Rabinowitz-28 |
(−phi)n = F(n+1) − Phi F(n) | Vajda-103b, Dunlap-75 |
√5 Phin = Phi L(n) + L(n−1) | - |
√5 (−phi)n = phi L(n) − L(n−1) | - |
Vajda-101 |
Vajda-101a |
F(n) = round | ( |
Phin |
) |
,if n≥0 |
√5 |
| Vajda-62, Dunlap-71 corrected, B&Q(2003)-Identity 240 Corollary 30 |
L(n) = round(Phin),if n≥2 | Vajda-63, Dunlap-72, B&Q(2003)-Corollary 35 |
F(−n) = round |
( |
) |
,if n≥0 |
| - |
L(−n) = round( (−phi)−n ), n≥2 | - |
F(n + 1) = round(Phi F(n)),if n≥2 | Vajda-64, Dunlap-73 |
L(n + 1) = round(Phi L(n)),if n≥4 | Vajda-65, Dunlap-74 |
fract( F(2n) phi ) = 1 − phi2n | Knuth vol 1, Ex 1.2.8 Qu 31 with ψ=phi |
fract( F(2n+1) phi ) = phi2n+1 | Knuth vol 1, Ex 1.2.8 Qu 31 |
F(nk) is a multiple of F(n)
F(nk) ≡ 0 (mod F(k)) | B&Q(2003)-Theorem 1, Vajda Theorem I page 82 |
gcd(F(m),F(n)) = F(gcd(m,n)) | Lucas (1878) B&Q(2003)-Theorem 6,Vajda Theorem II page 83 |
F(mn+r) ≡ ± F(r) (mod F(n) ) | Knuth Vol 1 Ex 1.2.8 Qu. 32, Vajda page 86 |
gcd(L(m),L(n)) = L(gcd(m,n)),
if both L(m)/gcd(L(m),L(n)) and
L(n)/gcd(L(m),L(n)) are odd integers | Vajda page 86 |
L(mn+r) ≡ ± L(r) (mod L(n) ) | (Vajda page 87) |
F(m q) | = | F(m) | | F(m - 1) j-1 | F( m(q - j) + 1 ) |
| B&Q(2003)-Theorem 2 |
F(kt) |  | F(t) |
| = | | + (−1)(k−1)t/2 for ODD k ≥ 3 |
| Vajda-85 |
F(kt) |  | F(t) |
| = | | for EVEN k ≥ 2 |
| Vajda-86 |
L(kt) |  | L(t) |
| = | | + (−1)(k−1)(t+1)/2 for ODD k ≥ 3 |
| Vajda-87 |
L(t) is not a factor of L(kt) for even k | |
F(kt) |  | L(t) |
| = | | for EVEN k ≥ 2 |
| Vajda-88 |
L(t) is not a factor of F(kt) for odd k and t≥3 | |
p prime ⇒ p is a factor of L(p) − 1 |
B&Q(2003) Identity 228 |
p prime ⇒ p is a factor of L(2p) − 3 |
B&Q(2003) Identity 229 |
F(2n) = F(n + 1)2 − F(n − 1)2 | Lucas(1878), B&Q(2003)-Identity 14, Hoggatt-I10 |
F(2n) = F(n) ( F(n+1) + F(n−1) ) | Vajda-13, Hoggatt-I7, Koshy-5.13, B&Q(2003)-Identity 33
with Vajda-6 |
F(2n) = F(n) (2F(n+1) − F(n)) | simple alternative to Vajda-13 |
F(2n+1) = F(n + 1)2 + F(n)2 | Vajda-11, Dunlap-7, Lucas(1878), B&Q(2003)-Identity 13, Hoggatt-I11 |
F(n+2)2 + F(n)2 = 3 F(n + 1)2 − 2 (−1)n | V E Hoggatt B-208 FQ 9 (1971) pg 217. |
F(n+3)2 + F(n)2 = 2 ( F(n+1)2 + F(n+2)2 ) | B&Q(2003)-Identity 30 |
F(n + k + 1)2 + F(n − k)2 = F(2k + 1)F(2n + 1) | Sharpe(1965), a generalization of Vajda-11,Dunlap-7
