3D mesh
3D mesh
3D mesh
Glass grid shall not be installed in areas where the bituminous overlay tapers to a
compacted thickness of less than 40 mm. When emulsions are used, the emulsion
shall be allowed to cure properly such that no water/moisture remains prior to placing
the glass grid. Wrinkles severe enough to cause folds shall be slit and laid flat.
Bromming and/or rubber-tire rolling will be required to maximize glass grid contact
with the pavement surface. Additional hand-placed tack coat may be required at
overlaps and repairs as required by the Engineer. Turning and braking of the paver
and other vehicles shall be done gradually and kept to a minimum to avoid movement
and damage to the glass grid. Damaged composite shall be removed and replaced
with the same type of composite and a tack coat.
All areas where glass grid has been placed shall be paved the same day. No traffic
except necessary construction traffic shall be allowed to drive on the glass grid.
Overlaps shall be shingle - lapped in the direction of paving. Additional tack coat
shall be placed between the overlap to satisfy saturation requirements of the fabric.
Overlap shall be sufficient to ensure full closure of the joint but not exceeding
(4) Measurement
The paving fabric/ glass fiber Geogrid shall be measured in Square metres of paved
area covered by the fabric/ glass fiber Geogrid.
(5) Payment
Paving fabric/ glass fiber Geogrid shall be paid at the respective contract unit rate
which shall be full and final compensation for the cost of compliances of all
requirements specified in Clause , 2410 in addition to those specified in Clause 112
The soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3D galvanized steel mat is a high-quality
construction system consisting of a 3 D zinc coated steel grid mat, steel cables, zinc
coated distribution bars, injection bore nails, anchors or T-steel nails of different
lengths and the necessary fastening elements such as binding loops and cable clamps.
It can be used in four different ways in slopes, embankments, road pavements and
river control works.
a) Slope stabilisation and protection works as semi-flexible soil nailing system, with
or without vegetation
b) Slope and riverbank erosion control as revetment with or without vegetation
c) River bed erosion control, in drainages, check dams and causeways
d) As reinforcement element in road pavement for earthen, gravel and asphalts
In order that the structure can fulfill its task, minimum requirements regarding the
material and dimensional accuracy must be met upon installing the soil nailing system
with semi flexible 3D-steel Mat. A careful installation of the system allows repairing of
deformed/damaged slope parts, improves and protects the general slope stability and
allows enduring and permanent greening of the slope.
The soil nail system with 3D semi-flexible galvanized steel mat generally comprised
of the following materials:
A) Construction Elements:
3 D galvanized steel panels: The size of the 3D panels varies in length and
width: length 2850 – 3200 mm width 1100 – 1200 mm. The height of panel will
be 80 mm. A staple of 100 panels (approx. 384 m²) will be stapled on one
wooden pallet. This profile is made of at least 275 g/m² zinc coated steel sheet
band of thickness between 1.5 – 1.6 mm.
a) T-section steel nail: Special designed earth nail made out of steel (T-section
profile), size varies from 25/25/3 mm up to 40/40/5 mm with a sharp taper at
one end and one hook made out of a round bar ø12 or 16 mm at the other end
is used to fix the 3D panels. This nail shall be galvanized to protect it from
corrosion. The zinc coating on T-steel nails must be at least 235g/m². The T-
steel nails shall have lengths from 0.60m to 3.50 m as required.
b) GEWI nail system: If the T-section steel nails are not sufficient to provide
required level of safety, bored GEWI nails of 28 mm diameter may used to
secure the 3D mats.
The GEWI ® Thread bar System consists of high yield GEWI® screwable
steel and corresponding coupling and anchoring accessories, which enable
safe and easy connections between anchorages made of GEWI® steel, in
accordance with the German approvals Z-1.5-76, Z-1.5-149 and Z-1.5-2.
GEWI® Steel High Yield Thread bar is a high tensile alloy steel bar which
features a coarse left-hand thread over its full length. The system has proved
its efficiency around the world and offers versatility in a range of applications.
Manufactured in accordance with the German Certificate of Approval issued
by the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, the system also offers general
conformance with BS 4449: 2005 (Carbon Steel Bars for Reinforcing of
Concrete).The minimum specified characteristic yield strength is 500 N/mm2
for bar diameters 16 - 50 mm. These bars can be used in soil nailing at varying
lengths between 4m to 8m, but in special situation it can be extended to any
design length using special coupling socket connections. 16 - 50 mm bars can
also be welded using appropriate industry practices relative to the carbon
content of the steel.
