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There are many types of kisses, but when you want to communicate desire no typical old kiss will do: you need a fiercely passionate one. From setting the mood to learning how to ramp up the heat factor, here are some tricks that will take your partner's breath away!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Before the Kiss

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  1. Naturally, you practice good oral hygiene, but if you have any doubts about your breath, take a breath mint shortly before the kiss. Make sure to finish the mint or gum before you lock lips.[1]
    • Be careful, as some mints may leave a bad aftertaste and make your breath worse. Water is the best bet! It leaves no aftertaste, freshens your mouth and does not leave you thirsty.
  2. Approach the kiss with confidence. Try to kiss their cheek so they turn their head your way. Once you've chosen the right moment to kiss someone, there's no turning back, especially if it's your first time kissing that particular person. Be decisive and confident. If the person doesn't want the kiss, he or she will let you know, but until then, act as though you're a pro.[2]
  3. If you truly want your kiss to be passionate, you will need to set the right mood. That doesn't mean that you have to throw rose petals everywhere and light a hundred candles, but you should be someplace without many distractions--that way you can both focus on each other (and your passionate kiss).
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

The Kiss

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  1. Leaning in signals that you want to kiss the person, and tilting your head prevents you from crushing your nose against the other person's.
  2. Don't try to thrust your tongue into your partner's mouth right away. Simply press your lips against theirs. Close your eyes as you do to heighten the intimacy and to avoid looking at the pores on your partner's nose. Imagine your eyes are being controlled by a dimmer switch. Feel what your partner is doing with their mouth and try to copy their movements.[3]
  3. Kiss your partner once, slowly, letting it last for a few seconds. Then slowly draw your lips away, keeping them close enough to your partner's lips so that they are almost touching (but aren't). This lingering will help build the passion, and will really capture your partner's full attention (pfft, as if you didn't have it already).
  4. Once the kiss is accepted, try opening your lips slightly. If the other person follows suit, try slightly varying the openness of your lips (both more and less open) throughout the kiss. You may wish to explore the person's lips and tongue a bit with the tip of your tongue. There are no rules; just try to make your motions smooth.
    • Keep in mind that there is a thin line between passionate kissing and a drool fest. In order to gauge how wet your kisses should be, kiss the back of your hand like you would if you were kissing your partner and opening your lips slightly. You should leave a slight amount of moisture that dries up in a few seconds. If you see more than this, or leave a big wet circle on your hand, you've overdone it--dial it back.[4]
  5. Consider the French Kiss. As the kiss progresses, you may want to try French kissing, in which you insert your tongue lightly into your partner's mouth and let it dance with your partner's tongue.[5]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Increasing the Passion

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  1. Be sensually aggressive. After you've been kissing for a while, you should try getting a little more adventurous. In between kisses, gently bite your partner's lower lip, letting your teeth graze their lip as you pull away. (Do not suck on their lip or bite too hard, unless they're really into that).[6]
  2. If things are going well, consider spicing it up a bit by moving your head down to kiss and lightly nibble your partner's neck or other places that they like.
  3. You rarely, maybe never, see a great kiss in which the participants just let their arms dangle at their sides. At the very least, embrace your partner and gently pull him or her towards you. You can also run your hands through your partner's hair; or caress their back, sides, or other parts of the body.[7] Wrapping your arms around your partner can also be a big turn on!
    • Where you put your hands should be determined by the status of your relationship, your desires, and your partner's signals, whether spoken or communicated non-verbally. But if you feel like it, and you think your partner does too, try grabbing their neck or their back of the head. This next part is for the boys - a thing that is a little risky to do if you are not sure if they really want it is touching/grabbing her butt. If you do it successfully - and the success rate is high - then the girl will get turned on, and the kissing can maybe - just maybe - lead to something else, if you know what we mean. But try it though! Highly recommended.
  4. Some find that a kiss of at least ten seconds in duration will passionately bond two people more than a shorter kiss. Just hold the kiss for longer, regulating your breathing and keeping your eyes closed.[8]
  5. Whether it's fireworks going off behind you (hint: that would be a great moment for a passionate kiss) or people walking by you at the airport (bittersweet, beautiful goodbye, or epic reunion?) you should not let yourself become distracted. If you look around while kissing, your partner is probably going to feel a little rejected and the passion-o-meter will definitely drop. No matter what is happening, keep your focus on the kiss and on your partner and let nothing distract you - nothing should fascinate you more than the sensation of kissing.
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Join the Discussion...