Melham(1999) |
F(n + k)2 + F(n − k)2 =F(n + k −2)F(n + k + 1) + F(2k − 1)F(2n − 1) | Sharpe (1965) |
F(n + 1)2 − F(n)2 = F(n + 2) F(n − 1) | Vajda-12, Dunlap-8 |
F(n + k + 1)2 − F(n − k)2 = F(n − k − 1)F(n − k + 2) + F(2 k)F(2n + 2) | Sharpe (1965) |
F( n+p )2 − F( n−p )2 = F( 2n )F( 2p ) |
I Ruggles (1963) FQ 1.2 pg 77; Hoggatt-I25, Sharpe (1965) |
F(n + 1) F(n − 1) − F(n)2 = (−1)n |
Cassini's Formula(1680), Simson(1753), Vajda-29, Dunlap-9, Hoggatt-I13
special case of Catalan's Identity with r=1
B&Q(2003)-Identity 8 |
F(n)2 − F(n + r)F(n − r) = (-1)n-rF(r)2 |
Catalan's Identity(1879) |
F(n)F(m + 1) − F(m)F(n + 1) = (-1)mF(n − m) |
d'Ocagne's Identity, special case of Vajda-9 with G=F |
F(n + m) = F(n + 1)F(m + 1) − F(n − 1)F(m − 1) | B&Q(2003)-Identity 231 |
F(n + m) = F(m) F(n + 1) + F(m − 1) F(n) | alternative to Dunlap-10, B&Q(2003)-Identity 3;
variation of Hansen (1972)
Vorob'ev (1951) pages 9-10 proof, attributed to I S Sominskii
F(n) = F(m) F(n + 1 − m) + F(m − 1) F(n − m) |
I Ruggles (1963) FQ 1.2 pg 79; Dunlap-10, special case of Vajda-8 |
F(n) F(n + 1) = F(n − 1) F(n + 2) + (−1)n-1 |
Vajda-20a special case: i:=1;k:=2;n:=n-1; Hoggatt-I19 |
F(n + i) F(n + k) − F(n) F(n + i + k) = (−1)n F(i) F(k) |
Vajda-20a=Vajda-18 (corrected) with G:=H:=F |
2 F(n + 1) = F(n) + √(5 F(n)2 + 4(−1)n)
| F(n+1) from F(n): Problem B-42, S Basin, FQ, 2 (1964) page 329 |
F(a)F(b) − F(c)F(d) = (−1)r( F(a − r)F(b − r) − F(c − r)F(d − r) )
a+b=c+d for any integers a,b,c,d,r |
Johnson FQ 42 (2004) B-960 'A Fibonacci Iddentity', solution pg 90
also Johnson-7
Cassini, Catalan and D'Ocagne's Identities
are all special cases of this formula |
L(n + 2)2 = 3 L(n + 1)2 − L(n)2 + 10(−1)n | V E Hoggatt B-208 FQ 9 (1971) pg 217. |
L(n + 2) L(n − 1) = L(n + 1)2 − L(n)2 | from Vajda-17a |
L(n + 1)2 + L(n)2 = L(2n) + L(2n + 2) | from Vajda-17a |
L(n + 1)2 − L(n − 1)2 = L(2n + 1) + L(2n − 1) | from Vajda-17a |
L(n + 1) L(n − 1) − L(n)2 = −5 (−1)n | B&Q(2003)-Identity 60 |
L(2n) + 2 (−1)n = L(n)2 | Vajda-17c, Dunlap-12, B&Q(2003)-Identity 36 |
L(n + m) + (−1)m L(n − m) = L(m) L(n) | Vajda-17a, Dunlap-11
(special cases: Hoggatt-I15,I18) |
L(4n) + 2 = L(2n)2 | Hoggatt-I15, special case of Vajda-17a |
2 L(n + 1) = L(n) + √5 √(L(n)2 − 4(−1)n)
| L(n+1) from L(n): Problem B-42, S Basin, FQ 2 (1964) page 329 |
