2023 Q2 Check-In

massive rock formations loom over the dark wide river below a conifer forest

Enjoying a picnic lunch in Spokane

Summary of this quarter:

  • DH started a new job in mid-June
  • I continued consulting work — my big project wrapped up at the end of the quarter
  • We went tidepooling at Golden Gardens and Alki Beach
  • We went to a family wedding in Spokane
  • I started meeting with a weekly accountability group in May
  • I’ve been chipping away at business development for my consulting work
  • My walking buddy got a new, less flexible job, so we’ve been taking fewer walks

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2023 Q1 Check-in

Summary of this quarter:

  • DH got laid off at the end of March
  • I’ve been working ~10 hours a week on consulting
  • I was doing pretty well on writing in January, got stuck during February despite trying a bunch of different tricks, and now have pivoted back to Book 1 though mostly
  • We have been making a concerted effort to cook more of our own meals, starting when layoffs first were announced, and ramping up to nearly every meal since he was actually laid off
  • We finally upgraded our gas furnace to a heat pump, and replaced our gas water heater with an electric one, so we are Off! Natural! Gas!

As I began more regular consulting work in early January, I needed to develop a new schedule. I’ve been adapting, but finding it hard to balance time and energy for fiction writing. The transition was tiring — I barely read in January. I always forget how much mental energy starting a new job takes, apparently even when it’s not a “job” job πŸ˜‰

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2022 Personal Review

My 2022 life remained pretty quiet and close-to-home since I’m still wary of COVID. I quit my job halfway through the year, and since then have been writing a lot and working on starting a freelance consulting business.

Highlights of 2022

  • Quit my job!
  • Started a consulting business and made my first $1k freelancing!
  • Wrote half of the sequel to my WIP novel
  • Read a lot of books
  • Did a bunch of fun things with my other website, tracydurnell.com

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2022 Q4 Check-in

white cat sleeping on white furry blanket

This was a busy fall quarter filled with lots of writing and making progress on starting a consulting business. I was still trying to make lots of time for resting and relaxing, but felt pretty busy even though I didn’t start working each day till 10:30, and usually wrapped up before 4.

Time tracking

πŸ“± Daily hours browsing internet on phone

I’m on a slightly downward trend but still spending a good bit of time browsing the internet on my phone every day. I think I’ll adjust this goal going forward to be closer in reach to reality.

  • Goal: Less than 2 hours 45 minutes a day
  • Q4 daily average: 3 hours 45 minutes a day πŸ‘Ž
  • October daily average: 4 hours a day
  • November daily average: 3 hours 45 minutes a day
  • December daily average: 3 hours 30 minutes a day

Data source: RescueTime monthly reports

πŸ“ Daily Minutes Writing / Plotting / Planning (on computer)

October and November were seriously devoted to writing and planning, plus the first half of December.

  • Q4 daily average: 1 hour 38 minutes a day
  • October daily average: 59 hours for the month = 2 hours a day
  • November daily average: 69.75 hours for the month = 2 hours 15 minutes a day
  • December daily average: 21.25 hours for the month = 40 minutes a day

Data source: RescueTime monthly reports + self-tracked off-computer work in October and December

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ active minutes

I find using the Fitbit numbers very irritating because I typically only get active minutes for half the time I spend walking — a 98 minute walk I took last week only gave me 51 active minutes πŸ˜‘ But I guess it’s keeping me honest about what actually gets my heart rate up high enough.

  • Target: 150 minutes a week
  • Q4 daily average: 10 minutes a day = 70 minutes a week πŸ‘Ž
  • October daily average: 5 minutes a day = 39 minutes a week
  • November daily average: 13 minutes a day = 91 minutes a week
  • December daily average: 11 minutes a day = 76 minutes a week

Data source: Fitbit app total active minutes by month, divided by days in month

πŸ’€ Nightly hours of sleep

  • Goal: 7 hours of sleep a night
  • Q4 daily average: 6 hours 59 minutes of sleep a night πŸ‘
  • October daily average: 6 hours 56 minutes a night
  • November daily average: 7 hours 6 minutes a night
  • December daily average: 6 hours 56 minutes a night

Data source: Fitbit app hours of sleep annual view

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2022 Q3 Check-in

white cat laying on its back on a pink blanket, looking awkardly at the camera

At the very end of Q2 this year, I quit my day job after 7 and a half years — without anything lined up for work. The past three months have been a total change for me, the first time in fourteen years I’ve had more than two weeks off. It’s been a mental adjustment in many ways, as well as an opportunity to recover from years of stress.

Far from being a blank slate, my life has expanded to fill the freed-up time to the point where I don’t totally see how I fit thirty hours of work in before. There was some concern I might feel disconnected, but between seeing friends for weekly walks, hanging out online at Homebrew Website Club, ongoing chats with friends on WhatsApp and Discord, and calls with family, I am talking to people outside my house most days.

Time tracking

πŸ“± Daily hours browsing internet on phone

My daily time reading articles on my phone has gone up by about an hour compared to Q2 — and an hour above my goal. Frankly, I’m surprised (though pleased) it didn’t go up more πŸ˜‰

  • Goal: Less than 2.75 hours a day
  • Q3 daily average: 3.75 hours a day ❌
  • July daily average: 3.75 hours a day
  • August daily average: 3.75 hours a day
  • September daily average: 3.75 hours a day

Data source: RescueTime monthly reports

πŸ“ Daily Minutes Writing / Plotting / Planning (on computer)

I took half of July totally off from working, and didn’t do much writing. I have been doing a lot of my work on paper, which is harder to track. (I’ve done it in the past but didn’t think of it for this.) This is definitely not representative of effort for this quarter πŸ˜‰ I’m going to start tracking paper sessions for Q4.

  • Q3 daily average: 6 minutes a day
  • July daily average: 3.5 hours for the month πŸ˜‚ = 7 min a day
  • August daily average: 3.5 hours for the month πŸ˜‚ = 7 min a day
  • September daily average: 1.75 hours for the month 🀣 = 3.5 minutes a day

Data source: RescueTime monthly reports

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ active minutes

In August it was too hot for several of our walks, and in September we hit wildfire smoke.

  • Q3 daily average: 9.75 minutes a day = 68 minutes a week
  • July daily average: 11 minutes a day = 80 minutes a week
  • August daily average: 9 minutes a day = 62 minutes a week
  • September daily average: 9 minutes a day = 61 minutes a week

Data source: Fitbit app active minutes by week

πŸ’€ Nightly hours of sleep

  • Goal: 7 hours of sleep a night
  • Q3 daily average: 7 hours of sleep a night πŸ’ͺ
  • July daily average: 6 hours 45 minutes a night
  • August daily average: 7 hours 10 minutes a night
  • September daily average: 7 hours a night

Data source: Fitbit app hours of sleep annual view

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