Redid My Gallery Wall

I got a new print (the dog in the white frame, by Travis Louie), and brought two prints that been living downstairs up, so I decided to redo my gallery wall in my office. I had one really large print amidst a lot of smaller pieces, and the balance didn’t feel quite right. Also, I wanted to fit some more pieces in. Theme-wise I wanted to pull the girls out and make the wall all about Beasts.

Here’s before:

It’s not perfect and I’ll probably wind up moving stuff around again, but it’s all part of the fun. (Edit: adjusted more the same evening.) I’ve realized how impactful visual cues are to me, and mixing up the art around me helps me notice it again.

I think writing a book is a little like hanging a gallery wall. You want all the pieces to complement each other. No outliers that draw too much attention. A cohesive whole made up of lots of different elements that are also good on their own. Sometimes a piece will be great but you realize it just doesn’t work with the rest.

Six years of solar generation

solar panels installed on roof with trees behind

Our 18-panel solar system generated 4,478kWh from July 2019-June 2020. We’ll get about $2300 from WA’s solar incentive program, which paid for kWh generated by WA-made solar systems (separate from net metering). 2020 is the final year of the program – since 2015, we’ve gotten about $11k.

The federal and state incentive programs made getting solar a no-brainer (for us) five years ago. Incentives aren’t so good today…hopefully the price is cheaper? Our city also hosted a program in 2015 that negotiated a reasonable rate on solar installs, and we knew the WA state incentive program would probably sunset, so it made sense to jump then even though we had some energy efficiency improvements we technically should have done first 🤷‍♀️

Our solar system cost about $21k to install, which is a chunk of change, but it was worth it to us to support the future of renewable energy and guarantee our electricity was sustainably generated. And our system should keep producing green power for many years to come 🌞 I know many people who care about the environment aren’t able to install solar, whether they don’t own a home, their home is not well-suited, or the upfront costs are too much. We were lucky enough to have a south-facing roof and the money when we needed it, so we went for it.

Originally posted on Twitter.

The Saga of a Puget Sound DIY Native & Pollinator Garden Lawn Replacement

AFTER: My pollinator garden in 2017

For two years, I dreamed of replacing my lawn with a native, drought-tolerant, wildlife-friendly garden. Finally, I removed my old lawn and replaced it with a garden in 2015. Installation and updates during the first three years (2015 through 2017) cost just over $4,000. As with all major projects, it didn’t go precisely as planned. I’m sharing my successes and misadventures so others in the Puget Lowlands / Seattle area who are considering replacing their lawns with a pollinator garden can avoid repeating my mistakes. See the three-year garden report!

BEFORE: My uninspiring “lawn” aka clover patch with two anchor shrubs in 2013

Planting plan for my lawn replacement, featuring native, pollinator-friendly, and drought-tolerant plants.

Planting plan for my lawn replacement, featuring native, pollinator-friendly, and drought-tolerant plants.

Phase One: Planning

  • Layout Design
  • Plant Selection

Phase Two: Preparation

  • Removing the Lawn
  • Soil Testing & Amendment

Phase Three: Installation

  • Plant shopping
  • Plant layout & planting
  • Lighting & hardscape

See how much it cost to DIY install our new garden.

Phase Four: Survival

My garden, three years after lawn replacement

Phase Five: Future!

  • Replanting
  • Incorporating bulbs
  • Adding more mulch & fixing the soaker hoses

Check out the garden after three years here – plus lessons learned on the replacement process, garden design and plant selection. And a full year in the garden after four years.

wooden archway over new path of gray pavers lined with yellow fall leaves

We finally had the budget to have the garden path installed in 2022

garden from front door

Garden in June 2024





Is location a self-fulfilling destiny?

I’m in the process of buying a house – something I’ve been putting off for quite a while, now, as my partner and I debate where to live.

Sure, we know we want to live in Washington State. But where in Washington?

There are so many possible ecosystems in which to make our home. Do we belong to the sea or the mountains? Given we can only travel so far in a day, we must choose our daily habitat.

Where we live is a framework for the structure of our lives. What is nearby? How long does it take to get to the places I go frequently? Where do I want to spend most of my time?

Is location destiny?

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Finding My Mountain

The Land is Part of Your Identity

In the pepeha, traditional Maori introduction, you introduce yourself with your mountain and your river. Your mountain and river are a part of you, a mark of where your home and heart lie. I’m not Maori, but I embrace this explicit relationship to the land. But what makes a mountain my mountain?

What Makes a Mountain Your Own?

Leaning on a madrone on Mount Tam

Enjoying madrones, my favorite type of tree, while hiking on Mount Tamalpais in California

Each person has different criteria. I want a mountain that holds its own, but isn’t necessarily the biggest or most impressive specimen. I’d prefer a mountain that I can visit frequently. I want to know its name and recognize it from all angles.

I am trying to adopt a new mountain. Four years ago I transplanted myself from California to Washington. Begrudgingly I traded my California driver’s license for a Washington one, my California voter’s registration for a Washington one — but my heart finds it harder to swap my mountain for a new one. Although I’m consciously trying to pick a mountain near my home in Seattle, I feel that choosing your mountain is more emotional than rational.
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