What is the purpose of people kissing? What does it mean when people kiss? Why do people like to do it? I spent too long thinking about the actual mechanics of just pushing your mouth repeatedly against someone else's mouth and got weirded out...need someone to explain it to me.
wikiHow Editorial Team
Kissing shows affection. It's not purely romantic, either. Parents kiss their children, friends kiss friends, and in many cultures, people kiss each other in greeting. Plus, kissing feels good, which can explain why people like to do it. It releases chemicals in the brain that can reduce stress and provide pleasure.
Lauren Sanders
Lauren Sanders
Matchmaker & Dating Coach
People kiss in many different contexts for different reasons. For example, if someone kisses you on the first date, it could mean they are interested in pursuing a potential relationship with you, because if they feel that comfortable---comfortable enough to exchange saliva and to get in your personal space, and allow you to get in their personal space as well---they definitely can see some potential for a future with you. But again, some people are just touchy-feely.

Kissing can also serve as an expression of affection. I'd say that if somebody is willing to kiss you on the first date, one of their primary love languages is probably physical touch, because not everybody does that in the very beginning, but people who are very touchy-feely tend to have physical touch as their primary love language.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you initiate a kiss while cuddling?
    Eddy Baller
    Eddy Baller
    Dating Coach
    Eddy Baller is a Dating Coach and the Owner of a dating consulting and coaching service, Conquer and Win, based in Vancouver, Canada. Coaching since 2011, Eddy specializes in confidence building, advanced social skills, and relationships. Conquer and Win helps men worldwide have the love lives they deserve. His work has been featured in The Art of Manliness, LifeHack, and POF among others.
    Eddy Baller
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Start with a little bit of light physical contact. You might start by massaging their hand, moving up the arm and shoulder, basically building up the level of intimacy and also seeing how comfortable they are. Then you can go for a kiss first on the neck or the back of the neck, if you are in a position where you are massaging their shoulders from behind. If they are still comfortable, you can try to go a little further. You might lean in, gently cup their chin, and guide them over to your lips.
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  • If they touch you where you don't want to be touched say "No, don't do that." or "Stop, I don't like it." If they try to have sex and you don't want to tell them something like: "Sorry I am not quite ready for that yet"[10]
  • Avoid breath-killing foods, such as garlic and onions.
  • Keep your bodies close when kissing.
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Tips from our Readers

  • If you're standing up, use the nearest wall. Gently guide your partner to the wall and push them up against it in a playful and friendly way. This will drive most people absolutely nuts.
  • It's hard to know what to do with your eyes when you don't have a lot of kissing experience. As a rule of thumb, just keep your eyes closed when your lips are locked.
  • Don't forget to use your hands! Rest your hands on your partners neck, shoulders, waist, lower back, or back of head. You could even play with your partner's hair.
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  • If your attempt to steal a kiss is rebuffed, respect the person's wishes, and back off immediately. If at any point your partner seems uncomfortable with anything you're doing, stop.

About This Article

Eddy Baller
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by Eddy Baller. Eddy Baller is a Dating Coach and the Owner of a dating consulting and coaching service, Conquer and Win, based in Vancouver, Canada. Coaching since 2011, Eddy specializes in confidence building, advanced social skills, and relationships. Conquer and Win helps men worldwide have the love lives they deserve. His work has been featured in The Art of Manliness, LifeHack, and POF among others. This article has been viewed 5,519,494 times.
123 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 222
Updated: November 15, 2024
Views: 5,519,494
Categories: Kissing
Article SummaryX

To kiss passionately, try starting out slow and gentle, then ramping up the intensity. For example, you might start with a long, lingering kiss on the lips. Then pull back a little bit, so that your lips are still almost touching your partner’s, and wait a few seconds to build the anticipation for the next kiss. Next, try opening your lips slightly and see if your partner responds by doing the same. If so, you can try lightly touching their lips or tongue with the tip of your tongue, and eventually progressing to a deeper French kiss. You can also try gently nibbling your partner’s bottom lip or kissing their jaw, neck, or shoulder. Remember, kissing isn’t just about what you do with your lips. To really boost the heat level, get your hands involved, too. Try running your hands through your partner’s hair, caressing their face or body, or wrapping your arms around them and holding them close while you kiss. To learn how to increase the passion in your kiss with necking, read on!

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