GEWI Thread bar (used as nails) and different types of nuts and specially
designed PVC spacer for fixing 3D mats
c) Distribution rod and rope clip connector: Distribution bar made of high
tensile steel, ø10-12 mm, and length 3700 mm and wire rope clip DIN 741 are
used to interconnect the 3D panels and T-Nails. The steel bar is also
galvanized to protect it from corrosion. The minimum zinc coating on
distribution bars must at least 235g/m². The cable clamps according to DIN
741 and DIN 1142 are used for connecting the distributor rods with each
other. Horizontal joints are fastened with two clamps. The connection of a
diagonal rod, if any, with a horizontal rod requires only one clamp.
e) Wire rope: 12mm dia galvanized steel wire rope is used to connect the GEWI
nail heads and fasten the 3D mats. The minimum breaking load of such rope
must be 90.7 kN. The galvanized wire rope (6x19 SE) must meet the
requirements of EN12385-4. The weight per meter of such wire rope will be
0.498 kg.
Connecting elements
B) Backfilling Materials:
ii. Humus Material: Depending upon the site and design of the slopes, humus
material is used to make the slope green. Humus (topsoil) is a requirement for
any permanent vegetation. Plants protect the slope against erosion. They extract
moisture from the topsoil, prevent too fast runoff and the plant roots stabilize
the topsoil. Once grown in, the vegetated surface can scarcely be distinguished
from the surroundings. A material appropriate for the humus layer or topsoil
shall have high humus content (5% at least) and a sufficient content of nutrients
(nitrogen, phosphate and potassium). The soil can be blended with compost or
manure, if required. In order to ensure long-term adherence of the material to
the 3D grid panels, a clay content of 20% - 30% is recommended. For good
gripping on steep slopes and increasing its water retention capability, the
substrate can be blended with 1% - 2% bentonite. The spraying of humus can be
done manually or by using machines. For details please refer to construction
Cutting of 3D panels
mm; see drawing). For this, make sure that the panels intermesh well. One wire
binding loop is required in every 3 knots while overlapping panels from sides.
diameter for nails made out of T 35/35/4.5 mm. These holes are grouted with
cement mortar (water/mortar ratio ≤ 0.45) and the soil nail is stuck in the grouted
hole. If the subsoil allows it, it is recommend drilling holes approx. 20 cm less
deep than the length of the soil nail, and to drive the nail in the remaining length.
In this way the nail holds tight immediately in the subsoil and stability and density
of the cement mortar are improved. Alternatively, depending upon sub-soil
conditions, T-sections nails can also be directly hammered into pre-bored holes of
slightly lesser diameter (approx. 5mm less) than the size of T-nails without using
any cement grout. In such situation pull out test of T-nails may be necessary to
estimate the desired pull out resistance of system nails.
Following the grid of the soil nails steel cables are installed over the upper girdles
of the 3 D panels horizontally (and diagonally if required). The wire ropes are
used to distribute the load from the 3 D panels to the soil nails. To get a force
locking connection the wire ropes are threaded in the shackle of the connecting
element. The cables are clamped with one clamp at every second connecting
Then the wire ropes are fixed at one end and pre-stressed by pulling them by hand
at the free end. The wire ropes are fastened at both ends making a rope sling with
3 pieces of wire rope clips.
Then the nuts of the soil nails are screwed on and tightened. One may adjust the
stress and the ratio of arch of the wire ropes defined in the stability analysis by
screwing down the nuts tightly or loosely into the 3 D panels.
g) Filling with angular material: After installation of the 3 D panels, they are
backfilled with angular material. This permits the creation of a good subsoil
structure and hence a gripping layer for the subsequent humus backfill and
draining of slope water below the humus layer. The crushed stone aggregates of
size between 32 mm – 63 mm are preferred for backfill. Fillings can be done
either manually or by using machines. Filling is generally done from bottom to
top and it shall be made as compact as possible.
h) Spray of humus/Top soil: Depending upon the site and design of the slopes,
humus material can be used to make the slope green. The spraying of humus can
be done manually or by using machines. A material appropriate for the humus
layer or topsoil with high humus content (5% at least) and a sufficient content of
nutrients (nitrogen, phosphate and potassium) can be used on the top of gravel
layer to ease the growth of plants. The topsoil can be blended with compost, grass
seeds or manure, if required. In order to ensure long-term adherence of the
material to the 3D grid panels, a clay content of at least 20% -30% is
recommended. For good gripping on steep slopes and increasing its water
retention capability, the substrate can be blended with 1% - 2 % bentonite. For
details about the humus spray machine please refer to construction guidelines.