F(2n) = F(n) L(n) | Vajda-13, Hoggatt-I7, Koshy-5.13, B&Q(2003)-Identity 33 |
F(4n) | + 1 = | F(2n−1) L(2n+1) |
F(4n+1) | + 1 = | F(2n+1) L(2n) |
F(4n+2) | + 1 = | F(2n+2) L(2n) |
F(4n+3) | + 1 = | F(2n+1) L(2n+2) |
F(n)+1 is a product of a FIbonacci and a Lucas number:
A001611 F(n)+1, Formula by R K Guy (2003)
5 F(n) = L(n + 1) + L(n − 1)
L(n + 1)2 + L(n)2 = 5 F(2n + 1) | Vajda-25a |
L(n + 1)2 − L(n − 1)2 = 5 F(2n) | - |
L(n + 1)2 − 5 F(n)2 = L(2n + 1) | - |
L(2n) − 2 (−1)n = 5 F(n)2 | Vajda-23, Dunlap-25 |
L(n)2 − 4(−1)n = 5 F(n)2 | B&Q(2003)-Identity 53, Hoggatt-I12 |
F(n+k) + (−1)k F(n−k) = F(n)L(k) | Bro U Alfred (1964), Bergum and Hoggatt (1975) equns (5),(7) |
F(n+k) − (−1)k F(n−k) = L(n)F(k) | Bro U Alfred (1964), Bergum and Hoggatt (1975) equns (6),(8) |
L(n+k) + (−1)k L(n−k) = L(n)L(k) | Bro U Alfred (1964), Bergum and Hoggatt (1975) equns (9),(11) |
L(n+k) − (−1)k L(n−k) = 5F(n)F(k) | Bro U Alfred (1964), Bergum and Hoggatt (1975) equns (10),(12) |
F(n + 1) L(n) = F(2n + 1) + (−1)n | Vajda-30, Vajda-31, Dunlap-27, Dunlap-30 |
L(n + 1) F(n) = F(2n + 1) − (−1)n | - |
F(2n + 1) = F(n + 1) L(n + 1) − F(n) L(n) | Vajda-14, Dunlap-18 |
L(2n + 1) = F(n + 1) L(n + 1) + F(n) L(n) | - |
L(m) L(n) + L(m − 1) L(n − 1) = 5 F(m + n − 1) | Hansen 1972 |
L(n)2 − 2 L(2n) = −5 F(n)2 | Vajda-22, Dunlap-24 |
5 F(n)2 − L(n)2 = 4 (−1)n + 1 | Vajda-24, Dunlap-26 |
F(n)2 + L(n)2 = 4 F(n + 1)2 − 2 F(2n) | FQ (2003)vol 41, B-936, M A Rose, page 87 |
5 (F(n)2 + F(n + 1)2) = L(n)2 + L(n + 1)2 | Vajda-25 |
F(n) L(m) = F(n + m) + (−1)m F(n − m) | a recurrence relation for F(n+km): Vajda-15a, Dunlap-19 |
L(n) F(m) = F(n + m) − (−1)m F(n − m) | Vajda-15b, Dunlap-20 |
5 F(m) F(n) = L(n + m) − (−1)m L(n − m) | Vajda-17b, Dunlap-23, (special cases:Hoggatt-I16,I17) |
2 F(n + m) = L(m) F(n) + L(n) F(m) | Vajda-16a, Dunlap-2, FQ (1967) B106 H H Ferns pp 466-467 |
2 L(n + m) = L(m) L(n) + 5 F(n) F(m) | FQ (1967) B106 H H Ferns pp 466-467 |
F(m) L(n) + F(m − 1) L(n − 1) = L(m + n − 1) | Hansen (1972) |
(−1)m 2 F(n − m) = L(m) F(n) − L(n) F(m) | Vajda-16b, Dunlap-22 |
L(n + i) F(n + k) − L(n) F(n + i + k) =
(−1)n + 1 F(i) L(k) | Vajda-19a |
F(n + i) L(n + k) − F(n) L(n + i + k) = (−1)n F(i) L(k) | Vajda-19b |
L(n + k + 1)2 + L(n − k)2 = 5 F(2n + 1)F(2k + 1) |
