A new month already!
Creative Work
- wrote out all my favorite scenes on index cards and used those to visually lay out plot order options
- watched a few videos about series planning
- sat down with my husband and talked through names for my consulting business — and decided on an option!
- went apple picking with friends!
- baked an apple pie with some of the apples I picked
- went to Homebrew Website Club twice
- read a novel and a novella
- more progress on our yard — supposedly today is the final day of install!
- got an EKG at my annual heart followup, all seems to be going well
- one of my weekly friends walks has been cancelled altogether 😢, and the other one we called off this week for schedule conflicts — so now I need to figure out how to get more exercise on my own ðŸ˜
- headed over to Eastern Washington for a memorial / family get-together — 6 hours of driving in one day 🥱
- wrote (most of) a long reflection blog post about the mental impact of the past three months off of work