4. Construction procedure (for river bank and river bed erosion stabilisation, road
a) The basic installation procedure of the soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3d
galvanised steel mat is same as in case of slope stabilisation and erosion control
on slopes. But in case of river bank and river bed erosion control, it is
recommended to use appropriate geotextile on the base of the slope/river bed
based on the velocity of flow and river water current.
b) It is also recommended to calculate the hydraulic safety (uplift and pull out) of the
soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3d galvanised steel mat on the river bank or
on river beds (such as launching apron). The nails used to anchor the system must
be strong enough to resist the uplift force and pull out from high turbulent
velocity during high flood situation.
c) Since the angular material inside the 3D panels are mechanically interlocked inside
the system, this system (also in multi layers) can be used in river beds for making
causeways, temporary diversions and river crossings for all kinds of vehicular
traffic loads, which needs special design of this system.
d) The soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3d galvanised steel mat can also be
used as reinforcing elements in road pavement construction. It can be used in
earthen roads, gravel roads and also in asphalt road. All of these special
constructions need to be designed separately depending upon the site conditions
and Clients’ requirements. For any special design requirements, it is
recommended to consult a design engineer who has an experience of designing
the soil nailing with semi flexible 3D mats.
5. Quality Control
The soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3d galvanised steel mat elements shall
have the following requirements:
a) 3D Panels
The 3D galvanized steel mats shall be made of high strength steel sheet with at
least 275 g/m² zinc coating. The thickness shall be 1.5 – 1.6 mm, panel size width
1100 - 1200 mm, Length 2850 - 3200 mm, height 80 mm. The weight shall be
approx. 3.0 kg/m² to 3.33 kg/m² or 10.8 kg/panel to 12.8 kg/panel corresponding
to the thickness of sheet steel used (1.5 or 1. 6 mm). Approximate loading of Steel
type S 350 GD model, for evenly distributed load if knots are fixed shall be 30
kN/m². The Maximum tensile strength of 3D panels lengthwise shall be at least 70
kN/m. The 3D Panels must be supplied by reliable and certified manufacturer.
meet all the requirements as mentioned in the construction guidelines “soil nailing
with semi-flexible 3d mat system, Instructions for use” or shall be according to
the test certificates provided by the recognised manufacturing companies. All of
these accessories except 3D panels can be produced locally or procured from local
markets but shall be tested for its strength requirements before use.
a) If the typical designs are used with known spacing and length of nails, the
measurement of complete construction (whole system) can be done in square
metre surface area of installed soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3d mat.
Depending upon the easiness of construction, it can be divided into two types:
i. Soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3d galvanized steel mat and T-section
nails (1m, 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m, 3m or 3.5m) for slope < 45 ° in m²
ii. Soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3d galvanized steel mat and T-section
nails (1m, 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m, 3m and 3.5m) for slope > 45 ° in m²
Depending upon the use of Humus, it can be with or without humus spray, or
humus spray can also be measured separately.
b) If there is no typical design for the site, the type, spacing and length of the nails
are unknown, then the measurement can be spilt into two: System installation in
square metre and nail driving in running metre.
ii. Installation of Soil nailing system with semi-flexible 3d mat with distribution
bar, binding, filling all complete (excluding driving of T-nails) for slope >45°
in m²
iii. Driving of T-nails in slope <45° in r-m
iv. Driving of T-nails in slope >45° in r-m
v. Driving of bored system (GEWI) nails with grouting in slope
Depending upon the soil/rock type, driving T-nails may need drilling the holes
and use of cement mortars, thus different rates/ rate analysis shall be applicable.
This Section covers the construction of crib walls at locations shown on the Drawing
or as instructed by the Engineer. Crib walls shall be constructed of reinforced
concrete, timber or steel structural elements as shown on the Drawing and filled with
compacted backfill material.
(2) Materials
(a) Reinforcement concrete for headers and stretchers shall comply with the
requirements of Section 2000.
(b) Timber for headers and stretchers shall comply with the requirements of IS: 883.
They shall be treated or untreated, sawn or log as shown on the Drawing or
described in the contract and comply with the requirements of Sub-clause 2302
(c) Drift pins shall be steel bars of a diameter as shown on the Drawing and shall
comply with the requirements of IS: 1786:-1985. The length of drift pin shall be
equivalent to the combined thickness of three times the depth of one member plus
100 mm.
(d) Steel crib wall components shall be of the thickness, shape and dimension as
shown on the Drawing and shall comply with the requirements of IS: 2062-1992.
All bolts shall also be of mild steel and shall conform to IS: 2062-1992, but has a
minimum tensile strength of 485 N/sq.mm. and a minimum percentage elongation
of 14. All steel components, bolts, base plates, splice plates shall be galvanized or
painted as shown on the Drawing or described in the contract. Such protection
shall comply with Clause 2209.
(e) Backfill material shall be of such character that it will not sift or flow through the
openings in the wall, shall be free from clay and other deleterious fines, and shall
conform to the requirements set out in Table 24.25