Melham (1999) Theorem 1 |
L(n + i) L(n + k) − L(n) L(n + i + k)
= (−1)n + 1 5 F(i) F(k) | Vajda-20b |
(−1)kF(n)F(m−k) + (−1)mF(k)F(n−m) + (−1)nF(m)F(k−n) = 0 |
FQ 11 (1973) B228 page 108 |
(−1)kL(n)F(m−k) + (−1)mL(k)F(n−m) + (−1)nL(m)F(k−n) = 0 |
FQ 11 (1973) B229 page 108 |
5 F(jk+r) F(ju+v) = L(j(k+u)+(r+v)) - (-1)ju+vL(j(k-u)+(r-v)) |
Hansen (1978) |
F(jk+r) L(ju+v) = F(j(k+u)+(r+v)) + (-1)ju+vF(j(k-u)+(r-v)) |
Hansen (1978) |
L(jk+r) L(ju+v) = L(j(k+u)+(r+v)) + (-1)ju+vL(j(k-u)+(r-v)) |
Hansen (1978) |
5F(a)F(b) − L(c)L(d) = (−1)r( 5F(a − r)F(b − r) − L(c − r)L(d − r) )
a+b=c+d for any integers a,b,c,d,r |
Johnson |
F(a) L(b) − F(c) L(d) = (−1)r( F(a−r) L(b−r) − F(c−r) L(d−r) with a+b=c+d |
Johnson-32, special case of Johnson-44 |
F(3n) = F(n + 1)3 + F(n)3 − F(n − 1)3 |
Lucas (1876), B&Q(2003)-Identity 232 |
5 L(3n) = L(n + 1)3 + L(n)3 − 3 L(n − 1)3 |
Long (1986) equation (45)
3 F(3n) = F(n+2)3 − 3 F(n)3 + F(n−2)3 |
J Ginsburg "A Relationship Between Cubes
of Fibonacci Numbers."
Scripta Mathematica (1953) page 242. |
L(3n) = L(n+1)F(n+1)2 + L(n)F(n)2 − L(n-2)F(n-1)2) |
Long (1986) equation (43) |
5 F(3n) = F(n+1)L(n+1)2 + F(n)L(n)2 − F(n-1)L(n-1)2 |
Long (1986) equation (44) |
F(n + 1)F(n + 2)F(n + 6) − F(n + 3)3 = (−1)nF(n)
F(n)F(n + 4)F(n + 5) − F(n + 3)3 = (−1)n+1F(n + 6)
FQ 41 (2003) pg 142, Melham.
The second is a variant with -n for n and using Vajda-2 |
F(n−2)F(n−1)F(n+3) − F(n)3 = (−1)n-1F(n−3)
F(n+2)F(n+1)F(n−3) − F(n)3 = (−1)nF(n+3)
| Fairgrieve and Gould (2005) versions of the above two formulae of Melham |
F(n−2)F(n+1)2 − F(n)3 = (−1)n-1 F(n−1)
F(n+2)F(n−1)2 − F(n)3 = (−1)n F(n+1)
| Fairgrieve and Gould (2005) |
F(n+a+b)F(n−a)F(n−b) − F(n-a-b)F(n+a)F(n+b)
= (−1)n+a+bF(a)F(b)F(a+b)L(n)
| Melham (2011) Theorem 1 |
F(n+a+b−c)F(n−a+c)F(n−b+c) − F(n−a−b+c)F(n+a)F(n+b)
= (−1)n+a+b+cF(a+b−c)( F(c)F(n+a+b−c)
+ (−1)cF(a−c)F(b−c)L(n) ) |
Melham (2011) Theorem 5 |
F(i+j+k) = F(i+1)F(j+1)F(k+1) + F(i)F(j)F(k) − F(i−1)F(j−1)F(k−1)
for any integers i,j,k
| Johnson's (6) |
F(3n) = F(n+1)3 + F(n)3 − F(n−1)3 | From Johnson's (6) with i=j=k |
F(n)3 = F(n−1)3 + F(n−2)3 + 3 F(n)F(n−1)F(n−2) |
G Gelatti (2020, private communication) |
L(5n) = L(n) (L(2n) + 5F(n) + 3)( L(2n) − 5F(n) + 3), n odd |
Aurifeuille's Identity (1879) FQ 42 (2004) R S Melham, pgs 155-160 |
F(4n) = F(n+1)4 + 2F(n)4 − F(n−1)4 + 4F(n)3F(n−1)
| Khomovsky (2018) A42 |
F(n−1)2F(n+1)2 − F(n−2)2F(n+2)2
= 4(−1)nF(n)2 |
Melham (2011) 21 |
F(n−3)F(n−1)F(n+1)F(n+3) − F(n)4
= (−1)nL(n)2 |
Melham (2011) 22 |
F(n)2 F(m + 1) F(m − 1) − F(m)2 F(n + 1) F(n − 1)
= (−1)n − 1 F(m + n) F(m − n) | Vajda-32 |
F(n − 2)F(n − 1)F(n + 1)F(n + 2) + 1 = F(n)4
| Gelin-Cesàro Identity (1880) (see Dickson page 401)
FQ 41 (2003) pg 142, B&Q(2003)-Identity 31 Hoggatt-I29, Simson(1753) |
L(n − 2)L(n − 1)L(n + 1)L(n + 2) + 25 = L(n)4 | B&Q(2003)-Identity 56 |
F(n+a+b+c)F(n−a)F(n−b)F(n−c) − F(n-a-b-c)F(n+a)F(n+b)F(n+c)
= (−1)n+a+b+cF(a+b)F(a+c)F(b+c)F(2n)
| Melham (2011) Theorem 2 |
= (−1)n+a+b+cF(a+b−d)F(a+c−d)F(b+c−d)F(2n+d) |
Melham (2011) Theorem 6 |
( F(n-1)F(n+2) )2 + (2 F(n)F(n+1) )2
= (F(n+1)F(n+2) − F(n-1)F(n))2
= F(2n+1)2 |
A F Horadam FQ 20 (1982) pgs 121-122, B&Q(2003)-Identity 19 (corrected)
special case of Generalised Fibonacci Pythagorean Triples |
( F(n)2 + F(n+1)2 + F(n+2)2 )2
= 2 ( F(n)4 + F(n+1)4 + F(n+2)4 )
| Candido's Identity (1951)
FQ 42 (2004) R S Melham, pgs 155-160
( L(n-1)L(n+2) )2 + ( 2L(n)L(n+1) )2
= ( 5F(2n+1) ) 2 |
Wulczyn FQ 18 (1980) pg 188
special case of Generalised Fibonacci Pythagorean Triples |
( |
) |
F |
= F(m − 1) |
( |
) |
F |
+ F(n + 1) |
( |
) |
F |
Vajda page 74, "add the two numbers above" analogy from Pascal's triangle |
(-1)j(j+3)/2 |
F(n+m−j)m+1 |
= F!(m) F((m+1)n+m(m+1)
/2)) |
| Melham (1999).... |
1 F(n+1)2 + 1 F(n)2 | = 1 | F(2n+1) |
1 F(n+2)3 + 1 F(n+1)3 −1 F(n)3 | = 1.1 | F(3n+3) |
1 F(n+3)4 + 2 F(n+2)4 −2 F(n+1)4 − 1 F(n)4 | = 1.1.2 | F(4n+6) |
1 F(n+4)5 + 3 F(n+3)5 −6 F(n+2)5 −3 F(n+1)5 + 1 F(n)5 | = | F(5n+10) |
1 F(n+5)6 + 5 F(n+4)6 −15 F(n+3)6 −15 F(n+2)6 + 5 F(n+1)6 + 1 F(n)6 | = | F(6n+15) |
| .... examples |
0 = F(n) − F(n−1) − F(n−2)
0 = F(n)2 − 2 F(n−1)2 − 2 F(n−2)2 + F(n−3)2
0 = F(n)3 − 3 F(n−1)3 − 6 F(n−2)3 + 3 F(n−3)3 + F(n−4)3
0 = F(n)4 − 5 F(n−1)4 − 15 F(n−2)4 + 15 F(n−3)4 + 5 F(n−4)4 − F(n−5)4
... | Brousseau (1968)...but the general formula was not given. For this see next line: |
| Knuth AoCP Vol 1 section 1.2.8 Exercise 30, (1997)
| compare with |
| = | n − k + 1 |  | k |
| |
G(n) = G(0) F(n − 1) + G(1) F(n) | B&Q(2003)-Identity 37 |
G(−n) = (−1)n (G(0) F(n + 1) − G(1) F(n)) | ditto - applying Vajda-2 or
Vajda-9 with n=0 |
√5 G(n) = ( G(0) phi + G(1) ) Phin + (G(0) Phi − G(1)) ( −phi )n |
Vajda-55/56, Dunlap-77, B&Q(2003)-Identity 244 |
F(n) = | G(0) G(n+1) − G(1) G(n) |
G(0)G(2) − G(1)2 |
| Amer Math Monthly (2005) "Fibonacci, Chebyshev and Orthogonal Polynomials"
D Aharonov, A Beardam, K Driver, p612-630 |
2 G(k) = ( 2 G(1) − G(0) ) F(k) + G(0) L(k) |
Johnson-46 |
G(n + m) = F(m − 1) G(n) + F(m) G(n + 1) | Vajda-8, Dunlap-33, B&Q(2003)-Identity 38, Johnson-40 |
G(n − m) = (−1)m (F(m + 1) G(n) − F(m) G(n + 1)) | Vajda-9, Dunlap-34,
B&Q(2003)-Identity 47 |
G(n + m) + (−1)m G(n − m) = L(m) G(n) | Vajda-10a, Dunlap-35, B&Q(2003)-Identity 45, Bergum & Hoggatt (1975) (36) and (38) |
G(n + m) − (−1)m G(n − m) = F(m) ( G(n−1) + G(n+1)) | Vajda-10b, Dunlap-36, B&Q(2003)-Identity 48, Bergum & Hoggatt (1975) (37) and (39) |
G(m) F(n) − G(n) F(m) = (−1)n+1 G(0) F(m − n) | Vajda-21a |
G(m) F(n) − G(n) F(m) = (−1)m G(0) F(n − m) | Vajda-21b |
G(m+k) F(n+k) + (−1)k+1 G(m) F(n) = F(k) G(m + n + k) | Howard(2003) |
G(n + i) H(n + k) − G(n) H(n + i + k)
= (−1)n (G(i) H(k) − G(0) H(i + k)) |
Vajda-18 (corrected), B&Q(2003)-Identity 44 (also Identity 68)
a special case of Johnson-44: |
G(p)H(q) − G(r)H(s)
= (-1)n[ G(p-n)H(q-n) − G(r-n)H(s-n) ]
if p+q = r+s and p,q,r,s,n are integers |
Johnson-44 |
G(n + 1) G(n − 1) − G(n)2 = (−1)n (G(1)2 − G(0) G(2)) |
Vajda-28, B&Q(2003)-Identity 46 |
4 G(n−1)G(n) + G(n−2)2 = G(n+1)2 | B&Q(2003)-Identity 65 |
G(n + 3)2 + G(n)2 = 2( G(n+1)2 + G(n+2)2 ) |
B&Q(2003)-Identity 70 |
G(i+j+k) = F(i+1)F(j+1)G(k+1) + F(i)F(j)G(k) − F(i−1)F(j−1)G(k−1)
for any integers i,j,k
| Johnson (39a) |
4G(i)2G(i+1)2 + G(i−1)2G(i+2)2
= ( G(i)2 + G(i+1)2 )2 | Generalised Fibonacci Pythagorean Triples
Horadam (1967) |
G(n + 2)G(n + 1)G(n − 1)G(n − 2) + ( G(2)G(0) − G(1)2 )2
= G(n)4 |
B&Q(2003)-Identity 59 |
Hoggatt-I1, Lucas(1878), B&Q 2003-Identity 1 |
(-1) i F(i) = (-1)n F(n − 1) − 1 |
B&Q 2003-Identity 21 |
Hoggatt-I2 |
F(i) = F(n + 2) − F(a + 1) |
- |
L(i) = L(n + 2) − L(a + 1) |
- |
F(2i) = F(2n + 1) − 1, n≥0 |
Hoggatt-I6, Lucas(1878), B&Q(2003)-Identity 12 |
Hoggatt-I5, Lucas(1878), B&Q(2003)-Identity 2 |
| - |
2n − i F(i − 1) = 2n − F(n + 2) |
Vajda-37a(adapted), Dunlap-42(adapted), B&Q(2003)-Identity 10 |
B&Q(2003)-Identity 236 |
| = | F(3n + 3) |  | 2 |
| B&Q(2003)-Identity 23 |
| = | F(3n + 4) − 1 |  | 2 |
| B&Q(2003)-Identity 24 (corrected) |
| = | F(3n + 2) − 1 |  | 2 |
| B&Q(2003)-Identity 25 (corrected) |
B&Q 2003-Identity 27 |
F(4i + 1) = F(2n + 1)F(2n + 2) |
B&Q 2003-Identity 26 |
F(4i + 2) = F(2n + 1)F(2n + 3) − 1 |
B&Q 2003-Identity 29 |
F(4 i + 3) = F(2n + 3)F(2n + 2) |
B&Q 2003-Identity 28 |
(−1)i L(n − 2i) = 2 F(n + 1) |
Vajda-97, Dunlap-54 |
(−1)i L(2n − 2i + 1) = F(2 n + 2) |
B&Q(2003)-Identity 55 |
Vajda-45, Dunlap-5, Hoggatt-I3, Lucas(1878), Koshy-77,
B&Q(2003)-Identity 9 (Identity 233 variant) |
L(i)2 = L(n) L(n + 1) − 2 |
Hoggatt-I4 |
L(i)2 = 5 F(2n) F(2n - 1) |
- |
Vajda-40, Dunlap-45 |
L(i) L(i − 1) = L(2n)2 − 4 |
- |
F(i) F(i − 1) = F(2n +1)2 − 1 |
Vajda-42, Dunlap-47 |
L(i) L(i − 1) = L(2n +1)2 − 1 |
- |
(−1)r(1+k) F(r(1+k))2 = (−1)r(n+1) |
− 2n − 3 | |
Vajda-93 |
(−1)r(1+k) L(r(1+k))2 = (−1)r(n+1) |
+ 2n + 1 | |
Vajda-94 |
Vajda-95, B&Q(2003)-Identity 234 |
Vajda page 70 |
Vajda-96, B&Q(2003)-Identity 54 |
L(2i)2 = F(4n + 2) + 2n − 1 |
Vajda page 70 |
5 |
F(i) F(n − i) |
= (n + 1) L(n) − 2 F(n + 1) |
= n L(n) − F(n) |
Vajda-98, Dunlap-55, B&Q(2003)-Identity 58 |
L(i) L(n − i) |
= (n + 1) L(n) + 2 F(n + 1) |
= (n + 2) L(n) + F(n) |
Vajda-99, Dunlap-56, B&Q(2003)-Identity 57 |
F(i) L(n − i) = (n + 1) F(n) |
Vajda-100, Dunlap-57, B&Q(2003)-Identity 35 |
V Hoggatt (1965) Problem B-53 FQ 3, pg 157 |
L G Brökling (1964) FQ 2.1 Problem B-20 solution, pg76;
Vajda-33; Dunlap-38; B&Q(2003)-Identity 39 |
G(i) = G(n + 2) − G(a + 1) |
- |
Vajda-34, Dunlap-37, B&Q(2003)-Identity 61 |
Vajda-35, Dunlap-39, B&Q(2003)-Identity 62 |
G(2i) − |
G(2i − 1) = |
(−1)iG(i) |
= |
G(2n − 1) + G(0) − G(1) |
Vajda-36, Dunlap-40 |
G(k − 1) 2−k |
= ( G(0) + G(3) )/2 − G(n + 2) 2−n |
Vajda-37, Dunlap-41, B&Q(2003)-Identity 69 |
G(i) = L(2n + 1) G(2n + 3) |
Vajda-38, Dunlap-43, B&Q(2003)-Identity 49 |
G(i) G(i − 1) = G(2n)2 − G(0)2 |
Vajda-39, Dunlap-44, B&Q(2003)-Identity 41 |
G(i) G(i − 1) = G(2 n + 1)2 − G(0)2 − G(1)2 + G(0)G(2) |
Vajda-41, Dunlap-46 |
G(i + 2) G(i − 1) = G(n + 1)2 − G(1)2 |
Vajda-43, Dunlap-48, B&Q(2003)-Identity 64 |
(1 + (−1)r − L(r) ) |
G(m + kr) = |
G(m) − G(m+(n+1)r) + (−1)r(G(m+nr) − G(m−r))
Fibonacci with a Golden Ring Kung-Wei Yang
Mathematics Magazine 70 (1997), pp. 131-135. |
G(i)2 = G(n) G(n + 1) − G(0) G(1) |
Vajda-44, Dunlap-49, B&Q(2003)-Identity 67 |
Stan Rabinowitz, "Second-Order Linear Recurrences" card, Generating Function
special case (x=1/r, P=1, Q=-1) |
| r (b r2 − 2 a r + b − a) |
= |
(r2 − r − 1)2 |
- |
| = | G ( 2n ) H( 2n − 1) − G(0) H(1) |
| B&Q(2003)-Identity 42 |
B&Q(2003) Identity-4 |
Vajda-54(corrected), Dunlap-84(corrected) |
B&Q(2003)-Identity 165 |
B&Q(2003)-Identity 166 |
S Basin & V Ivanoff (1963) Problem B-4, FQ 1.1 pg 74, FQ1.2 pg 79; B&Q(2003)-Identity 6 |
I Ruggles (1963) FQ 1.2 pg 77 |
I Ruggles (1963) FQ 1.2 pg 77 |
B&Q(2003)-Identity 20 |
B&Q(2003)-Identity 238, Vajda-68, Griffiths (2013) 8-corrected |
(−1)n−k |
2kF(2 k) = F(3 n) |
Griffiths (2013) page 239-corrected |
Griffiths (2013) |
Griffiths (2013) page 239 |
Vajda-50, Dunlap-82 |
Hoggatt-I41 (special case p=0: Vajda-69, Dunlap-85) |
Vajda-71, Dunlap-87 |
F(2i + p) = 5n L(2n + 1 + p) |
Hoggatt-I42 (special case p=0: Vajda-70, Dunlap-86) |
Vajda-72, Dunlap-88 |
Vajda-73, Dunlap-89,Hoggatt-I45 |
Vajda-75, Dunlap-91, Hoggatt-I46 |
Vajda-74, Dunlap-90, Hoggatt-I47 |
Vajda-76, Dunlap-92 |
Vajda-91, B&Q(2003)-Identity 235, Catalan 1857 |
Vajda-92, B&Q(2003)-Identity 237, Catalan (1857)-see Vajda pg 69 |
F(n)iF(n−1)k − iF(i) = F( kn ) |
Rabinowitz-17 (special case of Vajda-66) |
F(n)iF(n−1)k − iL(i) = L( kn ) |
Rabinowitz-17 (special case of Vajda-66) |
F(t)iF(t−1)p − iG( m+i ) = G( m+tp ) |
Vajda-66,B&Q(2003) Identity-11 |
B&Q(2003) Identity 5 |
= |
(−1)k(r−1) |
L(r)n − 1 − 2k |
| |
Lucas (1878) equations 74-76,
this form due to Hoggatt and Lindt (1969), see Gould (1977)
Griffiths (2013) |
sin( π/2 + i ln(Φ) ) = (√5)/2 = Φ + ½ |
Schroeder 1986, equation (5.41) page 68 |
D Lind, Problem H-64, FQ 3 (1965), page 116 |
F(n) = |
2 i 1−n |
sin(−i n ln( i Phi) ) |
√5 |
| from Rabinowitz-7 corrected, using
Phi2 = (√5 + 1)/(√5 − 1) |
F(n) = |
2 i −n |
sinh(n ln( i Phi) ) |
√5 |
| from Rabinowitz-7 corrected |
L(n) = 2 i −n cos(−i n ln( i Phi) ) |
from Rabinowitz-7 corrected |
L(n) = 2 i −n cosh( n ln( i Phi) ) |
from Rabinowitz-7 corrected |
√ | 1 + 2i | = √Phi + i √phi |
| = [ 1 + i ; | 2 + 2i | ] |
I J Good (1993) |
√ | 1 + i/2 |
= ( √ |
√5 + 2 |
+ i √
| √5 − 2 | ) /2 |
= ( Phi3/2 + i phi3/2 ) /2 |
I J Good (1993) |